Cover Image: One Night on the Island

One Night on the Island

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I have loved Josie Silver's previous books and was therefore highly anticipating her newest release. It did however take me a while to warm up to the two main characters.

I wasn't a fan of the situation the author chose to put them in; one who was on the island to 'self-couple' (cue my eyes rolling), and the other who was married-but-separated with two kids and needed to get away from the situation for the sake of the children (what?!?).

However Silver's writing is lovely with MC's that were flawed and lost, but determined and I did come to root for them.

The real stars of the story though were the fabulous array of side characters. From the way the tiny island of Salvation came to life (yes the island was most definitely a character) with it's wild remoteness, harsh wild seas and weather to the wonderful cast of eccentric villagers who were so welcoming and supportive. The authors depiction of the island and it's community was just perfect.

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The characters were enjoyable and had good chemistry

Sometimes the plot was a bit lscking in originality and felt a little stale. Some parts felt a little rushed while others were too drawn out

But I enjoyed it and it was a fun and lighthearted read

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Such as cute book and heart-warming story. Really enjoyed the characters too.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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4.5 Stars

There’s just something really comforting reading a Josie Silver novel. Refreshing and witty prose is always something I can get on board with and when this landed on my Kindle I knew I’d be in for a real treat! Silver has a real knack of making you fall head over heels with her characters. There was nothing I didn’t love about this couple and also the side characters which brought much needed humour to the story. Although Silver can bring on the banter and giggle in spades she can also deliver heart-breaking stories which make your heart sink and tears roll.

“You blew into my arms, with your crazy curls and your clever wit and a heart the size of Jupiter.”

I do love a strong female protagonist and Cleo was just that! She is on a break from her life in London and looking for solace and spirituality away from the hustle and bustle of life. She has a dream to write a novel and after getting the all go from her magazine editor to write a quirky life affirming article she’s off and no one is getting in her way, or so she thinks……..

“Mack doesn’t fit my jigsaw and there’s no place for me in his. I don’t think I’ve ever felt a moment of absolute connection like this one.”

Mack is also looking for some alone time after suffering from a very personal shock to his system. He thinks some time on his own to reflect after recent revelations is just what he needs so he can focus and make some important decisions in his life. What he doesn’t bank on is meeting Cleo. Mack is definitely not looking for long term as his life is already in turmoil but the attraction between him and Cleo is something her can’t ignore.

“I don’t know how to be with you Cleo. But I want to.”

Their relationship on paper is something that is more than likely going to fail but what if that 1% of chance is worth the risk. There was nobody more than me willing them on however, both these individuals have commitments to either themselves or other important people in their lives. Stories like these make an impact and that’s the kind of writer I could read all day long. Silver had me back and forth until I had to put down my book calm down and walk away. If you’re looking for a book with a bow securely tied and looking pretty at the end this isn’t the book for you. Life is messy and complicated so be brave and read this book!

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An honest story of love and self- discovery. Heartwarming throughout and I really bought into the story of Cleo and Mack. A completely easy read and had a real sense of escapism.

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I really struggled to get into this book - the story line was ok but it felt a bit slow moving for me

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I really needed a cute romance and this was it.
I did think there would be more of them as a couple but I actually liked we saw them spend months apart but still think so much of each other. Instead of the usual 3rd act break up.
I did get a little nervous they may not end up together. Josie decided to cut it close there.
But I do think both Cleo and Mack needed those months apart to learn about themselves and also just clear up things in their lives so they could move on to the next chapter together.

Mack was a little annoying to me at first. But as his relationship with Cleo grew my liking for him did as well.
While Cleo was interesting. Mainly because she was there to marry herself. Although as the book progressed I cared less for that part of the story I do think Cleo needed the experience and work on herself to grow more.

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Loved this book! It starts in a strange way, with Cleo being given the assignment to go to a far away island and marry herself. But when she gets there, due to a miscommunication, there is an American called Mack, who is also staying in the accommodation. No spoilers, but it’s a lovely story, with fun, romance, sadness, and characters you don’t want to say goodbye to.

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This book is brilliant I loved the writing style the characters were amazing this story was a epic read. A feel good comfort read you enjoy a beautiful romance you love. I loved the island such a magical place in this story you love. I loved the chemistry between characters loved every page.

