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April May Fall

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Oh April, I just fell in love with her from the first scene but absolutely adored her as she grew into who she was. Jack came to help April get back on her feet, and I loved that the best way he was able to help her was to show her she didn't need to be constantly fixing problems all day.

April and Jack were adorable before they got together and after. My favorite scenes were when they were doing mundane things together, and watching them fall in love not over anything spectacular, but over the ordinary. April's insecurities both kept them together physically, but separated them romantically in many ways. The last 30% of this book was probably my favorite with all their friends and friends working together to help April realize who she is, who she always has been, but most importantly who she has become.

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You know when life just keeps handing you lemons, things go wrong one after the other, thats how this novel kicks off. One mortifying event after another for our protagonist April, single mom of 3 dealing with her career and the aftershocks of her marriage failing because her husband cheated on her.
It looked very promising but honestly I just couldn't connect with the characters, the premise was sad but I couldn't feel sympathy for April, I just felt detached and indifferent.
Even Jack who frankly was the epitome of perfection didn't spark an interest. And then to make matters worse the instant longing that the main characters felt for each other just wasn't my cup of tea.
So after trying to power through I decided to dnf it.

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April is the calm mom yoga influencer who is kind of the opposite of calm after her divorce, and when she does a live feed form the grocery store and her kids are going crazy she pretty much loses her s**t! Gone is her online persona. Enter Jack, who is in charge of dealing with any problems that arise. He's pretty much a fixer. He comes to Denver from California to work with April on rebuilding her image and helping her regain her confidence. He hasn't been around kids and the chaos that comes with them that much so it's a bit of a culture shock for him, although he soon finds himself embracing the change. He and April soon find themselves veering away from business and crashing into feelings. Will they both see what is right in front of them or will Jack go back to California alone? There are plenty of crazy antics from April's crazy friends and her rowdy bunch of kids. It was a good story but I didn't find it as fun as her Mile High series. Thanks to Net Galley and Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to read and review.

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This book features Calm Mom. A brand April is trying to build and everything is wonderful until chaos ensues during a live feed for a sponsor. As you can imagine the calmness is shattered.

But in comes Jack who is the epitome of a gentleman and someone who can help her through the chaos and the rebrand of her account and job.

Jack is definitely the best part of this story. He himself exudes calmness and strength. He steps in when ever needed, strengthens the children, and rebuilds her confidence.

Without Jack, without this character to balance her, the story would be completely different. I like that the author crafted him the way she did because it certainly made a huge difference in the way the story ended and my enjoyment level.

April May Fall has a mixture of all things that make a delightful read. Humor and wit, crazy and somewhat annoying girlfriends that go out on a limb for you (even if some of it is very far-fetched), hella hot Jack, hot sexy times, and a sweet ending.

Overall April May Fall offers a realistic and witty look at single mom life with the sweet Jack treat on top! See what I did there?

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A huge thanks to Entangled Amara for my e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The worst thing that can happen as an influencer is messing up on an Instagram Live. This is what happens to the cool mum influencer April Davis who totally has her life in order. She is known for showing moms how to stay calm (every mom's dream right?) with yoga. Her cool mom demeanor is tested during a live when her kids totally ruin it and make everyone question her cool demeanor. Her knight in shiny armor who sweeps in to save her brand is Jack Gibson. Jack is the main contact at the media conglomerate that has purchased April’s brand and is so swoon-worthy. This book was such a fun read that also tackled divorce, friendship, and calm.

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When you take life after kids and divorce, add a possible career ending viral video, sprinkle in a very sexy career recovery fairy godfather and surround them a cast of delightful friends... you get this book.

April and Jack work together, and when her influencer career is looking like it is going off the deep end, he does what he is paid to do and swoops in to assist her in getting back on track. Jack is an absolute sweetheart and goes above and beyond to support not just April's career, but also her life and her kids. This is a low angst romance on the backdrop of a crazy kid filled existence.

Do you like kids that star and not cameo? This book is for you. Do you like a sassy, crazy, neighbourly girl gang who happily get in each others personal space and lives? This book is for you. Do you like a hero who comes in ready to apply some serious competency kink to the heroines career and wholeheartedly commit to learning and appreciating the heroine's kids? This book is for you.

Finally, I just want to shout out the colour purple. If you are not a purple person, you may not relate to the strong colour preference April has in this book. However, it was a good piece of background info

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A got it together mom is set to launch her new empire. Then during a live broadcast her daughter says things she shouldn’t, a fake dog is outed, and there’s a bathroom accident on the grocery store floor. April leans on Jack to fix her brand, but is she also branding him as hers? April May Fall is an amusing read about how life gets in the way of what we have planned. The only choice is to go with it and see where it takes us.

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Cute and fun
I enjoyed revisiting the Sunday Morning Mimosa gals.

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Part of a series: Mommy Wars

I look forward to reading Molly's story.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

April May Fall was an enjoyable and heartfelt read that dealt with the struggles of being a single-mother and all its crazy moments. This book is a standalone however, it is part of an interconnected series called Mommy Wars. While not necessary to read the first two books, they do provide just more context and backstory.

The storyline and characters in this book were just so realistic and relatable, definitely just a charming read about motherhood. The writing and story development was also really nice and just easy to follow. It’s dual POVs of the main characters as well, which was great.

The main characters, April and Jack were very likable. April’s struggle with trying to keep everything together and the loss of her self-confidence was heartbreaking to read. Her journey and growth was so well written and developed. Jack’s story on the other-hand was a bit underdeveloped and I wished we had gotten a bit more backstory but he was still an enjoyable character.

