Member Reviews

4.5 stars

I am a huge fan of this author. She is my number one automatic one-click author. The moment that I see a book come up for preorder, I order it even without a blurb. Therefore, I was very excited about this book because after reading the previous 3.5 books in the Dream Team, starting with Lottie's novella, I was the most invested in Auggie and Pepper's story since they had been pivotal characters since the beginning.

The first couple of chapters had me on the fence with this book because as much as I love how this author reintroduces previous characters, especially the Rock Chicks, at times it can be too much. I felt that at the beginning and wondered if it was just going to be cameos and no real substance. I need not have worried because once the story really got going and the focus was on Auggie, Pepper, and Juno I was 1000% invested. I knew that Pepper was going to have a story to tell, and I was right in that assumption. Her backstory and her family were crazy. The twists were insane and not at all what I was expecting. I loved Juno and her special connection with someone that I have come to LOVE in this series. There were some pretty pivotal moments in this story with this little girl that made my heart soar. That was largely, because of the amazing mother that she had. I LOVED Pepper as a mother. The world could be a better place if everyone had someone like her as a mom. Auggie's backstory was sad. I hated that he felt the way that he did because of his upbringing had been. I think because of that, it made me love Pepper and Juno with him that much more. They truly balanced each other out. He wasn't as "Alpha J/P" as this author normally depicts but he was still all KA man if that makes sense. The steam when it happened, was so good, and if I wasn't in love with Auggie before that happened, it really happened then.

There was a lot of drama going on in this book, but not so much that I couldn't make sense of it. There is an interconnected story that has been playing in the background through this entire series so, in my opinion, this story is not done even though the original matchmaking by Lottie is complete with these three girls, there is still more story to tell. The way that it is done, reminds me a bit of how the Chaos series was done, where the answers to these mysteries won't be finished until the series is concluded. I am all in for that.

There were possible new characters that could have stories, one of which, I hope is Billy. I, also, hoped to all that is right and just in this world that Mr. Cisco gets a story because GOOD LORD do I love this man. He has become one of the strongest and most amazing of secondary characters that this author has EVER written. He is just magic. Every time, I think he cannot get any better, he does.

Even though this story didn't jump out at me, like this author's books normally do, I am still very happy with this book. I am glad that I didn't let the beginning deter me from enjoying it to the fullest.

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This is the fourth in the dream team series by Kristen Ashley. Pepper and Augie are the only couple left for Lottie to put together. Augie has been trying for pepper to see that they would make a great couple. Pepper is afraid to get into a relationship because she doesn’t want to hurt her daughter Juno.

It is actually do you know who decides to match make for both her mother and Augie. Do you know who goes to Cisco for help which is not exactly the best idea but it’s what she feels desperate to do in order to help her mother be happy. Do you knows matchmaking works and pepper finally gives Augie a chance.

As usual in these books nothing goes smoothly. There seems to be someone after Pepper and it seems to be linked to her family. The mystery in this book is about how her peppers family is involved in pepper being in danger. It’s always fun to see characters from older Kristen Ashley books and it doesn’t hinder the plot at all. The secondary characters only add to the enjoyment of the story.

The conclusion of how Pepper and Augie decide to have a relationship is both heartwarming and entertaining. Also Kristen Ashley has left breadcrumbs to what the next series of stories will be. I’m looking forward to more books with characters written by Kristen Ashley.

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Kristen Ashley has written another book that inspires book boyfriends! I will be adding this one to my personal library shelves.

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Dream Keeper follows Pepper and Auggie's story. Pepper is one of the girls who works at Smithies. We knew from previous books that she was a single mom with a daughter, but we really got to dive head-first into that.

I loved Auggie, Pepper, and Juno's relationship and how they all revered one another.

The first chapter of this book was a little hard for me to get into. But once I plowed through it, I found I really really enjoyed this story. In fact, it was by far my favorite book in the Dream Team Series.

It felt very classic KA.

(Die-hard KA fans know what I mean)

I want to see all the Pinterest boards. I want to see this Greek God known as Auggie. Damn, but he is described as the Hottest of all of the Hotties. New Hot-Bunch.

I like how Kristen Ashley made me want more from this series. I hope one day Brett gets his.

Tod and Stevie get an appearance a few times and I sooooo enjoyed that!

Lastly, I liked the drama at the ending. I like how that felt reminiscent of Rock Chicks. This is a really good read!

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Provocative, sassy, and fun!

Dream Keeper is a steamy, engaging tale that features dancer and single mom, Pepper Hannigan who happens to be next up on Lottie’s setup list, but between her religiously consumed extended family, her poor past history with faithful men, and always putting her daughter’s wellbeing first she’s a little hesitant to give the handsome, commando Augustus Hero a real shot at her heart.

