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If You Ask Me

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Review: This was a fantastic Contemporary Adult book, that I really enjoyed reading! And I loved the epilogue at the end. Overall, this is definitely a book I would recommend to anyone who thinks itsounds interesting!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher.

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Thank you to NetGalley for a free eArc in exchange for a honest review!

I was expecting a really deep romance like with Meet Me in Paradise so I was very excited going into this one. It started off strong, but around half way I lost interest. There was not much happening with the plot other than her inner thoughts spiraling. Some things would happen here and there with the romance, but it felt very awkward at times. Trying very hard to be swoon worthy. Most of the characters ended up annoying me so I really had to push myself to finish the last half. Although I struggled with it, a lot of very important topics were talked about so there was a lot of relatable moments. I just wish I could have liked it more.

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If You Ask Me isn't quite the emotional read one might expect after Libby's debut of Meet Me in Paradise and not a rom-com. It sits somewhere in between with the light moments and the heavy. Violet's 12 year long marriage implodes when the only blip on her radar is a possible promotion with her advice column. She goes home to find her husband in bed with another woman.
Violet's reactions are how I think every person would love to vindicate themselves while singing Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats". Libby went there and created an aftermath that I could easily picture. I wish I'd gotten more of Dez. He seemed too-good-to-be-true and I wanted more of a deep dive into his personality and why he wanted Violet. But I love the character arc of MC Violet.
Everything wraps up in a pretty bow and this would be a good novel to recommend after reading something gutting.. I enjoy Libby's writing style and will be anticipating whatever she releases next.
Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for the advanced copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

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This book is 3 stars for me. I found myself skimming a lot to get to the dialogue. I liked the synopsis. A advice columnist who gets unlucky with love. However I found that her meeting her true love was way too soon for a woman who just discovered her husband of 12 years had been cheating with her. While I did like Dez sometimes I kept thinking "ya'll JUST met." The main character didn't annoy me because personally I understood what she was going through but the people around really bugged me. I felt like they kept going back and forth on their opinions on her life when she was really trying to push through everything. I didn't sense much chemistry from out two leads and kept feeling like the book went on and on.

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Thank you Berkley for the gifted copy.

I read this author's last book and loved it, so my expectations for this one were fairly high. Unfortunately, this one didn't quite live up to those expectations.

To put it simply, I was bored. I think I was expecting a quicker and more light hearted read (even though her previous book made me cry), but this one has a bunch of serious topics mixed with some lighter moments that are supposed to be kind of funny (like when Violet burns her husbands clothes in a spur of the moment bonfire in the middle of the road) but I just found them to be disturbing. Most books in this genre only take me a couple days to read, but this one feels like it took FOREVERRRRRR.

Violet is an advice columnist that goes a bit off the rails when she walks in on her husband and another woman. She makes some very poor choices, some which are kind of troubling, and by doing so she puts her career and relationships with others at risk. Most of this book is Violet spiraling, then having to fix all the problems she caused.

I did like Dez quite a bit - he's the firefighter she meets when a neighbor reports the bonfire I mentioned above. He seems to have the patience to deal with Violet and I think he's grounding for her.

There are some trigger warnings to be aware of including infidelity, infertility, and miscarriage so be aware.

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Violet's life just blew up. She came home to find her husband "with" the neighbor, so what if she started a fire with his clothes? He deserved it. After all they had been through, he decided the grass might be greener with someone else so she's left picking up the pieces of her life and moving on. Good thing she has a neighbor that is a firefighter/EMT to help with all the messes she finds herself in.
I related to Violet on a deep level and I think, unfortunately, a lot of us can. This story ripped my heart out in some places, but put it back together in others, mostly because of Dez (see above mentioned firefighter). Dez is just a good man. There isn't anything else I can say about him. He is just inherently good and that is what Violet needs. For years she was beat down, told she wasn't good enough, that something was missing, that she was messy and sometimes it takes a person willing to be with you through the messes to find the happiness you deserve.
The plot is something I have read a few times and it never gets easier for me to read. We all make mistakes because of our anger and I think that the way that Violet handled things was true to what happens in life.
I really enjoyed this story of second chances even when you don't think you are looking for it.
Thanks to Libby Hubscher, Berkley and Netgalley for an early copy.

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Libby Hubscher’s new novel If You Ask Me is a heartwarming and hilarious romance that follows what happens when a popular advice columnist finds her own life in turmoil.

