Member Reviews

Would you delete a memory if you could? If there was a way to get it back would you want too? This story is narrated by several different people who are affected by a memory deletion company, patients, employees, etc. It was a good read. It wasn't so great that I couldn't put it down. But in the end it made me think about my good and bad memories and what I would do if I had that choice. Personally I'll keep my memories because they make me who I am. The ending was eh.

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This book makes you think of Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind (Wonderful movie).Multiple characters from different points of view who have all been contacted in some form that they or a loved one had a memory erased and would they like to continue not to remember or have the memory put back. This all comes after clients begin to have “traces” that relate to the forgotten memory, like ptsd or deja vu. So now they find themselves asking do I want a memory that was so terrible I had it erased or can I live with not knowing….I guess the only question is what would you do? Wonderful book.

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I enjoyed this one and found the concept of memory removal fascinating. I have read some things on this topic before, although the take here was novel and very engaging.

I did find the multiple POV style a bit distracting, particularly in the beginning. You obviously knew all the characters' stories had to be related somehow, but it took a while to figure out how - and the parade of malaise and dissatisfaction with life in chapter after chapter as each character tried to figure out why their life was not going the way they wanted it to made reading somewhat painful and difficult at times. I found Noor's storylines the most compelling, and her sections of the book definitely read the fastest and easiest and most coherently for me throughout the course of the entire book.

As things started to come together, the multiple perspectives made a lot more sense and felt a lot more engaging such that by the end I was wholly engaged with each of the characters. There are some moments where you have to suspend belief and some where you have to accept the eye-rolling and just move past it, but on the whole I found a lot of very thoughtful and interesting material here. I did quite enjoy it and would look for another title from Jo Harkin again in the future.

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Tell me an Ending often hits very close to home. What is a memory? What about your memory makes you who you are? Is forgetting better, or should we willfully discuss past painful events? A worthwhile read for speculative fiction fans.

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I would like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for providing me this arc inexchange for an honest review.
This book has a really cool premise. What if we lived in a world where it was possible to remove memories. We follow several characters, some who have had their memories removed and the story explores that premise.
I personally found the execution of the story to be okay. Because it had several characters there were some that i wanted to know more of and others i didn't care for. I don't regret reading it. There are many other who will enjoy it.

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I’m going to go with 3.5 stars on this one- why? not actually sure.
I don’t think I entirely enjoyed the story, but it’s telling was nice enough. Jo Harkin did a great job with creating dynamic characters, they were personable and unique. Additionally, this books premise is truly intriguing.
I liked it, and then I didn’t. It’s frustrating when a story leaves me at a loss for words, this is the first time it hasn’t be in awe. I honestly found myself becoming bored and it took me much longer then I would’ve liked to finish. The end left so many loose ends that, in retrospect, made large portions of the story seem pointless.
Despite my review, I don’t doubt that this story will do well and I encourage others to read it. I believe many people will love Tell Me an Ending!

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This was a good read and the concept of the story was well done. I think the author's style of describing memories—which are such a key part of the story—was well done. Every character had quirks and history and relationships that made them feel real.

The nature of this book is a lot of different POVs that seem unrelated and then of course, inevitably, become relevant to each other. Every story is a character's interaction and relationship with a memory-wiping corporation called Nepanthe. With these kind of stories, you get the tried-and-true syndrome in which you are more attached to some characters rather than others, and then the other POVs irritate you because you want it to be over so you can get to the character you like. This book was no exception to this. I particularly liked Mei's, Noor's, and Frank's stories, and got very irritated at Oscar's and William's POVs.

That said, this was a generally good read, and I would recommend.

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“Be careful what you wish for…” is an apt description of this book. It really gets you thinking about what makes a person ‘whole’. Kudos to the author making the reader think. The book bogged down a bit in the midddle, but once all the threads came together it was worth it. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Tell Me an Ending
A Novel
by Jo Harkin
Clever and propulsive, Tell Me an Ending is a speculative novel exploring what the world would be like if we were able to wipe away our worst moments. In this polyphonic tale, author Jo Harkin raises provocative questions about the nature of memory, through characters who confront new knowledge about themselves and a need for answers, meaning, connection, and story.

I enjoyed the book, for the most part. Just so many people to keep up with. In the end, you see it all wraps well in a reason. Would you tell your ending?

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The premise of Tell Me an Ending was intriguing and the description promised a book that was “clever and propulsive.” While I did enjoy the premise, I didn’t think the story was particularly clever and it certainly wasn’t propulsive. If anything, except for one character’s chapters, I found the book to be sluggish.

