Cover Image: A Winter's Wish For The Cornish Midwife

A Winter's Wish For The Cornish Midwife

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Such a fun read! Loved this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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"A Winter's Wish for the Cornish Midwife" by Jo Bartlett is a heartwarming tale set against the backdrop of the coastal town of Port Agnes. The novel follows midwife Toni Samuels as she grapples with her private struggles and a secret love affair with fellow midwife Bobby. With themes of love, secrecy, and the courage to embrace one's true feelings, Bartlett weaves a delightful story that captures the essence of the winter season.

The character of Toni is portrayed with depth and authenticity, allowing readers to empathize with her challenges and emotional turmoil. Bartlett skillfully explores the complexities of Toni's past, creating a nuanced and relatable protagonist. The portrayal of Bobby adds warmth to the narrative, as his patience and kindness shine through, making him a character to root for.

The central theme of secrecy and the burden it places on the characters adds a layer of tension and anticipation to the story. Toni's internal struggles and Bobby's desire for openness create a compelling dynamic that propels the narrative forward. The wintry setting of Port Agnes enhances the atmosphere, providing a cozy backdrop for the characters' journey.

The pacing of the novel is well-balanced, with a mix of emotional depth, romantic tension, and moments of hope. Bartlett's writing style is engaging, capturing the small-town charm of Port Agnes and creating a sense of community that enriches the storytelling.

The resolution of the story is heartening, delivering on the promise of love finding a way. The novel encourages readers to believe in the possibility of second chances and the courage to pursue one's true desires. The element of fate and the idea of seizing a last chance add a touch of whimsy to the narrative, making it a delightful read.

"A Winter's Wish for the Cornish Midwife" earns a solid four stars for its well-drawn characters, engaging plot, and the evocative portrayal of love and courage in the winter season. Jo Bartlett successfully weaves a charming tale that will resonate with readers who enjoy heartwarming stories set against the picturesque backdrop of a coastal town.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my copy of A Winter's Wish For The Cornish Midwife by Jo Bartlett in exchange for an honest review. It published October 7, 2021.
This was a sweet book! I hadn't read any in the series yet, and I felt pretty connected to the characters. I also loved the birth stories. I had a hard time with parts of this book, and wanted to yell at a few characters to just talk to each other and listen, but that's because I was so invested!

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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Lovely feel good book to read. It was a joy to read. Lovely characters. Great plot. The book was charming. Very well written. I’d definitely recommend this book. Idyllic location that set the tone of the book to perfection. Perfect seasonal book to get you in the mood for the festive season.

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A really great story, charming, atmospheric, great characters. Filled me with warmth and spirit. Well written and flowed nicely, was romantic and funny, charming and full of fun. A great read, i really enjoyed it.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. I really like this authors books.
It was a cute story with lovely characters. I really enjoyed. This was a 3.5 stars for me.

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Absolutely loving this series. Jo Bartlett's writing is warm and engaging and it's a delight to follow the stories of these Cornish midwives. I love how each story predominantly focuses on one story - the seemingly aloof Toni in this case - but lets us catch up with how the loves and lives of the others are progressing. I loved the start of this story - really packed a punch with a key event in Toni's past which has had a profound affect on the person she is today. I felt her pain as she battled not to cause further pain to her family but at what cost to her own happiness? Really looking forward to Jess's story next which is a fabulous plot line which has been building in the series so far

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Wow what an emotional story this one was, once again it does contain possible triggers with regards to abortion, child loss and infertility. The stories about these lovely ladies and Bobby just get better and better, especially where we have now gotten to know them all so well. I found this story emotional throughout with highs and lows and lots of tears being shed throughout by the lovely Toni.

In this story we learn how Toni came to be with the midwives and what her secret is that has stopped her from letting everyone know she is in a relationship with Bobby. I found myself bleary eyed a few times whilst reading about her horrific loss and the blame in which she has instilled and has become deep rooted over the past 5 years.

Throughout the tears there is hope and both Toni and other ladies who have also had heart wrenching journeys see that glimmer in this story. A superb addition to the series so far and I already can’t wait to visit these wonderful midwives again to see what the new midwives bring to the group and check in on how everyone is getting on as their lives all start to head in different directions.

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The story spans several months and culminates in the winter months. It’s not really a Christmas story despite super charming cover image. But don’t worry, the charm and spirit are there in spades. Still recommend and throughly enjoyed.

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The perfect Christmas book for cosy nights abd frosty mornings. The ideal mic of. Likeable characters and storyline. Perfect.

