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You Can Run

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Rebecca Zanetti is a master crafter and this new romantic thriller, You Can Run, is no exception. From the very first page to the absolute last, this is a fast-paced, page-turning, whodunnit with all the Zanetti feels.
FBI Agent Laurel Snow is super bright, intense, geeky and lovable and Huck is her perfect crime-solving partner. The story is intense, with lots of interesting plot twists, heartwarming family and friends, and an underlying layer of drama free romance. Plus Huck has an adorable and super smart canine. Who can resist? Not me.
I highly recommend this is a standalone suspenseful thriller.

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This was crazy WOW. Laurel Snow is defiantly not your usual heroine. Genius since birth, unique hair color and heterochromatic eyes. She is a profiler with the FBI who uses her unique abilities to ferret out the bad guys. She is called back to her home town by her mother when her uncle is being looked at as a suspect in a series of murders of young women all with blonde hair. The investigation is one insane from start to finish.

As this is the first book in the series we learn a lot about Laurel through out the book. There are some shocking revelations that would be too spoilery to mention. I'm so excited to have a new series to add to my collection.

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You will be hooked by the first chapter. Some teens are out having fun on a mountain when an avalanche happens and reveals a dumping ground of women’s bodies. Now they are looking for a serial killer and the sherif points his finger at Carl, Laurel’s uncle. Laurel is a child prodigy who has several degrees. She works for the FBI andI is one of the best at profiling serial killers and solving the cases. She has to team up with Fish and Wildlife services best man Huck. They are forced to work together to try and solve the case, but they keep finding more bodies. The killer is having to much fun playing games with Laurel. She starts to get close to the truth and ends up being a target of attacks. Both of these characters are a little quirky at times, but they have so much to love about them. I started this book at night and could not put it down until I finished it early in the morning. This is another amazing book by Rebecca and you will not be disappointed! I can’t wait for the next book in this series.

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A thrilling, unputdownable mystery filled with well-drawn characters, with one of my favorites being Abigail, who has an intriguing and adversarial dynamic with Laurel, and who really set this book apart for me. 'You Can Run' isn't perfect: some of the writing is heavy-handed; and I wish there was more exploration of the killer's mindset/motives, but maybe those questions will be answered in future sequels (which I will definitely be looking out for).

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A new series from Rebecca Zanetti and it is another captivating story full of action and suspense that sucks you in and doesn't let you go until you read the last page. It is a well-written story with interesting intriguing characters. Laurel is a wonderful character and has an amazing personality. Huck is a loner, a broken man Laurel is far from his type but she wakes emotions that are buried in him. Will he accept it or not we will have to find out...
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for NetGalley

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That introduction to Laurel Snow, our female protagonist, was truly outstanding and set her out as a refreshing and intriguing heroine! For a nice change I was not bored by the same old same old usually found in murder mysteries. I read the book almost in one sitting until the wee hours.

I would have liked to see more incidents of Laurel using her gifts though. Hopefully that will come in the next instalment in the series!

Can’t wait!

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Exceptional book! Yes I said this is a exceptional book! It's actually the perfect thriller . Laurel and Huck are outstanding characters in this book. Flawed , smart, strong two characters that you can't help but not love from the very start of this book. Laurel and Huck are on the hunt for a local serial killer and there are so many people in this book you question if they are the killer. My favorite kind of mystery not knowing from the start who the killer is and this author just keeps you guessing until the end. Thrills, tons of suspense, great characters and great writing. I look forward to the sequel. I hope this author writes many upcoming books about Laurel Snow. One of my new favorite series. Read this book! You will be captivated as I was from the very first pages.

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I loved this one from page one. I adored the character of Snow, and I loved the love story thrown in to the mix. This book oozed suspense and terror. This was phenomenally written. I raced through it unable to put it down.