The writing is seductive and sweet. The characters are protective, supportive, and committed. And the plot is an alluring mix of friendship, family, drama, sisterhood, danger, palpable attraction, sizzling tension, and sweet romance.

Overall, Dream Keeper is another touching, spicy, exciting addition to a series that is not only seductive, enticing, and exceptionally entertaining, but one I definitely can’t get enough of.

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Dream Keeper is everything I wanted and then some when it comes to Pepper and Augie. I love Augie so much. He is the right amount of alpha tough guy mixed with that caring side with a dash of broken. You will love him even more as he finally wakes up alongside Pepper when it comes to their relationship. You get why he is the way he is as you get to know him and his family life more. He is one of those good guys you want to hang onto. Pepper is a fantastic single mom who is dealing with a lot of trust issues. You get why she is the way she is about Augie. You will love how she is with Juno. Juno is such a special kid who will have you giggling just a little with her antics. I love Augie with Juno. Just you wait and hold onto your heart for this one. Dream Keeper gave me everything I love from Kristen Ashley's writing. I'm so hoping this one is hinting to more of the Dream Team books to come. I loved this one so much and could not get enough of Pepper and Augie. The feels are high for this one. Go one click this one.

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Dream Keeper by KA is a stand-alone in the Dream Team Series. While Pepper and Auggie's story is a stand-alone, I recommend to read the books in order. There are cross-overs from previous books and other series, lots and lots of secondary characters from them.
Pepper Hannigan is an employee at Smithie's. The single mom stays away from relationships at all costs.
Augustus Hero works for Hawk's company and he's good at his job. A bit of a loner he is in love with a certain blonde.
But Pepper has her hands full with her complicated life, but she's still a ray of sunshine. Yes both have some lingering issues from their pasts, but they're determined to make it work.
This complex, touching, excellent story is what I needed in my life right now. I fell in insta-love with the h and the H, the adorable sidekick, being eight going on thirty. I recommend the book, 5 stars.

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Kristen Ashley produces a sexy and pull at your heart strings story in her Dream Team series.

Although the ending suggests otherwise and I couldn’t agree more, Auggie and Pepper are the last couple to be paired up by their Cupid friend Lottie.

Augustus Hero, veteran marine and security expert, has been very open about wanting to have a serious relationship with Pepper from the moment he laid eyes on her. But Pepper has an 8YO daughter to consider and some relationship baggage to contend with. Therefore, she’s been pushing back. That is until her daughter Juno intervenes.

As will all of KA’s heroes, Auggie is all kinds of patient, caring, and alpha male protective and Pepper is equally loving, a great mother with a big heart. I loved how both of them shown light on their very worthy traits. They showed each other how a good and loving relationship should look like through all the family drama.

I always like how KA’s couple communicate and steer the curveballs that are thrown their way.

“Life isn’t dodgeball. Life is softball. Sometimes you just hang out in centerfield under the sun, ready for something to happen. And sometimes you race for the ball hit in your direction. You might catch it and be the hero of the game. You might miss it because it’s out of reach. You might drop it and feel like cr@p. But in the end, it’s over. And you go get ice cream.”

There’s trace of suspense and an overall series arc going on which was moved forward with a plot twist at the end I didn’t see coming and loved. I also enjoyed all the secondary characters both new and old, especially Juno’s POV. I can’t wait to read the next installment.

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Color me stunned, but I REALLY liked this book! It’s no secret I’ve had some issues with Hawk’s crew and their attitudes, but they all redeemed themselves here. Yes, all of them. They had Pepper’s back when Auggie flipped without getting all of the facts and they continued to have her and Auggie’s back all along. And Pepper needed someone in her corner. Heck, they both did. They both needed to see what a happy, healthy, communicative relationship could be. And if it meant we all fall for Brett (never calling him Cisco, sorry not sorry) even more because he’s clearly got a heart of gold that just needed time to shine, then I’m here for it.

I adored the fact that we didn’t have super OTT drama just for kicks. Sure, we revisited some old characters, but not the same ones this time. Instead, we got more time with Tod and Stevie, as well as some of the sage advice I’ve come to expect from Hawk with these guys. We got the fear that Pepper was in for some serious trouble and misery and the knowledge that there may be some more unhero heroes we need to get to know better. We get a glimpse of what may come next for some new guys. And I enjoyed every minute of this ride because it was the KA I originally adored with some new twists thrown in to remind readers that she can still surprise us. Thanks to this book, I now look forward to more of this crew and really hope to see more of Brett.

