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My Best Friend's Wedding

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My Best Friend's Wedding - Tilly Tennant

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture and I am leaving this review voluntarily

As chief bridesmaid, Libby knows she should be having the time of her life at her best friend’s snowy Christmas Eve wedding. But she’s at the mercy of three bossy little flower girls and she’s not looking her best in an enormous fuchsia dress. Which is a shame, as it is the first time she’s going to see her ex Rufus. The man she was supposed to marry. The man who left her alone at the altar…

As the dancing begins, and Libby does her best to avoid her ex, the snow outside falls faster and faster, making it impossible for the guests to leave. Snowed in at Lovage Hall, Libby is charmed by American Noah with his dark cropped hair and dimpled cheeks, and the two of them share their dreams and a very passionate kiss.

This book has all of the key features that you would expect in a Hallmark Christmas film. It is short and sweet and the entire storyline takes place in less than a week so it is very easy to follow. If you enjoy a slow romance then this is the book for you.

One of my disappointments with this book is the length - I feel like it could have easily run into the New Year so we could see more of Libby and Noah.

Rating: 4/5

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The perfect winter day read! It made me laugh and sigh. Anger and appreciate. I love when the two opposites attract. All the good feels in this book about a jilted bride, a groom with more secrets than sense and a man willing to wait forever on a corner for his girl..
Thanks to NetGalley for providing this copy fior my unpaid, honest review.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

Being a chief bridesmaid, Libby is aware that she should be enjoying herself at her best friend’s snowy Christmas Eve wedding. But, having three so bossy little flower girls to contend with, she’s unable to do that. Also, she’s not looking the best she should in a big fuchsia dress, she should do as it’s the first time, her ex Rufus and her will meet, the person she was supposed to marry, only he left her alone……

She does her best to not see him or have anything to do with him, and outside the venue, the snow is falling so fast, the guests are finding it hard to leave. Now, they are stuck at Lovage Hall, and Libby is allured by American Noah, the two of them share their dreams and a very passionate kiss.

The next morning, the snow is melting and along with that comes a revelation about Noah, and Rufus reveals the reason he left her He begs for another chance, and Libby’s heads telling her one thing and her heart another.

Can Libby make the right decision to have her own happy ending…..

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This book had so much potential but it served me with just disappointment. Libby heartbroken because of her shitty ex, meets Noah at a wedding and they both feel the pull towards each other. Unfortunately the wedding was stretched to the point it was annoying, there were so many unnecessary details, They were both stuck in the flirting talking stage for most of the book.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy.

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The good news is that this is basically a fast fluff read.
The bad news is that part of what makes it a fast read is the desire to skip over entire paragraphs and sometimes pages with the realization that you won't be missing much.

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I first want to thank Netgalley for this ARC.

I tried to like this book, I truly did. But I just could not get into it. I DNF'd and I hate doing that. I just found the main character extremely annoying and whinny. Especially the second chapter where she was trying to get her best friend to uninvited her ex to the wedding. Libby was trying to make it all about her, and that wasn't right.

I mean no disrespect to the author, but I just couldn't do it. This just wasn't what I thought it would be and I could not get into it. I found myself looking to see how many pages were left in the chapters just to get it over with. I am sure many people will love this book, it just wasn't for me.

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This book gives exactly what it says on the cover, with the majority of the story unfolding on the day, and the day after, of Libby’s best friend’s wedding. Libby spectacularly dumps her fiancé, Rufus, when she finds out he’s been cheating. Being the Chief Bridesmaid at her best friend, Willow’s wedding, Libby finds her enjoyment of the big day marred slightly when it’s not known if Rufus will turn up. I liked Libby’s character and did feel for her in her situation, particularly how she found out about Rufus. Willow’s wedding is six months after the break up, and it sounds so exciting for all involved. Happening on Christmas Eve, we’re not only treated to lots of wedding festivities, but also lots of Christmas ones too! The wedding sounds absolutely delightful, but not everything runs to plan and the weather moves its way in to spoil Willow’s big day.

