Member Reviews

First off, thank you to the author and publisher for access to this book, and to NetGalley for the review platform.

On Purpose, by Tanya Dalton, is a self-help book about examining what is important and how to prioritize those items!

Dalton writes in a conversational manner that is easy to relate to and she has also created the Inkwell Planner as a side-by-side workbook to On Purpose. Altogether, Dalton has created a mindful instruction guide and corresponding planner to help readers live more purposeful live with less guilt or mental/decision fatigue.

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A thought provoking read that leads you to a more fulfilled way of living. On Purpose brings you to live more intentional in which you find more ways to make your daily life feel satisfying. This has changed my mindset and caused me to take steps to be more intentional instead of just coasting through life. I definitely recommend this book!

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On Purpose is a fantastic follow up to Joy of Missing Out (JOMO). Tanya really focuses on teaching you how to ask yourself, why am I doing this? In JOMO, readers choose what things we want to miss out on to make times for ourselves. In On Purpose, Tanya has readers dive in and be intentional in our every day lives. Do you feel like you are running from task to task? Are you doing the things you really love? Have you given up things you once loved? Do you even know what you really love? This is the book for you. It is such an easy read with a deep impact.

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I reviewed this on Goodreads and it is on my HIGHLY RECOMMEND list! In this new book, Tanya Dalton doesn't fail to hit all the points! How can we live...truly live...unless we focus on what matters most to us! Most of us don't look at the big things and where we want to be and the impact we want to make! SUCH AN IMPORTANT thing to do!!! Make time to read this won't be disappointed!!!

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The book delivers a hard-hitting message that will motivate women to step into their purpose, invest in themselves, and boldly make their mark on the world. Daily life can be confusing and time consuming. If you want to look after yourself and know how to do it the best way you can, you have to read this book.

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Thank you Nelson Books and NetGalley for this ARC.

A very timely reminder to slow down, become clear on what and how you wish to live. The perfect book to read in this season, coming into a new year to gain clarity and intention on how to move forward with integrity and grace.

A really nourishing, enjoyable book to explore.

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Thank you Nelson Books ​and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book.
In "On Purpose," Tanya Dalton delves into the universal struggle of maintaining goals and resolutions. Anyone who has ever attempted to achieve something significant knows the difficulty of keeping those commitments intact. No matter how genuine our intentions may be at the outset, it's a formidable challenge to ensure lasting changes.

If you find yourself still striving to achieve your goals, take heart, for you are not alone in this predicament. Even the most thoughtfully crafted plans can go astray, leaving us pondering the best course of action. In such moments, we confront a crucial choice: either to succumb to stress and disappointment or to forge ahead with determination.

Tanya Dalton's insightful book urges readers to explore the profound "whys" behind our choices. By delving into the motivations driving our decisions, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our aspirations. Moreover, the author prompts us to reflect on the specific choices we desire to make. Clarifying our objectives is essential to building a strong foundation for success.

In summary, "On Purpose" offers a compelling and transformative journey, equipping readers with the tools to understand their motivations, clarify their aspirations, and take consistent steps forward. With Tanya Dalton's wisdom and support, the daunting task of staying true to our goals becomes an achievable and fulfilling endeavor.

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Tanya Dalton's On Purpose is a straightforward, practical book for women looking to transform their lives. I appreciated that the author provided many questions and tactics to help women on the journey to change. At times, this book read like a blog post or podcast and not a book, but perhaps that makes it more accessible. I could see myself going through this book again in the future, more thoughtfully. All in all, this is a useful and easy to read book to challenge the status quo in yourself.

All opinions are my own. Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the eARC.

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I am slowly peeling back the layers on this one. It definitely makes you dig deep or at least ask some questions.

Love the readers guide. It helps put things in perspective.

I love Daltons straight shooter mentality.
Cheers to finding your purpose.

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Are you currently living the life of your dreams? Or are you so caught up with the daily grind of the life that you’re leading that somewhere along the line you placed your dreams on a dusty shelf and forgot about them?

If you’re not passionately pursuing your heart’s desires or living a life that fills you with passion and purpose, then you need to pick up On Purpose – The Busy Woman’s Guide To An Extraordinary Life Of Meaning And Success by Tanya Dalton!

Tanya is a nationally recognized productivity expert who believes that “having an extraordinary life is a choice”. In her book On Purpose, she’ll help you uncover and move past the lies that have kept you from moving forward in the past so that you can of identify what it is that you really want in life.

Tanya will also help you develop the mindset needed to create the best possible version of yourself by taking you through a four-step process in which you:

* Map out your ideal future.
* Create actionable strategies so you can move forward with confidence.
* Learn how to turn unexpected obstacles into opportunities.
* Take daily steps towards the future you envision.

As you look towards the future, do you long for a different outcome? If the answer to that question is yes, what is preventing you from getting there?