Because the novel followed several characters’ lives, I felt I was basically just reading separate stories; however, they were not all of the same quality or interest. I also found it hard to care about any of these characters except Oscar and, perhaps, Mei.

Everything about this book felt like what we were seeing was floating on the surface. I wish the author had dug a bit deeper into the characters and the company and shown us, rather than just telling us repeatedly, what had happened.

My copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to the the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review it.

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I went into Tell Me an Ending not really sure what to expect. There were times in the beginning when I struggled to stay with the different stories, the different characters. Each one was done so well, so differently, and eventually they all hooked me in. Especially Noor, in the middle of all of it.

The book raises interesting questions about memories, the nature of them, what their loss can take from you in other ways and what regaining them can do to you. I'm no brain expert and the science scanned well for me, and I liked the explanation of how they keep from accidentally taking the wrong ones. It made me think, a lot, about, "What would I want to lose?" Ultimately, though, it's nothing. I wouldn't part with any of mine, even and especially the painful ones.

I was granted an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. I would recommend this one. It opened doors to thoughts I wouldn't have otherwise had, is quite well written, and the characters are engaging.

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I was lucky enough to procure an advance digital copy of TELL ME AN ENDING by Jo Harkin through a Shelf Awareness giveaway/from the publisher. Thanks for the early look, and have a safe and happy holiday season!

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This book was fabulous. Reminded me of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Definitely recommend, as it ended up being one of my favorite books of December.

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This was really something.

If Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind made you wonder how one would have their memories erased, and the effects that would have on their mental health and wellbeing, this book is for you. I adored it. I couldn't put it down. And despite reading it in mid-December, it may have snuck its way into my top 5 for the year.

Tell Me an Ending follows multiple points of view, from a flawed but deeply likeable psychologist who works at Nepenthe, a clinic that performs memory erasures, to characters who have had those erasures. While I tend not to like multiple-POVs, each person in this novel had a distinct voice and I adored everyone represented, flaws and all.

Though the build-up is a bit slow, the novel wraps up nicely and answers the most important questions. My only regret is that this book comes out in 2022 and I can't buy copies for everyone for Christmas this year.

Thank you to NetGalley and Scribner for this advance e-copy!

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'Tell Me an Ending' explores how society is changed when a company called Nepenthe commercializes the ability to erase memories. The chapters alternate between multiple characters’ experiences with the futuristic bio-tech company, similar to John Marrs’ 'The One'. The author acknowledges the conceptual similarities to 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', yet 'Tell Me an Ending' takes the premise in a unique and fascinating direction. Although I felt many of the answers to mysteries were revealed prematurely, I thoroughly enjoyed this title and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys dystopian novels. Some storylines are darker than others, but this book ultimately left me with a sense of hope.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an ARC.

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Seemed like an interesting idea, but unfortunately I lost interest inthe story. A little hard to keep the characters straight. ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

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Picture a near future when you are able to delete memories. The process is controversial and mistakes may have been made with the early adapters. What if you had a horrible event that caused pain and suffering that could not be overcome. What if your child suffered PTSD from something they had seen. Would you consider memory deletion.

Tell Me an Ending is a novel written from the viewpoints of four different people - some of whom have had a “memory deletion,” some who do not know if they did have a deletion and one who works for the controversial company Nepenthe.

The theme of the book is quite interesting - on the face of it is would you rid yourself of a traumatic memory. Deeper is the question of what makes you YOU (are you YOU without the trauma you encountered?) The characters are engaging and there is a suspense to uncovering what memories were deleted and why. This book reads like a thriller, is plotted like a scifi novel and is written like literature.

The writing, the story and the characters are amazing and unique. If you like scifi, literature or would like to consider what part of your personality is made up of your memories, this is the book for you! #Scribner #TellMeAnEnding #NetGalley

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A very inventive, provocative story. I found it a bit confusing at first to keep the various characters straight, but it was less difficult to do so as the story went on. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Do you have memories that disturb you - causing nightmares and panic or regret? What if you could have them removed? but is it safe? What could go wrong? They will even delete the memory of you ever getting the removal - so then how would you know. Except now you are having flashbacks and dreams and moments that make you think you are going crazy.....

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This was a fun read. Certain character arcs where predictable and others less so. I initially found having so many stories confusing but I understand why each one was important after finishing the book. I really enjoyed Mei and Oliver’s stories. It was hard to get a read on whether Louise was good or bad which I think was purposeful.

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