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The Overnight Guest

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The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf is a thriller about true crime writer Wylie Lark. She's snowed in at an isolated farmhouse when she finds a young child alone outside in the snow. As she struggles to figure out where this child came from, she can't help but remember what happened many years ago at this same farmhouse. All she knows for sure is that she will protect this child with her life. The author did an amazing job tying together the present and the past in this book, and I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense in this story. Thanks to NetGalley for the free digital review copy. All opinions are my own.

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3.75 Hearts I have never read this author before but I was pleasantly surprised with this story. Taking place in three different times it was interesting to see how the author brought all three incidents together.

I will say the mother and daughter dynamic in the third story is hard to deal with. The daughter is being abused and it is very emotional and sometimes palpable through the pages.

I did figure out a lot of the suspense but I enjoyed the way that the author got there so I was not disappointed even though I found myself correct on most things.

I will certainly look this author up again.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I love Heather Gudenkauf’s books, so I was excited to join the tour for her latest: The Overnight Guest. This is a suspenseful, twisty mystery that kept me up past my bedtime!

full review on my blog at as I was part of the blog tour my Harper-Collins.

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From my blog: Always With a Book:

I’ve read a few books by Heather Gudenkauf and I know when I pick up a book by her, I am in for a thrilling ride and that was exactly what I got here. Each new book is better than the last and this latest one completely blew me away.

It’s certainly a good sign when you get chills reading a thriller not once, but a couple times and that is exactly what happened as I was reading this one. Chills, not because of the cold elements, though this book definitely has that, but because of the brilliant twists that this book has that just floored me. I love a good twist and I have to say I did not see these coming. I literally had goosebumps they were so good.

This book grabbed me right from the start and I loved how the three different timelines were woven together so seamlessly. Each is more immersive and captivating than the next. It has some of the elements I just love when reading a good thriller – an isolated location, that locked room feeling, a true crime writer, mysterious guests and an old crime that might not have been solved. I could not put this one down and ended up binge-reading it in an afternoon. I just needed to know how things were going to work out and how everything would come together.

This was such an atmospheric and chilling read and there were a few times I found myself holding my breath. I loved how the tension and suspense builds throughout…it is definitely a twisty, gripping read and I highly recommend it!

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A twisty, crazy thriller. I couldn't put it down and while I had no idea how it would all come together, it totally did. A popcorn thriller that I would definitely recommend. 4.5 stars

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The Overnight Guest, by author Heather Gudenkauf, is the story about a woman who receives an unexpected visitor during a deadly snowstorm and has to fight for her life as well as the life of her visitors against true evil. I will begin by saying that you should be prepared for anything in this book. I will also say that the author uses (3) distinct storylines to tell her story. One is from the year 2000, one is from a girl who will remain nameless until the ending who is stuck in a basement with her mother, and the other from a woman who has turned to writing true crime in order to deal with her own ordeals as a teenager.

True crime writer Wylie Lark has been in Blake County for the past 6 weeks. She's in the process of writing her fourth true crime novel about a 20 year old crime that took place right in this county. Wylie is a bit skittish. She runs from people. She's turned her back on her son, and her ex-husband in order to be by herself. She's not afraid of being stuck in an isolated farmhouse with her dog Tas, her geriatric coonhound mix. She's also not afraid of the fact that this house was the place where two people were murdered in cold blood and a girl disappeared without a trace 20 years ago.

Wylie is known for her true crime research and she takes it to another level staying in a house that a horrendous crime took place. As the storm worsens, Wylie finds herself trapped inside the house, haunted by the secrets contained within its walls—haunted by secrets of her own, and without any way to contact the outside world. Then she discovers a small child in the snow just outside. After bringing the child inside for warmth and safety, she begins to search for answers. The child won’t speak to her, and Wylie can’t seek help as the phone lines are out and the roads are impassable.

Searching for evidence of the child's appearance, she locates a wrecked vehicle with a deeply battered woman entangled in barb wire. When she runs to retrieve something to free her, the woman disappears. Everything that could go wrong does, of course. Between the blizzard, the lack of electricity and the internet, no one is safe. The tension is high and the chill in the air is palpable. But soon it becomes clear that the farmhouse isn’t as isolated as she thought, and someone is willing to do anything to find them. A man who Wylie had always thought of as a killer shows up, and later another man who is searching for the woman and child who escaped from their basement prison wants them back and Wylie is standing in his way.

In August 2000, two best friends, Josie Doyle and Becky Allen are having a sleep over when things get bad in a real hurray. Josie's brother is out of control and angry at their parents. While outside trying to find out where the loud sounds are coming from, Josie is shot, and Becky disappears without a trace. It's later revealed that Josie's parents were murdered in cold blood, and her brother Ethan is also missing and presumed to be the killer of his own parents.

