Member Reviews

I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

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Unfortunately, I had to DNF this book. I really didn't like the characters. The writing did not get on well with me, and I just never wanted to pick it up.

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Wow this book was incredibly intense. At some points I thought it was maybe too graphic but I understand what the author was going for when it was. Definitely a powerful story but not for everyone

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Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan-Tor Forge for giving me a free eARC of this book to read in exchange for my review!

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This book is like gristle in your teeth—in the best way. The world has been turned upside down due to a pandemic that either killed men or turned them into ravenous monsters. This is an unflinching horror novel of transness and queerness and gore, one that will stay with you long after the last page.

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Goddamn. Queer horror just keeps popping off these last few years. The genre has always been inherently queer, but I love how much more representation we’re getting.

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Manhunt is one-of-a-kind in the dystopian/horror field. It began with a wonderful mix of action, tension, body horror, and complicated characters. The story as a whole ended up more relationship drama than solving the dystopian issues they faced, but I am also unsure if they could actually make any progress with the items at hand. While creativity abounds, I found it difficult to connect with many of the characters. I personally wanted more action and insight into this drastically changed Earth, rather than hemming and hawing in a bunker for half the book. Recommended for hardcore, non-squeamish dystopian fans, and those looking for good trans-rep in fiction.

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Look at that cover! It's the whole reason I picked this book up because it's just excellent. Unfortunately, the book itself was not. In fact, it was pretty awful. And I'm really sad about it.

I was really into this book at the start because I was so intrigued by the premise. I think the idea itself was a good one and had a lot of potential, but ultimately I felt like the plotting throughout was very basic and jumpy. I don't feel like the book flowed very well at all.

I also found the characters' dialogue to be very disjointed, which leads me to believe these issues are just down to the author's writing style being blunt and to the point rather than them being inexperienced as a writer. It just wasn't the writing style for me.

This book is super gory, which I didn't really have a problem with since I was expecting it (again, see the cover!) but I just didn't like the way it was written.

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Manhunt is not an easy read, but then, it's not meant to be. While the widespread impact transphobes have on the community is not so obviously visible, the vitriol that trans women face in the real world today is just as vicious. By dragging this social and societal predation into the physical world, Felker-Martin can, perhaps, show cis people a little of the fear and horror trans people must cope with every day just to survive. It's horror, yes, but the horror is less in the apocalypse itself, and more in what rises from its ashes.

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The concept behind this book is incredible, but I just couldn’t get into it. Immediately I was thrown into action and I felt like I didn’t really know what was happening. I did DNF this book so my review isn’t for the full book, however I just felt it wasn’t for me,

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The premise of the book held my interest, but the writing style often left me confused. Not wanting to give up on it, I continued to struggle my way through it, finally deciding to call it quits.

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If you've ever read a dystopian novel where "all women do this" or "all men do that" and wondered what happened to trans and nonbinary people, this book is for you! In a world where all people with a certain testosterone level go feral, a group of trans women become manhunters, harvesting their organs for estrogen. But while doing so, they must evade the violent TERFs hunting them. It's gory and messy and thrilling and mind-bendy and a completely wild ride from start to finish. And omg, that cover is incredible!

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Manhunt started out strong, but by 47% has turned into an unremittingly dull slog that is no longer holding my interest. Many thanks for the review copy, but I just can't muster up the enthusiasm to continue.

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Now that I have had a while to gather my thoughts on this.... I have given this book 1 star. This book is extremely problematic and from reading through the Goodreads reviews I was scared to even admit I read this in fear of being attacked by others. That being said, I do not feel comfortable getting into why this book was problematic. I do have to say, as a publisher, you should protect you readers when you publish a book like this. Please go through the goodreads reviews and see what happened if anyone even had one remotely negative thing to say about this book.

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Overall, I would say this book is fine, but not great. The concept was more interesting than the ultimate execution. I feel like this is a story I've read before and hated, but written by cis people. I was pleased to see that this was handled better by a trans author.

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I genuinely don’t know how to feel about this one… sometimes concepts are wild, but they work. In this case. I really don’t think it works.

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An absolutely stunning debut from Felker-Martin, Manhunt is a visceral and emotional gut-punch from the first page all the way until the last word.

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I am a member of the American Library Association Reading List Award Committee. This title was suggested for the 2023 list. It was not nominated for the award. The complete list of winners and shortlisted titles is at <a href="">

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This one was not for me.
Thank you NetGalley for providing a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Manhunt is a gender based post apocalyptic story. If you’ve ever wondered about how those diseases that kill off every man(or woman, but usually it’s men) would affect transgender people, this is the book that looks to answer that.
I loved the idea of this book. It’s such a unique take, and one that many people have either wanted to read, or needed to read. I was fully prepared to love this, because of the synopsis, as it is a question in post apocalyptic works that I wanted answered.

Unfortunately, Manhunt didn’t work for me. I’ve seen a mix of reviews of people who loved it or hated it, so don’t take my review as an end-all to what you’ll think of the book, if you think it’s a subject you’d enjoy. It’s worth reading for forming your own opinion on.

What didn’t work for me was just the writing style. When I received the e-arc, I struggled with the writing. It felt like a mix of very blunt writing, which I appreciate, mixed with almost a purple prose, which I’ve never, ever liked. Because of this, I found the writing jarring, and I couldn’t get into it. So, I waited until an audiobook came out, because sometimes if I don’t like a writing style, listening to it works better for me. It didn’t work in this case, and I still couldn’t get into the story. After giving this two chances with different mediums, I decided Manhunt wasn’t for me, through no fault of the story. I still think it deserves the two stars just for being such a good topic though, and I want everyone else to get more from this than I did.
What I did manage to read, I liked the bit of backstory that I got, and the set up for how this post apocalyptic landscape and disease was affecting transgender people. It seemed like it was going to be a brutal story, so some readers might struggle with the violence of it. I didn’t find it too brutal, but I found this was where the writing was more purple prose like, so I couldn’t focus properly on what was happening.

I hope this book sets up a standard for other authors writing about gendered diseases killing off half the population, and being more inclusive in how this will affect transgender people. I would really like to read more books like this one.

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