Member Reviews

Another great book by this author.
Written so well with many twists and turns. It’s gritty and dark in places. Filled with unlikeable characters

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The second book in the series, Gillian has written another gripping, fast-paced and action packed gangland thriller with Fools Gold. Great read.

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The characters in this book are first class, I just love the creation of Julie and Ralf, such opposites that seem to work, I love the bond, the relationship between them, the drama that goes on and how they deal with things, but most of all I love the togetherness of this pair.

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Fool's gold by Gillian Godden was another excellent read. This is the second book I have read by this author and I just love the way she writes. Especially as this book is full of twists and turns that will have you sitting on the edge of my seat! This book was another Superb read!!!! and what an absolute page turner this was.
So if you love a gritty gangland thriller this is the book for you! I love the main character Julie ex prostitute and she is not saying what she thinks of people etc! Love her.

I highly recommend this book and big fat 5 stars for it as well.

Big Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for my copy of the book exchange for a honest review..

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There are thrills and chills aplenty in the latest gangland thriller by fast-rising star Gillian Godden: Fool’s Gold.

Julie and Ralph Gold are desperate for a lucky break. Determined to leave the wretchedness and misery of their life in Liverpool, they head to London for a fresh start and a new beginning. Having had her fill of slumming it, Julie is determined to quit their life of crime and go straight, however, she quickly realises that escaping past demons and old sins is going to be harder than she initially thought as the long tentacles of the criminal underworld are far-reaching, unforgiving and deadly…

Despite of all their attempts to go legit, Julie and Ralph find themselves sucked back into the world they thought they had left behind for good. Finding themselves belittled and underestimated, Julie and Ralph vow to show their detractors just what they are made of…but at what cost? When they are offered the chance to make it big on one final job, Julie and Ralph are unable to say no. If this job goes the way it’s supposed to, then the two of them can have the new life they are so desperate for. However, the two of them should know by now that trouble seems to follow them around.

Nothing is straightforward where Julie and Ralph are concerned. But have they bitten off more than they can chew this time round? Are they about to lose everything? Or is there another surprise waiting around the corner that could turn their entire world upside down?

In Fool’s Gold, Gillian Godden delivers a nail-biting gangland thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Fast-paced, tense and relentlessly suspenseful, Fool’s Gold is a hair-raising rollercoaster ride that is certainly not for the faint-hearted.

Julie and Ralph are two larger than life characters who are brilliantly drawn and wonderfully nuanced. They are fascinating characters that jump off the page from the second they make their appearance and although the reader might not always agree with the choices they make and the decisions they take, these flawed, colourful and complex characters are absolutely impossible to forget.

A top-notch page-turner perfect for gangland thriller fans, Gillian Godden’s Fool’s Gold is a gritty and addictive chiller that is hard to put down.

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4.5 stars
A gripping, roller coater ride with plenty of action & drama.
Well written with fabulous characterisation and the scene is set so well you can visualise it all happening in gangland London.
I would certainly recommend this book to anyone who loves gangland thrillers.

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This is a step back from previous books in this series. We find out how Ralph and Julie met and their life before we meet them in books further down the line.

It was an interesting read and an exciting crime book.

Both are corrupt in their own ways and both love the riches crime pays. Julie is an ex-prostitute, Ralph a clever businessman on the wrong side of the law.

A good story that grips and thrills the reader.
Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book. xx

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I thoroughly enjoyed catching up with Ralph and Julie. The book could probably be read as a stand alone but Ralph and Julie have such an interesting and rich back story that it really is better to have read the previous book. I love the whole rags to riches journey that Julie has gone through.

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Just so you know this book can be read as part of a series but is also a standalone novel. You meet the couple in previous books but it doesn't affect this book.

Basically he is a thug with a capital T and she is a tart. Sorry there is no other way to describe her. They both want the same thing. They want to be successful in the world of crime. She likes him because organised crime offers her protection.

Ralph and Julie are the perfect couple and go on to become one of the most successful gangland couples. They are very likable characters and people do tend to underestimate them a lot. You go on their journey with them.

What I liked the most, is how the author drew you in and you actually feel part of the novel. No I'm not going mad. At times you feel you are there. It's a great read, give it a go.


