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Summer on the Island

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Strong Summer Beach Romance / Women's Fiction Tale Marred By Referencing COVID. If one takes away the pervasive references to COVID, this is a strong summer island getaway beach romance/ women's fiction tale of three women escaping to the far coast from where they currently live in order to get a break and maybe even heal or find themselves in the process. At it absolutely works in those elements, particularly as our central character unpacks her history and uncovers an astonishing family secret. Truly the only reason for the star deduction is because I DO NOT WANT TO READ ABOUT COVID. PERIOD. And thus I'm waging a one man Crusade against any book that mentions it via an automatic star deduction. So if you feel as I do, know that this book does reference COVID quite a bit, but at least in this case it is more backstory/ explanatory than something the characters are actively living through within the text of this tale. Truly a strong, fun summer/ beach type read, great for those who have been stuck inside for two years and are just now beginning to venture out again. Though one final note: For those that want their books "clean" or "sweet"... this isn't that. Hell, there are some XXX scenes here - as is typical in many romances. Closed door, this ain't. So know that going in too. :D Very much recommended.

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OKAY, so I don't know what I was expecting, but I was not expecting to LOVE this story. I was expecting a decent summer/beach romance novel, but was very pleasantly surprised by how much more this book was!

This was friend/family drama at it's finest! I read this in under 24 hours and the last 25% , went so unbelievably fast. This would be the perfect read-in-one-sitting vacation binge read!

If this isn't already on your list, add it now! This book is available for purchase on April 5th! Thank you so much to Harlequin/Mira for the E-ARC.

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Summer on the Island
by Brenda Novak
Pub Date: April 5, 2022
Harlequin /Mira
Thanks to Brenda Novak, Mira, and NetGalley for a great Spring Break ARC. I really enjoyed this book.
* women's fiction
This book came at just the right time, Thanks, Brenda. I needed the fresh sea breeze on my face.
I loved the believable characters and their experience of real-life events.
A love story at its best with a family drama at the beach house in Seaclusion.
With all that said this book had so many layers. It was a story of friendship, family, love, forgiveness and for added fun a little mystery.
4 stars

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Another wonderful read by Brenda Novak. I found the characters of Marlow and Walker to be well developed and I thoroughly enjoyed watching their relationship grow. Highly recommend!

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After her father's passing Marlow Madsen travels to the families' summer home in Florida to help her mother settle her father's affairs and reconnect with her mom. It has been a while since they have spent any time together and she is hoping this will be a joyful reunion for both of them. But that hope is dashed when they discover some long held secrets in her father's will. Now she is left wondering if she really knew her father at all and what else he may have been hiding?

Summer on the Island is a captivating family drama that will keep you entranced from beginning to end. As we join our heroine on what is supposed to be a little life reboot, quickly turns out to be something unexpected and not all that happy either. Her beloved father was keeping secrets throughout his life that completely unraveled any idea of the perfect father she had for him. He left quite the mess for her mother and her to make sense of, and try to overcome.

But with a little time and encouragement from her friends our heroine begins to find her way through the tragedy and discovers the happiness she was seeking. Her story is one that will give your heartstrings a good workout, but definitely leave it in better shape in the end! Highly recommend!!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from the publisher, and I am voluntarily leaving my honest and unbiased opinion.

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This is my second Brenda Novak book and I definitely didn’t enjoy this one as much as I did the first, The Bookstore on the Beach. Summer on the Island is full of family, drama and beachy vibes. The twist at the end is great and the drama kept me turning pages. However, I found the book to be loooong and a bit wordy. I also had a difficult time connecting and really caring about the characters. I was skimming a lot during the middle of the book. The ending definitely made up for it, though. A good beach read!

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Family drama and friendship of women always a plus in chick lit. The characters are relatable and get you to care. Another winner.

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What an amazing emotional story, a trip taken to go visit her mom after her dad passed away, Marlow brings her friends Clare and Aida with her to enjoy the summer in Florida. Each has their own story that you become invested in, and you will enjoy! It's definitely a story that will grab you in, and hold onto you, because as always with Brenda, it's got things going on that you won't see coming, and throw in some sweet men and it's a perfect book!
5 summer stars for this one!
This is a perfect book to sit on the beach and read during spring break, or even curled up under a blanket! I loved it and I know you will also! Grab this one asap!

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I generally don’t love romance or beach reads, but I devoured this book! The characters are relatable and easy to root for, the setting is beautiful, and the easy romance with a little heat made it a pleasure to dive in to! Enemies to friends (and lovers!), family drama, strong female characters, and a powerful storyline left me wishing for more! A truly enjoyable read!

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Brenda Novak simply never disappoints! Her latest novel Summer on the Island is an absolute perfect escape read! Melding the women’s fiction and romance genres seamlessly, I truly found this book unputdownable! I felt the entire cast of characters were so relatable and realistic— I really enjoyed reading where their journeys would take them! One of favorite aspects of this novel was an unlikely friendship between two women who you would have thought would hate each other — so refreshing to see women supporting women! When I finished this 5 star novel, I immediately wanted to read another Brenda Novak book lol! Soooo, needless to say I am eagerly looking forward to Brenda’s next read!

