Member Reviews

Hot-shot lawyer McKenna Keaton finds herself in the midst of a professional crisis when she's falsely accused of embezzlement, leading to unpaid leave and a return home for her sister's wedding. But what awaits her is more than just wedding festivities—it's a reunion with her high school rival-turned-documentarian, Henry Blumenthal, now known as Hank Blume.

Turner expertly weaves together a plot filled with humor, heart, and plenty of surprises. As McKenna navigates the challenges of her situation and confronts her past, the chemistry between her and Hank crackles with tension and longing. The story is filled with witty banter and charming moments, keeping readers hooked from start to finish.

What sets "The Do-Over" apart is its focus on character growth and the exploration of themes like redemption and self-discovery. McKenna's journey from disgraced lawyer to finding unexpected love is both relatable and uplifting. Meanwhile, Hank's transformation from nerdy high school rival to successful documentarian adds depth to the story and keeps readers invested in their relationship.

The pace of "The Do-Over" is perfect, with Turner skillfully balancing humor, romance, and emotional depth. While some aspects of the plot may feel familiar, Turner injects enough twists and turns to keep things fresh and engaging. Overall, "The Do-Over" is a charming and heartwarming read that will leave readers smiling and rooting for McKenna and Hank's happily ever after.

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This book was filled with friendship, love, family and growth. This sweet enemies to lovers trope was easy to read and a feel good book filled with sunshine. I loved the plot of finding oneself and finding romance when you least expect it.
Thank you Netgalley for the sharing the digital copy.

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Oh my gosh, did I just love this book! I loved the reconnection between McKenna and Hank and how they instantly are still attracted to each other. I also loved the fact that McKenna didn't take getting in trouble for embezzlement (which she didn't do!) lying down and instead, fought back that much harder to clear her name. This was so cute, so sweet, with so many funny and emotional parts, I just could not put it down!

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I really loved this book and the characters!
No spicy scenes, 1 mild but sweet makeout scene

Things I loved:
How cute Henry was flirting but also so open and honest- "should I answer to my attorney or the girl I'm trying to impress"
The sisters, specifically Erica and McKenna but also how they all found an understanding of each other and grew closer
The NC area- biased for my hometown and march madness references
How McKenna looked at NY and described it
The brother in laws and family in general
The 2 interesting plots behind the love story- McKenna and her law firm and the family history/genealogy

**Spoiler alert** the good guy becomes the bad guy

Things I didn't love: McKenna's selfishness (although she did grow and learn more about herself to change)
McKenna lying to Henry but also calling him the one that could change everything

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I feel like I didn’t quite connect with this book or the characters although I feel like the writing was really well done and I still enjoyed the concept.

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To begin with I was really enjoying this book, however I lost momentum with it about 50% of the way through where it felt like it slowed right down.

I think it might have been because the side characters felt more interesting to me than the main characters and I enjoyed their contributions more than our lead. I understand this is likely purposeful that the main character is a bit stoic and unlikeable, however it made it a real struggle to get through.

I do appreciate the eARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you

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I tried really hard to get into this book but I did NOT like McKenna at all. It was hard to cheer on the HEA when you don't actually like the FMC. It was also pretty easy to guess who was the embezzler early on.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC.

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I wasn't able to finish. I didn't connect to the heroine at all within the first several chapters. I'm sad because Ms. Turner is an amazing writer and I love her humor and style. I'll continue checking out her future books, but I'd love to see a heroine with some maturity again (like Sarah Hollenbeck and Hadley Beckett! They're SO GOOD!). Others may appreciate where it's going and have the fortitude to see the heroine grow as the book progresses, but my ADHD brain just couldn't stick it out.

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Fab book, nice easy read and a storyline that kept me hooked while reading. Not heard of this author before but I would definitely read more!

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This was a sweet rom-com. I liked the depiction of anxiety. I felt like it was really realistic. And I liked McKenna and Henry!

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Second Chance?