I really enjoyed this book, and whilst it was a little bit slower paced than what I expected, I was still hooked into the storyline very early on. There is plenty of other likeable characters to support Libby’s storyline and I really liked Noah, who is one of the groom’s friends. His and Libby’s relationship was fun and warming, and you could feel the chemistry building between them as the story progresses!

The storyline switched between being a light-hearted to an emotional read throughout and it took me through a range of emotions. Being set at Christmas, it not only made me feel super festive, but makes the perfect Yule time read. I also loved the wedding theme, and it was perfectly written, reminding me of all the weddings I’d been to! It was a really enjoyable read and one I’d definitely recommend!

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I loved the sound of this book and was so excited when I got my request approved to read it early.

Unfortunately though, I'm 40% of the way through and it's going to be a DNF for me as I'm not enjoying it. It is well written by the author and I haven't seen any irritating typos or issues with the grammar, but it's just so slow paced and I also think that it goes on and on about some of the little things that aren't important just to create filler.

I want to like it but I'm not connecting to any of the characters and I'm a bit perplexed why the main character, Libby, feels her cousin was really upset and apologetic that she had been sleeping with Libby's fiance, when it didn't come across that way at all. It kind of seemed like I've been seeing your soon-to-be husband, sorry, but we're in love and you can't marry him because he wants to be with me.. ????? And Libby doesn't even react. Then later she actually says she doesn't really even blame her cousin, Kylie, because she was probably "caught in the crossfire" and she imagines it'd be very easy to be swept up by the attentions of her fiance and that he shouldn't have been looking elsewhere. Sorry but what? Who is this spellbinding fiance, one of the Hemsworth brothers? It takes two people to make the decision, her cousin betrayed her just as badly, if not worse (as she is her favourite cousin and FAMILY), than the fiance.

This is a nope from me.

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This is quite a slow story, it tends to cover and an hour per chapter whilst over the wedding/reception time, but it's no unbearable. What is unbearable though is how poor Libby is treated by those who supposedly love her. Her ex fiance who thinks he's amazing and won't take no for an answer despite the fact he did the unthinkable and walked away first, then her mum who basically can't help but blame her daughter for everything going on in the world. I got so frustrated reading this at times that I just wanted to rescue Libby from the situation as she was bombarded by so much, but managed to stay civil to them even when they really didn't deserve it. I can't say I really enjoyed this book, but it wasn't a bad read, just not as romantic and easy reading as I'd hoped

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I love Tilly Tennant’s writing, so I knew I was in for a treat when I started My Best Friend’s Wedding. I wasn’t wrong either (of course!) it is a fabulous read!
When we meet Libby, she is gearing herself up for her own wedding to Rufus. However, he breaks her heart in spectacular fashion and she is left quite bereft.
Her best friend is soon to be married though and Libby is her chief bridesmaid, so she has a lot to occupy her mind. The wedding is to take place in a posh hotel on Christmas Eve. I’m not sure if I like the idea of getting married on Christmas Eve if I’m honest but admittedly it did sound quite magical, at least to begin with. The day itself doesn’t go quite to plan.
I liked Libby although she does tend to overthink things somewhat. I guess we can all be like that sometimes though. She does have a lot to contend with, not least her own grief.
When Libby meets Noah, I could almost feel the chemistry between them. He is a VERY likeable character. I’m not surprised Libby is drawn to him. I loved their instant attraction, them trying to ignore it (quite unsuccessfully), and how their romance blossoms in such a short time. Things are rarely straight forward though and between Rufus’s interference, Noah’s secrets, and persistent snow it was never going to be as easy as boy meets girl, and they live happily ever after. How boring would that be anyway!
This story has it all! Friendship and romance, fun and laughter, twinkly lights and snow, heartache and loss but hope for a happier future. It is a rollercoaster of emotion which ends on a high. I loved it!
All the stars from me!

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This was definitely a slow read for me, everything was so proper. You can really see the difference between British and American stories they are just in a whole different level.

I enjoyed the book but again it was a little slow for me and I wanted the main character Libby to be stronger. It was quite a hectic wedding she attended. Without giving too much away it was definitely an experience all the wedding guests will remember. I could only imagine how I would manage during that event.

