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Girls Before Earls

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I can’t recall a book I’ve enjoyed more in recent memory. This is truly a lovely fairy tale, and presumably book one in a series of fairy tales. Hazel and Blade are the epitome of “I love you but I can’t have you but I can’t stay away from you.” But some of the most beautiful moments were among the women and their developing friendships. I cannot wait to revisit the seaside town of Bellehaven for the next adventure - maybe Poppy?!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Girls Before Earls (Rogues to Lovers, #1) by Anna Bennett
This is the first book in Rogues to Lovers and I am looking forward to more. Miss Hazel Lively (headmistress at her Bellehaven Academy, school for girls) Gabriel Beckett, Earl of Bladenton (Guardian for a niece Kitty he didn't know he had) She has been kicked out of several schools and this is his last hope. We meet quite a few interesting people and hope to see more of them, there is angst, hurt feelings, heartache, laughter, adventure, tears, building relationships, and steam to get us to a HEA. I am looking for more books from Anna in this series.
Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Great word building Entertaining Steamy Wonderful characters Action-packed Funny Tear-jerker Romantic Happily Ever After Page-turner Easy-to-read

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Proper Behavior Never Takes a Holiday...Except on the Beach at Night

From the moment our handsome hero imagines pushing a lock of the heroine's hair off her forehead in a reversal of a very well-known romance trope, I was captivated by Girls Before Earls. I loved the set-up with a proper young lady who is decidedly not nobility and must work for a living. The setting of the girls' school was almost cozy in its familiarity (who doesn't love a good boarding school book? Enid Blyton, anyone?), and Kitty and the other students were fabulous characters. Sparks flew quickly between our heroine, Miss Hazel Lively, and our hero, "Blade" the Earl of Bladenton. Prim and repressed, Hazel--with her motto of "Proper behavior never takes a holiday"--is immediately an irresistible attraction to the rakish Blade who arrives at the Bellehaven School for Girls to enroll his rebellious young niece.

The family subplot involving Blade and Kitty was very well-done, and up until about a third of the way through, I was starting to think that family dynamics would be the main conflict of the book.
However, the conflict changes at about the 30% mark and that was where the story lost me a little as the plot evolved into a series of misunderstandings, blackmail, and a rejected proposal which seemed to me to be rejected for a not very believable / logical reason. While these types of conflicts are not my cup of tea, other readers may find them very satisfying, especially as Bennett is certainly an adept storyteller and wordsmith.

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I was approved for an eARC on Netgalley, and I immediately dived in to the book! I loved the premise and the book lived up to its promise! Hazel is a great main character, and it's clear from the beginning how much she cares about her charges. Personally, I found Gabriel a bit pushy with Hazel. He wanted things that put her livelihood at risk, while they would have little effect on him. I wish he had been a *little* more self aware, but he did seem to get some of what Hazel was risking.

I also loved the girls in Hazel's care! Gabriel's niece was fantastic, and I really enjoyed watching her and the other girls play matchmaker. They were a delightful addition to the story.

I've really enjoyed Anna Bennett's previous books, and I loved this one too! I recommend this to historical romance fans and definitely plan to keep reading this series!

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I suspect a lot of people will quite enjoy this as it ticks a lot of boxes and tropes. But to me it was just that. It ticked a lot of boxes and tropes I have read a hundred times before, and nothing about the two characters really stood out to me. It felt very formulaic, and after a while I could not for the life of me distinguish this book from so many others I have read. I liked it, but if you are an avid romance reader this will quickly become forgotten. Also, the heroine’s progress from “innocent” spinster to one with surprising sexual confidence seemed unrealistic and jarred the book for me out of its’ time period.

2.5 - 3 stars

- “I’ve been called many things, Miss Lively, but ‘a grave lapse in judgment’ is quite possibly my favourite.” He tugged at the sleeves of his jacket and raised his chin, inordinately pleased with himself. “I’m honoured.”

- “Everyone in Bellehaven knows me as Miss Lively,” she said with a casual shrug.
“Yes, Miss Lively – the capable, calm, and confident headmistress.”
“Is there something wrong with that?”
“Not at all. But I’ve seen another side of you – a part you shouldn’t keep locked away.”