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Julie and Ralph are living a storybook fantasy. She is his princess being swept away from her home in Liverpool to his castle in London. His is a rags-to-riches tale, growing up poor and half Jewish in Ireland, striking it rich in London and falling in love with his soulmate in Liverpool. Such a beautiful tale, of wishes and beauty and….

And that’s the view that the world sees. The truth, as it often is, is much darker. Julie is a survivor, willing to do anything necessary to keep going. She could not save her mother from jail or her sister from drugs, but she will fight to protect her nephew. If that means working in a brothel to afford the medical care her nephew needs, so be it.

Ralph Gold’s past may be checkered, but his present is almost entirely black. A highly placed member of Don Carlos’s mafia, Ralph seldom shows his anger. On those rare occasions when he does, though, people usually die. He is a trusted captain, able to organize crime in ways that make a few rich, a few protected, and a few dead.

Ralph and Julie meet in a previous book, and find that they are indeed soulmates. Passionately in love with each other, Ralph does indeed sweep Julie away to London. There, Don Carlos is hatching a brazen scheme that will result in more money than any of them has ever imagined. A wealthy Arab prince is coming to London to show off some jewels and sell some others. Don Carlos proposes that they steal the jewels. It is a dangerous plan, and Julie has a starring role in his plot.

Don Carlos does not like the word, “No.”

Gillian Godden has written a series of mob adventures with intersecting characters. This is the second of a series featuring Ralph and Julie Gold, who are characters in several other of her novels as well. The Gold’s are a perfect mob couple. She is completely loyal to, passionately in love with, and ferociously protective of her husband. He feels the same way about her. She is his eyes and ears, letting him know when parts of his empire are struggling. He is raw power, raising some and ending others. Both are brilliant and ruthless, willing to kill when necessary. When your business involves racketeering and extortion, guns and drugs, theft and money laundering, killing is necessary more often than for your average grocer or clerk.

As the couple plans both their wedding and the heist of the century, the action gets hotter and hotter with each page. Given the extravagance of their wedding, though, they may need the success of the robbery to bankroll the nuptials. One thing is for sure: the Golds’ activities both known and unknown will be talked about for years.

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I absolutely love this author and this has been another gripping and unputdownable page turner which has kept my attention from the beginning.

This is a book that is very well written with a whole array of characters. I love that Godden has presented these in a way that you see their flaws and positives.

I have loved revisiting characters from the previous book, however this reads perfectly as a standalone.

I adore a good crime fiction novel and this has been a delight to read. I can say nothing negative about this one. This is a must read for lovers of the genre.

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Wowza! This was a sit on the edge of your seat, bite all of your nails off, page turning adventure!!! This was my first book from this author and I was very impressed! I wish that I would have had the time to read Gold Digger first. I will most definitely be reading it soon! I really felt like I was a part of the story. I loved how the author was able to draw me in like that!

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I would recommend reading the first book in the series, Gold Digger to understand the characters and events more even though Fool's Gold can be read as a stand alone.
Fool's Gold is a detailed well thought out story that is easy to follow and hooks the reader into the story from the first page!
I like how Godden has created an action packed plot that encourages the reader to keep reading!
The character development of Fool's Gold is good. The characters are likeable and realistic. I like that Julie has a bold and sassy attitude and isn't afraid to tell it how it is, meanwhile Ralph is brooding yet as a pair the two of them make a interesting couple...

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Book Review “Fool’s Gold” by Gillian Godden


Fool’s Gold

A brand new story from Gillian Godden!

A new life…

With their wretched life in Liverpool behind them, Julie and Ralph Gold head to London for their next big break. Julie’s had enough of slumming it, she’s ready to quit their life of crime and go legit.

The same old game…

But it seems their reputation had beat them to it, and the underworld is already bubbling with news of the their arrival. And as much as Julie tries to go straight, the more people underestimate them and treat them like fools. And there is only so much Julie can take…

One last trick.

So when they are offered one final big job, Julie knows they should say no. It’s risky and could cost them everything they have. But it could also be their last chance to make it big.

And when fools rush in, the Golds take the spoils.

