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Nine Lives

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This was pretty good. I was enthralled and I enjoyed the pacing but it wasn’t the authors best effort.

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I enjoyed this book. Nine strangers receive a list of their names in the mail except one, he finds the list just before he is drowned. None of them no anyone else on the list. They live in different areas of the country and have different occupations. Jessica who is on the list, is also a FBI agent and is determined to find out the significance of the list. The story moves alone at a good pace and held my interest to the end. The resolution of the story was brilliant.

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Imagine receiving a letter with nine names on it and one of them is yours. You don't recognize the other names and there is nothing else enclosed. None of the people who receive this letter are unduly concerned. After all, there is no message, so it just seems like some kind of computer-generated mistake or someone's stupid idea of a joke. Except one recipient wonders what it could mean. An FBI agent is on the list, and she knows that it must mean something, and it probably isn't something good. How hard will it be for the FBI to find these eight people? How common are these names?
After one of them is murdered, the FBI steps up their game to find and protect the remaining eight people. It is a race against time as it appears the killer does not want to wait between his kills.
What I wanted to know was would there be enough clues for an amateur sleuth like me to have a chance at figuring this mystery out. In this case, it was a no for me, but that might be because my little grey cells just weren't up to the challenge. Each short chapter gave you a glimpse into someone else’s life, and the number of narrators was reduced as the killer continued to strike.
I flew through Nine Lives as nine turned to eight and was certain that Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None would ultimately bestow the same fate on these characters.
Even though the chapters were short and the potential victims numerous, I felt as though there was enough detail to let me root for some and not mind if others were eliminated. I had zero ideas who was behind this plot, but maybe some other reader was a better detective than me. Not my favorite book by this author but still a quick read that made me want to go back and see if I missed any vital clues.

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Nine people get a list of names in the mail. That is all that's on the paper just names. As people from the list are killed, can they figure out who is the killer and how to protect themselves? This was a good mystery but a little confusing to follow with all the different points of view. I received an advanced readers copy and all opinions are my own.

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As much as I love Peter Swanson this book left me wanting more and honestly a bit confused. The book opens with a list of 9 names who are the main characters of a book filled with twists and turns, all of the characters are somehow related and yet they don't know each other or how they are connected. For me it was too many characters to try and keep track of, chapters of the book would switch back and forth between the characters as we would learn more about them, the history and possible connection they all had. The book definitely held my interest as I was reading through and I do enjoy Peter Swanson's writing style. A special thank you to Peter Swanson as well as William Morrow and Custom House for this book to review.

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Thank you to Netgalley, Peter Swanson, and Harper Collins for an E-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review. This was one of my most anticipated reads of the beginning of the new year and it didnt disappoint. I felt drawn into the story right away by trying to understand how our 9 listed strangers were connected to each other. I think I would classify this one more as a mystery rather then a thriller. I enjoyed the ending and I think that Peter Swanson has easily become an auto-buy author for me. You can pick this one up on 3.15.22!

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For some reason, this story did not hold my attention at all. I wanted to push through because I enjoy Swanson’s novels, but I just could not get into the storyline.

There were aspects that I enjoyed, such as the similarities to 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐧𝐞, the book that started my love of mysteries and thrillers. I felt that the wrap up and big reveal at the end was well done. The structure of the text, with the chapters further broken into the nine individuals whose names were on the mysterious list they all all received in the mail, was well done also.

I hope this is a hit for others!

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This is the first book I've read by Swanson, and I found it to be an engaging and complex murder mystery that provided enough clues to keep the reader guessing throughout. Short chapters and alternating POVs create an active pace. I enjoyed how the chapters are written as a countdown, as characters are murdered while trying to determine the connection between the nine victims. The story may remind readers of an Agatha Christie novel, and that's definitely a good thing! I look forward to reading other books by this author.

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Nine Lives is a propulsive, fast-paced thriller very much in the vein of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. So much so that Swanson name checks the book multiple times from the perspective of a classic mystery loving police officer that resides in the same community as the first victim. Each person marked for death receives a list with their name on it, as well as eight others they don't recognize. One of the people on the list is an FBI officer and they work quickly to try and protect others on the list with protection as they try and work out what a connection between the individuals might be. Connections are slim, most have nothing in common, and they're spread out all over the country and yet their numbers continue to dwindle. Will Jessica, the FBI agent, figure things out before her name comes up? Or will it be the police officer when there's no one left? From the way the first part of the book plays out I had my suspicions (and they weren't wrong!) but the book was still plenty of fun in trying to figure out the connection and who would be next to die. It doesn't impart the same sense of isolation and foreboding as Christie's masterpiece but is limited in graphic language or violence, making it perfectly suited to those who enjoy the Christie style of mystery writing. A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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This is Swanson's take on And Then There Were None. And it was fantastic.

