Member Reviews

"The Lost Dreamer" stands out in the YA genre for its unique setting, creative plot, and excellent representation. I can't say I've read many YA fantasy novels recently that have been this inventive, and I was impressed by the scale of the world Huerta was able to create.

This book is told in alternative perspectives by Saya and Indir. Both are Dreamers, women able to enter a secondary realm to reality called Dream. Indir is a traditional Dreamer from Alcanzeh, where Dreaming is seen as a sacred rite and revered by the citizens who live there. Saya, although not having been born in Alcanzeh, is able to ask spirits for help in Dream without the same sacred rituals and practices. As the women of Alcanzeh work to defend their home from an heir claiming to be King and the damage done to Dreaming, Saya seeks to find a better life away from her controlling mother, Celay, and their constant traveling.

There were a few aspects of this book that didn't work for me, which started from the first pages of the book. I have trouble with more complex magic systems and world-building when information is given too quickly. Huerta drops the reader right into the middle of Alcanzeh and explains a lot in the first 30 pages. While I appreciated the gradual release of important information as the book continued (which is central to what works about the plot), I found it difficult to immerse myself in certain aspects of this book, most notably the Dreaming. The concept of prophesying magic through a separate realm was interesting, but that's where my knowledge of it ended with the Alcanzeh Dreamers. Saya's POV allowed me to have a little more understanding of the scope, but still it didn't feel like enough. I also found myself wondering about the other subtypes of magic and how they relate. At one point, it is mentioned that it is important that all of the magic works together in symbiosis, but that's all the time spent on it.

While I'm certain there will be a book two pending the success of book one, from what I gathered in the publishing information, I took this to be a standalone (or a standalone that would likely lead to a second book). I usually expect these types of novels to come to a larger conclusion (which this one did in a way) without leaving any giant questions unanswered or even unanswerable. But that's where I've found myself now. I'm hoping for more answers about the magic system. I'm questioning the motivation of the main antagonist. I'm wondering what happened in the first 3/4 of the book plot wise.

I liked the book well enough, mostly for the two main characters and the overarching journey I think they'll have, but I'm not sure this would count as my favorite YA fantasy novel of late. I think intrepid readers of high fantasy could find this one more enjoyable than me.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Lost Dreamer is a Mesoamerican-inspired fantasy which follows two girls, Indir -- a Dreamer who suddenly loses her gift -- and Saya -- an untrained girl who can enter the Dream -- as their world descends into violence and chaos.

Overall I quite enjoyed this book, primarily its atmosphere. There were strong ancient Mesoamerican influences throughout, and the landscape of the Dream was mysterious and intriguing. The characters, too, were rounded and strong, and it was easy to be on their side, to want to fight for them.

Being the first in a duology, however, this book does skew much more towards setting up the story-at-large. Though there is an arc present, particularly the ways in which our two narrating characters' stories intertwine, the major conflict -- what Indir sees in her Dream for the dying king, Saya's purpose, the chaos -- is mostly just set up, not seen through. This is fine, especially because there will be a book two, however it does mean that the overall plot of this book may leave something to be desired. The pacing is slow, takes its time, and although it's worth sticking it out to the end, it can be a bit difficult to get through what feels like occasional lulls.

I am beyond excited to see what happens in Indir and Saya's stories (by the way, that twist near the end! I should have seen it coming, but I really didn't).

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3 stars

I struggled a bit with how to rate this because I think more consistent fans of YA fantasy will really enjoy this (4 stars, even more?), while for me, it was a bit slow at times.

Indir and Saya are a dreamer and a seer respectively, and their impressions are the ones readers see throughout the duration of the novel. Huerta describes masterfully, so readers get a solid sensory experience in the space created here, and this obviously makes for effective world building overall. The main characters possess intriguing roles, secrets, and revelations, and they are joined by a cast of ancillary characters whom I found less gripping. Like any worthwhile YA novel, there's a healthy dose of coming-of-age, finding oneself, and recognizing that authority isn't always smarter than the ingénue.

Though it's not my favorite subgenre of YA, I do often enjoy fantasy. This felt a bit too descriptive and repetitive for me during large chunks of the book, but I am excited to read more from this author and again expect that folks who'd label themselves hardcore fans of fantasy will have fewer moments of pause. This one is worth picking up for the setting alone, so interested parties should give it an enthusiastic go.