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From the first page I knew One Night on the Island was going to be a book I adored. Cleo has been on the hunt for her Flamingo, but as she approaches 30 her employer decides to send her to Salvation island, a supposed isolated retreat, for her “self coupling”. Although One Night on the Island is a romance, it is also so much more. The women of Salvation Island are strong, independent and support of their tight knit group and community, in turn Cleo’s stay on the island is a journey of self discovery, self love and acceptance of who you are. The arrival of Mack appears as a spanner in the works for Cleo’s plans however he ignites a passion and creativity that Cleo thought was lost.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the point of view of both characters however found Mack’s situation and the heartbreak over his separation with his wife and subsequently his children particularly moving. One night on the Island is a cosy, heart warming and escapist read that I would wholeheartedly recommend to family and friends.

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Cleo has a column in an online e magazine where she tells her dating life (a kind of Bridget Jones I fguess). As she approaches 30, her editor sends her to a remote Irish island to have a self marriage. Reluctantly, Cleo agrees.
Mack, a photographer, has come to the island to discover his roots and to lack his wounds as his marriage breaks up.
For a romance to get 5 stars it needs to have characters you care, a setting that's interesting and a plausible storyline. For me, I like to learn something too. This story ticks the boxes.

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I don’t cry at books, but Josie Silver has a way of making me SOB. One Day in December is my favourite romance book so I was very excited to read this one, but also nervous in case it didn’t live up to my expectations.. but oh wow it did!

I fell completely in love with Mack and Cleo and connected to them both as if they were real people. There was so much cuteness in this book without being cheesy and I just adored it.

Josie Silver is easily one of my favourite authors!

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The story starts with 1 cottage and 2 strangers on a remote island off Ireland

Cleo is unlucky in love. She writes about her quest to find her flamingo. I love this idea of finding your flamingo. But on Cleo’s latest assignment she is set the ultimate challenge…to marry herself

Mack is coming out of a marriage break up. Talented photographer with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

A real easy read but I really enjoyed it. Will definitely look to read other books by Silver

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“I think what I’m really scared of is that I’ve fallen out of love with love.”
“I’m worried that either I’m not going to be enough, or else that I will be enough and I’ll be alone forever.”

Wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL, Josie Silver has once again captured every single one of our senses with one of the most important novels you’ll read this year. She captured our hearts, our minds, her words acted like beacons making us stop, think, and take stock. This is not just a tremendously beautiful and poignant love story. This is a life story that will have you welling up with tears at the sheer splendour that this Author’s words conjure up with the imagery of the bountiful yet harsh nature and the personalities of the people of Salvation Island surrounding you and stealthily stealing your heart as you become utterly immersed in a unique and epic love story. A love story with two sides. The love that you must show yourself and the love that resides in your heart for another. Truly breath-taking!

‘Something has drawn us together for this perfect moonlit moment on these worn wooden steps, to this tender kiss that feels like it’s been here all along, waiting patiently for us to find it.’

Cleo an aspiring novelist is at a crossroads in life, she’s happy with where she’s at -well- in most respects, but is she really fulfilled or is she settling? Sometimes we can dream big but taking that step to achieve our dreams seems too overwhelming, or we don’t know which path to take in order to reach something that we truly crave. Not just that, we can happily plod along through life, settling, because who are we to cheekily believe that we can do it, deserve it or realise it? Do we actually believe that we deserve that big dream, do we think it’s ours to realise or does this big dream just live in our heads as that ‘happy imaginary place’ to disappear into?

‘Make yourself some promises. Tell the wind your secrets and the ocean your dreams.’

What starts as a crazy column idea becomes a monumental self-realisation for our Cleo, who leaves her beloved London for a remote Irish island in the Atlantic. The way in which Josie Silver writes this unique and epically beautiful occasion had us in tears of happiness whilst questioning parts of our own selves. The beauty of it is that we experience it through such vivid imagery and such heartfelt and poignant words.

‘I promise to listen to myself, to take the time to hear the voice in my gut because I know myself better than anyone and I always have my own best interests at heart…I also know that I am enough, and I’m brave and I will succeed.’

Mack, a renowned photographer, is on a break from his life in Boston, not self-imposed or by choice, rather it’s a journey that is breaking his heart, so he throws himself into seeking solace in discovering his ancestry and photographing the journey. He did not count on Cleo nor she on him. Sometimes we find what we are looking for at a moment in time that is not convenient, nor planned. Sometimes what we need is not what we ask for. Rather it finds us and breaks down our door. Unlocking invisible self-erected walls.

“And for a little while, he made me feel as if I’d swallowed stars.”