- “I’m not immune to temptation,” she said breathlessly.
He leaned closer and touched his forehead to hers. Swept a thumb over her satin cheek. “Well,” he murmured, “should you ever decide to give into that temptation…or surrender to desire…you know where to find me.”

- They could give each other one night. One night to burn as brightly as they dared, so that years from now they’d have a memory to pull from the distant corners of their minds.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a new to me author, and though some parts of the story slowed down, or became slightly more unbelievable than necessary, this was an enjoyable read.

By touching on a few emotional subjects such as grief, I easily was able to relate to many of the characters. I do feel there are a few loose ends from side characters, hopefully those will be tied up in later books in the series.

“I would never be content with half measures. I want the kind of bliss that makes my heart soar. The sort of joy that makes my soul sing. I want a true partnership—a deep, abiding love.”

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Gabriel “Blade” Beckett, Earl of Bladenton, searches for another finishing school to accept his rebellious niece. He needs her away from London for the summer, so he can properly court a potential bride without any problems. Blade offers a generous donation to Miss Lively’s school if she will take on his niece. The woman agrees only if he will visit the girl every other week. Blade cannot resist tempting the button-upped headmistress to improperness. Can Hazel teach Blade to love again? Will her love heal his wounded heart?
Miss Hazel Lively is the headmistress of a seaside finishing school for girls. She hopes to attract wealthier clientele to her fledgling enterprise. Hazel agrees to take on a rebellious teenage girl but under one condition: the girl’s guardian must visit every other week. She fights her growing attraction to the charismatic earl with each visit. However, he cannot give Hazel the one thing she truly wants. When her school’s livelihood is at risk, she has no choice but to turn to Blade for help. Will Hazel choose her school over Blade? Can she truly give him up?
Blade is such a sweetheart! He is a man who has been hurt and betrayed in the past. Blade refuses to expose himself to any form of love to protect himself. I like how Blade uses his charm and influence to help Hazel and his school. He could have turned a blind eye to her predicament. What I adore the most about Blade is his open mindedness. He does not share his peer’s views on a woman’s place. Blade never tried to curtail his niece’s interests and pursuits.
I adore Hazel! She presents a tough exterior to the world. This is her defense mechanism to protect her compassionate heart and nature. I like how Hazel empathizes with Kitty. Being an orphan herself, she understands why the girl behaves as she does. Hazel also wants to give Kitty what she desperately needs. What I love the most about Hazel is her dedication to her students. She encourages them to pursue their interests. Hazel also believes all girls, nobles and commoners alike, deserve a good and proper education.
GIRLS BEFORE EARLS is the first book in Anna Bennett’s new historical romance series, ROGUES TO LOVERS. I really enjoyed the author’s novella in the KISSING UNDER THE MISTLETOE anthology, so I decided to try out one of her full-length novels. It did not disappoint. I soon found myself immersed in the characters and the plot.
GIRLS BEFORE EARLS is a charming tale of two people, who are afraid to love, learning to open their hearts to each other. I will be keeping an eye out for the next installment. I cannot wait to see who is next!

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Hazel recently started a school for girls. At first she wants to refuse to refuce the earl's rebellious niece to her school since it might damage the image of her school. But she relents but with some demands. This is a sweet and entertaining story. I love how devoted Hazel is to her students. She is a strong and clever character and is kind to everyone even though she is a bit reserved at first. Blade is another character I really liked. After hearing his story I understand why he acts the way he does. I love the attraction and sparks between Hazel and Blade. The romance was good. I just wanted to keep reading to see what would happen next.

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From the first page to the last you will spellbound by Girls Before Earls. Anna Bennett has given readers a book that is well-written, filled it with great cast of characters that come off the pages and pull you into this emotional ride that keeps you involved until the very end, great dialogue and with a strong plot that bring this read together perfectly! Ahhh...the game of love can be a tangled web for Hazel and Blade paved with a niece out to cause mayhem wherever she goes. As Anna Bennett fight their insecurities and memories of the past they travel on a journey filled with drama, hope, amazing passion, and finding the secret to a happy ever after.

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The girls are the students of Hazel, headmistress of her school. The earl is Gabriel who wishes to enroll his ward there. Hazel makes Gabriel promise to visit his ward every two weeks, which puts the two of them in a more frequent proximity. Spending time together, they find they are attracted to each other. Gabriel must decide to let her in and risk being hurt again. Hazel must decide to put her own desires first. I received an ARC from NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for my honest review.