Libby's only saving grace was Noah, he was a mystery that needed to get unraveled.

Overall an enjoyable book.

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This book had a lot of potential but in the end it just fell flat. I didn’t connect with the characters, and didn’t feel any chemistry between the two main characters. Their conversations felt forced—there was more passion between her and her ex than between her and the new love interest. There was also a lot of lying in this book, which ultimately made it feel very icky.

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Another absolutely yummy book by Tilly Tennant, her books grab me straight away and I just couldn’t stop reading. I can feel the Christmas spirit coming already!
After a rubbish six months, suit shop worker Libby is to be chief bridesmaid at her best friend Willow’s wedding.
Before the wedding we get to find out why the six months have been rubbish, namely ex-fiancé Rufus dumping her. Libby’s big worry is that he will turn up as a wedding guest, as he was originally invited as Libby’s partner. She is obsessive about everything and needs to be in control, so when Rufus does turn up she can’t cope. She should just ignore him after what he did, but she still keeps an eye on him around the wedding reception.
During the reception Libby catches the eye of a handsome man, Noah, an old friend of Tomas the groom. As the day progresses the snow falls, which makes the Christmas Eve wedding feel extra special, and guests start to worry they won’t get home. As the snow continues to fall heavily, the roads are impassable and there is a power cut. The party carries on in the candlelight. The little bridesmaids who Libby christened the ‘trio of torment’ added a lot of comedy moments to the story, dancing and playing in the snow in their posh dresses. Noah and Libby kept the trio entertained while they got to know more about each other. They get chatting and are actually a perfect match.
Everything was on the same set, so I could really imagine the lovely stately home of Lovage Hall.
Lighthearted and easy to read, certainly a wedding and Christmas Day to remember.
A very sweet story which I devoured on holiday. It drew me in and I couldn’t put it down.
I thoroughly recommend it.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the review copy in which I give my honest opinion.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for approving and giving me an ARC of this book.
When I requested this book, I was excited and thought it was a nice romance story set through Christmas but it didn't match my expectation. The whole novel is set in one place with no important events and too many secondary characters. The plot would have been way better if it wasn't written this way because there was some good potential there. The story is about Libby an employed woman who is about to be married to the man of her dreams or is he? Until one day, she learns the ugly truth and her world is turned upside down after a couple of months she is the bridesmaid at her best friend's wedding and there she meets someone that makes her question everything she knows.
Like I told you the base of the story is good but I wish it would have been different it just didn't click for me. Anyway, if you like weddings, Christmas vibes, drama, family gatherings and preparations, and a snowy atmosphere I think this might be the one for you.

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I was really disappointed by this book. It starts off with the main character, Libby, excited about her upcoming wedding. We learn that she recently had a miscarriage. Then her cousin tells her that she’s pregnant, and Libby’s fiancé’s the father. She breaks off the engagement for Rufus. Which is so weird. And then fast forward and it’s six months later and Libby’s best friend is getting married on Christmas Eve. And of course Libby’s ex-fiancé is there, but also there’s an attractive friend of the groom, Noah. And everyone gets snowed in. And Libby and Noah kiss. But it’s only after they kiss that Libby finds out (from Rufus of course) that Noah’s married. Apparently Noah has “tried” to tell her that it’s over but she hasn’t listened. But it’s okay because Noah … finally tells his wife he wants a divorce. And even though he lives in LA, he’s vaguely planning to move to London. And Libby’s still stuck with her hypercritical mom and her insensitive best friend living in her hometown. She doesn’t seem to be in a much better place than at the beginning; sure, she’s finally over Rufus, but there’s no way her new relationship with a still-married man who lives thousands of miles away won’t end in disaster.

I feel like it was supposed to be a quaint old timey book, but I finished thinking pretty much everyone in it was an asshole.

Free ARC from NetGalley. All opinions are (obviously) mine.