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I'm loving this series so much, but can we really be surprised? I mean its KA and it has some of my all-time favorite characters showing up.

Little Juno (Peppers daughter) definitely stole the show on this one for me. Auggie was a close 2nd. And while I wanted to throttle her sometimes, I still just adored Pepper.

While frustrating as hell to read, Pepper giving up her chance at a happily ever after with Auggie because she is more worried about her kid's feelings is definitely a good reason. But Juno basically parent trapping Auggie and Pepper with her secret helper was so freaking awesome.

This book follows the same tend as the last couple in this series. They are fun, and enjoyable with low angst. They bring me to my happy place. It is a good mix of Rock Chicks and Dream Man. I can't wait to see who is next!

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Another classic KA! Loved how Pepper held out alittle longer than the others but of course Auggie was perfect for her. Can't wait for the next batch of women to come barreling into the lives of Hawk's other men!

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I say this every time I finish a Kristen Ashley book...I LOVE IT. There's something about this author's storytelling that really sucks you in. She makes you fall for every character and trickles in past characters who you loved earlier in the series and you just can't get enough!

Dream Keeper is the typical KA book where the Alpha male comes swooping in the save his woman from trouble and crazy antics caused by her and friends. It's why I love reading these books! It's filled with steamy and sweet moments and a lot of twists and turns and danger.

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This was first time author for me. So I haven’t read the others in this series! While it would be wonderful to get to k ow the other couples & characters, I didn’t feel I had to go back right away to understand the story line! The story between Pepper and Auggies was sweet, sexy, and emotional! I really enjoyed watching these two overcome the obstacles to get to their HEA! While Pepper is a single mom & a little cautious to let Auggie into her life, she does give into him. Auggie is a good guy & attentive. He’s also an alpha hero. Pepper and Auggie have amazing chemistry & steam! It was so wonderful seeing Auggie with Juno,Pepper’s daughter as well! He’s really a swoony guy! There was also ex & family drama but was managed in a great way! I hope to read more from this author soon!!

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Pepper Hannigan is a single mother who would sacrifice just about anything for the well being of her daughter.... even her chance at finding true and accepting love. But, when little Juno decides that it's time for her mom to stop hiding from relationships, she takes it upon herself to call in some reinforcements...

Augustus "Auggie" Hero has been jerked around by women far too many times, and he refuses to play games when it comes to dating. And although he is highly interested in Pepper, all signs point to her being untouchable and completely unavailable... until she isn't...


Dream Keeper was a super sexy and sweet, single parent romance. Pepper and Auggie have been circling their feelings for each other for quite some time, but when they finally get together, the chemistry between them is utterly combustable...

Pepper has a lot going on in her life and at times she feels like she just can't take anymore on. From her devotion to her daughter, to her ex who suddenly decides he wants her back, and last, but not least, her crazy family dynamic, Pepper is quickly becoming overwhelmed... and then there's Auggie. Gorgeous, sensitive, and incredibly caring... and someone she just couldn't bear to lose when things inevitably fall apart...

Auggie is a guarded man who grew up witnessing the worst kind of toxic relationship... his parents. And even when things don't start out great with him and Pepper, Auggie can see that she is different from any woman he's ever known...

This was a good read! I really liked the plot, there were so many interesting aspects of it that I felt could have really pushed the storyline further if they had been focused on a little more. Pepper and Auggie's relationship was sexy and really highlighted how they both find love and heal together. Pepper's daughter Juno was an amazing character who goes out of her way to help the adults in her life finally get it right. And lastly, I totally loved the Cisco element to this story... and I would be so excited for this bad boy to find his own HEA sometime!

The Dream Team series continues to provide enjoyable and interesting reads with another couple down and maybe... more to come?!

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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He did it again. Cisco steals every single bloody one of the books in this series. When will Cisco get his own story? I want to know, because it isn't this one. In this one, we get to meet the most adorable and precocious little girl, Juno. Juno is Pepper's daughter. Pepper is the latest in the Dream team to be matched up. Her match up? Auggie.

Auggie is a great guy and he comes with baggage. What I find disappointing about Auggie and specifically Pepper is that they cannot seem to be able to use their worlds. Seriously, Juno a mere kid can use her words and communicate better than either of these adults can. This is one thing about Ms. Ashley's books that bug me. How her couples can't talk to each other. It feels like contrived conflict. But let's be real, my expectations of these characters are too high considering that in real life, a good majority of the couples are just as bad or worse than them. Yes, I am totally dissing on real life relationships. (Change my mind!)

