Member Reviews

A tale of three sisters and their struggles to survive multiple camps during the Holocaust. Inspired by real sisters, this story tells of their tale of trying to stay together. Similar to many books of this genre, it goes into detail about the hardships and horrors endured by Jews during this time.
If you like The Tattooist of Auschwitz, you will enjoy Heather Morris' third book in the series.

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Three Sisters is an excellent new addition to the genre of true stories about WWII concentration camp survivors.

This time around, Heather Morris masterfully weaves the true story of three sisters from Slovakia into a heart wrenching book. When the girls were little, their father made them promise to always look out for each out. Little did he know that this would mean facing the unthinkable hardships of surviving in Auschwitz. This is an unbelievable story of survival, strength, and the bonds of sisterhood. It covers not just the time in the concentration camp, but the rebuilding of new lives after.
For anyone was moved by The Tattooist of Auschwitz and Cilka's Journey, this is a must read.

Thank you for #NetGalley, Heather Morris, and St. Martin's Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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If you enjoy epic WWII historical fiction based on the lives of real people this book is for you! Another hit by Heather Morris, this story follows one family of Slovakian Jewish sisters as they are each rounded up and sent to concentration camps in Poland. Promising to stick together the story is about their journey to survive the camps against all odds and what happens after the war is over when they immigrate to Israel and work to create a promised land for Jewish people.

I really enjoyed that this was based on real events and that the story didn't just end with the war. Few books go into such detail about what life was like for Jewish people when they had no homes left to return to. Highly recommended, especially for fans of We were the lucky ones or Send for me by Lauren Fox. This was also great on audio and featured a small cameo of Lale (from the Tattooist from Auschwitz), which I loved! Much thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my advance review copy!

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When you read the afterward of this book and learn that this story is based off of real people I think it took this book and elevated. To then read the notes included by the family and learn how this book came to be took it even higher in my mind.

This was such a powerful story and one not to be entered into lightly. It is the story of family bonds and survival. It will break your heart as all Holocaust books will do but it will give you hope as you root for the sisters in their different situations and experiences.

The narration of this story was well done and I do recommend it on audio for those who enjoy audiobooks

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I listened to the audiobook and loved every minute of this book!! I was in tears multiple times over the raw emotion from the story. It was beautifully written and a story that needs to be heard/read by everyone.

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Before their father passed away, he made his three daughters make a promise. Livia, Magda, and Cibi must do everything in their power to stay together. They each take this promise, and they do stay together, for the most part. Then WWII happens and the three are separated. Two are able to stay together in a concentration camp. But the third is saved from their fate because of a Christian doctor. However, after a few years, they all three end up together in Auschwitz. The horrors they have seen and experienced live with them throughout the years to come.

This story is heart wrenching in so many places. How these three survived is an amazing tale. They survived because of kindness of others or just by chance and sheer luck. And their tale does not stop after Auschwitz. They continue to live not far from each other and share in their trials and tribulations.

Heather Morris has done it again. I am amazed at the research which went into this novel. And the narrator, Finty Williams did an excellent job, perfect inflection and voices. She really brought the story to life!

Need a dang good novel that you will think about for days after…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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This is the third book in The Tattooist of Auschwitz story, and while there is a brief interlude with Lale, the book is really about three sisters - Cibi, Magda, and Livia - and their lives. It is a compelling story and while the horrors of Nazi Germany are part of the story, but really the story is about the relationships of these sisters and the promise they made to their father.

The story is beautifully told, poignant, and a compelling listen. (Excellent narration by Finty Williams, by the way!)

I loved how this story went far beyond the concentration camps to their immigration to Israel and their lives there. I highly recommend this story!

I want to thank NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an arc of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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This audiobook was given to me by NetGalley for my honest opinion. Another great book by Heather Morris. The story starts out in Slovakia June 1929 and takes us through the trials & tribulations during WWII. In 1929 the three sisters (Livia- 7 years old, Magda- 5 years old & Cibi-3 years old) making a promise to their father and try the best they could to keep that promise. This a heartbreaking story of the life these 3 girls lived during the Holocaust.

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In this third book in "The Tattooist of Auschwitz" trilogy author Heather Morris (based on an incredible true story) tells the story of three Slovakian sisters Cibi, Magda and Livia. They make a promise to their father that they will always stay together, no matter what.
The story follows the sister's before, during and after they were sent to Auschwitz and Birkenau. They struggle to survive illness, starvation and are forced to go on a death march.
Author Heather Morris captures the beauty and the horror in the three sisters lives.
She writes a testament to the power of love and devotion.