Violet Covington writes Dear Sweetie, a popular advice column in North Carolina. She doles out sage wisdom on everything from matters of etiquette to parenting to relationship advice. When the story opens, Violet has just received the great news that her column is being considered for national syndication. She goes home, intending to tell her husband and celebrate, only to get there and discover he’s in their bed, naked with their neighbor. Feeling betrayed and hurt, rather than take a page from the countless times she has given advice on this subject, Violet goes off the rails, first by using her column to dole out some uncensored brutally honest advice and vent her frustration, and second, by torching almost all her cheating husband’s belongings on her front lawn. The second one isn’t all bad though as it brings a sexy firefighter named Dez to her door.

I found Violet to be a very sympathetic character and I liked her a lot, even though some of her rogue moments had me cringing for her, knowing she would regret her actions later. I also really loved Dez. It’s clear from those first moments with Violet that he’s a sweet and caring man, and that he’s a bit smitten with Violet even though she’s obviously a hot mess. I was so excited for her when he stopped by the next morning to make sure she was okay and left his phone number for her. I was rooting hard for the two of them to get together because they just seemed so perfect together, and Violet deserves so much better than a man who had the nerve to bring another woman into their bed.

As sweet as Violet and Dez’s journey to a possible happy ending is, it’s really Violet’s personal journey that drives this story. When she goes off the rails, it is not without consequences. There’s fallout professionally and personally because her boss is also her best friend. The hole she digs for herself forces Violet to take a good hard look at herself and decide how she’s going to find her path forward from the infidelity, especially if she hopes to have a future with Dez.

If You Ask Me is one of those books that has a little something for everyone. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me angry at times, and I loved how hopeful it had me feeling as the story wound to its conclusion. The writing is also wonderful, flowing smoothly so the story is an easy read, and I especially loved the entertaining excerpts we get from Violet’s Dear Sweetie column.

If You Ask Me is an enjoyable read that is sure to appeal to romance fans and to fans of women’s fiction.

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Violet Covington, aka North Carolina’s most popular advice columnist “Dear Sweetie,” revels in her idyllic life, living with her husband, Sam, in their dream home in a gorgeous neighborhood. However, when she comes home early one afternoon and finds Sam in bed with another woman, she realizes her life was perfect only on the surface.

Full of hurt and anger, Violet’s done with politeness. She strikes a new, take-no-prisoners tone in her column, and her posts quickly go viral. At the same time, her behavior off the job becomes reckless. One night, she drags mosts of Sam’s belongings into the cul-de-sac, dousing them with his expensive scotch before igniting them.

When the fire department arrives to extinguish the blaze, Violet meets Dez, a handsome and compassionate firefighter. While others in Violet’s life try to reign in her newly discovered voice, Dez accepts Violet for who she is. As much as she loves being with him, though, she’s not sure the timing is right or that she can give him everything he wants and deserves.

IF YOU ASK ME has both extremely hilarious moments and poignant moments, some of them in the letters to Dear Sweetie and her replies. As much as this is a romance, it’s also a story of Violet letting loose and finding her authentic voice after realizing she’s been following unspoken rules of behavior and ignoring her own desires. At the same time, she develops more compassion for her true friends. There are also several serious themes, including infertility and racism and privilege in the workplace.

I found the book a satisfying and even inspiring read, though I did wish for more of Dez’s backstory and more communication and less assumption-making on Violet’s part.

This is a great book for readers who like stories of self-discovery and resilience.

TW: infidelity, infertility, miscarriage, drunk driving

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I enjoyed this book, nice story, realistic characters too. I didn’t know much about it going in and was very pleasantly surprised.

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Harlequin Junkie Recommends!

An advice columnist's life fell to pieces in spectacular fashion all while trying to keep a smile on her face and give her readers sound advice in If You Ask Me. Funny, charming, and heartbreakingly real, author Libby Hubscher didn't hold back on the emotions one bit.

If You Ask Me is the type of story that I think most women will be able to find something in it to relate to. Whether it's being cheated on, having friends treat you poorly, feeling like you have to hold in your emotions, give the appearance of having the "perfect" life, or even abandonment issues, Libby Hubscher touched upon many relevant subjects. I thought she also did a wonderful job using a light hand with the darker themes without making them seem unimportant. They still had the impact they would have in heavier books but she softened it with humor and touching moments.

