Member Reviews

With complete transparency Lynsay Sands' historical highland novels seem to be extremely formulaic--but I'm okay with it? Mostly. It does get a little repetitive when you read about six back to back as I did (why are people always so murderous in the highlands?? Someone it always trying to kill off either the hero or heroine or BOTH if we're feeling really enthusiastic with the violence). It would be nice for the tension to not always stem from a mysterious person having murderous intent on the main leads.

With that understanding, I still keep reading them. It's like candy for my romance reading heart and mind. You know what to expect, and you still enjoy it.

I DO feel like this was the most charming of all the highlands Sands books I've read. The heroine was adorable and took what was happening in a totally even-keeled way that seemed to flummox the hero, and I laughed out loud multiple times during their interactions. She was always rescuing wounded animals, much to the hero's dismay, and assuming that the fierce warriors would help her take care of the animals. This juxtaposition of fierce, confused, and secretly gooey compassion added a nice complexity to the male characters that can sometimes be lacking.

I was not able to guess who the villain ended up being and I had the motivation COMPLETELY wrong, which was nice.

Lynsay Sands is always a solid entertainment choice for me. And this was the best yet.

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Oh my goodness what a story! I was truly afraid this series was going to end when the main arc ended with all the family married off with the last story, but Sands surprised us again by finding more side characters to bring into the series and giving us more magic. The newest addition kicks off with a bang as a woman is heading to a forced marriage and is rescued by the most unlikely of men and then taken on the adventure of her life. Claray MacFarlane never imagined she’d find herself being forced to the altar by the uncle she thought loved her, but that seems to be her immediate future if she can’t find a way out and it’s really not looking good for her, until a mysterious man suddenly rides into the churchyard and carries her off just in time. Conall, aka The Wolf, arrives just in time to carry Claray to safety, but he has no intention of revealing his true identity to Claray. He might be her betrothed but he isn’t yet ready to claim the sweet and confounding woman, yet as they spend more and more time together he cannot resist the temptation she presents and soon he finds that there is truly no resisting his bride to be. When they arrive at Claray’s home, everything changes as she finds herself wedded and bedded, then whisked away to Conall’s family land in order for them to take their rightful places and lead the clan that has never forgotten him or his family’s leadership. But soon the evil that sent him running for his life resurfaces and Claray finds herself under attack, but some enemies hide just a little too well in the shadows and if Claray and Conall don’t uncover the truth in time all could be lost. This story was filled with serious psycho stuff as Claray finds herself in the line of fire from individuals that have lost their damn minds but are too easily able to blend into polite society. I loved that Sands went this direction, but it broke my heart for Claray to have to deal with this trauma and it was great to see her find herself and her own strength out of the crazy she was faced with. Claray has a sweet force that is apparent from the beginning when she sacrifices and cares for the animals she takes into her charge which was very cute, and her determination to show Conall that she will be the best wife and partner she can be as she takes on the task of leading a clan was amazing. She has a calm that soothes others and a harmony that just makes those around her fall in love, maybe a little too much sometimes, but Conall certainly fell under her spell quickly. Conall was an enigma but at the same time a typical alpha warrior and that dichotomy made him even more interesting in a lot of ways. He has worked his entire life in order to earn his way, hoping to rebuild his coffers so that he can return to reclaim his rightful place as laird and claim his bride, but when he actually meets Claray there is no more waiting for the “perfect time” to return. His years of fighting have made him a determined and dedicated man, but he does have a softer side when it comes to his wife, showing her passion and care, but he works hard alongside his men in order to make sure that they achieve their goals and keep their newly reunited Clan safe. The passion between Claray and Conall was fiery and sensual from the very beginning, even though Claray had her doubts that was a good thing, but when they had their private times together, boy look out! I am dying to find out which story comes next and see where Lynsay is taking us in this amazing world of Scottish warriors and the women that stand at their sides to lead and nourish their clans. As always the magic of the Scots leads to an amazing read.

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Lynsay Sands is a wonderful author. Her writing style is simple to understand and the pace of her novels are natural. Overall a great story teller.

I liked the hero of this novel a lot! He was patient and kind. He was protective of the heroine and a bit possessive at times.

The heroine is an animal lover and definitely caused a few chuckles over her escapades.

This story held my attention easily with lingering questions from the hero's youth. His family was murdered and he lived with a target on his back his entire life; forced to take on a different identity. He rescues the heroine from an unwanted marriage and soon reveals he is actually her betrothed. Of course once he comes forward the enemy does too!

No cheating or ow/om drama
Descriptive bedroom scenes

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Lynsay Sands newest and tenth installment of her Highland Brides Series, and one of my favorite so far in the mix. While this book can be read independently, I do recommend reading the others in the series as they contain the family and extended family of the characters in this book.

Claray, a woman who has a strange connection to animals and a worrying nature. Granted, it fits as she quickly goes from a bargaining chip for her evil uncle to marry off, to a kidnapped woman unsure of what might happen to her.