A group of strangers, with no seeming link, is dying, one by one. Who is doing it and why?

It was a predictable story, due to the nod to the Christie novel, but it had an unexpected twist at the end.

Thanks to #NetGalley and #WilliamMorrow for the #ARC.

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This book was sooo good. I loved the concept as it was something pretty unique. I thought all the characters were done well. I mean there were characters that i didn’t love as much as the others but i was still pretty invested in all of them. This book had me hooked from the beginning. I love Peter Swanson’s writing style and will be picking up more from him in the future! Highly recommend.

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Nine Lives by Peter Swanson is a thrill ride from start to finish. Nine people, seemingly unconnected, all receive a list with their (and the eight others) names on it. Some ignore the list, others get a very bad feeling. Starting with an old man in Maine, the strangers are killed one by one, with no apparent motive known by the FBI agents investigating the murders, one of whom is on the list herself.
What do these people have in common or share that is causing a killer to target them? Is it random?
The resolution to the murders was something I didn’t see coming and it was fabulous!
What an excellent novel by the prolific Peter Swanson, who has always delivered with his thrillers.
The premise is original with a definite nod to Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None.”
Highly HIGHLY recommend this novel for all fans of mysteries, thrillers and for every library.

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I absolutely could not wait to devour the latest Peter Swanson novel so I sat down with it as soon as I could! Swanson’s books for me range from fabulous to spectacular and are never anything less than fully entertaining, so I was beyond excited to snatch up an ARC of this one. Unlike some of my Goodreads pals, I enjoyed his last satirical mystery Every Vow You Break a whole lot, but Swanson’s regular readers who did not like that one as much will notice this is more a return to his traditional mystery form. In particular, Swanson fans who loved Eight Perfect Murders will also enjoy Nine Loves, which I found to be a sort of companion piece or expansion on that previous book and one of its themes, with a similar Agatha Christie-esque vibe.

The book focuses on nine people who do not know each other, and each of whom is named in a mysterious list that they each also receive a copy of in the mail. As people on the list begin getting murdered, the reader is challenged to figure out the connection or relationship between these seemingly perfect strangers, who range from an FBI agent, a passive-aggressive husband, a potential murderer, a country singer, an author, and a kept woman, among others.

As always for me, the primary fun of the reading lay in Swanson’s thrilling prose, interesting themes, and well-informed hints and callbacks to other classic mysteries. The plot and its central mystery was fun and interesting, but I also just really enjoyed getting to know the central nine characters, all of whom were well-drawn with interesting and seemingly unconnected lives. There is no shortage of murder and brutality as well as interesting motives and psychologies and plot twists and turns. You may figure out the murderer and you may not (I had a hunch), but the revelation is great fun and the literary mystery references are a blast. I only just finished this one and I am already ready for Peter Swanson’s next. On my Swanson continuum of great to out-of-this-world, I would rank this one as superb, 4 star plus, erudite thriller fun. I loved Eight Perfect Murders a little more but this was a very worthy and well-written companion and successor.

Many thanks to Harper Collins and NetGalley for the ARC of one of my most anticipated reads of the year!

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This is one list you don’t want to be on.

In Peter Swanson’s latest mystery/thriller, nine people each receive a list of names in the mail. It’s their names. None of them know each other. They all assume it’s junk mail…that is, until the people on the list start dying in various fashions.

Each individual is completely different from the next, so what’s the link? FBI agent Jessica Winslow is determined to find out…even more so since her name is on the list too.

Whose name will be crossed off next? And by whom?

Just to clear the air, I found this to be MUCH better than Swanson’s previous novel, Every Vow You Break. That was the first time he let me down, and I’m glad to say this is much more his signature style.

This is a fast-paced, entertaining story that kept me intrigued from start to finish. I enjoyed some of the characters and enjoyed hating other characters. The mystery itself is intriguing, and Swanson does a fantastic job balancing multiple POVs and keeping the reader hooked from one short chapter to the next.