Beautiful. Heart-wrenching. Inspirational. Hopeful. Hilarious. Magnificent. Bravo Josie Silver!

“Someone exceptional told me a while back that my heart hadn’t got the memo…But I’ve got it now.”

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I loved this book. An unexpected 5⭐️ read for me!

As much as it was a romance, it was also a story of self discovery and self love, as well as friendship and community and connection to nature.

I felt a lot of similar lies between me and the main character, Cleo. She turns 30 in the book and dreams of being an author.

I actually would go as far as to say that this books inspired me - I now want to pick up a pen or start typing on my laptop (preferably in front of a roaring fire, in a remote lodge on an island, like Cleo!)

I will say, it was a bit melodramatic at times…but I didn’t mind that and not enough to warrant a star off. Oh and Mack could be slightly annoying at times but hey, he’s our love interest and you gotta just love him too eh.

It wasn’t a profoundly moving 5⭐️ but it was a ‘I really enjoyed reading this’ 5⭐️. You know what us bookstagrammers say, our ratings are based on nothing but pure vibes 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂

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I enjoyed this book, it was beautifully written and extremely engaging. The characters were likeable and the story flowed well.
I had no idea how it would end which added to it's appeal.
The author has a way with words that made it a pleasure to read, the descriptions painted a very effective picture and some of the similes were just delightful.

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One Night On The Island by Josie Silver ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cleo has been sent to the remote island of Salvation off the Irish coast by her magazine editor, she is about to turn 30 and in a departure from her usual dating column she’s decided to become ‘self partnered’ and have some alone time.

Mac has fled to the island in order to escape his broken marriage, and for some solitude in which to explore his roots through the lens of his camera.

The problem is there’s only one holiday cottage on the island and it’s been double booked….

This is a nice romance in a picturesque setting, and offered some much needed escapism. I really enjoyed POV of both the characters, and thought Mac’s description of the effect of the separation from his wife and children to be especially well done. The supporting characters on the island were just lovely and I can certainly see why Cleo and Mac fall in love with the place.

But not too sure why the book has this title as they’re on the island for weeks?! 🤷‍♀️

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2.5 stars. Potential unpopular opinion ahead: Unfortunately this book fell flat for me.

One Night on the Island employs the forced proximity/only one bed trope, but I just never felt the chemistry between the two leads, Cleo & Mack. I just didn’t believe the emotional ties the two suddenly had that causes the angst & tension in the story. Where was the spark?

I was never sold on the two leads and far more interesting for me, was the community of island characters that befriended the pair. I would have loved more of the found family story around this community!

I had a few niggles with the plot itself. One I’ll raise here was the way Cleo’s boss insisted she remain in the remote accommodation even after she found out that a strange man - who no one else on the island knew either - was staying there also & refusing to leave?! No concern for your employee & friend’s safety or wellbeing??

Having now read One Day in December & One Night on the Island, I have to admit they both left me puzzling over their titles. One Night on the Island, in this case is actually many, many weeks on the island!

Apologies Josie Silver fans - and I know there’s quite a few out there and her books are well loved by many - this leaned a little below average for me. There are positive reviews out there for this book, so have a read of those & decide if this is the book for you.

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It's been a hot minute since I've read a book from Josie Silver but this was absolutely amazing.

I loved that Chloe arrive on Salvation island to discover that the cottage she's staying in was double booked and theres a man in the cottage called Mack.

I always love these kind of books and I loved this one. It was everything and so much more.

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I was beyond thrilled when I received JOSIE SILVER's latest novel ONE NIGHT ON THE ISLAND as an arc from the publisher.

I adored her previous work, especially ONE DAY IN DECEMBER. I'm not a heavy romance reader, but I will always pick up her novels. There's something realistic in her books, that I don't often find in others.

This story is about Cleo, a writer for a famous British magazine who is on a quest for love. She's still single and Emma Watson's marriage to herself spark the idea for a trip to Salvation Island where Cleo can marry herself on her 30th birthday. Salvation Island is a remote island off the coast of Ireland.

Here she meets Mack, an American who is looking to discover the place where his ancestors are from. He's married with kids, and she's dead-set on staying true to her task and anyway they don't like each other very much. You can probably guess what will happen.

I wished the novel would've taken a slightly different turn, but I'm happy with how everything turned out. The islanders are so cute and have such distinct personalities, it was a treat getting to know them (did anyone else notice their names are basically the alphabet A, B, C, D & D (mother and daughter duo), E, F etc).

I'm looking forward to future novels by this author.

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