Member Reviews

The story is told from the dual perspectives. The characters were strong and well developed. I did guess some of the twists.

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Sadly this book wasn’t for me. I hate different perspectives given at different stages. All the back and forth to 18 years ago really put me off

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- the book honestly got me hooked from the first pages, until i wasnt .
it gotten to the point that it has to be combine with two scenes that i couldnt understand and nearly dnf.
Apparently , i tried to finish it and it was worth it the end .

+ thankyou netgalley for the opportunity .


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Amber is both shocked and relieved when she hears that her mentor/lover has died. But has the secret died with him? Told from two points of view, Benny’s from 18 years ago and Amber present day. There were some twists but nothing that couldn’t be worked out pretty easily. Neither of them were particularly nice but then again, no one in the book was. I did like the photographic elements of the book and descriptions of the area around the cottage. A decent story to while away a few hours!

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It was an okay read. It started off strong and I was really looking forward to how everything was going to play out. Somewhere along the way, the story fizzled out. Characters were making decisions that made no sense. I had to read more than once certain passages because earlier in the book, a different scenario was set up. Writing a book isn't easy and when I come across one I didn't enjoy, but am obligated to do a review, it isn't easy. I've been sitting on writing this review because I knew it wasn't gonna be a good one.

#allyourlies #NETGALLEY

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

All Your Lies by OCS Francis is a thriller with plenty fo twists. The story revolves around Amber, who had an affair with a famous photographer years named Benedict Raine ago. But recently, Benedict died. Amber is relieved that the past has died with him. But when she's invited to go through his photo archive, she finds a strip of negatives that threatens to tell a different story - one that she can't afford to get out.

Here is a gripping excerpt from Chapter 1:

"Benedict Raine is dead.
Amber feels a lurch in her stomach. It dips and dives. It's a sensation full of colour and contrast.
Benny is dead.
She raises her head from her phone, looking out across the low, flat sweep of Port Meadow. It is a perfect carpet of faded green beneath the thin blue of the evening sky. She looks back at the headline.
Photographer Benedict Raine dies aged 62."

Overall, All Your Lies is a thriller that will have you frantically turning the pages to see what happens next. One highlight of this book is that it is a fast, easy read. Unfortunately, when I got to the end of the book, when the villain is revealing their motive, I found it largely unrealistic. The ending felt unsatisfying. That's why I took off 2 stars. If you're intrigued by the excerpt above, or if you're a fan of thrillers in general, you can check out this book, which is available now!

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Amber has made an effort to live a happy life; she is a professional photographer, married, and expecting her first child. Amber, however, has a secret. She had an affair eighteen years ago that ended on the saddest night of her life. She can’t get away from the memories of the remote cabin, a person in the distance on a desolate beach, and the face that will never leave her mind. She’s tried everything she can to forget what occurred, and she now believes her dreadful secret is finally buried. Until the messages begin to arrive. Someone is paying attention. Someone is expecting you. Someone can reveal the truth and ruin all Amber holds dear.

Amber’s perspective is given now, while Benedict’s perspective is told 18 years ago, on the fatal weekend when their romance ended. Of course, anytime anything significant happens in one era, the tale flips to the other, leaving us with a cliffhanger. It keeps the story moving forward quickly, albeit Amber’s contemplation might be reduced. Near the end, some delectable disclosures may or may not surprise you, but I think you’ll be satisfied with the finish anyway. Amber was a genuine and captivating protagonist who led the readers on a journey through her worried spirals, and I was left raw when we all fought our way out. I’m looking forward to reading more from Francis!

Several powerful women were among the cast of characters, which I adored and admired. Despite knowing some of the twists ahead of time, the mystery kept me fascinated. I found out the culprit early on as well, but Manu’s delectable morsels were unveiled so quickly that it was difficult to be unhappy. Francis is a sharp and poetic writer, and I’m sure this isn’t the last time I read one of their works. Overall, this was a wonderful, thrilling novel that provided me with hours of entertainment. I’d want to read more of this author’s work.

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This book was so intense and full of secrets!
I loved how this book captured my attention in the first chapter, the author went right in and she did not slow down til the last sentence. I

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OCS Francis is a wonderful story spinner! I was drawn in from page one, and I was kept guessing right up until the big reveal. Dialogue and exposition rarely felt clumsy or forced. All Your Lies was a thrilling ride that didn’t feel contrived. Covid was sewn into the plot in a way that didn’t feel heavy-handed, political, or doomsday. It was just a fact of life in this story set in 2020, which for me was good to see instead of pretending it was some alternate universe where this wasn’t happening. Amber was a believable and compelling protagonist who took the readers with her down her anxious spirals, and I was left feeling a bit raw when we all finally clawed our way up and out. I can’t wait to read more from Francis! Thanks to #netgalley and #inkubatorbooks for the copy!