But we learn that Wolf/Conall is her betrothed and he is taking her back to her father. I would hate to ruin the backstory of Wolf and how he comes to kidnap Claray. Instead I'll focus on their trip. Sands does an amazing job creating the back drop of the wild Scottish Highlands. And her portrayal of Claray with the animals that find her - each has their own personality that is adorable to read. But the real attraction here is Wolf and Claray as their angsty interest grows. As much as Claray is a worrier, Wolf calms and protects her. I really loved reading their dynamic and can't wait for the next installment! Lynsay Sands never disappoints!

My opinion is my own and freely given.

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I totally enjoyed this book. Lynsay Sands at her best and I need to go back and see which books in the series that I’ve missed.

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Claray MacFarlane is about to be forced to marry a cruel man when she is rescued by The Wolf, a mercenary named Conall. The Wolf brings Claray back to her father for her safety. It is revealed that Conall was named Bryson when he was born, and he is Claray's betrothed. His family was murdered by poison when he was a child, and he has been hiding his identity for his whole life. As Claray and Connall build a home together, they are faced with multiple murder attempt. Together, they must figure out who wants to harm them.

I found this book to be extremely disappointing. Claray felt like a naïve Snow White character with all of her scenes saving animals. I thought the sex scenes were boring, and I did not see any chemistry between Conall and Claray. The attackers motivations were laughable, and I just felt like nothing happened in the book. It was a struggle to finish this book. Fans of historical romance books can skip this one.

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Lynsay Sands has truly done it again. This book did not shy away from the drama, in fact it begins in the very first chapter. Along with the drama, you get to fall in love with Claray's kindness and soft spot for animals, as well as, the mystery of the man who rescues her and his true identity.

Lynsay Sands is one of my go to, comfort authors and this book managed that. If you love historical romances, I highly recommend this book!

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This was a good romance! I enjoyed the characters- especially how he kept his oath from years before! Another favorite for sure!

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I really enjoyed Claray and Conall's story. I think my favorite part of it was all the animals that Claray collected on their travels and how Conall and his men dealt with them, LOL! This was a great addition to the series!

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This was a lovely and completely charming Highland romance. It was surprisingly steamy and I have to say I really enjoyed Claray and Conall’s interactions. Claray’s love for animals and her “rescue“ scenes were adorable. It brought a breath of fresh air to all the background drama going on. I think my favorite part of the sub genre is when a murder mystery is included. I have no complaints with this book it was a quick and enjoyable read

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I was given a copy of this novel for the purposes of a review and have been holding it all in for quite a while now. Highland Wolf is officially released on January 25, 2022 (tomorrow for me), so I am going to exhale and give you the nitty gritty because I am a longtime fan of Lynsay Sands and I know she has an incredibly vast fanbase waiting on this novel.

Highland Wolf is the tenth novel in the Highland Brides series. If you haven’t checked out books 1-9, you can (and absolutely should) do so.

I will not give you a rundown of every event within this novel because nobody likes spoilers and I am not that gal. So, to wet yer whistle, here is the synopsis from

New York Times Bestselling Author Lynsay Sands delivers another sexy historical romance set in the wilds of the Highlands

In all her daydreams about her wedding day, Lady Claray MacFarlane never once imagined being dragged to the altar by her greedy uncle and forced to marry a man she didn’t know. But that’s what happened, or would have, had a Highland warrior not snatched her up at the last minute and ridden off with her in his arms. . .

They call him the Wolf. The mercenary’s courage and prowess in battle are known throughout the Highlands, and with his handsome face and black-as-sin hair, he is as intelligent and deadly as the wolf he was named for…

The beginning of the story sees Claray MacFarlane being forced into a marriage by a horrible uncle. Long story short, things don’t go to plan (do they ever?) and she instead finds herself in what I call a grand pickle. The story continues to throw twists and turns. The hero is predictable, but likable. The heroin isn’t someone I can honestly say I’d want to hang out with of an evening, but she’s well written and for some reason matches well with the Wolf. The story is entertaining, if somewhat exhausting at times. To be quite honest, there were times I wanted to yell at our young Lady MacFarlane and toss my Kindle into the abyss. I am happy to report my Kindle is still among the living and the lady has acquired a strapping, broody Wolf. I am also happy to report that I have managed to conquer my own frustrations at the story by way of a pleasant ending.

Now, the important question. Is this novel worth buying and reading? Yes. Absolutely. If a story doesn’t require you to feel something, even exhaustion or frustration in the characters and their folly, then the story is probably trash. This one is decidedly not trash. Quite the opposite. During my reading time, there were so many times when I mouthed a very snarky, What on this Earth is wrong with you, toward Claray. Many times. Like I said, we would not be friends. She isn’t really my type of leading lady, but her personality was certainly well written and we’ve made our peace already.

For more information about Lysay Sands, she keeps an updated website you can visit.

For more information about me, stick around. I’m sure I’ll eventually say something halfway entertaining or interesting in the next few weeks. Maybe. 😀

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Claray never expected to be dragged to the alter by her greedy uncle to marry a cruel man so he could have her inheritance. On the way to the Chapple a stranger know as the Wolf sweeps her up on his horse to rescue her.

This is another great historical romance book by Lynsay Sands. I love that her books always have a touch of humor and mystery to go along with the heartfelt romance. This book was no different and is a great addition to the series.