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Girls before Earls is a delicious start of a new series by Anna Bennett. Her leading characters, Hazel and Blade, are wonderfully written and you can't help but care about them and their relationship struggles. I look forward to more books in this series. Charming!

Thank you St. Martin's and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

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In my opinion, Anna Bennett leaves all of the trendy histrom authors in the dust. She's so underappreciated - her writing is so lyrical, her relationships so pure, and her characters so compelling. Always five stars from me!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

I really loved this book! Hazel and Blade’s romance was just so beautiful and sweet as it unfolded.

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Girls Before Earls is a wonderfully sweet historical romance that left me feeling giddy. Blade is an Earl whose been hurt in the past. He has a niece, Kitty, whom he takes care of and enrolls her in a school, where Hazel is headmistress.
At first Hazel and Blade don’t see eye to eye, though, they realize later, they’ve both experienced loss and, with time, how important family is, whether by blood or through adoption.
There’s lots of flirting and passion, and it was just a delight to read.
Blade is such a gentlemen and is supportive of Hazel and her dreams. Hazel is an independent women who loves books and educating the girls.
Be sure to grab this book when it comes out in December. It’s sure to be a cozy read that’ll leave you with a happy feeling!

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This was a great book the only issue I had was the ending seemed to be resolved a bit too quickly and I would've liked a longer epilogue just to see how it's working out.

I loved the school and all the girls, so I can't wait for the next book!

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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I am reviewing this book from NetGallery. Girls before Earls was an romatic,relastic, and overall amazing book.The main lead Blade and his niece Kitty give the book a different look.Blaze past that is hindering him allows the readers to see that money and high status cant make you happy no matter how much you think they can.Kitty show in the beginning that she just a teen letting her anger and sadness for her parents death block her off emotionally from anyone. Hazel is a woman who has had to fight to survive and doesn't want anyone to have to go through it.She a kind hearted,logical and strong minded person. Her and Blaze interactions through out the book are so descriptive and can draw so many emotion from you whether it be anger,sadness,happiness. I really enjoyed this book and will most likely buy it.

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What a charming book! Two lost souls who find each other and believe in love again! Haze is an orphan taken in by the headmistress of a ladies school. As an adult, she begins her own school. It is there that she meets the Earl of Bradenton who wants to enroll his prickly niece. Haze and Blade have closed their hearts to love but they discover it again at this seashore town. A great cast of sub characters make this a delightful tale,

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In Girls Before Earls by Anna Bennett, we meet Hazel who’s a headmistress and Blade, an Earl who has come to enrol his niece at Hazel’s school. Hazel was orphaned at an young age but because of a neighbor(mainly) and a girls’ school’s headmistress, she got to have an education which led her to open up her own school. Unfortunately, she’s running low on funds and students until the Earl of Bladenton and his troublesome niece, Kitty arrives at her doorstep. Hazel reluctantly accepts to keep Kitty as a student but on the condition that the Earl visits his niece every two weeks. As time goes on, the attraction between the Earl and Hazel ensues. There’s a conflict but not because of class disparities; however, it felt quite weak and overdone to me.

There are quite a few funny moments coupled with steamy and emotional ones. Besides the main characters, I loved Poppy, Kitty, and of course Clara, Prudence and Jane. Girls Before Earls is the first book of Rogues to Lovers series and I can’t wait to read them all.

Overall, this was a wholesome and beautifully told historical romance about an Earl and a headmistress. It was also about how ‘proper behaviour’ i.e. behaviour dictated by society hampers our own happiness. Thanks to the publisher for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I love a good historical romance novel and this did not disappoint. Hazel is a wonderful heroine and I really enjoyed her relationship with her pupils. Blade was a nice, sexy, broody hero who really progressed as a character throughout the story. I also loved his relationship with his ward! Look forward to looking into more of Anna Bennett's books to read after this introduction.

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This was charming and enjoyable. It’s a lovely story about a school for girls and the romance between the buttoned up headmistress and the uncle of a pupil. Like the best romance novels there is a real evolution on the part of both sides of the couple, which makes the ending more satisfying.

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