My heart went out to Violet so many times. Not only when she literally walked in on her husband and his mistress, but also when we began to learn more about her childhood and more devastating recent history. She'd had her fair share of hardship to overcome. But instead of dealing with the emotions, Violet--like so many of us--put on a brave face, wore her best lipstick and carried on as if nothing had happened. Sam cheating on her was the straw that broke the camel's back. And I don't blame Violet for her rage or for any of the impulsive things she did. While it wasn't the same choices I would have made, at least she learned from what she did and truly did become the awesome woman she was hiding underneath all that guilt, pain, and grief.

Something some readers might have a tough time getting past was how quickly Violet and cutie firefighter Dez fell for each other. It wasn't instalove. But it wasn't really all that long after Sam left her. What made it work for me was that she questioned the time frame as well. It wasn't something Violet wholeheartedly jumped into. She and Dez took their time and became more like friends at first. And I just have to say that Dez made a terrific hero. Not just because he was a firefighter but because he'd been through his own loss as well and remained a compassionate, loving, giving, sweet guy who just made me sigh happily every time he was in a scene.

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I really enjoyed Violet's story of growth and change during life after Sam (who is the actual worst). This one was less emotional for me than her debut, but I really do like Libby's writing style and will definitely be reading more from her in the future.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book. All opinions here are my own.

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The cheerful cover belies some serious content in IF YOU ASK ME, which follows lead character Violet Covington's separation from her unfaithful husband. She writes a popular advice column, Dear Sweetie, and after finding him in bed with someone else, she burns his clothes on the front lawn, bringing the fire department and one very handsome firefighter, Dez, to put out the flames.

While she and Dez develop a relationship -- he's besotted with her -- her husband decides that he wants to reconcile. Violet channels all her anger into her column, losing her polite filter as she shows the real woman underneath. A compelling though often sad tale. Possible triggers: infertility, infidelity, divorce, alcohol abuse, mental health issues. Out March 8.

Thanks to the author, Berkley Publishing Group, Berkley, and NetGalley for the ARC. Opinions are mine.

#ifyouaskme #berkleypublishing #NetGalley #libbyhubscher

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I thought If You Ask Me was a really moving story, and I really connected with the characters. It really tackled some tough issues that were quite emotional. The cover is a bit deceiving, and I feel it looks light a light-hearted rom-com. This story is a romance, but it also has some heavy content, so I absolutely suggest reading the synopsis and content warnings before deciding to read this.

I liked that the author confronts the issues right at the beginning, and she provides trigger warnings, which I think will be important to readers or this one. There is infidelity, miscarriage and infertility, mental health concerns, and alcohol abuse. I went into this book thinking it was more of a romcom, but it was heavier than that.

The story is quickpaced, and I enjoyed the main character, Violet. She finds out her husband has been cheating on her, and she spirals a bit out of control. As she’s dealing with her feelings, and healing from her heartbreak, she meets Dez, a firefighter. Their romance is fun, but of course, comes with some issues as well.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. It’s a great plot and has some heartwarming moments. I would recommend this for readers that enjoy a women’s fiction story with some romance.

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Violet comes home early from her work as an advice columnist and discovers her husband Sam cheating on her. This story is Violet's story. But it's also a romance. Dez is the local firefighter who comes to put out the bonfire Violet starts. I just adored him. He is a wonderful, thoughtful, kind man.

I didn't enjoy the flashbacks to the start of Violet's relationship with Sam. They slowed the book pacing and felt stuck in the past when I wanted to read about her journey forward. In contrast, I did appreciate the letters to the advice column and seeing how the responses shared Violet's emotional state.

This is a heavy and emotional book, but I didn't feel I connected with it the way I did Meet Me in Paradise. That was one of my favorite books of last year. I appreciated the content warnings at the start with clear delineation of what occurs on and off page - you can DM me for more about the specific warnings.

I loved Dez and could read about him forever. He is the highlight of this book.

Thank you to Berkley Publishing and NetGalley for the advanced reader copy. These opinions are my own.

3.5 stars rounded up

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I read romance to feel happy, and this book is just too depressing. DNF at 30%. I wish publishers would stop marketing women's fiction as romance.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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If You Ask Me by Libby Hubscher is a contemporary romance novel. While there is some humor in the story in If You Ask Me there is also some darker topics the author warns about with a trigger warning for infidelity, infertility, miscarriage, anxiety, and alcohol abuse.

Violet Covington has her own secret identity very few know about being the author of the popular advice column, Dear Sweetie. When Violet gets news that her column may get more exposure she can’t wait to share her news with her husband, Sam, and heads home in the middle of the day to see him.