Narrator Finty Williams does an amazing job telling this story!

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an arc of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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This is not an easy book to listen to (or read) or review. It issue important and was quite an emotional journey. This author has found a way to take the horrors of the Holocaust and the heinous things that happened and create a fictionalized story that every living being should read as an introduction that should want to make them want to learn more about the Holocaust to make sure it never happens again. There are so many attacks on people of the Jewish faith and that there are also so many who currently deny that it happened is despicable. We meet a Slovakian family. The three sisters somehow manage to survive the horrors and brutality of Auschwitz. They ultimately escape from a death march and by hiding in the woods. We joined them on the journey to the rest of their lives. Trying to learn to live with the horrors of their collective past, what freedom now means to them, ghosts of what happened and trying to love each other and build new lives. Again, this is a tough and yet beautiful important story to read. Today so many are not taught or are aware the Holocaust and that is not acceptable. This author is amazing and creates fictional works all based on reality and in doing so helps to not only entertain, but to educate. I am so grateful to her for doing so. Her series, though can be read as individual books are so incredibly important. Do not miss this one.

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Three Sisters by Heather Morris is the third book in her The Tattooist of Auschwitz series. Though connected, you don't need to read/listen to the first two books, as this story does stand alone. I listened to the audiobook version which was beautifully narrated by Finty Williams. (Her pronunciation of names and towns is astounding!) The three sisters in the book are actually real people, and this book is based on their experiences. It is an absolutely heartbreaking, horrific and brutal story. However, it's also greatly inspiring, showing the enduring human spirit and the love of family.

Cibi, Magda and Livia of Slovakia made a promise to their father that they would always be together. That vow is put to the test when all three girls eventually end up in Auschwitz. They survive brutality and starvation, but at least the sisters are together. They make another promise, and that is they will live. On the death march from the camps, the sisters manage to escape and eventually make their way home; but it is no longer home. The sisters travel to Israel and make new lives for themselves in the Promised Land.

Yes, that's a rather generic and short description of the book, isn't it? But this is one of those books you must simply dive in and experience. I warn you it is not an easy read. Life - and death - in the camps is addressed bluntly. You can feel the girls' pain and heartbreak. You will cry along with them. Cringe at events. Tears will pour down your cheeks. Man's inhumanity to man is a terrible thing. But you will also feel the girls' hope, love and devotion to family. They lived through the worst of times and made beautiful new lives for themselves.

I've mentioned in many reviews that my mother and I went to Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland. It is somewhere everyone should go, as its history may be the most important lesson you will ever learn. It was the largest Nazi concentration and extermination camp, where over 1.1 millions souls lost their lives. When going through Auschwitz, you can touch the wall and bullet holes where prisoners were shot. You go into the gas chamber and can feel the souls of the lost. You see relics there that will just rip your heart out. There's not much left to see in Birkenau, but the train tracks that brought millions to their death still exist. It's simply amazing that these girls were able to survive the horror and move on to lives filled with love.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905

I received an ARC of this audiobook courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Though  I loved both The Tattooist of Auschwitz and Cilka's Journey, by Heather Morris, Three Sisters is my favorite book of hers.  As usual for Morris' books, the characters are well developed and the story is one you don't want to put down.  Three Sisters is the story of three Slovakian sisters imprisoned at Auschwitz and of how they survive and what became of them after the war.  It is a beautifully written story of despair, hope, family, and survival. It could be a stand-alone, but as it refers to other beloved characters from her previous two novels, it is best to read all three.
This audio version was very well done and a pleasure to listen to.

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Three Sisters is the third book in Heather Morris’ Tattooist of Auschwitz series, but like the others, can be read as stand-alone.

I am drawn to historical fiction from this time period. It’s not that I enjoy the agonizing details but believe each story and perspective should be told. Of all the WW2 fiction books I’ve read, this one was packed with hope and promise throughout. The narration by Finty Williams (@fintywilliams) is stunning!

Thank you to @NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the opportunity to listen to this advanced audiobook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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The story of three sister that were bonded early in their lives by their parents. That bond and their commitment to stay together brings them through the challenges and horrors of Auschwitz. It’s a story for today, in as much as it teaches one to appreciate the good that there is in the world and to appreciate what we have. The modern world could learn a lot from this story. We all need to look out for each other a bit more and focus on people for that is what is important. Thanks to NetGalley.