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FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow has been called back home to the snowy valley of Genesis, Washington where she spent her early childhood by a family crisis. As a former child prodigy with a genius brain, Laurel’s unique talents and skills come in handy when it is clear a serial killer is stalking young women with a particular set of looks. Complicating the case are two very interesting people, one possibly a whack job as Dr. Abigail Caine seems to have an unhealthy interest in Laurel as well as the case. The other person of interest to Laurel is local fish and wildlife tracker, Huck Rivers, who does not suffer fools or most people gladly. Huck’s particular skills honed in part from his former military background and his well-trained dog make them good partners for the investigation.

As the bodies amass, Laurel begins to feel a personal connection realizing the killer is someone local who wants more attention by escalating the deadly games taunting the authorities at every turn. Laurel’s family in the area has some personal issues from the past that affect her investigation. She feels very protective of her former hippie mother who makes herbal teas and believes in the woo-woo of new age properties for her business. Although both Laurel and Huck feel an attraction, neither really wants to act on it; however, resistance, as they say, might just be futile.

The snow and ice in this rural area hinder the investigation making the work treacherous for Laurel and her colleagues. The village is largely owned and run by a local church whose members seem to have connections to the victims, some of which may be less than saintly. Laurel’s mission to find the serial killer while dealing with mixed feelings for Huck and the seriously creepy Abigail make for a complex tale of mystery and intrigue with some elements of a budding romance interwoven to spice things up. Laurel has never been one to let her emotions, such as they are, enter into a case, but this one just may shake the foundations of her carefully crafted world.

This first book in a new romantic thriller series from the very talented and prolific Rebecca Zanetti who also writes paranormal fiction was quite a page turner for me. The red herrings, innuendos, and intrigue will keep readers guessing until to the very end to figure out who is the one spreading evil. The author has done a fine job of crafting this story with its twists, turns, and psychological plot. I look forward to book two, YOU CAN’T HIDE, to see what is next for Laurel and her family, friends, and colleagues.

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Rebecca Zanetti has ONCE AGAIN hit it out of the park!!!! I'm so excited for this new series on Laurel Snow! There is a lot to unpack from this book. So many twists and so many different relationships. I can't wait to see how this series progresses. I love that she has kind of a misfit group of FBI workers, just like the other series. And even a dog!!! I liked that the mystery and big things were wrapped up at the end of the book. No one likes a cliffhanger. But there are relationships and stories that have only just started being told. So I'm really excited to get to have this series with one character and get to know laurel on a deeper level than just one book!

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As a profiler Laurel Snow watches people all around her and looks for the biggest threat. While waiting for a flight back to her base she receives a call from her mother asking her to come home for a family emergency. Her uncle is a suspect in a recent case and Laurel needs to prove his innocence, problem is she finds herself in the middle of slew of dead bodies that can only mean only thing, they have a serial killer on the loose. With the help of Fish, Game, and Wildlife expert Huck Rivers the two of them begin the tedious task of unraveling a case that dates back years along with dead bodies that are still showing up. Great story, edge of your seat thrilling and a lot of unexpected surprises along the way. Can't wait for the 2nd book in this series!

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Loved loved loved Laurel Snow. I was totally intrigued by her character, the way her mind worked. The slow burn romance with Huck was amazing. And the story kept me guessing until the very end, and I had guessed wrong. With the ending, I am hoping there are more books to come. I definitely want more Laurel Snow books.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Fast-paced intriguing mystery with a side of romance. Laurel Snow is an FBI Special Agent who tracks serial killers. There's a serial killer operating in the Seattle area, where Laurel is from, and her uncle is being interviewed as a suspect - her mom asks her to come help. Once she lands in the area, her first contact is Huck Rivers, a Washington Fish and Wildlife tracker/investigator. Neither enjoys working with other people, yet they must work together to find the killer.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Kensington/Zebra for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. I believe tha this is the first in a new series. I liked the complexity of the characters. Laurel is an FBI agent and a genius but lacks social skills. Huck works for Fish and Game and is also just as complex. Together they form a great team. I loved Aeneas. This kept me guessing. The creep factor is high with Dr. Abby Caine. Yikes... Overall a great read. 4.5 stars. Suspense, murder mystery, and a smidge of romance.