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dnf @ 28%

while i loved the mythology and jungle setting inspired by ancient mesoamerica, this one just hasn’t managed to hold my interest. it’s written in a very simplistic, young style that seems more suited to something middle grade-level and felt at odds with the main characters’ ages and some of the more mature themes. i’m also fussy about books with multiple povs—sometimes they’re brilliantly done, but here the alternating chapters really disrupted the flow and pacing.

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Thank you so much, NetGalley, Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR) for the chance to read this book in exchange of an honest review.

Indir is a Dreamer, able to see beyond reality and descending from a long line of seers. But when the king dies, his son has no intention to keep an old tradition and wants to bring the Dreamers to a permanent end, an opportunity Indir gives him if he can discovers two secrets she's struggling to keep. Indir is forced to choose between fighting for her own home or to survive.
Saya is a seer, but not a Dreamer, she wasn't trained and she was exploited by her mother, who fakes to have powers passing from village to village, almost running from someone or something. But when Saya loses her necklace she's worn since she was a baby, she starts to realize seeing maybe not be her only gift and there's something she doesn't know about her life. She will do anything in her power to look and find her own answers.

Inspired by ancient Mesoamerica, The Lost Dreamer is an evocative and thrilling debut, with brilliant and brave seers fighting the patriarcal state that wants to see them gone. The setting is absolutely dreamy, evocative and lush and the author did an magnificent job in describing it and Indir and Saya are complex and thrilling characters, fighting for their own lives, for freedom and justice, for finding answers and truths.
I've rarely read a book so immersive, from the setting and descriptions, to characters with their strength, stubborness and courage. A fight between oppression and patriarchy and female power and strength and how couldn't not love this book to bits?
Even set in an ancient world, the themes dealt with are acutely realistic and relatable to our modern world and I loved it so much.

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The Lost Dreamer is a unique YA fantasy inspired by ancient Mesoamerica, which lends itself to the creation of a story that feels different from other YA fantasies that I've read. The story's mythology is its strong point. The main type of magic focused on is that of Dreamers, which are a type of seer, but there's something special about the way that magic feels connected to tradition and family in this story. Of course, there are also inappropriate ways for characters to use magic, and we see consequences of this throughout as well. The author builds an ambitious yet intriguing world, and I love seeing unique cultural influences that I haven't seen enough of in YA fantasy.

The downside to this story for me was that I did find the plot a little bit confusing. This story is told in alternating points of view of Indir and Saya, who both embark on separate but seemingly related journeys, both hiding and discovering many secrets. While I think the general idea of the plot worked, at times there was just a lot going on, mixed with a lot of new characters at a time and a lot of worldbuilding, so following the story wasn't as smooth as I wanted it to be. I did like Saya's chapters better (possibly because there were fewer characters so easier to focus), and she's definitely the kind of character I think readers will root for. For me personally, it was a story I had to put a little more effort into getting through than I wanted, because there were moments where I was just confused, but I do think any readers who are intrigued by the premise and willing to put in that extra effort might definitely find it enjoyable. My overall feelings are mixed, but I'm glad I got to read it, and it definitely had a cool surprise ending which I liked.

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I love the concept of this book, and the fact that it was inspired by ancient Mesoamerica. The author did an excellent job intertwining fantasy with the setting. I did find this book a little confusing at first due to the unfamiliar setting and characters. (There are a lot of characters and information dropped on the reader at the beginning.) However, I quickly became engaged with the story and two main characters, Indir and Saya. These characters live very different lives, but both of their stories are engaging.

Overall, this book can be a little confusing at times, but it has an amazing setting and cast of characters.

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Now, for my review! First things first, this book easily got 5 stars from me! From the fantastic and intricate, but easily understandable world building, to the complex and compelling characters, Huerta has a GEM on her hands! There is something so special about the unique, yet stunning way that Lizz is able to build this Mesoamerican inspired world. As I read a vivid picture appeared in my mind and never left, even after I finished. On top of the incredible world building, you get a cast of characters that is hard to forget. I have never read a YA fantasy that has really focused on the self reflection/self growth journey and Huerta accomplishes that and more.
Indir is a protagonist that will live with me for a long time. Her character, her strength and her persistence brings so much to this story and I loved watching her journey. While I personally favored Indir (maybe because she was facing so much adversity and determined to overcome it, even if she had to ask for help), I really enjoyed Saya as well. She was free, but still willing to learn what she needed to to survive It has been a really long time since I've loved a plot, world, and characters as much as I did in The Lost Dreamer.
This book is truly unique and I would have to agree with the synopsis, it is truly stunning. The magic was beautiful and different. The prose was enthralling and her voice was so imaginative and easily captures you. I couldn't put the book down. Even the romantic subplot was well crafted and only aided the story and the growth. This is going to be one of my favorite books of 2022, and has easily climbed the ladder of the best books, especially YA Fantasy, that I've ever read. This is a must read release for 2022 and I implore you to pick it up!
I don't do spoilers here on my blog, as I want people to experience books for themselves, but just know, I am anxiously awaiting the final book in this duology! Bravo, Lizz, this is stellar!

