Member Reviews

We start out the book with Claray, who is about to be forced to marry a man while she stays with her uncle. On their way across the courtyard, a group of mercenary men led by a man called “The Wolf” show up to rescue Claray. Unbeknownst to her, the leader is her betrothed whom she thought died as a child.

Claray’s betrothed had many names, but for the purpose of this review we’ll use Conall. Conall is pretty instantly attracted to Claray, but doesn’t tell her that he’s her childhood betrothed and obvi, not dead. He’s been in hiding since he was a child and someone murdered his whole clan and family. But now that he’s a grown man, he wants to return to his lands and reclaim his title of Laird with Claray. They marry and immediately go about fixing up his keep and surrounding lands that haven’t been attended to in 12ish years.

It doesn’t seem like Claray and Conall really interact much in this story. They get married because they were betrothed as children and work together to improve Conall’s keep and land. They seem to admire each other as they work hard to achieve their goals, but outside of sex, they don’t really seem to interact a lot.

Along the way, the subject of physical intimacy and enjoyment comes up frequently. Claray feels like it’s a sin to enjoy having sex with her husband and that she’ll go to hell for it. Eventually she gets over it, but then it comes up strongly with the villainous character. I don’t want to give it away but it goes something like, “evil, lustful ways. I’m doing God’s work to get rid of these evil people who enjoy having sex with their spouse or significant other.” It got to the villainous reveal and I think I laughed out loud at how ridiculous it was.

I felt like there were other ways that the book could’ve gone, especially in terms of a villain and their reasoning. It seems like Sands really wanted to do something out of the ordinary - which I appreciate, but didn’t necessarily like in this context. It's disappointing, as I’ve really enjoyed her previous Highlander books. Overall, 2.5 stars - enjoyable but had many moments of high improbability, especially in terms of the villain.

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I love Lynsay Sands highland romances, and this one is another winner.

I enjoyed this story with Clarary MacFarlance and the Wolf, who it turns out is really the man she was suppose to marry but everyone thought was killed with the rest of his family. I liked how she collected animals and how Conall just went with it and helped take care of them on the trip. This book has a couple of really good twist and I did not see it coming who was trying to murder the family.

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This book and series is a delight. Claray is being forced into marriage by her uncle, when mercenary "The Wolf:" rescues her. Little does she know he is actual her betrothed, Conall, who everyone thought died years ago.

If you looking for a fun, light read with a twist of murder & mystery then this book is for you. Yes, Claray is like your favorite Disney character, but what's wrong with that. Sometimes you just need something sweet to read & this is it. Conall is your typical protective hero. I did not see the culprit behind the murder of Conall's family, so that was a big plus. .

I received this advance review copy from from NetGalley & this is my honest review.

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3 1/2 stars. This is only the third book by Lynsay Sands that I have read. In saying that, I think I would have a greater appreciation for the story if I was moreinvested in these characters/family. I thought it had lots of promise but I find her other books more entertaining. I did like the hero, but the heroine was silly to me and found herself if the strangest situation. This was a little to insta love/lust for me. I wish there had been more growth of the characters.
It was a pretty quick read though and I did enjoy parts of it. I would give it 3 1/2 stars and definitely try more from this author.
Thank you to Avon and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed the inter action between the hero and the heroine in this book. This was a fun fast read and will recommend as part of the Highland Bride series.

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Highland Wolf by Lynsay Sands was just strange. I had been anticipating this book as I had read some earlier books in the series, and I enjoy reading historical romances to switch things up. However, that didn't quite happen here. I couldn't wait to be done.

Claray was nonsensical. She was immature and naive, and if I had to hear one more time about how sinful it was to enjoy physical intimacy, I was going to scream.
She also just randomly discovered animals who needed saving.
Have to pee in the woods? Oh, look! Here's a rabbit/stoat/fox in a hollow log (or wherever).
Then she proceeded to assume care of these animals, but not really. She ended up passing the care of most of the animals on to someone else.

Conall was trying to fix his keep, keep track of random animals and dodge arrows at inopportune moments. He didn't seem to have much character, and Conall and Claray actually didn't seem to have many interactions in general. I'm not sure how they got to know each other well enough to fall in love.

Anyways, this wasn't what I hoped for, but others may enjoy it.

***I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy generously provided by the publisher via NetGalley.***

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Snow White meets the Highlands in this hilarious tale of a childhood betrothal that ends in wedded bliss. Well, if bliss can be managed while rescuing wild animals every few days and dodging murder attempts by people who want to see you dead. This isn't a retelling of Snow White, to be clear, but she certainly has the animal helpers part down to a science. I didn't start reading this book with the expectation that I would be laughing the whole way through, yet there I was, smiling ear to ear from start to finish. Lynsay Sands is particularly good at bringing humor into seemingly dark situations, and I always know I'm in for a fun time with any of her books. Her book published in January 2021 was actually on my favorite books list for the year, so it's no surprise that this one captured my heart so quickly. While you may see other reviews saying otherwise (this book has a criminally low rating on Goodreads right now), I found this book to be a delight and a nice escape from reality. Are you feeling anxious about the current state of the world? This is the book for you. Would you rather wallow in misery and read a more realistic tale of woe? Move along.

