Member Reviews

How to Heal Your Inner Child explores dealing with Childhood Emotional Neglect- how it may have affected you as a child, and how to learn and grow from it. This book is informative and helpful, and notably doesn’t discount the use of using professional help through therapy and medication (this is not by any means a cure all book). It’s emotional and powerful, an honest look into why people who dealt with CEN are the way they are, but how important it is to grow from it. Acknowledgment is the first step, and Chapple helps guide us through the rest of the journey to emotional healing. The tone is purely informative, never swaying your opinion or mood and offering almost an unbiased, empathetic look into yourself. Chapple also provides useful, though provoking exercise to help truly heal your inner child. This book is perfect for those who want to learn more about themselves as they tackle healing from CEN.

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I always love self help books. I dont follow them exactly, but i do always take away one or two things that will stay with me forever. I have always known I had CEN, but didnt know how to define it or what to do about it. It was always my motivation to get away from my hometown and the life i was being conditioned to have. I felt as though i "got over it" when i successfully moved out of the state, went to professional school and could provide for myself. Now that i have a family and four kids i see that I am now putting my kids at risk of going through what I went through and I need to stop ignoring my childhood. This book is helping me to meet the person i was and accept that person while keeping her away from my current family. Although this is not a parenting book, it is helpful for me to understand why I am different from my husband and our parenting styles are different. He grew up in a loving home with parents that cared for him, and I did not. I will probably have him read this book as well.

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Simon Chapple has written a fascinating and thought provoking book about our inner childhood neglect and trauma that has ultimately impacted upon our adult selves. Through recognition of his own family background and relationships with his parents Simon explores how we can identify the causes and possible reasons for childhood neglect and begin to heal ourselves. Through tasks and various scenarios there is an exploration of the impacts upon adults and how we can take steps to improve our lives and for those close to us. Practical and plain talking this is an accessible self help book whilst acknowledging the need for professional support if needed. Worth exploring

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A solid introductory summary of psychology techniques to assist in the healing journey for people navigating Childhood Early Neglect and Complex PTSD. The book feels casual and inviting, like talking to a friend or mentor who gives vulnerable and radically honest examples of their own life to guide you in yours and help you feel less alone. For those already in therapy and looking for a deeper dive into these issues, most of the book is too broad and not enlightening. Still, even for a seasoned self-help pro, there are a few journal exorcises to add to the tool box and the bullet points make it easy to find those gems or come back to them later.

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This book was a revelation to me, for years i have struggled and this has finally given me to the tools to start my healing journey. It has helped me understand how my experiences as a child has impacted many areas of my life. I especially like how upfront and honest the author is about their own experience.

The book helps with practical advise and signposts if further help is needed.

Would highly recommend.

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I work in the realm of child welfare and am very familiar with most types of neglect and abuse and the term ACEs.

With this book I appreciate that it's noted Childhood Emotional Neglect isn't always intentional. I think for most of us, our parents did the best they knew how to, but that doesn't mean we didn't get our needs met consistently. It also explores relationships with siblings and friends.

Common behaviors those who've experience CEN are laid out along with common feelings.

A plan is laid out to explore childhood trauma, note and name feelings, to find support, and finding ways to meet the needs you had as a child that went unmet.

Some pieces felt a bit repetitive but I'd really like to see a workbook that goes along with a book like this for guide someone through exploring experiences and feelings.

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This is a very thorough, helpful exploration of a subject that doesn't always get a lot of attention. Research and resources for those having experienced various forms of abuse in childhood are much more accessible and available than guidance for those who experienced childhood trauma or toxic patterns that might not have quite met the threshold of abuse, but nonetheless locked us into a lifetime of maladaptive coping behaviors.

The author very helpfully breaks down the various forms Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) can take and the different ways it can manifest itself in adults. Several exercises are recommended to move through the process of recognizing that CEN occurred, parsing its current effects, and addressing those unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors. Working though this will hopefully result in a more self-aware, compassionate, and emotionally-aware life full of contentment!

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review!

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book for an honest review. I describe this book as a warm comforting blanket enveloping the reader as they recall often painful and triggering memories of childhood. The list of questions early on in the book resonated deeply with me and pulled me in deeper to explore. This book was an awakening for me - I had never realised that the experiences I had from a distant and unloving childhood had a name, and could impinge on all areas of my life. In fact, my own experiences were very similar to the author, who was very honest about his own childhood experiences. The book then proceeds to give practical advice and tips to those suffering from Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) and advises where to go for further help if required. I read this book very quickly but will go back and work through all the exercises that the author advises in order to get the most out of it. Highly recommended and will continue to explore this subject.

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This book by Simon Chapple was an interesting read.

It tackles a delicate subject, one that impacts us all on various levels, which is why we should all read about it. Both to make peace with the past, as much as we can at least, and to make sure we don’t make the same mistakes as our parents, relatives or friends.

I recommend this book as its structure is easy to follow, and the content is well explained by the author, a survivor of childhood trauma as well. It feels as if Simon Chapple takes you by the hand and guides you towards acceptance and a happier, peaceful self.

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