Their romance unfortunately did feel rushed and somewhat forced as their feelings for each other happened so fast without any real connection. While, they did have some really cute and heartfelt moments their relationship was just underdeveloped. There was also some light spice in this book, which was great.

The ending and epilogue were really cute and just a nice conclusion. Overall, a charming read with a relatable heroine and storyline.

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Great book!
Loved April and Jack and reading the story from their point of views.

I enjoyed the friends that April had, even though Kitty was a bit too extra for me and I would have smacked her over the head several times.

I’ll have to check out more books by Christina Hovland as I did really like this book!

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April May Fall is the story divorced single mom April, who is a social media influencer known as the Calm Mom. Until a video of her being, well, not so calm goes viral and threatens her online persona and job. Her employer sends Jack to help clean up her image and start fresh. And it probably doesn't hurt that he is pretty handsome as well.

Hands down, the best part of April May Fall is the brutally honest depiction of mom life. As the mom to toddler, I found myself nodding and laughing so much while reading this book, especially at the appropriately included quotes at the beginning of each chapter. April is a great lead, and she just keeps pushing along as the hits keep coming (and there are a lot of hits). Her romance with Jack is sweet, and helps tell the story of her getting back out there after her divorce. April May Fall is funny, exhausting, and encouraging all at once; fans of women's fiction will definitely enjoy this book.

Thanks to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC for this ARC; this is my honest and voluntary review.

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This was a fun read. I am a fan of yoga and trying to react calmly but kids ruin that a lot. So I related in some ways to this book and I appreciated the call to allow moms to parent in a way that works best for them, and to respect that failure is part of the gig. Adding in Jack and his fix-it attitude made it a cute adult romance.

*Copy provided through Netgalley

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April May Fall is a real book – I mean the main character April isn’t perfect, she is trying, but she is struggling! Her friends are there for her, some of them quirky!! Christina Hovland’s vivid descriptions leave me believing I would recognize Kitty if she barged into my house!! As April’s character develops and the plot weaves the reader in, you yourself can’t help falling for Jack. His sensitivity and understanding Rohan’s situation and his amazing matter-of-fact way of dealing with Rohan will bring tears to even the most jaded! This book was a win-win for me!

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Oh my gosh, what a amazingly fun book. I'm so happy that Mrs. Hovland decided to publish There's Something About Molly first. Felt so bad for April with the way this book started but by the end with help from her own hero, I was definitely cheering her on. Really loved that the hero is Rachel's brother, Jack. Definitely read both of the other books in the series before this one, since they all have interconnected characters. I highly recommend this book and loved every second of it!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I have read quite a few from this author. You can feel for April, since she's divorced and has 3 kids. The kids dad doesn't have a lot to do with the kids. After an embarrassing on camera situation, Jack enters the picture. He comes to help April realize TV at she matters. I really liked the ending. I won't spoil it. I will continue to read books from this author.

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The story was good and the characters were detailed enough to keep my attention throughout the entire book!

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Perhaps I just don't have the right mind for some romances, but I just can't get how people fall into love so quickly in some romances. I don't think I've ever done that in real life, so perhaps that is why I find it so odd that April meets Jack in person for the first time, and starts looking at him like he is the best chocolate on earth.

April is an influencer, whose thing is Calm Mom, which she totally fails at when she has to do a live stream. She has been slowly losing it for the past year since she got divorced, and so Jack has to come out to "fix" her. He is the equivalent of her manager.

There are also a squad of female friends, there to help her.

I liked the kids. The kids were what made the book, especially her son who only wants to speak in frog. And Harmony, her oldest, knew what was going on, and was on it.

My problem was I didn't get the insta-love. And I thought it rather unprofessional that they would even consider sleeping together, but that's me.

Other than that, it was an ok romance, that started off slowly, then gained steam, even if the steam was not the kind I wanted.

<em> Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review. </em>

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I am loving all of the characters in this series! The way each one is a bit relatable in their own way hooks me every time.

April is definitely struggling. A divorce, small children, a viral moment in a not so great light, and I can see how she may not be quite so calm.

Jack is most definitely a fixer, but the way he brought about change was probably the sweetest thing I’ve read in awhile.
I loved the connection he formed, not only with April, but with each child individually, instead of treating them as a group project.

And of course, I adored Kitty. I mean, I definitely have that one friend, and I feel like she is a staple in each friend group.

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After reading a few heavy books in a row, I desperately needed a light-hearted read. I found exactly what I needed in April May Fall. It was honest, funny, and filled with love. I loved that April's character wasn't your picture-perfect mom, that she was quirky and had her moments. I loved her friends and the characters that she surrounded herself with (I was laughing out loud at Kitty throughout the entire book.) Most importantly, I loved the entire storyline surrounding her and Jack.

The book title has so many different meanings as you read the book, and each pivotal moment certainly relates to the title.

Loved this and can't wait to read more!

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest review!
4.5 stars

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I have recently been introduced to Ms. Hovland's books and have really been enjoying them. This one also did not disappoint. The story was well-written and was realistic and relatable. April is a single mom after a divorce and she is trying to adjust and find her bearings. She is a social influencer for moms, showing them how to stay calm, however she has a media mishap and one of her videos of her most certainly NOT being calm goes viral and she needs help cleaning up this mess. That's where Jack comes in, her media contact that will help her with this. These two are absolutely wonderful together and it was great to see their relationship grow. It was also sweet to see Jack developing a relationship with her kids Harmony and Rohan. Wonderful characters and an engaging storyline will keep you captivated till the end. Great, fun read, and I can't wait to read more by this author!

I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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