The third perspective in this book is shocking and heartbreaking. Is is told by a girl who is locked up in a basement with her mother and treated inhumanely. How long have they been there? This part was hard to read and my least favorite. Don't want to give anything away, so I'll stop here. One of the things I can tell you without spoiling anything is that you should hold onto your hat because all three storylines come together in a stunning ending that will leave you breathless.

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My first book by this author and WOW it blew me away! Darkly atmospheric, pulse-pounding and edge-of your seat action. I couldn't put this book down. Told in a dual timeline narrative that ends up connecting in a way I never saw coming. HIGHLY recommended, especially for fans of Local Woman missing by Mary Kubica. This is a must read for thriller and true crime fans. Much thanks to NetGalley and Park Row Books for my advance review copy!

CW: brutal homicides, kidnapping, rape

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Happy Pub Birthday to this little gem! I was generously sent the eARC for this novel by @harpercollinsca ! Y’all, this was a good one. I love thrillers but I am also super picky about them. This was delectable. The writing was good, the pacing was just right, the atmospheric vibes were impeccable. If you are looking for a perfect wintery thriller to read this season pick this up asap!

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The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf is a thriller novel that begins with multiple storylines. There is a current timeline going on while another in the near past and one from years ago which of course does give for some point of view changes in the story.

Wylie Lark needed a break from her life and her son that was in an acting out phase so as he stayed with his father Wylie traveled to an old farmhouse where she planned to work on her novel. During her stay the weather takes a turn for the worse with a big snowstorm trapping Wylie in the farmhouse.

Wylie being a true crime writer is trying to write the story of a decades old murder and doesn’t mind being trapped in the home alone. But as the night wears on Wylie ventures out and finds a boy freezing in her yard and being cut off due to the storm she can’t get a call out for help.

The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf is the type of novel that begins feeling like you are reading a couple of separate books at the same time. The different storylines though were interesting enough that I couldn’t decide which one was pulling me in more and keeping me engaged in them as they went back and forth. Of course eventually everything ties together and the twists to get to that path had the pages flying by as I read. Definitely an entertaining read that put this author on my to be read again list.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Like a fool, I started reading “The Overnight Guest” by Heather Gudenkauf the Sunday night before the first Monday of 2022. And I could NOT put it down. I am someone who prioritizes an early bed time, and this book kept me up past midnight!

I’ve been waiting to share it until closer to its publication date because it feels cruel to rave about a book you can’t buy yet! But this one is out Tuesday, Jan. 25, and if you’re in a reading slump or need a book to lose yourself in, this one is it. Thank you to HTP Books and Parkrow Books for my gifted eARC.

“The Overnight Guest” alternates between a murder scene in the early 2000s and a present-day Iowa snowstorm. True crime writer Wylie Lark is holed up in an old farmhouse in the snowstorm, working on a big project, when she discovers a small child outside. She brings the kid inside but soon realizes she’s not as isolated as she thought — and someone is trying to find her.

Usually when a book alternates between two different time periods, one is significantly more compelling than the other. With “The Overnight Guest,” both perspectives were riveting.

I feel like the description of this book does not do it justice. This was my first of Gudenkauf’s books, but I already picked up another ebook of hers that was on sale recently.

I would compare this book to “Local Woman Missing” by Mary Kubica. Fans of that book’s pacing and twists and turns will love this one.

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This is a well-written mystery with descriptions so vivid I could practically feel the cold and flinch at the brutality depicted. The two storylines were confusing - but half the fun in a book like this is trying to figure out the connections. I did have an inkling of how everyone might be connected but didn't guess everything.

The story builds throughout and towards the end, the tension was so bad I had to keep reading at 2:30 am to finish the book. That, in my opinion, is the mark of a good thriller!

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August 2000: A gruesome murder/abduction in an old farmhouse leaves a small town shaken. Twenty years later, true-crime writer Wiley is staying in the same farmhouse to find out what happened that tragic night. Stranded in a blizzard with the nearest neighbor a mile away, Wiley was not expecting visitors during her stay. When she gives shelter to a desparate young child and woman, the night takes a dangerous turn.

I love books that have multiple timelines/stories that successfully converge by the end, and The Overnight Guest is a great example. Every chapter leaves you hanging, making this book hard to put down. Though a suspenseful read, the climatic ending left me wanting a little more - it felt slightly rushed and predictable. Overall, this was a great thriller and fun to read.

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WOW! The Overnight Guest is a snowstorm thriller that will have you guessing until the very end. Fast paced and a wild ride. 5 stars all around.

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Heather Gudenkauf’s The Overnight Guest had me hooked from the first page! I honestly could not catch my breath waiting to see what was coming next! The story, which consists of three separate plots is completely enthralling, each telling its own story with an ending which will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Wylie Lark is a true crime writer who has left her son and her ex-husband to go finish her latest book. She has taken up residence in as isolated farmhouse outside a small town in Iowa. She left also because of the tension between herself and her son. You see, Wylie has some secrets.

