Member Reviews

I received this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
The premise interested me a lot. However, I felt too many adverbs were used, making the reading experience difficult for me. I like the addition of animals, as it shows me more about Clarays and Conalls character, but I think it would have been better if it was one animal vs. the amount written. I also felt that the chemistry between Conall and Claray could have been fleshed out a little more in the beginning. The story has potential.

This was less than my favorite. The intrigue wasnt gripping and the plot fairly predictable. The names of all the character was hard to keep track of, as they were all odd names. And the Scottish dialogue made for hard reading.

This is such a well done series. I loved the new addition. I found Claray and Conall were a wonderful couple. I found their story enjoyable and a delight to read. I did not care for the mystery of who was trying to kill them and the revaluation of who it was, however, the story of the two characters falling in love was spot on. I am looking forward to the next addition in the series.

Lynsay Sands has been an auto buy author for me for YEARS!! I love her Argeneau Vampire series and I love her Highland Bride series. Highland Wolf is book 10 in Highland series and it is following Claray MacFarlane who is being held captive and is about to be forced to marry a man against her and her father's wishes. On the way to the alter poor Claray is abducted again but this time it is by a man known as The Wolf. What Claray doesn't know is that she and The Wolf share a history and her father sent him to rescue her. Claray is this soft hearted woman who befriends all animals and has a menagerie for her rescued friends. At first The Wolf is annoyed by this but then just comes to accept it. I read a review that said this was a very unbelievable trait in a character and while I agree I don't mind it at all, I found that this trait would offer humor at the right times. One of my favorite scenes is when her rescued ferret was riding on the back of her pet wolf like a soldier going into battle, yes that will never happen but the picture in my head was perfect. I love how Lynsay crafts her stories and while she has written dozens they each have their own voice and I always look forward to reading them. Thank you Avon and Harper Voyager for my gifted copy for review!

For all those who would like to take a short trip to the mystical world of the Highlands, Lynsay Sands and its latest novel ‘Highland Wolf’ are a sure ticket. Romantic, sensual, and interesting story that guarantees several hours of enjoyment .....
No matter how hard you try, there is no escaping from what is written in the stars... It can be postponed, but it will happen one way or another... That is the story of our Highland warrior, who after years of avoidance finally meets the woman he was promised ... One look, one touch, one kiss .... the passions culminate and the need to be closer is simply unbearable ... but can the danger that lurks destroy the love that begins to flourish? Is this new beginning the end of all suffering?
As you probably already know, the stories about the sexy Highlanders are my addiction and so far I have read all the books in this series. I loved the previous one and I was not disappointed by this one. But somehow after finishing this story, I have quite divided opinions, I tried to write this review several times, but somehow I could not find the words. On the one hand, Lynsay Sands continues with a well-known formula for mixing new, undiscovered elements with the well-known ones that permeate every book in the series. So a lurking danger, a secret enemy, an incredible passion ... all the well-known elements of this author are here, but somehow there is a note of magic and clumsiness here that I honestly did not really like. Although I know that it is fiction and everything is allowed, somehow the heroine with her talent for animals belongs more to a science fiction story than to a historical one.
As in all her works, Lynsay Sands's style does not disappoint - descriptive and rich, with a perfect dose of details, and simple descriptions, she one more time proves to be a great storyteller. The plot is interesting, although not as pronounced and captivating as in the previous works, it felt flat and dragged at some points. Somehow I also missed the connection between the main characters. Claray and Conall are quite a harmonious couple. She is a character who captivates with her childish naivety and curiosity, a girl who has a big heart and enough kindness for everyone around. Her talent and relationship with animals are what bring the feeling of farfetchedness, of magical elements, which I honestly did not like. Conall is brave and strong, a man who has his own goals and lives by his own rules, and yet wise enough to understand and accept others’ opinions and desires. He was hinted to be an alpha-male at the beginning but didn’t live up to the description, nor my expectations. Their relationship was sweet, but somehow I could not feel the emotion between them, nor the chemistry. There were a lot of steamy scenes, but somehow they seemed forced and not realistic enough. The supporting characters were quite solidly conveyed and contribute greatly to the complexity of the story.
Anyway, an interesting story that offers a few short escape in the past, with sexy Highlanders and cute heroines.
My review will be published online closer to the publication date.