I know a lot of readers will be wondering if this has a classic Swanson twist. For me, I was underwhelmed. The motive was questionable at best and silly at worst. My thoughts were: That’s why this is happening? However, even though I wanted something a bit more shocking, I do have to say it works. Fans of Agatha Christie will appreciate the last couple pages.

All in all, I enjoyed getting to know this eclectic cast of characters and was chomping at the bit to find out what would happen next. There were definitely clever moments, and I can’t wait to see what the author comes up with next. 3.5 stars rounded up.

Pro-tip: The first two pages gave a brief description of the cast of characters…which indicated to me that I needed to take notes. I did just that…and it was super helpful keeping things in order during my reading journey.

Thank you to William Morrow and Scene of the Crime for a widget of the ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Expected Publication Date: 3/15/22.

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A fast read with a villain that was not predictable, which I appreciated. A group of strangers get a list of names including their own. One by one they are killed. It was a bit difficult to keep all the people straight but the author generally gave a clue to help you remember in the first paragraph of the chapter. A tense thriller as we came to care about them and hope for them to survive.

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Nine Lives by Peter Swanson kept me guessing who the villain was. Nine strangers all received a single sheet of paper with a list of names, their own name plus eight others. No explanation just the names of nine people who had never heard or met one another, but then one by one they start turning up dead, but why are they being targeted and by who. Thanks to # Scene of the Crime and Netgalley for this arc.

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Nine strangers receive a letter listing names and their name is on the list. They are confused and consider it junk mail since there isn’t a return address. Soon, one of the names listed is murdered, then one name after the other is killed and the police cannot find a link connecting the names on the list. The killer believes that its necessary to do the “right thing” to correct a wrong.

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Let me first start out by saying I am a HUGE fan of Peter Swanson. You could tell me he wrote an ad for kitty litter and I would be reading it just because it is him. I am sure many of you agree with me on that one.

There has never been a time that a Peter Swanson book has disappointed me, Nine Lives, is no different.

Nine Lives, is a throwback ode to the famous "and then there were none" by Agatha Christie. Taking an old book and putting a fresh new spin on it was welcomed with open arms. The plot was engaging and kept you wanting more.

Was I able to anticipate a bit of what happened? Sure, but it did not ruin the book in the least bit.

I wouldn't categorize this book as a thriller but more a murder mystery. This book was filled with tons of characters and they were all so well done. When it came to character development, Swanson completely nailed it. There were characters you loved, and characters you loved to hate!

You have to pay close attention or you will miss something! This is a book that will have people talking for years to come. I was so engrossed with this book my neck hurt from not looking up for 5 hours. I highly recommend!

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Nine strangers receive a list with their names on it in the mail. Nothing else, just a list of names on a single sheet of paper. None of the nine people know or have ever met the others on the list. They dismiss it as junk mail, a fluke - until very, very bad things begin happening to people on the list.

This was my first Peter Swanson book, and I don't think it will be my last. Nine Lives has a And Then There Were None vibes. His writing style kept me reading for hours and wanting to pick it back up when I had to do other things. He has a way of making you feel that you are in the story. This was very atmospheric read for me. I had a feeling of who the culprit was at the end but there was a part that still caught me off guard.

Overall this was a very enjoyable read and I cannot wait to pick up his other books.

**Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for an ARC in exchange for an honest review**

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Chilling and unstoppable, this book just keeps on going - layering on the suspense, terror and more suspense, as nine characters are detailed, drawn and masterfully slipped into the swirling pond of our emotions, and we cannot help but learn - each of them has been chosen to die.

Nine names on a mysterious list, the author fiendishly orchestrating lives and loves and every-day worlds than ensure we will grow to care for many of them (and care about all of them), creating a story-line that is devilishly nail-biting, as nothing can be assumed, nothing at all, about who, if any one out of the bunch, will be left standing when all is said and done.

A comparison drawn by the author himself to Agatha Christie’s “And then there were none” is apt and fitting, and may or may not do this story justice. For this reader, the (double) twist ending, (which was unguessed), was both satisfying and a worthy end to this heart-racing ride.

I loved this book - the ominous pace that never lets up, refusing to pull any punches as the pages passed far too quickly for this reader in the quest to “know” and solve the mystery.

Highly recommended for readers of the dastardly, this book is both a treat and a trial - be forewarned - once you start reading, you will not be able to put it down.

A great big thank you to the publisher @HarperCollinsCa for a #Netgalley ARC of this book. All thoughts presented are my own. #booksofhcc #thrillerbooks #bookreview #greatreads

#NineLives @petermswanson

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