Claray MacFarlane was prepared to jump to her death to avoid marriage to the vile MacNaughton. Thankfully, as she was being dragged to the altar, she was rescued by the infamous Wolf, a warrior who is praised by all in the highlands for his bravery. Sent by her father to bring her home, Conall is not expecting to be utterly charmed by the small woman who keeps rescuing baby animals every time she takes a break to relieve herself. As they ride to safety, passion sparks a flame, and by the time he arrives at her father's home, it's time for the grand reveal. Conall is actually Bryson MacDonald, Claray's childhood betrothed long thought to be dead, and the man who fully intends to wed her before the night is out. After a quick wedding and steamy bedding, they make their way to Bryson's home, which has been neglected over the years following his parents' murder. While they are wary of MacNaughton coming to claim Claray for his own, they must also watch out for another danger - the murderer who wants to finish what they started all those years ago and kill the one who got away, Bryson.

I adored Claray. She was clever in her knowledge of the politics of her world, and while naive in the ways of sexual urges, she certainly figured it out quickly. The chemistry between her and Conall was off the charts, peaking my interest early on. As soon as she snuggled into him for a nap after he saved her from the unwanted marriage, I knew this was going to be a really cute couple. Her affinity for animals and the way she kept finding one to rescue had me roaring, and the men's reactions to her returning with something small and furry every time was hilarious. After a while they started betting on what would be added next to her menagerie. And then once they reached her father's home and found the rest of her brood, I was dying. Conall was a good sport throughout it all, just shaking his head and accepting every baby she brought home. He was so patient with her, and I really appreciated that the author gave us a hero who didn't try to change the heroine. She would make nonsensical decisions at times, and he rolled with it. Some scolding was needed, but he did it respectfully. They clearly loved each other, and it was shown in every interaction they had. And the steamy scenes? Break out the fans, you'll need some air.

Never disappointed in a Lynsay Sands historical, and I'm certainly not now. Great story, fun characters and a plot that will stay with me for a while. I look forward to reading her next book!

**I received a free copy via NetGalley and this is my honest review.**

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This is my first non-vampire Lynsay Sands book and it was very cute. Sort of an R rated cute romance novel. Conall/Bryson had been in hiding for years after his parents were murdered. He steps in to marry his betrothed, Claray, and rebuild his land. They have to figure out who is trying to kill Conall and keep Claray safe from the man who tried to marry her for her family's land. The ending seemed a bit rushed, but overall I really liked the couple and Claray's endless animal friends that love her unconditionally.

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I'll be the first to say that I love Lynsay Sands' Scottish Highlander books. Generally speaking, they don't miss much for me and even the weaker ones in the collection are still some of the most enjoyable romances that I've read. There's romance, humor, action, and mystery to all of them, which is a real high point, but with Highland Wolf I walked away just liking it, not ultimately loving it like I have for some of her other works.

This might stem from the fact that unlike a lot of her other books, this one doesn't revolve around the Buchannan family, who generally make up the humor and familial atmosphere. Unlike those, Highland Wolf promises some interesting characters who could fill out the world in later books but neither Conall nor Claray were real favorites of mine. Claray was just a little too Disney princess for me with her rescuing and seeming to command every single animal that she came across and Conall didn't get to do much, despite the book revolving around the murder of his parents.

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I’m not usually a fan of historical romance but this author is always the exception!! I really enjoyed Conall aka The Wolf & Claray’s story. Her evil uncle was setting up an arranged marriage when The Wolf rescued her & he’s actually her betrothed who everyone thought had died. They are both such wonderful characters along with all the other characters in the book. It was a quick, entertaining & enjoyable book!! I received an arc from Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review.

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Lynsay Sands never fails to impress me with how her world is pulled together. I enjoy historical romances, not for just the romance but to see how well a writer can pull me into that time period. I can say I enjoyed this story that gave me proper Steam Age.

Thank you Net Galley


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Ahhhh this was just such a great book. I just was entranced by this story and these characters. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

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I’m just kinda dumbfounded by this book. I had to check multiple times to see if it was a reprint of a 90s romance, but nope, it is 100% a 2022 publication. It definitely reads like a 90s highland historical as it is all sorts of bonkers.

Claray is an airhead that somehow can charm animals. Also for some reason she was vegetarian and without the existence of soy or another alternative protein I have literally no clue how she could possibly be alive. Connell is supposed to be a fearsome highland warrior but spends most of his time sweetly tending to Claray’s animal friends. The pair had a marriage of convenience and were very attracted to each other from the moment they met, but I wish there had been more development of their love for one another. Also in true 90s romance fashion, there is a villain which you don’t get in too many books nowadays.