In the same town, many years ago a family was brutally killed during the night leaving only their daughter who was able to get away. Her best friend who happened to be sleeping over that night has never been seen again, and her body has never been found. Although there was a suspect, they were never able to find enough evidence to convict him, so the murders went unsolved.

Wylie finds herself stranded in the farmhouse as a blizzard roars outside. Upon trying to get to the barn for more firewood, she comes across the body of a young boy, almost frozen. She gets him into the house and begins to ask him questions as to where he came from and was he with anyone. He refuses to speak and seems terrified of her. Wylie proceeds to go back outside to try and find where he could have come from.

She discovers a damaged truck and a woman entangled in the wires of a fence on the property. She will not speak to her either. She goes back to the farmhouse to get wire cutters and upon her return the woman has gone missing. Upon Wylie’s return to the farmhouse the woman arrives and demands she let her son go. She has a gun! Not understanding what is happening, she tries to convince the woman that by leaving she will be sealing the fate of her and her son. And then there is a knock on the door which will change the trajectory of their lives forever.

The story is completely spellbinding with twists which seem to never stop. What an incredible satisfying thriller! Gudenkauf is a wonderful storyteller!

Thank you #NetGalley #ParkRow #TheOvernightGuest #HeatherGudenkauf for the advanced copy.

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A very edge of your seat thriller that is super difficult to review. For me, it was a five star thriller. I went into it blindly, and I think a lot of the appeal of the book was that I didn't know anything about it. Told from two different points of view and two different timelines. It was very well written and there wasn't any confustion between chapters. Heather Gudenkauf just became an author that I will be adding to my list of authors that I want to read more of.

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I really enjoyed this mystery/thriller about a true crime writer confronted with a mysterious "guest" during a terrible snow storm. Wylie has isolated herself in a secluded old farmhouse that was once the scene of a horrific crime. She is researching the tragic events for her next book and, one evening as a massive storm blows in, she discovers a young boy outside half frozen in the snow. As she attempts to help the boy and find out why he has showed up at her door, she realizes he has escaped from someone or something very bad, and is not yet out of danger. The book also bounces back to the timeline of the crime that occurred in the old house, and the reader learns about a young girl named Josie, who was the only survivor of the grisly events of that summer night.
This story was compelling and drew me in. I really felt the tension as Wylie found herself cut off by the storm and discovered the child outside her house. At the same time, Josie's storyline was sad, horrific, and mesmerizing. The icy winds and freezing snow was described just as well as the sweltering heat and oppressive summer sun.
One big twist I figured out fairly quickly, but another twist did surprise me. Once all of the events really came to a head and Wylie was confronted with true danger, the action kind of felt a little unbelievable and there was a loose end or two that I felt needed to be addressed. But I really did enjoy this book and read it pretty much in one sitting.
If you enjoy thrillers, suspense, and mystery, I would recommend this book.

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This one kept me up way past my bedtime- 3 alternating, seemingly unrelated storylines gave us basically 3 mysteries which I loved! Two of the perspectives are much longer than the third but I was equally invested in all despite not even really liking one of the characters. This would make a great cozy up under a blanket winter read as snow plays an integral part in one of the mysteries.

This author is 2/2 for me - I first binged and absolutely loved Before She Was Found

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The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf

Well written, convoluted, torturous tale of three interconnected storylines that eventually converge to tell a horrific tale. Such stories have made headlines in the past and no doubt will continue to occur in the future but it is never easy to read them – whether true or fiction.

Three storylines
* Past: 2000 moving toward present tells of Becky and Josie spending a night together with horrific results. One girl loses her entire family and one girl disappears entirely. Thee police look, the families deal with the situation, and the mystery is believed to be unearthed but…it wasn’t really…not then
* Present: a true crime author is on a deadline, is dealing with other issues including a teenage son and ex-husband, and also has the weight of her backstory from childhood hanging over her and weighing heavier every day. She has moved back to her childhood stomping grounds and that is not helping things.
* The view of a child as she sees life from the basement with her mother…their story is grim and difficult with little hope for the future…but progress it does and eventually overlaps with the Present

My Notes:
* Well-written
* Difficult to follow and keep track of at first
* Ended up skimming to get it all figured out
* Some will love it and others will probably not
* Not sure that I enjoyed the three storylines way of telling the story
* Was amazed by the strength of some of the characters
* The truth coming out eventually was great but so much suffering was caused by one person – just doesn’t seem fair but then life is not always fair is it?
* Noticed I skimmed the only other book I have read by this author so wonder if I will read another by her or not.
* Grim atmosphere throughout with weather playing a part
* Can see it as a movie, maybe, though not sure I would want to watch it.
* Mixed feelings…

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing-Park Row for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars

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This book just didn't work for me. It was much too slow-paced and left me feeling impatient for something to happen. The scenes with Wylie also didn't interest me for the most part, and I was more intrigued by the scenes from the past. I found it hard to get invested in this one, unfortunately.

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