Member Reviews

There are so many incredible voices in this book. Zoraida did an amazing job gathering and editing them into a cohesive, moving collection.

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Such a fun read! Loved this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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A thoughtful, moving anthology of speculative fiction with a variety of settings and themes. Enjoyed how it introduced me to new authors.

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Fantasy short stories by Latinx authors! This was amazing and I wish I had this when I was growing up! Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for the opportunity to read in exchange for a review!

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A short-story anthology of sci-fi and fantasy written by Latinx authors. I appreciated the inclusion of legends and folklore in some of the stories.

As with any short story anthology, some stories were stronger than others. “Flecha” by Daniel José Older, “This is our Manifesto” by Mark Oshiro, and “Tame the Wicked Night” by Zoraida Cordova were standouts for me. Overall, the talent is plentiful and strong in this anthology.

Many thanks to Wednesday Books, St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for my honest opinion. 3.5 stars

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for this book. I enjoyed some stories more than others but I was glad to be introduced to new authors telling interesting stories.

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Another entertaining young adult anthology! I feel like this collection of short stories is a great way to introduce teen readers to the fantasy genre. The short stories are engaging and feature some great Latinx voices. While it's not my favourite young adult anthology ever, I enjoyed it for what it was and can definitely see myself recommending it to some of my students as well as some friends of mine!

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Loved the presentation, not so much the product. I know it is an anthology and nothing but short stories, but I was hoping for more. I love that Cordova made a space for Latine/x writers to come together and weave stories based on their heritage and culture, but it wasn't giving me what I needed! I almost gave up on the book.

The book is broken up into three parts: Space, Fantasy, and Magical Realism. Out of 17 stories, only five and a half were my favorites.

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This has been a hard one for me to review. First, let’s acknowledge that there are some problematic authors on here. However, there are also some amazing authors on here that don’t deserve to not have their story heard because they are unfortunate enough to be on the same anthology.

Here are some of my favorites:
Stories I would read again and would like a full story:
Color Codes by Maya Motayne. Amazing, phenomenal, would read an entire book on this storyline.
Killing El Chivo Claribel Ortega
Sumaiko Y La Sirena Vita Ayala
Take the Wicked Night Zoraida Cordova

Honorable Mentions:
Magical Offerings Nina Moreno
Leyenda Romina Garber
This is our Manifesto Mark Oshiro
White Water, Blue Ocean Linda Raquel Nieves Perez
Creatures of Kings Circe Moskowitz

I loved how it was divided between the three sections and made it flow well. It did help me find new (to me) authors to follow that also have a Latine experience like myself.

Overall, a 3.5/4 star read for those I did read. I did skip over 3-4 stories. Thank you @Wednesday for my gifted copy.

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It was such a good collection of short stories that intertwine fantasy and coming-of-age stories, full of emotion and discovery. It's the perfect read for anyone getting into teen fantasy.

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Reclaim the stars is a beautiful collection of Latinx voices that showcase the hardships and beauty of being Latinx. Each story was touching because I could relate to them, this is why own voices is so important to have. We all deserve to be heard and each of the Stories are beautiful to read.

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Reclaim the Stars features sci-fi and fantasy from 17 Latinx YA authors. Representation in YA matters and this was a wonderful book of short stories. Lots of magic and fantasy in this novel and not a lot of science fiction. I enjoyed a bulk of the stories, but did struggle with others, which is to be expected in a anthology.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this novel.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for giving me access to the advanced copy of this book to read.

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It took me a while to finish this anthology. I enjoyed most stories okay, but for the most part I found them very forgettable. The anthology has a lot of authors I've read and enjoyed before, but I thought most stories fell kind of flat, or they just weren't really my thing. This is not really an anthology that will stay with me.

I did skip three stories, those of David Bowles, Isabel Ibañez, and Sara Faring, because these are not authors I want to support due to their anti-Indigenous histories. I've seen Latinx people addressing these issues and I really appreciate them for it, so who would I be to read those stories anyway and contribute a very unnecessary opinion of my own.

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i was surprised by the wide range of stories in this anthology! Perfect for lovers of fantasy and sci-fi craving adventure without wanting to commit to a whole book! A must read!
Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read these stories.