Ahhhh, its been awhile that I have read from this Lynsay Sands and it was wonderful. We had Connell or "the Wolf: as he was known, and he known as that because he because he was a hired sword trying to make money to reclaim his position as laird and have enough money to be able to It put his clan back together after his family was killed and he was left for dead. Carelly's father summons him to go pick her up from being forced to wed a nasty man and being held prisoner by her uncle who is forcing her, but she doesn't know that "the wolf" is her supposedly dead betrothed whom she is attracted to and now she feels like she is going to hell since she can't control her lustful thoughts. funny and suspenseful in the say that Lynsay Sands can do..Enjoy! IT was great catching up with previous characters, which made me pull up previous books and re-read.

When Claray's uncle tries to force her into a marriage, she's rescued by her childhood betrothed Conall. Conall, Bryson MacDonald, is in hiding as a mercenary after his family is poisoned. With the killer still unknown, his identity is a secret from everyone including Claray who thinks he is dead.
I usually love Lynsay Sands books, she's funny and witty and different as a romance writer, but this story was mostly bland. Not a whole lot happens between Conall and Claray, a lot of the conflict from the perceived villain takes place off=page. Then when another villain pops up at the end, it sort of comes out of left field and the reasoning behind their actions is even weirder. For me, it didn't work. It felt sort of cobbled together.
However, this book is a really sweet love story between a sensitive, animal-loving heroine and an emotionally available hero. Conall didn't fight his feelings or try to issue manly alpha ultimatums. If anything, he was extremely accepting of Claray's eccentricities. So that was lovely.

A heroine too improbable to actually exist. Like, she's Cinderella who can gather wolves, stoats, horses, foxes, rabbits, cows, deer, and more to her simply by walking through the woods--and somehow they all just get along. (Seriously. If you are looking for a book with a stoat riding a Game of Thrones dire wolf, this one's for you.)
A hero whose main defining feature is that, besides being handsome, he tolerates and feeds her animal collection so they don't die after she repeatedly forgets about them after rescuing them. Oh, and that he's randy enough that he thinks it's a good idea to bring her to orgasm with his hand while they are riding a horse, surrounded by soldiers...while she is holding an injured fox and a stoat. (Sidenote: this is the moment when I began to suspect this book was an elaborate prank on readers.)
This has to be my last book of this series, even if it continues--and honestly, I've read way too many already. Like the others, this features a bizarre and unpredictable plot that manages to be boring as well. As usual, the heroine is imperiled and the hero continually makes stupid choices. There are crazy women, priests making women fearful of sex, and Scottish clans doing clan things (mostly riding horses from keep to keep).
If you love this series, then you will probably like this. If you are indifferent to the series (maybe, like me, you've read it out of habit), just skip this one. If you are new to the series, pick an earlier one featuring the Buchanan brothers and leave it at that.

Thank you NetGalley, Avon and Harper Voyager for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
3.5/5 stars
I enjoyed this highland romance. Claray and Conall were a sweet couple. They instantly hit it off but their love wasn’t too instant. I also liked seeing previous characters from other books in the story!
The plot had some twists I didn’t see coming. I wasn’t entirely sure who was trying to harm Claray or Conall. And the author did a good job keeping it hidden.
I do wish they had a few more conversations before the romantic water excursion. I felt like they didn’t have much of a relationship but she was ready to give it all to him. Which didn’t fit her shy demeanor.
I also got a little annoyed at how much she slept. It felt like she slept most of the book. Which I understand that is part of the journey/traveling but she didn’t have any sore muscles from it. It would have been a fun scene to have Conall rub Claray’s shoulders to help the soreness.
Overall enjoyed their story and how their relationship evolved. It was a sweet story and I enjoyed that the plot didn’t affect their relationship. It was cool to read about the castle and them fixing it. I also enjoyed all the sweet animals she saved!

I really enjoyed this! I was hooked from the exciting beginning and really felt for Claray in those moments before her uncle came to get her. I was so relieved for Claray when The Wolf showed up. Conall, he is the type of hero I love and I really enjoyed him and Claray together. I also loved his group of warriors as well. I haven’t read historical romance in a while and I’m happy to say this book has got me back into the genre!

Lynsey Sands is a master storyteller and this book is no exception. The characters are all well developed and the story hooks you in from the first page. I really could not put it down.

I didn't really like the reason behind the Hero's back story. The villain was completely looney. But otherwise I really liked the story. I liked how Bryson looked after Claray from the beginning and showed her patience. He was very understanding and solicitous about her wants and needs. It was a very cute story!