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OMG, Rebecca has done it! I was a bit skeptical on how different Laurel would be from Anna, but let me tell you I never once thought I was reading the same character with just a different name!

There’s so many twist & turns and once you think you’ve got it figured out, you’re wrong! And now I can’t wait for You Can’t Hide!

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Laurel Snow, an FBI profiler, is in LA waiting for her flight back to Washington, D.C. when she gets an urgent call from her mother regarding her uncle. She changes plans and heads to the Pacific Northwest and her hometown in Washington state, instead. She is drawn into a cat and mouse game with a serial killer, someone who is calculating and evil. The book had me hooked from the very beginning. It is a suspense filled thriller with some romance thrown in and a twist at the end I did not see coming!

Thank you to Kensington Books and Netgalley for an opportunity to write an honest review. I highly recommend this book to those who enjoy thrillers and suspense!

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I'm not typically a fan of a series that features the same lead characters in each book, but I really enjoyed Ms. Zanetti's Deep Ops books (a series that featured different lead characters in each book, but with an interwoven storyline), so I decided to give this new series a try. I'm really glad I did. It takes a lot for me to like a character enough to want to stick with them through several books, but I can honestly say that I like Laurel enough that I will do so. Her character is unique and interesting enough that we as readers will stay engaged as the author peels away the layers and lets us see more of her in each installment. And the same is true of Huck. I actually liked Laurel right from the start, and my likeness of her only grew. I vacillated with Huck, however, liking him one minute and wanting to throat punch him the next. The story itself is captivating and kept me flipping pages furiously. Overall, this is a great start to what I believe will be an outstanding series--and one that would translate very well to a TV series. The only negative that I can see is that I'll have to wait patiently (not my strong suit) for each book instead of being able to binge right from the beginning.

A sincere thank you to Net Galley and Kensington Books for providing an ARC for review.

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Mystery. Suspense. Danger.

FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow makes an unscheduled detour to her hometown of Genesis Valley, Washington when she receives a frantic call from her mother that there is a serial killer on the loose and her dear Uncle Carl is a prime suspect! Agent Snow is a cool, calculating, deadly agent, child prodigy, and master profiler.

One of the first contacts that Laurel makes when she lands in Tacoma is to find the best tracker to take her to the crime scene on the cliff edge of Snowblood Peak, where a dozen frozen bodies have been found. That turns out to be rugged and reclusive Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers, and his search and rescue dog Aeneas. Captain Rivers is grumpy, haunted, protective and really hot.

Rebecca Zanetti does such a fantastic job with the hook, and the reeling in, and the layered misdirections and suspense. This is first and foremost an absolutely superb mystery thriller. But, in true Zanetti fashion, there is an undercurrent of romance that spices up the deal. Laurel Snow and Huck Rivers are each such fascinating personalities that I would follow them into the next books for certain, but even the secondary characters are amazingly crafted. Zanetti has created another reading treasure to add to her impressive repertoire!

This is a sincere review of an ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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Oh wow! This was a wild roller coaster ride! I just loved Laurel. She is uber intelligent and quirky. The twists and turns and surprises just kept coming. I was so surprised when the killer was revealed. I’m so excited for book two of this series! I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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This is the first book in Rebecca Zanetti's, Laurel Snow, romantic suspense series and what a thrill ride of a book it is. This book is a fast paced action filled book with adventure and a twist at every turn. Just when you think you have it all figured out something happens that changes that train off thought. The secondary characters are just as interesting as the main characters.

Once you start reading this book you won't want to put it down. I can't wait to find out in future books what Zanetti has in mind for these intriguing, mind blowing characters.

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