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I had high hopes for Reclaim the Stars by Zoraida Cordova, especially after reading the synopsis. However; this is a book that I read throughout a month's time as I kept losing interests. Those interested in cultural tales will enjoy this one alas, this was a miss for me.

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I feel like we’ve been seeing more and more YA anthologies over the years, especially ones focused on uplifting the voices of one specific community or another. This may be my 5th or 6th anthology at this point, and there are still plenty more out there on my radar! There’s just something about these collections of stories that draw me in every time, even if I end up rating them 3 or 4 stars every time. I think it’s just generally tough for a reader to love every story in an anthology (especially when there are 17 of them!). This anthology ended up being the same in that regard as the others I’ve read: there were plenty of stories I loved and really enjoyed, but also plenty that I know I’ll forget a few weeks from now.

However, I do think that this style of anthology is still possibly my favorite, due to the connections it clearly draws across various genres. This anthology is specifically written by authors in the Latin American diaspora, and even though some stories take place on planets a thousand years in the future, and some take place in an urban fantasy setting, you can feel this common thread throughout all of them. There’s just this clear bond of shared culture and history, even though it’s far from homogeneous. If anything, I feel like getting to see the same concepts through all these varied lenses only added even more to this anthology. It made it clear how vast and varied Latin American culture, mythology, and history is, even if some stories revolve around the same core idea.

Of course, I did have my favorite stories that ended up really standing out to me. I loved Rogue Enchantments by Isabel Ibañez, there was just something so enchanting about the magical market, and I was invested in the MC’s journey so quickly, which is integral to short stories like this! I also loved Sumaiko y La Sirena, a queer romance that also focuses on some heavy topics, like slavery and power dynamics, but at its core is still about the joy these women find in each other. I think my absolute favorite had to be Tame the Wicked Night, though, the final story in the anthology. It hit such strong fairy-tale notes, which I always love, while still feeling so wholly unique. Overall, I think I enjoyed the fantasy section of stories the most, even though I had favorites from all three sections. I also just loved how queer this anthology was!

I’ll definitely be planning in another anthology soon, hopefully, it’ll be just as fantastic as this one was!

Review will go live on my blog on March 6.

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I love the theme of this collection and many of the stories are well-written (though these tend to be from the authors you'd expect). However, this was not quite a standout collection for me and the quality of the stories felt a little uneven. I haven't read too many YA short story anthologies before, so this may have been a factor in my reading experience. I do really admire Córdova, though, and I will continue to seek out her work in the future.

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This was a strong anthology although I found a few of the stories brought down my overall rating. I have definitely picked up books by a few of the authors in here since reading!

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I really have been so into anthologies in 2022. Reclaim The Stars by Zoraida Cordova was the final anthology I read in 2022. While I had hoped to love this one more, I am glad I read it and got to try out all the different authors within. I thought the themes were interesting as well. There were a few standout stories.

The opening short story in Reclaim The Stars is Reign Of Diamonds by Anna-Marie McLemore. This story is about two princesses from different planets who have to fight each other to determine which royal family gets the waystation. One is fire and one is ice. Only, one of the princesses refuses to fight. This was not a bad start to the anthology I thought.

Flecha by Daniel Jose Older is about climate change and grief. Essentially, the main character of the story is sent away from Earth by her mother when she is young. It turns out all the progress made toward getting the climate back on track gets all ruined. And so, the main character is charting a course for Earth with her alien copilot, when she learns that everyone she ever knew may have passed away. This was an interesting story — one I would have enjoyed an expansion of.

David Bowles’ The First Day Of Us is a story about how a polyamorous triad ends up in a relationship. This story was interesting. I liked that there was a lot of action toward the end of the story and that each of the three members had a sort of talent/specialty that came into play.

Lilliam Rivera’s The Tin Man was sad to read. This story is about a girl who survives a pandemic and all she has left of her family is a recording of their voices inside a teddy bear. The life she knows is about to come to an end. This one was riveting though.

I thought that This Is Our Manifesto by Mark Oshiro was unique. This is about teenagers who are incarcerated on a different planet. They end up doing some hacking and putting out a manifesto about what happened to them. I liked that this was a different style from the other stories in Reclaim The Stars.

Honestly, I wish I liked Creatures Of Kings by Crice Moskowitz more. However, this story took me AGES to read. Prior to this I was going through this book at a clip of one story per day. This story though totally stopped that pace. I was so bored. But, I am not in the majority of this opinion, so you may like this short story better.