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Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

I have to be honest, I found it really hard to get in to and nearly gave up.
I persevered because I thought it might just be my preference, or getting used to the writing style. Despite not being gripped, I did want to know how it ended.
The plot was good and there were a few good twists, with a comforting ending.
I didn’t feel very invested or sympathetic towards any of the characters. Again, this is just by opinion, and could just be me and nothing to do with the witting.

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Thanks to netgalley for the advanced ebook to review.
I enjoyed it being written in the two different characters perspectives. I felt it kept you guessing. But the ending felt a little abrupt.

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This book gave me all the thrills! The story was well-written and kept you near the edge! With characters well developed and a great story line, this book will keep you turning pages. Who is the culprit? This book just makes you guess and guess! As truth unveils, it is the most unsuspected ones you receive that will leave you gasping for air. I found this book highly entertaining and as the first book read by OCS Francis, I can't wait to grab another!

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Thank you Netgalley, Booksprout, and Author OCS Francis for this ARC.

" . . . the one other human who knows the truth about what she did all those years ago is now dead."

Benedict "Benny" Raine, awarded photographer, has died at age 62. Amber, an old, long-time colleague, is relieved. That is, until creeping thoughts reveal a haunting fear that comes with the man's passing: Did he confess what happened all those years ago? And if so, to whom? When his widow asks her to archive the unpublished work that was left behind, things turn upside down.

"We act in the moment, and we can’t go back. We can’t create that moment again, and we can’t erase it. All its consequences are permanent."

This story is told from two perspectives: Benny in the past--eighteen years ago, on the night their affair ended in flames, in fact--and Amber in the present. Once she gets to work, she uses the opportunity to make sure no shred of evidence of their affair has been left behind. But it seems someone already knows when she starts receiving threatening messages.

The cast of characters included several strong women which I loved and very much appreciated. The mystery had me hooked, even despite seeing some of the twists ahead of time. I also figured out the culprit fairly early on, but so Manu delicious tidbits were revealed that it was hard to be too disappointed. Francis is both a smart and poetic writer and I'm sure this won't be my last read theirs.

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So other turns out that sometimes you can dislike the main character but still love the book about them! This is so well crafted and the twists are things you do not see coming. Any thriller fan will be more than familiar with the usual, predictable trail these type of stories take but this one goes in a very different direction and goes places that noone would have expected. You'll race through it in a day and have absolutely no regrets about abandoning the housework for this

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This story got my attention from the beginning, I really wanted to know what had happened and why so many lies were told. The way the plot is told, small parts of the mystery keep on being told, and the reader can make assumptions on who the culprit is but never the why. When the truth is unveiled it is the most unexpected one, and for sure it's breathtaking and shocking! Broken relationships that keep on nurturing themselves with false expectations or satisfactions only tend to hurt in the end. This is the first book that I read by OCS Francis and I really enjoyed it and found it entertaining!
I downloaded a free copy of this book through NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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This was a dark novel of suspense. I liked the book and read it in a day. I thought there were some interesting twists and I really enjoyed the flashbacks to the past and the way that the book went back and forth. The last twist was one I did NOT see coming, which made the book more fun.

I didn't like the main character - I felt like she took no true responsibility for her actions. This is a minor spoiler, which you will find out early in the book. She has an affair with a married man. But - she is also in her own relationship AND she stays friends with the wife during and after the affair. I mean - how can you like this person? It just kind of set the tone for me.

I truly did enjoy this book, and if you are looking for a quick easy dark mystery this could be a good choice. On the other hand, in a week or two I will forget what this book was about. And next year when someone asks me if I read it, I won't remember. There was nothing truly stand out about this book.

I do want to thank the author, the publisher and #netgalley for the ARC which did not impact my review.

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This was an enjoyable read that was full of twists and turns and suspense. it was well written and creepy with good charcaters and a great plotline.

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I really enjoyed reading this book. The characters are well drawn and I enjoyed all the twists and turns along the way.The writing is spot on and the dual pov's made it even more interesting. The only thing I found .disappointing was the ending. I would really like to know what happened after the baby was born, what happened when Amber went to court, what happened in their marriage etc. However, if you like a good thriller this is for you I highly recommend!

Thank you Net Galley for allowing me to read this incredible ARC for my honest opinion.

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Another very interesting and darker thriller. I really enjoyed this for what it was and it was darker then usual thrillers I read but I really loved it it was perfect for me. I will for sure check out more works from this author in the future! 5 out of 5 stars!

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A fascinating, entertaining thriller from OCS Francis with plenty of twists and turns.
The plot centres on Amber who learns of the death of her former mentor and lover, Benny. When she takes on the sorting of his archive of work, Amber has her own ulterior motive - concealing a decades old secret. But then the threatening messages begin and it’s clear the secret hasn’t died with Benny after all.
Told from multiple povs, it kept me guessing to the very end. Although the characters weren’t exactly likeable, the strong writing and the mystery kept me engaged. A really enjoyable read.

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