Instead of Violet coming home to celebrate she arrives home to find her husband in bed with a neighbor and her marriage falling apart. Of course this revelation puts Violet in a not so good head space and the bonfire of Sam’s things may not have been such a great idea even though it brought a lovely firefighter, Dez, to her home and her life.

While a rebound relationship story isn’t always my favorite type of romance I took a chance with If You Ask Me by Libby Hubscher and I was glad I did. While the story did tackle some darker subjects it still had it’s lighthearted side and it mixed well with the heartwarming nature of the romance. I think this one probably worked for me as it took it’s time and expanded the story over a longer period than most do so that made me get behind the relationship forming. After finishing I’d definitely return to this author again.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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I liked If You Ask Me.

It's a story about the struggle to find yourself when the unimaginable happens. Grappling with the loss of a life that was once yours. Where there was a set pattern and routine. And when it all implodes, Violet must make some hard decisions. She'll need to figure out how to reshape the new version of her life into something more satisfying. It’s about laying the groundwork for what she wants and desires.

There were moments where I felt like perhaps Hubscher gave Violet’s character hints of what’s to come in the advice letters she sprinkled throughout the book. Allowing Violet to reflect on her past advice and how that can effect her current situation and future relationships.

Further, even though there are some hilarious moments, and quotes I needed to highlight because they were so good, Hubscher delves into a few difficult topics of infertility and infidelity. I think Hubscher is mindful of the fact that these topics may be challenging for readers. And having that insight, the author went in knowing these topics may be difficult to process, but they are important conversations to address.

A mix of humor and insight, If You Ask Me will charm and delight readers in this story about new beginnings and taking a risk in finding new love.

Happy Reading ~ Cece

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Violet’s life imploded after finding her husband of 10+ years in bed with their neighbor. Then, he has the audacity to take her to the bar where they first met, seeming as if he wants to apologize, then tells her he’s in love with the other woman and he wants to be free to see where it goes.

It’s no surprise to me that Violet goes rogue after that, in more ways that one. She hauls her ex’s clothes outside and lights them on fire. In comes Dex, the sexy cinnamon roll firefighter/medic, to put out the illegal bonfire and gradually help Violet put herself back together.

This book left me with a hodgepodge of emotions. Don’t let that adorable cover fool you - this is no romcom. This is a book that was way more complex and deeper than I was expecting. It’s a book about handling different forms of grief and loss. About accepting change. About falling down and making mistakes, then picking yourself back up again.

I was hit smack in the feels multiple times while reading this. Make sure to check the trigger warning before reading.

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This morning I read If You Ask Me by Libby Hubscher. I wanted a rom-com and this isn't as light and fun of a romance as I was expecting, though I should have guessed it after her first book.

When an advice columnist’s picture-perfect life implodes, she opts to go rogue in this romance instead of staying predictable.

So I didn't love this one. I love how Libby Hubscher writes and the plot idea of this one but I didn't really like Violet as a character. I've never been in her shoes and I hope I'm never in them but when you fall into a relationship with the hottie firefighter who appears after you light your cheating husband's clothes on fire days after said cheating I'm a little concerned. And she was so self destructive.

I liked the advice columnist part and how raw and real some of the emotions were but I think my dislike for Violet was too strong to like this book more.

I did appreciate the note on the first page about infidelity, infertility, miscarriage and anxiety since they are major themes of the book.

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Thanks so much for my NetGalley ARC, @berkleyromance!

Pub date: 3/8/22 (so soon!)
Genre: romance, women's fiction
In one sentence: Buttoned-up advice columnist Violet Covington, aka Dear Sweetie, goes from sweet to sour when she finds her husband cheating on her.

I love books where a character's life implodes, and the reader gets to see how they pick up the pieces. Violet was a hot mess for a bit, and I enjoyed seeing her humanity. We can all relate to being wronged (even if not to this degree) - and although I'd never start a bonfire of someone's belongings, it was pretty cathartic to read about it. And it led to personal growth - so that's a win!

And the romance? Well, Dez is my new book boyfriend. He's a firefighter with many reasons for helping Violet out at this tough time, and I loved that he supported her without trying to control her. The romance falls on the sweeter side rather than the steamier (sorry open door fans!), but I think romance fans will still find it satisfying.
Read this one if you've ever felt pressure to be perfect - I think that's most of us on bookstagram! I also loved Hubscher's earlier book Meet Me in Paradise, and I'm looking forward to what she writes next!

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