JC Cervantes has writing that I just really enjoy — and especially solidly romantic writing. Eterno is about a character who takes a memory as someone is dying. He can only be seen when he wants to. One day he meets a girl and overtime, falls in love with her. However, he believes she has died, but everything changes when it turns out she’s alive. This story was short and beautiful and I would have loved more.

This story — White Water, Blue Ocean by Linda Raquel Nieves Perez is about a family curse affecting the genders differently and a non binary character. There’s a goddess too. I liked the flow of this story and the layers and the mythology.

Romina Garber’s Leyenda is about a school for brujas and werewolves and taking on the patriarchy. The main character is about to become leyenda because it is her family’s legacy. However, she wants more. She wants to take on the patriarchy and burn it down to the ground. I liked this one and just the general revolutionary spirit.

Color-Coded by Maya Motayne follows a girl who goes through what is called The Change. Her hair completely changes color overnight and she’s the first girl in her class to go through it. She’s afraid because her mom could float to the sky and well, her mom ended up leaving the family to go to the sky. She’s scared her power will do something similar to her. This story was well paced, interesting, and I could see the parallel of going through puberty to this story in Reclaim The Stars.

Nina Moreno’s Magical Offerings is about a girl who is exiled to live with her grandpa in a swampy part of Florida after her magic goes a little wild. She has a talent with welding and so her grandpa wants her to help out with getting an engine running again so he can clear this former golf course he bought and turn it into a tourist trap. She begins working and cuts herself, when this happens this like tree/thing with roots comes to life and the story gets a little deeper. This didn’t read quite as fast as the other books I’ve read by Moreno, but it was interesting to see a different side.

Rogue Enchantments by Isabel Ibanez follows a main character who sets up shop in the market stall that was once her abuelitas. She has made an enemy though as it seems someone is trying to sabotage her. Oh, and her stall sells these magic paintbrushes. To get to the bottom of what happened, she will need to talk to these children ghosts. This story was actually well paced and really drew me in.

Sumaiko y La Sirena by Vita Ayala is a story about colonization, sirens, and love. Set on an island plantation, Suma appears from the ocean one day and is raised by her father. She is beautiful and has a wonderful singing voice. Her father passes. She catches the attention of one of the two brothers who owns the plantation, but she wants nothing to do with him. She then meets a siren and falls in love. This story was interesting and I felt for the main character. I also loved that it was sapphic too. It also had some insight about colonization as well.

Yamile Saied Mendez’s River People is about what happens when your brother makes a deal with the devil. Malena has a skill with making mate and she has an affinity with the river. Her family came to where they live from Ireland. Anyways, one day her older brother Miguel is offered a LOT of money for getting some cattle across the river. Only, they are stolen cattle and the person offering him the money is the devil and he stands to lose his honor, soul, and life. So, Malena has to figure out how to save him. This story was riveting. I liked all aspects of it.

Well, Moonglow by Sara Faring probably was not the short story for me and that’s fine. I feel like the structure of the story was cool – it was told in diary format. It’s about a girl who has to keep her diary in her head and she ends up pregnant and her family is exiled to the city while her father and mistress live on their ranch. But then she comes back and buys a spell. It was kind of confusing and I am still struggling to understand what happened. I think someone smarter than me would like this short story though.

One of the standout stories in Reclaim The Stars is Killing El Chivo by Claribel A. Ortego. This story is about three sisters who are brujas who live on an island ruled by a despot named El Chivo. El Chivo has magic and so, only someone with magic could kill him. The three sisters plot and practice as they will only have five minutes to carry out the assassination. This was well written, well pace and had some interesting twists.

I am glad this anthology saved one of the best stories for last. Zoraida Cordova’s Tame The Wicked Stars is one of the few stories in this anthology where I would happily read a full book version. This story follows Aurelio who has a gift for growing things and an affinity for plants. His mother asks him to marry a noble’s daughter, but Aurelio turns the daughter down because he does not love her. So, to save his honor, he is asked to kill the monster of the mountain. It turns out, the Wicked Night, is a woman who captivates Aurelio. And the story just gets better from there. This was beautifully written with fantastic imagery and pacing. By far, my favorite of Reclaim The Stars.

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