It was a lot, but also, a surprisingly quick read, and I think I enjoyed it despite how weird it was. I’m really still processing my feelings about this book. As a fan of Outlander, I really do enjoy books that involve wandering around the Scottish highlands and there was plenty of that in this book, which made me happy. From what I’m seeing online, this book is pretty typical of Lynsay Sands, so clearly it works for her fans. I do own a few of the other books in this series, so maybe when I read those I’ll have a greater appreciation for this book.

Thank you to Avon and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is part of the Highland Brides series, which I have read a few of in the past. Our heroine Claray is being forced to marry an awful man - until she is saved by our hero, the Wolf. I liked the setting, the overall writing style, the cast of characters woven into the book. The story was fast paced, but perhaps too much so. There is very little tension or build up between our hero and heroine and its pretty much 0-60. At first I found Claray's interest in saving animals cute and endearing but it went a bit too far. The conflict/villain was a bit over the top and a bit silly. I like Lynsay Sands' writing and will read more of her work but this was just okay for me this time. Thank you to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Loved this book! I read it all in two sittings, I could barely put it down! This is my first Lynsay Sands novel, but I can definitely say that I was absolutely taken by this storyline! I can't wait to look into more of this author's works! Thank you to the author, NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for this ARC in return for this honest review.

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Claray is being forced to marry a horrible guy by her uncle, when the legendary warrior The Wolf or Conall as he is known by family rides to her rescue.. Turns out her father realized what her sleezy uncle was up to and sent Conall to the save her.. Turns out they have been betrothed since her birth, but Claray and most everyone else thought he was dead.. Killed along with his family and the rest of his people when he was six years old.

While he would have loved to marry Claray years ago, he has been off trying to make some money so that he can rebuid his keep, hire servants and bring his people home. When he realizes that they have some sizzling chemistry he decides that he should marry her quickly.. in part to help keep her safe from that other dude, but mostly so that she doesn't end up with someone else... or becoming a nun...

I loved Claray and her need to rescue every lost/ abandoned animal she finds.. I also loved that Conall just lets her do it.. He just sighs and says all right, and even helps her feed and take care of them while she sleeps.. Which is something she does alot of while they are traveling.. apparently it makes her sleepy even when she is the one holding the reins lol..

I loved seeing them come together, even though they married pretty quicky they just clicked with each other.. Turns out though that while they are busy falling in love, and repairing the keep, someone is in the shadows trying to kill them.. Could it have to do with Clarays almost forced marriage? or does it have anything to do with what happened to Conalls family all those years ago? Could that killer have returned after all this time?

Lynsay Sands is one of my favorite authors and I can't wait to see who is going to be the next couple that gets their HEA..

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I am not sure what I just read and I am highly surprised I didn’t DNF this book. The amount of improbability included in this story makes it read like a fairytale versus a historical highlander romance. The female MC is absent minded enough to forget basic needs while she magically rescues, charms, tames, or bewitches wild animals. (queue the Disney magic) The male MC seems to have no backbone and it appears his main purpose is to take care of his new brides menagerie of animals whilst restoring his family’s previous castle/keep at magical speed. There is not a lot of romance between the MC they pretty much go from strangers to marriage to consummation, again with the speed of light and no deep conversations or connection.

To top ALL of this off the villain of the story and the reasons behind it are just ridiculous—worse than a very low budget amateur movie.

I do NOT recommend this book unless you want to waste some brain cells and time. Total disaster and disappointment to the series.

1.5 Stars ⭐️ | 3 Flames 🔥

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I enjoyed this book but it wasn't one of my favorites in the series. There was nothing terribly wrong but neither character engaged me as much as the previous heroes and heroines. I found Claray's character almost caricature like with animals falling in line behind her with ridiculous levels of infatuation, even ones that the other characters actually nursed and fed which was odd to me. And though she collected these animals they honestly seem to spend more time with everyone else because she's constantly sleeping. There is mention that's just how she travels but I can't recall another heroine who seems to play such a passive role in a story before. Conall was also just sort of meh in that yes, he has a tragic background but he seems to spend most of the story just being infatuated with Claray. He never even suspects who the villain is or even figures it out. He stumbles across the villain basically by pure luck.

That said the story moves along at a good pace and while it's not one I would read again I didn't regret the time spent. Definitely recommend the rest of the series though!

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I so very badly wanted to love this story, but sadly, I did not finish it. The premise had me hooked the moment I read the blurb; it sounded like it could be a new favorite for me. What had bothered me from the beginning was Claray’s character. Her personality and innocence felt very child-like to me, to a point where Conall’s attraction to her felt wrong. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get past this impression in my head and could’t go on. I’ve read many other reviews that highly recommend this book, so I assume that this really is a good read and this hang up is mine alone.

My thanks to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager, Avon for the opportunity to read and review Highland Wolf by Lynsay Sands.

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Claray and Conall’s relationship is an endearing take on the protector/arranged marriage trope. Her penchant for rescuing injured animals, and his gentle accommodation of this behavior, was a nice complement to the the steamier scenes. There were times I wished for a bit less plot advancement and more bedroom scenes, but it was a quick, enjoyable read.

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