Honestly, Auggie seems to be too good for Pepper. I get that Pepper struggles with her ex-husband. Even worse, this ex doesn't realize he had a good thing and tossed it away. He isn't a bad person, just spoiled, and once again, can't communicate. Why are there so many fools in the world? Just when I think Pepper is a bit dysfunctional, Auggie's crazy parents show up.

When I say crazy, I mean LOCO. Auggie's mother is a narcissistic witch. She should have never had a child and I cannot believe Auggie is as well adjusted as he comes across. Because his mom should be kicked off a high cliff with no parachute or rope harness. The scenes with his mom are disgusting and heartbreaking. I can't fathom how horrible people can be to the ones they are supposed to love and protect.

Well, yet again Cisco comes to the rescue. His interaction with Juno is priceless. Cisco is a great guy with a questionable background. His anti-hero status just keeps increasing in moxie. What I also liked about this story is how the hunt for the "bad" conglomerate's plot thickens. I was not sure if that multi-book story arc was going to move forward in this book. It does! Now I can't wait to see what happens and if that thread will ever be tied off.

This romantic suspense is recommended to readers who like alpha males, ornery females, smart kids, and an anti-hero who is like a fairy Godfather, granting wishes.

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Heat Factor: They didn’t have on-page sex until after 60%... Is this even a Kristen Ashley novel?
Character Chemistry: Eh
Plot: It wasn’t what I was expecting it to be, that’s for sure.
Overall: How very dare

Let me tell you a story. The story begins with a prequel. A prequel novella in which one last dangling unattached character from a series finally gets her own happily ever after. And in so doing, she meets her partner’s four best friends. Yes. Four. Her love interest has four best friends. Friends whom she vows to set up with four of her best friends. Yes. Four.

And so our story properly commences. The first of the four pairs find their happily ever after. A villain is identified but escapes. The stage is set. Then the second of the four pairs start talking. The villain returns, BUT WAIT! He is not the villain! Though he may do some villainous things on the side, he has been framed. We begin to see that there are other players, players of the secret, nebulous, conspiratorial, powerful, moneyed, dirty cop variety. The body count grows. In the meantime, the third of the four pairs do their thing. They do their thing, and, like, pretty much every other character that has ever been involved in this Denver world makes an appearance because for some reason that totally makes sense, bikers and cops and private investigators and commandos (who are not, in fact, active military) and club owners who also provide protection to sex workers all need to be involved in this whole conspiracy situation.


And so the third pair rides off into the sunset, happy in the knowledge that they have achieved their personal happily ever after even though the world is a shambles because there are dirty cops threatening the lives of every single person involved in this extremely large and extremely informally organized take-down ring.

And so I ask you: Does this fourth story wrap up the tale of the secret, nebulous, conspiratorial, powerful, moneyed, dirty cop bad guys?


Imagine my chagrin when, after a promising opening in Chapter 10, I get past the 50% mark and there is no further action on the Evil Bad Guys front. What exactly is happening with this book? Is it honestly just about Auggie and Pepper interacting with their various family members in seemingly dramatic ways?

Why yes. Yes it is.

I wanted to read this book to round out the whole story. What happens? How do all these badasses take down the Evil Bad Guys? I felt pretty meh about book 3 in this series because it didn’t really do anything while at the same time it introduced an absolutely ridiculous number of characters from multiple other series. Part of what I have found fun about KA is that all of her (contemporary) books are somehow part of an interconnected world, but this series is just getting to be too much. There was some of that probably unnecessary character introduction in this book, although without the whole Evil Bad Guys situation it was much more limited than in past books.

In addition, while I have said that KA is good at characterization, and in this case I do think that Pepper had a very distinct persona from the other three heroines in the series, the writing itself did not reflect that distinction among the four women. If they all have the exact same highly punctuated thought patterns (as demonstrated by the text), are they in fact different protagonists? I freely admit that when I went through my huge KA backlist binge, it was mostly on audiobook; however, I have been feeling with this latest series and her other recent Chaos novella releases that the stream-of-consciousness style that characterizes her writing is even more pronounced (and in this case I found it more disruptive) than in her older works. In order to truly validate that I suppose I’d have to do a writing analysis, but I don’t want to. I said what I said.

And Cisco’s relationship with Pepper’s daughter - I get that KA tried to make it not so, uh, bad - but no. Cisco is a complicated character, and the daughter instigated the perfectly innocent (it must be said) contact in the first place, but yeah, no. That was a whole nope from me.

And this might be getting into spoilers, but let’s talk Pepper’s boundaries with her family. Auggie straight up cuts off his extremely dysfunctional family to the point that he’s thinking about steps he might need to take in order to get restraining orders. Meanwhile, Pepper’s brother and sister say totally awful, harmful stuff to her and her daughter, and then suddenly when she finds out that they’re working on something that’s big picture good, everything is fine now?