Read what happens next for Julie and Ralph Gold in another gripping story by Gillian Godden.

Purchase Link –


Fool’s Gold is my first novel by Gillian Godden. Where has this author been all my reading life? Wow is one word that springs to mind. This truly is a hard hitting gangland thriller with an extraordinary list of characters that all draw you in.

Julie and Ralph are a very likeable couple even though you know they are up to no good. I found myself rooting for them, especially Julie. She has a level of vulnerability about her that she is loathe to show even to her soon to be Gangland husband, Ralph. However she is a feisty woman that certainly takes no prisoners. Ralph has to reign her in quite often. Her mouth sometimes goes all out and you can almost here the voice in her head telling her to stop, but she just can’t help herself. She is the kind of woman that I would want on my side.

Ralph would do anything to protect his Julie but he becomes drawn into the biggest job he has ever been part of and Julie ends up being an integral part of the job. Ralph knows this could be the downfall of his marriage before it has even begun, but the mafia boss Carlos has a hold over Ralph, who he treats as a brother. He has no choice, he just hopes Julie will understand and forgive him, if they survive that is.

Fool’s Gold has crooks abound, they literally fill up every page with shocking deeds that create a tense atmosphere throughout.

I read this book with my eyes practically on stalks, lots of “oh NO that can’t happen” moments. I read it in one day as I absolutely could not put it down, I had to know what happened. They surely can’t get away with this heist? Its crazy, isn’t it? I fell in love with Ralph and Julie, for all their short comings they both have huge hearts of gold, but is in really Fool’s Gold?

Author Bio –

Gillian Godden is a brilliantly reviewed writer of gangland fiction as well as a full-time NHS Key Worker in Hull. She lived in London for over thirty years, where she sets her thrillers, and during this time worked in various stripper pubs and venues which have inspired her stories.

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Fools Gold by Gillian Godden is the second book I have read by the this author, the first being 'Gold Digger', which introduces the reader to the Golds. I loved Golddigger and was so looking forward to this book. I did expect it to be an excellent read, pressure!
A new life…
With their wretched life in Liverpool behind them, Julie and Ralph Gold head to London for their next big break. Julie’s had enough of slumming it, she's ready to quit their life of crime and go legit.
The same old game…
But it seems their reputation has beaten them to it, and the underworld is already bubbling with news of the their arrival.  And as much as Julie tries to go straight, the more people underestimate them and treat them like fools. And there is only so much Julie can take…
One last trick.
So when they are offered one final big job, Julie knows they should say no. It’s risky and could cost them everything they have. But it could also be their last chance to make it big.
And when fools rush in, the Golds take the spoils.
It took no time for me to be totally immersed in the Gold's world again. These two characters are definitely streetwise, as tough as they come and they won't turn a hair if they need to resort to violence. They see that as a normal way to survive in their world. They are also weirdly likable and I have rooted from them from the beginning.

If you haven't read the other book, I would recommend you do, even though this book. does tell you some of their history. If you want to understand what made these two what they are now in detail and get to know them both, the previous book is (for me anyway) a must read.
We see the return of some characters from the other book as well and I loved to catch up with them as well. This book did make me feel like I was catching up with old friends, dodgy ones, but still old friends. That's down to the writing style of the author. I enjoy Gillian Goddens style of writing as I feel like I am a part of these peoples lives. I am rather glad it is only through a story though, I wouldn't want to know what would happen if I got on their wrong side in real life...I shudder to think!
Thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and Boldwood Books for my place on the tour and the copy of the book.

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This book intrigued me from when I first saw the cover and read the blurb. I want to get more into crime books and this was a great start. We got to read about Ralph and Julie and their journey to becoming criminals. I enjoyed reading about Julie discovering luxury hotels and how she thought and felt.

Both of the characters were so funny and mischievous. I enjoyed reading in the perspective of both characters. The way Ralph takes on the jobs and how he does that, to how Julie loved the rewards and lives in luxury. It was interesting when we read about how their lives were before moving to London. I think that was important to remember while reading it, knowing how far the couple have come since moving. The book was funny at times but also serious. It was interesting to learn how gangland crime works and how Ralph is involved in everything.