Tanya has done an amazing job of creating a framework and identifying the tangible steps that can shift our mindset and propel us towards success as we define it if we are willing to do the work.

If you are a busy woman who dreams of leading an extraordinary life, I encourage you to pick up a copy of On Purpose today!

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This is a great book on living on purpose for your life. Letting go of the shoulds and the programming, and your limiting beliefs. Offers examples, and each chapter ending with lies that hold you back and truths that move you forward. I love that this book isn't about making you feel like your purpose should be found in action, but in simplicity. It's a book I'll want to read again. Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for allowing me to review.

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This book is a refreshing way to create goals so that you’re focusing on the big picture. I love the accompanying workbook. It’s beautifully written, and gives you the opportunity to explore your hopes and dreams in a step-by-step way. This is such a pleasurable read, especially if you love to journal.

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In a down-to-earth, relatable tone, Tanya reminds us how powerful we really are in an area in which many of us feel disempowered: managing our schedules. Of course, there are some people who lack the resources and options that grant the kind of autonomy and self-direction highlighted in the book, however the basic premise that we all likely have more discretion than we give ourselves credit for is to some extent, universal.

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Excellent read! In her latest book, productivity expert Tanya Dalton helps you to define your purpose and live with intention--even if you feel you are too busy to pursue your big dreams. She offers cutting-edge research and thought-provoking real life stories of women and leads you through innovative, yet deceptively simple exercises designed to help you understand:
how to create a map to your ideal future;actionable strategies to move forward with confidence;simple shifts to turn unexpected obstacles into opportunities; anddaily steps you can take toward a more fulfilling life.

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A practical and easy-to-read book on living an intentional life. I believe that every woman should read this book on the importance of scheduling in their calendars not only things that they "should" do but also pursue activities that are meaningful to them and make them feel fulfilled.

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I was lucky enough to be able to read an advanced copy of this book (thanks Tanya and NetGalley). I read The Joy of Missing out when Tanya released it a few years ago and loved it. I'm happy to report she has done it again!

On Purpose is a wonderful book that helped me really examine what is important and gave me tips and advice on how to prioritize those items. I find it so easy to have my days sucked away with things that other people have made a priority but that don't align with my goals and values. This book reminded me that what I need and want matters and that it is not selfish to pursue things that matter to me!

Tanya writes in such a conversational manner I really enjoy everything she has put out. If you love this book check out Inkwell Planner as she has a goal planner that looks like it aligns so well with her strategies in the book and I can't wait to get mine!

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This book is a like a good conversation with a wise, no-nonsense friend. I really appreciated the affirmation that purpose is not necessarily some grandiose mission or accomplishment, but a collection of smaller, quieter things that lead us to a life of joy and contentment. Readers are encouraged to define themselves in their own terms and think broadly and far into the future about what they want.

The end of each chapter--a listing of lies that hold us back, truths that move us forward, and a springboard activity--sums up the key points nicely into actionable advice and easy-to-remember takeaways. This book would be of benefit to anyone as we all get to a point where we need a kind but firm kick in the pants to make sure we're using our time and energy in a way that serves us and the world!

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review!

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I hadn't read other books by this author, but I really enjoyed this one and plan to check out her other book.
It's a useful resource when considering one's purpose not only in the bigger things, but the smaller things, as well. It's the kind of advice I give to many people, so instead I can now recommend this book! Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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As always, Tanya Dalton provides clarity and hope for anyone trying to find their true meaning and purpose in life. If you have ever wondered what your purpose in life was, how to live a life of intention, or how to fill your soul with what matters most, this book is for you! On Purpose walks the reader through figuring out what matters to you, how to care for yourself while pursuing your purpose, and how to, ultimately, live out your purpose well. If you feel like you aren't living up to your potential for a fulfilling life, you need this book! Tanya provides actionable strategies to turn unexpected events into opportunities, daily strategies for living up to your full potential, and actionable maps for figuring out your life purpose.

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On Purpose: The Busy Woman's Guide to an Extraordinary Life of Meaning and Success by Tanya Dalton is Dalton's second sensational book in the realm of productivity and goal-setting. In the book, Dalton encourages the reader to ask difficult questions of herself, first, going back to what she once loved and, then, marching forward in time to find her Cathedral, or her most important dream and/or ideal future. Dalton's book is filled with extensive research and unique exercises to keep the reader curious and engaged while she shares ways in which to turn obstacles into opportunities, as well as daily, actionable steps to take toward a more fulfilling life. Toward the end of the book, Dalton confidently writes, "When you choose that you can and want to live differently, you will make it happen." Dalton's book demonstrates that even the most harried women can choose to live an "extraordinary life of meaning and success." Dalton, and her book, On Purpose, are inspirational, and this book deserves a space on women's shelves.

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