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Although Summer on the Island revolves around Marlow, Claire, and Aida, for me, the book was about Walker. He’s a hunky chief of police who rides a Harley. Game over for me!
I had a hunch what the big bomb was with the death of Marlow’s father. I was surprised at the friendship between Aida and Claire, considering the circumstances behind it.
I don’t know if I believe the breach between two of the characters would be reconcilable.
Reading a Brenda Novak book is an easy, comfortable delight.

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I like Brenda Novak’s books. Marlow Madison is the daughter of a senator who has just passed away. She goes back home to help her mother deal with her father’s estate and meet up with some friends. While she is home, she reconnects with an old boyfriend. When her father’s will is read, secrets come out and change everything for Marlow and her mother.

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Well written and an engaging main character, I recommend this book. Brenda Novak once again captivates the reader with a story of three women who are spending the summer at Marlows Mothers’ place, an Florida. Each has their drama that they are trying to move on from all interconnected. Marlow is a divorce attorney who just lost her father and wants to be close to her mother now. Her two friends who came with her are Claire and Aida both scared emotionally by the same man. The story is fast-paced and there are plenty of plot twists and possible love interests mixed with unexpected painful truths.
Thank you, NetGalley, and publishers Harlequin Books for this eARC this is my honest opinion. Read this book it's a great beach read.

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Disclaimer: I was sent a free book and am voluntarily leaving this honest review.

As with many of Novak's books, this was a quick read because I couldn't put it down.

First, there was the fact it took place in Florida which is my home state so I was thrilled about that. But more importantly, she really did a fabulous job writing about MS. As a woman who has lived 30+ years with MS, I was in awe of how well Novak was able to Convey what it is like to live with not just from the personal point of view but also from the family's. I found myself so many times nodding my head or simply crying because she nailed it.

With all that said this book had so many layers. It was a story of friendship, family, love, forgiveness and for added fun a little mystery.

When Marlow decided to return home to restart her life she takes along 2 friends who need to restart as well. But sometimes to restart or to even change your life you have to face the past and learn to forgive and let go.

I don't want to give too much away but this book had me taking this journey that left me emotionally exhausted and yet feeling rejuvenated all at once.

If you are looking for a great way to enjoy your summer days on the beach, lake, or by the pool, this book is a must-read. It will take you on a journey that is unforgettable.

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‘Summer on the Island’ is a wonderful beach read by Brenda Novak. Although the main female characters seem to make some questionable choices throughout the book, it is an easy read and perfect to take along to the beach.

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Three friends need an escape from their difficult situations. Marlow is a divorce lawyer struggling with all the hate and anger she deals with in her practice, Claire lost her house in a fire and subsequently her business, Aida's contentious divorce is final and she is picking up the pieces. They all travel to Marlowe's family home in Florida to spend time with her mom as well as heal from the past year. While Aida and Claire are looking forward to a fun, relaxing time at the beach, Marlow has a history on the Island. A secret from the past is revealed that threatens Marlow and her new relationship. An enjoyable family/friend drama with each of the characters finding that moving forward isn't as easy as escaping to the beach.

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Definitely one of my favorites this year! I needed a break away from the winter cabin feel and experience the ocean breeze and sunlight on my face with this one. Excellent, Brenda! Don't miss this one if you are a fan of genuine women's fiction. I loved the believable characters and their experience of real life events.

Marlow needs to get away from her job as a divorce attorney and the stigma it carries. Her sweet friends: Aida has recently divorced; Claire has unfortunately lost her home and studio to wildfires. When Marlow loses her dad, a U.S. Senator, the three of them travel to a small island off the coast of Florida to help her mother settled the family estate.

This trip would signify a healing and refreshing beachfront summer for them. What they did not figure in was a shocking revelation of Marlow's dad which may tarnish his character. With so many questions and a mystery to solve, She finds time for an eventful yet unexpected relationship. A love story at its best with the additive of family drama at the beach house Seaclusion. 🌺 Finding out Forgiveness is a necessity if love will proceed.

Thanks NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this Arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Quick read, my first by this author. Family angst, romance, and a twist tied together for a good story.

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Thank you so much publishers for the opportunity to review this book! I love Brenda Novak and to me it isn't summer without one of her books! In true Novak fashion, we have a band of characters who give us messy life with love and drama to the fullest! I love her writing and how she always manages to make me feel like I have the sun beating down on me with sand between my toes!

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This book does not have any dull or lug moments. The story has many layers all the way to the end. Marlowe has come home to Florida for summer vacation along with her friends Aida and Claire.
Marlowe is dealing with the death of her father Senator Tiller Madsen and has come home to help her mom put his things in order. Marlowe's family has had the same housekeeper Rosemary for the last forty years. Marlowe is so grateful that Rosemary is able to attend to her mother(mom has an medical ailment) when she Marlowe wasn't available.Marlowe's father lawyer has requested her in person in Georgia for the reading of the will. Both Marlowe and her mom Eileen does not understand why the will cannot be read virtually, we the readers eventually find out why and let's just say it will change the family dynamic forever.We also get to find out how Claire and Aida along with Marlowe became friends and believe me when i say it I don't recall ever seeing this type of plot in a romance/women's fiction book and its done so eloquently. Ms. Novak has created nothing short of a powerful combination of women's fiction and romance all wrapped up in one.
This novel had it all shock, anger, bitterness, seemingly unforgiven heart and then forgiveness.I enjoyed that Ms. Novak added in current events such as the pandemic, the California wildfires and Florida's storm's.

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