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HIGHLAND WOLF Highland Brides by Lynsay Sands
I am a long time Lynsay Sands fan. This is the 10th installment of this historical series. Conall shows up in the nick of time to rescue Claray from being forced into a marriage her uncle arranged. He has secrets and the most important one being he was betrothed to her before his family was killed and everything destroyed, she thinks he was killed too. Conall and Claray make a great couple with chemistry. I also enjoyed the interaction between Claray and all the animals. This is 4 stars.

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Claray is being forced to marry a man she doesn't want by her uncle. Lucky for her, Conall shows up to ride off with her. Conall is known as the highland wolf and is also her betrothed thought to be dead as a child. Conall has been through so much but he is determined to earn money, claim his birthright and marry Claray as their parents arranged long ago. This is a good historical romantic read.

I received a copy of this book via Netgalley and am leaving a review.

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I loved this! The connection between Conall and Claray is undeniable. And I loved all of Claray’s animals! The mystery of the MacDonald family murders and who is out to kill Claray and/or Conall is exciting. Same person? A mystery that’s worth the wait to solve. I wish I could forget it and read it all over again. 5 stars!!

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A beautiful historical romance set in the wilds of Highlands. Lady Claray McFarlane is being forced to get married by her uncle but at the last minute I highland warrior snatches her and runs off with her. The warrior is called the wolf and his courage is known throughout the highlands. He’s also Claray childhood the truth who has been thought to have died when he was a child. It’s an intriguing book and you see the wolf trying to get enough money to reclaim what was taken from him as a child. At the same time you see that he is determined to have a happily ever after with Claray. An important part of the story is the descriptions of the highlands it pulls you right into the time. I always enjoy books set in the Highlands and this one was particularly enjoyable. The romance between the wolf and Clerrai was touching and kept me involved until the end. Also seeing the wolf as a mercenary trying to reclaim his past and how and what it took to actually retrieve his rightful life was well done. This is another successful romance written by Lindsay Sands.

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This book is a solid 3.5 for me. This was the first book I read in the series but it was enjoyable as a stand-alone. It is a medieval historical romance with explicit steamy scenes and a big dash of humor with a heroine who saves animals. I found it to be a nice relaxing low angst read with a lot of escapism. I definitely recommend.

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Highland Wolf was an arranged marriage situation but with the twist of the original groom coming back! Claray is about to be forced to marry someone she doesn't want to marry because her uncle requires it of her. Luckily for her, Conall, her original betrothed has returned and plans to honor their marriage contact (signed by their parents many years ago).

I liked Conall, the Wolf, as a hero because he is driven, but also devoted. After all that has happened to him, he is more bitter and serious than Claray, who kind of lightens him up a bit. Claray is a great heroine! She is compassionate, loving, and fierce. She is also a bit flighty, which I found endearing. They have to figure out how to stay alive and rebuild Conall's clan after they were wiped out.

Together, I really liked these two and they sold Highland Wolf for me! The story was a bit slow at a few points for me, but my love for the characters made me continue when I might have given up or skimmed.

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This book is everything you have come to love from a Lynsay Sands Highland Brides novel. I wish I could say I loved it as much as the earlier books in the series, but
I really loved Claray MacFarlane in the role of the heroine at first. I don't know if I just expected more out of her but I started getting tired of her right before her wedding. She failed to bring the spark we've seen with other heroines of the Highland Brides series. I cannot quite put my finger on what it is, but I just wanted more of a fiery personality for her and Bryson as well for that matter. I loved the earlier books of this series, but this one just seems to fall a little short on the plot and character development.
Thank you to Netgalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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“Highland Wolf” is my first Lynsay Sands book and I am excited to read the first nine books in the Highland Brides series! Claray MacFarlane went to her uncle’s hoping to teach her cousin how to be the lady of the clan. She did not expect for her conniving uncle to marry her off to another evil. Hungry and tired, she is dragged to the alter. However, three horsemen arrived and the legendary Wolf has a letter from Claray’s father summoning her back home. As her uncle becomes outraged and distracted by the letter, the Wolf swoops her up onto his lap and hightails it out of the bailey before the drawbridge traps them inside the fortress. They ride as fast and often to her father’s in case they are followed, but the only way to protect Claray is for the Wolf to reveal his identity. Revealing his real name also poses a past threat that has never been solved, the murder of his parents and clan members.

The hopeless romantic in me absolutely loved the rescue of Claray by the Wolf. The whimsical person in me loved Claray’s nurturing nature and she made some rescues herself, animal rescues. I loved that she already had pets that others see as beasts at her father’s home. I enjoyed how Sands’ personified some animals Claray already had which made the reveal of certain characters entertaining.

I love mystery books, so I loved that aspect of the book. The suspense of figuring out who is actually shooting arrows towards Claray, the Wolf, or both kept me intrigued. I was enthralled for a while after finishing the book because of the line between someone being both a savior and a murderer.

If you like reading about highlanders, clan culture, beasts to pets, long lost betroths, and who-dun-it plots then this book is for you!

Thank you to Net Galley, Avon, and Harper Voyager US for the ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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