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This is an absolutely stunning debut YA fantasy novel, the first in a duology. It follows the POV of 2 seers: Indir is a Dreamer who grew up in a temple surrounded by her family, all Dreamers as well. Saya is a lone seer whose gift has been exploited her whole life by her mother. Both Indir and Saya have roles to play as the world changes.

While both POVs are interesting, I found myself very drawn to Saya. Indir's POV served to enhance the incredible world-building, but we really got to know Saya and see her transform. She felt like the main character of this story. I loved watching her make choices, small at first, and begin discovering what the world was like without her mother. I wanted so much more from Indir. She did start to get more depth at the end of the book and I am hoping this continues in book 2.

The world-building in this book is so good. Not only did I feel transported into the world, but I almost felt as if the story was written in a way that reminded me of oral storytelling. The rhythm of words were tangible as I was reading. Lizz Huerta drew inspiration from ancient Mesoamerica. This makes the story unlike any I have read before.

One thing that made this book really stand out to me was the beautiful portrayal of so many wonderfully different women's bodies. Their was a description of a postpartum body that brought me to tears: "Her body was dark from the sun, her stomach bearing the sacred marks of motherhood, breasts hanging low. She was beautiful." This is the first time I have read such positive representation of a postpartum body in a work of fiction and it made me feel so seen!

Additionally, Huerta wrote a beautiful, realistic passage of childbirth. There are so many ridiculous, unrealistic and overdramatized portrayals of childbirth in media. Huerta wrote of a slow labor, the pain of it, the wonderful support of a partner, and the relief of pushing. It really communicated the many emotions of childbirth and how sacred it is. She even wrote of a mother's pain when she had milk supply problems and couldn't feed her baby! Again, something I have never seen portrayed in fiction and I felt so seen!

This is such a wonderful debut novel and I can't wait to read more of Lizz Huerta!

Thank you to Netgalley and MacMillan Children's Publishing Group for a copy of this book! All thoughts are my own.

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3.75 stars

The Lost Dreamer is a YA fantasy set in ancient Mesoamerica and I found myself compelled by the culture and the unique magic system described throughout the story. We follow two Dreamers, Saya and Indir, an I really enjoyed reading from both of their perspectives and finding the parallels between their stories. The different communities represented in this book were so interesting (the Ilkan in particular!) and I did enjoy being dropped into the world and slowly discovering it through the story.

I think where this book fell a little flat for me: I did have some trouble immersing myself in the story at parts, and the pacing was an issue for me. At some parts the story felt like it was dragging, but at other times I was glued to the page!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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THE LOST DREAMER is a Young Adult fantasy by a queer Latina. This is a book unlike anything I have ever read before. I really liked the way the magic system was described. My rating is a three-star due to my own faults. I knew going into this that my brain does not react well when reading Fantasy books but I picked this up anyway. I think if you are an avid Fantasy reader, you will get more enjoyment out of this than I did. I also got confused by the dual perspective. Multiple times I would be halfway through a POV before realizing I was reading from the other character. This was by no means a bad book and I’m really interested to see what Lizz Huerta comes out with next!

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I’m sitting down to write this review and I’m honestly kind of lost on where to begin.

I guess the entire thesis of this review can be summed up by saying: THE LOST DREAMER by Lizz Huerta was insanely good and you should read it when it hits the shelves.

THE LOST DREAMER is dual POV story that follows Indir, a seer from a family of seers and Saya, a traveling seer whose powers are hidden from the world. After the king dies, his son returns to the city where Indir lives and her entire world is thrown into chaos.

This story is a total standout. Following two girls who are seemingly unconnected, we follow their respective journeys of discovery – in themselves and their place in their world as chaos breaks loose, threatening their idyllic realities. These two girls who don’t know each other, living seemingly parallel lives, both start to get closer as they embark on a journey to learn the answers.