Loved the genealogical/historian/documentarian aspects, they are unique and really made the book for me. I really liked the characters in this book, they were easy to root for. I loved that McKenna and Henry/Hank were able to reconnect and that there was admiration on both sides. McKenna's family was awesome and their support was incredible!
I appreciated the representation of anxiety in this book. I look forward to rereading this one.
This was a sweet read, I'd rate PG for kissing and realistic depictions of anxiety and panic attacks.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher the opportunity to read and review this book. All thoughts are my own. McKenna is an attorney in New York and is convinced that she is about to become partner. When that all falls apart and she is accused of embezzling, she returns home to North Carolina to spend some time with her family. She reconnects with a high school classmate, who is turns out if very successful and hasn't gotten over McKenna. I loved these characters, this family and want to read more from this author.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Thomas Nelson for sending me a copy of this book! All opinions are my own!

If you're looking for a sweet romance that's filled with a life-journey that resonates deep in your soul, then you've come to the right place! For starters, I really love the growth and journey that McKenna goes through. At first I wasn't too sure about her, but her character resonated so deep with me, as someone who has known what career (doctor) they wanted since they were a kid as well and never wavered from that. But hers is a journey of finding worth outside of your career, and it's something that was so freeing to read and experience.

Then we have the romance, which was so sweet and fun that I wanted so much more of it! Which is really my only complaint about the book because I really wanted to see more of McKenna and Henry together. It took a while to get to their story and it felt a bit rushed at times with the overall romance. But I also loved the family aspect and the way that everything ties together, especially with all the genealogy as well.

I also really enjoyed the representation of panic attacks and the way that it's part of McKenna's story but don't define her. It's part of her journey and helps to shape her but doesn't control her, and I love the support that her family shows her as well. This topic isn't super important to the storyline, but I appreciated the relation to being such a perfectionist and striving so high in your career that you never feel as though you'll be enough. It made me feel seen.

If you need a romance to read, definitely check this out!

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McKenna thinks she's getting a promotion but her life is thrown in chaos when she's accused of embezzlement. She goes home from NY to NC under the excuse of going to her younger sister's engagement party when she's actually forced to take a leave of absence.
Being back in her hometown with her family awakens a whole new set of feelings, especially when she reconnects with an old friend from high school who's now famous.
This one just didn't really work for me. I was bored and the writing needed help.

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A funny and sweet romantic comedy about a workaholic lawyer forced to take leave because she's being investigated for crimes she didn't commit and her high school nemesis who seems to have it all together. Great banter and a fun and fast read.

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Oh what a wonderful rom-com! The Do-Over completely swept me off my feet.

What I’d like to say first is that while the plot here is not what I would necessarily call “original”, I can say was that it was all incredibly well done! McKenna is 38 with her life figure out, until a curveball tips her life on a complete 180 and she finds herself back in her hometown. I won’t go into more detail, but what the reader gets is a story of self-discovery, personal growth, family, and second chances. And it was excellent from start to finish!

What really stood out to me here and became memorable were the characters. They were so real on the pages and I enjoyed coming alongside them through the story. While I couldn’t always relate to McKenna or even appreciate all of her choices, I did understand her motives the more I got to know her and found her to be a likable character. And Henry, oh Henry. I absolutely loved him and his relationship with McKenna. His understanding of who she was and sweetness towards her was unbeatable and exactly what I love to see in a romantic comedy. This is an element that can make or break a rom com for me, so I am pleased to say that in this story is definitely made it!

One more note worth elaborating on is the excellent writing here! Bethany’s writing is that beautiful, almost poetic style that glides through the page and brings the settings and characters to vibrant life. NYC came alive on the pages as did all the settings, and I loved the feeling that I was really present with the characters at all times.

If you’re looking for a clean and charming yet emotional and meaningful rom-com, I highly recommend The Do-Over. It’s quick and easy and would make for the perfect read to tuck away in your bag for a beach or day trip. You won’t be disappointed!

Many thanks to Thomas Nelson and NetGalley for the gifted e-copy!

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I sadly was unable to finish this book because I struggled so much to connect to the story, characters, and kept putting this down. I was extremely disinterested in all content and tried this in ebook and audio but had to officially DNF it.

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Sweet and charming.

Read over the course of parts of two days, so, a great beach read.

4 stars!

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This was a fun and entertaining read. Filled with lots of romance, family drama and friendships that were great to read about. Nothing super unique about this book, but it was entertaining.

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I think this is Bethany's best book yet! McKenna returns home in disgrace and is forced to appear cheerful at her sister's upcoming wedding events. We meet Nerdy Henry (the name says it all!) who is not quite like he was back in high school and then wait eagerly for them to fall in love. A great romcom with all the feels. A definite re-read.

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