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Three Sisters by Heather Morris is the heart wrenching/heart warming story of three sisters who promise their father to always be there for each other and protect each other. CIbi, Magda and Livia keep this promise the rest of their lives, even and especially when they are taken to Auschwitz. This story is based upon a true story and show the strength, determination and resilience these sisters had. We follow them before they were sent to Auschwitz, during their time in the camp and then a large portion of the book tells the story of what happened after. This is something unique that we do not see as much in the Tattooist of Auschwitz and Chika's Journey. It is remarkable how these stories are connected and the tragic and unimaginable their story is. Another fascinating read from Heather Morris.

The narrator, Finty Williams, does a wonderful job of giving voice to Cibi, Magda and Livia. Excellent work.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for this audiobook copy in exchange for an honest review.

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How do you review a book that is based on actual people's lives and the devastation of the Holocaust. I thought I had a review all written up in my head, until I got to the author's note about each of the real life people these characters were based on. And hearing of them as real people, I just don't know how you give someone's life story--nevertheless three life stories--a low review. And the Epilogue took my breath away.

Holocaust historical fiction typically isn't my cup of tea because its just too real. I enjoy reading that is escapism, and even heavier topics that are just based in history is different to me than hearing who these characters actually were. So it is rare that I picked up this book. But I've seen how much people have loved this author's other books so I couldn't pass it by.

What heartbreakingly beautiful story of sisters, who promised each other such a promise. And to survive such unthinkable circumstances and lived to carry the stories. For me, the second half of the book was even more touching because a lot of historical fiction of this time period doesn't touch on afterwards and the after effects except maybe in epilogues of years later. This to me was the charm of the book. Seeing the sister's stories played out and how the situations they lived through effected them and the others in their lives so deeply. What they came home to. Who and how they met other survivors. What Israel meant to them afterwards. Makes it all so much more real to the reader.

And the narration was beautiful.

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I have read the other two books, The Tattooist of Auschwitz and Cilka's Journey, by Heather Morris, so when I saw this title, I jumped at the opportunity. I had the privilege of reading and listening to early review copies.
It is hard to say I “enjoyed” reading a book about true terrors and horrors these women faced. What I can say I enjoy is Heather’s ability to capture the fortitude, determination, and pure courage these women displayed.
Despite everything these women faced, they remained true to family and never lost HOPE. This to me is the biggest takeaway of this novel. It is brimming with details and history but drips with hope and endurance.
Grab your tissues, for you will likely shed tears, but you will also smile as these women find new life and overcome their nightmares.
I received a complimentary advanced copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are my own, freely given.

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This story is amazing! I think this is my favorite of her three Auschwitz novels. It is so heart warming and the story is told in such a respectful way while not making light of any of the atrocities that took place. Listening to the audiobook made it even more gut wrenching and I found myself fighting back tears numerous times. This is more than a story about three sisters. It’s a story of family, resilience, love, bravery and strength. I love reading these types of stories because it shows how important hope was in staying alive.

I really enjoyed that Heather Morris included the afterwards from some of the family members and I thought that was a fantastic addition. It is also amazing for the family to be able to read the story about these sisters and share it with the world.

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Three Sisters is another one of Heather Morris' masterpieces of historical fiction. Just like her two previous novels, Three Sisters is a novel following the story of real people who lived through the Holocaust.

What I liked: I had to remind myself throughout the novel that this was indeed a real story. I loved remembering that Morris extensively researched and interviewed to bring this story to life. The Author's Note anchors the story in facts.

What I didn't like: At some points, I felt like the story could have ended. For example, I felt like the author was stretching the story to make sure we all understood how each of the three sisters were married, even though I was already convinced of their triumph in Israel.

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As young girls, Cibi, Magda, and Livia made a promise to their father always to stay together and look after one another. Little did they know how necessary that promise would be. They endure unfathomable conditions at Auschwitz, only to be led on a death march as the Nazis try to hide what they have done in the waning days of the war. From there, they must try to figure out how to rebuild their lives with little more than each other to their names. (If you read the book’s blurb, it sounds like this story starts after the war. However, the war is at least half of the book – just an FYI.)

Though this is historical fiction, the three sisters were very real people. The author, Heather Morris, was able to interview two of the three sisters, as well as reading a diary from one of the sisters, and she cross-checked facts where possible. For a Holocaust book, this seemed to be rather upbeat, in part due to the narrator’s tone in reading it, and in part because the girls kept saying things to each other to keep them going through the hell that was Auschwitz. I would say love is the overarching theme of this book, and I felt it in the sisters’ actions. Overall, this was a fabulous novel.

Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me an audio ARC of this book.

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