I thought it was well written and was very gripping. I was so eager to find out more about this couple. I enjoyed reading from both main characters perspectives, we got to learn more and more about them. I definitely want to go back and read the first book, although this can be read as a stand-alone. I want to read more about the Gold’s couple.

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This is a brilliant crime thriller fiction book , featuring two strong lead characters , it is part of a series but it also works as a standalone.

In the book we have Julie and Ralph Gold , they have a big criminal reputation that just won't let them live a quiet life , they moved from Liverpool to London but the reputation follows them. Julie is determined to make a fresh start of her life and go clean and legit .... this only leads to people trying to take her as a fool , now as Julie is a strong independent woman she isn't going to let them happen for too long and soon they are back to their old ways.

I know that in the previous books you get more of an in depth look into the Gold's lives and so you will get more of a connection with them and feel like you know them more , but even as a first time reader of the series after reading the book I feel like I knew them well and could start to tell the way they were thinking. It is brilliantly written, the descriptions of the setting and the characters are great and you can certainly picture it in your mind as you are reading along. It is a book that will have you hooked with the fast pace and all the action to go with it !

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A tart and a thug, both cut from the same cloth and drawn together in book one, and it was only a matter of time until they formed an unstoppable partnership. Julie is determined that her life of crime and prostitution is behind her after meeting protection racket and organised crime gangster Ralph Gold in Liverpool and agreeing to marry him in a whirlwind romance. She follows him to London and is hopeful that her gold digger days are over. Straight away she finds herself in a luxury suite in a top hotel, and can’t believe her luck as Ralph tells her to arrange for her nephew Josh to join them, buy a house for them and arrange their wedding. Once they’ve each let their own skeletons out of the closet, their bond is forged for good. Meanwhile Ralph is setting up a deal with small time pimp and publican Charlie Jenkins to launder money for himself and business partner Don Carlos through their newly acquired west end nightclub. As Carlos reveals his plans for a three-way heist, bigger and riskier than anyone could possibly imagine, involving both Ralph and Julie as the “inside woman”, nothing is simple. Trouble flares in Ireland and Charlie starts to cause problems for Ralph. It seems there are few people he can really trust and rely on. The day of the robberies dawns. Will Carlos go out with a bang as planned? And what will happen to the Golds? Will the wedding of the year go ahead without any hitches? And just what does the future hold for everyone?
Julie and Ralph are both very likeable characters despite their tough and often brutal behaviour which they see as necessary for their survival, and there’s a fair amount of humour in the story too. It was great to see returning characters like Swinger Sue and Captain Roland, and although there is plenty of back story detailed here, I would advise reading book one first to really get to know the Golds and see what has shaped them as individuals in their lives to date. They are tough, incredibly loyal to the people who are dear to them but those who cross them should be very worried indeed! I am eager to read what happens next to Julie and Ralph Gold. 5*

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I recently read the first part of this series, and I was delighted with how similar the standards were in this follow-on. The superb absorbing storytelling style that Gillian Godden creates, made this book seem like I was visiting old friends in Julie and Ralph. This could also be read as a stand-alone, but I personally am glad I read the first book, as it enabled me to get the back story on these characters.

This is a great gangland thriller, with dramatic and gripping scenes but nothing that can be deemed as too heavy, making this extremely entertaining for fans of this genre.

I have been left wanting to read more from this author, and am excited about her future releases.

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Fool's gold by Gillian Godden.
A new life…
With their wretched life in Liverpool behind them, Julie and Ralph Gold head to London for their next big break. Julie’s had enough of slumming it, she's ready to quit their life of crime and go legit.
The same old game…
But it seems their reputation has beaten them to it, and the underworld is already bubbling with news of the their arrival.  And as much as Julie tries to go straight, the more people underestimate them and treat them like fools. And there is only so much Julie can take…
One last trick.
So when they are offered one final big job, Julie knows they should say no. It’s risky and could cost them everything they have. But it could also be their last chance to make it big.
And when fools rush in, the Golds take the spoils.
A good read with good characters. Likeable story. I loved the cover. That's what drew me to read it. 4*.

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