It’s like every person in Pepper’s family life at the end of the book is like "BUT I'M NICE NOW!"
And I am not buying that nonsense. No, sirree. Uh uh.

I was in this series to see what happened with the whole overarching plot. Maybe for completion. A little bit because I gravitate to a familiar author I’ve enjoyed in the past. But I’m not going to wait for up to three more books in order to find out what happens.


I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. We disclose this in accordance with 16 CFR §255.

This review is also available at The Smut Report. (December)

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Dream Keeper is my favorite installment of the Dream Team series for sure. Pepper and Auggie are so good together but Juno and “Mr. Cisco” steal the show! We are treated to a sexy alpha hero waiting, somewhat impatiently, for his reluctant dream girl and once he finally gets her – he’s KEEPing her. I am all for the drama that KA usually brings, but what a sweet change to go “kinda” drama free for this serving of Lottie’s coupling expertise.

Pepper has had her share of tragedy between her cheating ex and her crazy religious frantic family. But her main focus in life is raising her darling 8-year-old Juno in a safe nurturing home. And what a fabulous job she has done. Juno is absolutely the star of this story. Along with her co-conspirator Mr. Cisco. Yes, that would be Brett Cisco, our “occasionally” baddie but ultimately the protector for the ladies in the Dream Team. (Wondering when we are going to get his romantic hookup?)

Auggie has been pining for Pepper for so long he is on the verge of giving up. In fact, he gets a little mouthy at her right off the bat as Juno manipulates a co-parenting school presentation and sets up an Auggie and Pepper connection. (With a little help from Mr. Cisco). Which Auggie screws up by ripping Pepper out and mistakenly dumping her in with all the past women and their misdeeds. Sounds like a standard KA storyline? But, nope.

What the Dream Keeper’s couple lacks in the crazy drama dynamic, makes up for it in so much more loving couple time and future family unity. Their googly-eyes for each other does not go unnoticed by Juno – via her own POV – as she gets into some matchmaking to find her Mom some happiness. There are lots of cameos from all our Dream Team couples but this is easily readable as a standalone. And in typical Kristen Ashley storytelling, she drops some hints for the next coupling set up – I am guessing “Billy and one of the newbie dancers at Smithies?” I wholeheartedly recommend this delightful romance and am looking forward to the next KA book as always.

I was given an ARC from NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) in exchange for an honest review.

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It's finally time for Auggie and Pepper who have been playing cat and mouse this whole series. Well, Auggie has been chasing and Pepper has been running scared.

They are the last of Lottie's fix-ups and Auggie has been on board. He is a good guy. He is funny, sweet, persistent, and craves love. But Pepper has been burned before and she has her daughter to consider. I have to say Pepper really frustrated me for a bit. Her resistance, skittish behavior, and pushing him away is hard to take at times. But she is a fierce Mama Bear who has reason to be wary and needs to be sure. And he does not always say the right things all the time either.

But these two have more than just one matchmaker working for them now so resistance can only last so long. But they both have plenty of family, ex, and outside drama surrounding them and keeping them on their toes.

This brings the elements and cameos of the old Rock Chick, Dream Men, Chaos books. It is a story about a woman, her girls, her ex, her kid, a commando who wants to be hers, his team, some crazy families, and some messy investigations. There are several redemption arcs, some surprises, old friends, drama, and of course some meddling. I really loved Auggie and just wanted to hug him. He may be a tough alpha and in control, but he had his broken parts too that needed to feel true love. And I ended up really liking Pepper and how she protected those that were hers. Little Juno is a bright light and her storyline just added to the sweetness of this romance.

Even though this ties up the original Dream Team, there looks to be a few new guys on the horizon and the main story arc running through the background of this series is still hanging out there. So I imagine we will be seeing more in a spinoff or continuation. I really want to see one other special character find his happy ending as well.

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Ok.. how are these getting better? Auggie and Pepper are my favorite couple in this series.
They are both broken and find strength and home within each other.
Pepper's daughter Juno is gem and it was so lovely to have some of her perspective.
Kristen Ashley rarely disappoints, her books are my safe space and I cant thank her enough!

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It was entertaining to read about Auggie, Pepper, and Juno. I was hoping for a little more action involving the church/Pepper’s family, but I’m glad everyone got their HEA’s.
I will have to note that the discovery of the Juno/Cisco friendship needed a much bigger reaction out of Pepper. I can't imagine any protective parent being ok with that lol
Rating 3 stars for the semi-mellow plot, but honestly, any devoted Kristin Ashley fan will enjoy this!

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