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Cosy, heartfelt and uplifting, Jo Bartlett takes us back to the gorgeous town of Port Agnes with her latest feel-good Cornish contemporary romance, A Winter’s Wish for the Cornish Midwife.

Midwife Toni is a woman with a secret. She adores her job and loves her colleagues and the Cornish community of Port Agnes, however, Toni can never be truly happy because of her secret: she is in a relationship with male midwife Bobby. Still troubled by past scars that refuse to heal, Toni is unable to move forward with her life and unwilling to take a chance on her happiness and her future with Bobby. Will Toni’s reticence and insecurity end up costing her a lifetime with the man who has come to mean everything to her?

Kind, gorgeous and popular, Bobby loves Toni, however, he is sick of coming second and tired of all the secrecy surrounding their relationship. Bobby wants to shout how he truly feels about Toni from the rooftops and although he knows about her painful past, he doesn’t know how much more he is willing to take. Will Bobby end up walking away from his relationship with Toni? Could the two of them ever have a future together? Or is their relationship destined to fail?

Just when everything seems hopeless and uncertain, fate steps in and gives Toni one last chance to go after what she truly wants. Will Toni find the courage to lay old ghosts to rest and grab her future with Bobby with both hands? Or is she going to lose everything all over again?

Jo Bartlett’s A Winter’s Wish for The Cornish Midwife is a delightful blend of humour, emotion and pathos that will bring a tear to the eye and make readers smile. Toni and Bobby’s story is moving, intense, powerful and one that tugs at the heartstrings as it explores healing from the past, taking a chance on happiness and falling in love when you least expect it.

Perfect for snuggling up with in the last few months of the year, Jo Bartlett’s enjoyable new novel A Winter’s Wish for The Cornish Midwife is required reading for romantics everywhere.

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A Winter wish for the Cornish midwife by Jo Bartlett.

I am a real fan of the Cornish midwife series but on the whole the main storyline in this book was very good but parts of it were extremely repetitive. Although main thread of the storyline and the characters in this small town were wonderful. It shows that not all things are as they appear on a surface level.

This book also deals survivors guilty after a sudden death if a loved one and the trials this can cause indirectly. Expectant mothers who have lost a child having to go through a pregnancy and trying to come to terms with the anxiety and guilt the mother feels needlessly were all handled beautifully.

On the whole a very good story and enjoyable read. 3.5/5

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Great to be back with the Cornish midwives this is a great series full of romance and friendships but also dealing with important issues in a sympathetic way. The characters are believable and likeable and all set in beautiful Cornwall this is the third in the series but can easily be read as a standalone but well worth reading all of them

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I havent heard of the author before but have been binging Christmas reads and loved the look of this one.

What I really enjoyed most is how relatable I found the lead character. It is amazing just how much I have done so much of what she has done. Not same circumstances but the amount of giving of yourself for others.

I also loved how much the midwifery was brought into the story line and not just used in background or as a filler.
Great first reading experience of the author and plan to read more.

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I could not put this book down so to speak ! I became a part of the Midwife Team set in Cornwall. As a retired Nurse I became absorbed in the life’s of Toni, Bobby, Jess and all ! I will be reading more of Jo’s books.

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This book started off wrong for me. The beginning was interesting but then it moved to a situation which just seemed so unrealistic and nuts. Toni the main protagonist was putting aside her current boyfriend for her dead fiancé’s parents and it was just not working for me. I tried sticking with it but unfortunately had to abandon it half way. I was keen to read a midwife romance but not this.

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I just want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. I was excited to read this book. The cover is really pretty and I just really wanted to like this book. I just didn't feel a connection with any of the characters including the main character.

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A Winter’s Wish For The Cornish Midwife by Jo Bartlett is a charming contemporary novel. It is the third book in the Cornish Midwife series but can be read as a stand-alone.
The reader follows the midwife team at the community unit in Port Agnes. We share the highs and lows, the worries and the celebrations.
All aspects of babies are covered as there are the sensitive topics of infertility, handicap and fostering. The reader’s heart breaks for some of the situations of the characters. The midwife team are supportive to all.
There is the theme of loss as some characters are frozen in a moment in time. There is the guilt associated with beginning to live and to smile again. There is also some emotional blackmail to deal with.
All the characters are well drawn, realistic, warm and welcoming.
The novel covers birth, death and all of life in between. I loved it. Why not grab yourself a coffee and a copy of A Winter’s Wish For The Cornish Midwife and receive a warm welcome on a cold day from the midwife team.
I received a free copy from Boldwood via Net Galley. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

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A great new book in the Cornish Midwives series. Toni who is in love with Bobby toys to keep it secret. The past matches up and the find it is better to go on with life and forget the past.

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