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I always enjoy a story from talented author Tilly Tennant and couldn’t resist this, her latest book, which is described as a feel-good romantic comedy - just what many of us need right now. The bold, eye-catching cover is sure to attract any reader’s attention, but gives nothing away of the drama within. I was rapidly drawn into the story and found the book a quick and easy read.

The main female character in the story is Libby. She is badly let down by fiancé Rufus, who cheats on her with her cousin shortly before their planned wedding. Six months later sees Libby acting as chief bridesmaid to best friend Willow at her marriage to Tomas on Christmas Eve. The lavish reception is held in a grand country house hotel. Everything sounds absolutely idyllic, but the weather sets out to spoil things. While the wedding party and guests are enjoying the festivities, heavy snow blocks the roads and, at the same time, cuts off the electricity supply, leaving everybody stranded and in the dark. Fortunately, Libby has excellent organisational skills and, with the help of handsome guest Noah, sets out to ensure that her friend’s wedding does not turn out to be a disaster. As Libby gets closer to Noah, Rufus, who is trying to win Libby back, reveals a shocking secret that makes her wonder who she can trust.

This story is definitely as advertised, a romantic tale with its fair share of comedy and also drama. I greatly admired Libby; she has great strength of character and loyalty to her best friend. She took her chief bridesmaid duties very seriously, especially when dealing with a trio of younger bridesmaids who were skilled in finding trouble. I also liked the other main characters in the story, with the exception of Rufus naturally. The setting for the wedding reception sounded so luxurious that I would have loved to stay there for a few nights and enjoy the surroundings and of course the mouthwatering dishes. Although the majority of the narrative takes place on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I wouldn’t really class this as a Christmas book, but I would recommend it simply as a lovely romantic tale.

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I have always been excited whenever I get an ARC copy of Tilly Tennant's books and usually, I would enjoy these books. Unfortunately, this book is not my cup of tea.

Meet Libby, who was almost preparing for her own wedding when she found out that her soon to be husband Rufus had made her cousin pregnant. Now Libby must face him at her best friend, Willow's wedding as Willow's maid of honor. While at the wedding, she meets Noah who had come from California to attend his friend's wedding and Rufus was also attending the wedding. A snow storm prevents the guest in the hotel from leaving the hotel and the story follows afterwards.

Honestly, reading this book made me think that I was watching a Hallmark movie and a completely unrealistic romcom. Although the writing was great, I realized I didn't draw into the book like I usually do with Tilly's books. The whole situation being stuck in a hotel and then falling in love with a complete random stranger you met seemed to be cliche and unrealistic. So overall, even though I skimmed through the book, I didn't really enjoy this book as much as I did with her previous books.

Thank You Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC. The review is based on my honest opinion only.

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My Best Friend's Wedding is a sweet story of a Christmas Wedding and the chaotic events that follow. I do love books by Tilly Tennant and this was no exception. I enjoyed the characters, I loved the setting and it really got me in the Christmas spirit.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC.

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I enjoyed this Christmassy wedding story, it was full of drama and intrigue, good characters, and romance. Plus of course lots of snow! The storyline was good and the characters are well written. For me, at times it lost the plot a little with a bit too much detail and wondering introspection. I just wanted to get on with the story. Having said that though, it kept me reading and although the outcome was fairly obvious it was a sweet read.

A wedding on Christmas Eve, what could go wrong; well for our heroine Libby, that would be plenty. Libby is the chief bridesmaid to her best friend and is looking forward to it, except for the spectre of her ex turning up. She has three young and cheeky bridesmaids to coral, which adds to the tension. I liked Libby, even if at times she spent a little too much time thinking and not doing. Add to all that being snowed in, losing electricity, meeting a rather gorgeous, sweet man, it all makes form some interesting goings-on.

This story is full of good characters and lots of twists and turns. It is a good story and makes a nice Christmassy read. At times it loses its way but it's still a good read and worth curling up with on a cold evening.

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this book was such a cute book overall. I will say though I felt so bad for the main character in the beginning with her fiance leaving her for her cousin, but it was obviously for the better. there were a few points where I felt like the writing really lacked but not to the point where it was unbearable to read.

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