What I really enjoyed about this story, first and foremost, was the world building. Inspired by Ancient Mesoamerica, Lizz Huerta wove together an incredibly dreamy world and DELIVERS on that Mexican Aztec premise. The writing is incredibly lush, lyrical and ethereal; I could FEEL myself melting into the capital city where this story mostly takes place, Alcanzeh. There are also intricate histories and culture that were stunning to read about. However, while the back history was stunning, there is a lot of info-dumping in the beginning. There are also a lot of characters that are hard to keep track of as the author throws you into the story with not a ton of backstory or build up. On the other hand of that, there was a part of me that was astonished that this is a Young Adult fantasy novel – of course, it is a coming of age story and I do think teenagers will massively enjoy and benefit from reading this book, but it was structurally set up like an adult fantasy. You tend to find this sort of world building set-up in adult fantasy; beyond that the plot development was slow and didn’t happen until the latter half of the book (additionally, the sentence structure was a bit clunky and simplistic at times, which I’m assuming is because it’s for YA audiences).

But when the plot picked up… it PICKED UP. I was extremely engaged in the second half of the book, unable and unwilling to put it down until I knew what happened next. I actually screamed at the big reveal at the end and made me SO excited to read the next book – this book doesn’t even hit shelves for another week so I’ve got a long wait ahead of me.

My favorite thing about this story though, is the subversion of tropes and representation it offers. There is sort of a Chosen One trope that’s woven into the threads of this story, but this isn’t your generic Chosen One trope. It’s more so about discovering your place in the world amidst turmoil, both physical and spiritual. This isn’t also a YA fantasy with sweeping love interests; there is a romance sub-plot but it exists to serve as a plot device. This is a story about sisterhood and motherhood, resilience and love of one’s family, a desire to love and be loved in a platonic way. I also truly adored the emphasis of beauty in non-Eurocentric bodies. Bodies are just bodies in this world; there is no shame associated with how one’s body looks like. It just is. I also truly loved that the author makes it a point to emphasize that bodies bear history and how that manifests with motherhood.

I have so many other things that are buzzing around in my brain, but they’re spoiler-y so I eagerly await when more people have read this so that I can talk about them!

Special thanks to Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group for sharing this advance reader’s copy with me in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was super nice to read. It's told from alternating point of view between Indir, a Dreamer of the Temple of Night and Saya a girl who spent her life traveling and also has the ability to enter the Dream and talk to spirits.

The alternating pov is done PERFECTLY each chapter ends in a way that leaves you wanting to read more.

Lizz Huerta's characters are all interesting and unique. I honestly loved all of them (or in the case of some of the more unlikable... intrigued). The characters gifts, and the world building were very different than most fantasy books. I heard the book was inspired by Mesoamerica and I think that added to the beauty and wonder of this book.

This is one of the most unique and interesting books I've read in a while. It was a good breath of fresh air. I hope we continue with these characters on more adventures.

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Thank you Netgalley and Macmillan Children's Publishing Group for access to an eARC of The Lost Dreamer by Lizz Huerta in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I just want to start by saying that this book is amazing. It has a lot of elements I personally have come to expect when it comes to fantasy such as gorgeous prose that makes me feel like I’m really there with the characters. The trope of a fantasy character having a prophecy about them is here and it plays out in a phenomenal way. I won’t give away spoilers, but I never would’ve guessed the ending in a million years. It’s one of those ones where Huerta lays a lot of crumbs for readers to follow, and I missed all the clues, but it made perfect sense once it was all said and done. I also enjoyed reading the two points of view. I thought that having these two characters tell the story in these two different parts of the setting really added value to the story.
The world-building is done gracefully; it never felt like there was any info-dumping. I also thought the setting and magic system of the book were fascinating. This book was inspired by ancient Mesoamerica which is cool because there have not previously been a lot of young adult fantasy books that are inspired by the cultures and the people that lived in (what we now call) Mexico and Central America prior to colonization. So hopefully this book will lead the way for more stories inspired by ancient Mesoamerica to be given life because there needs to be more.
This book is a page-turner. Once I really got started, I couldn't put it down. I had to know how it ends and now that I know, I have so many questions regarding what will happen in the sequel. (This book deserves a sequel and a TV show. It's wonderful and I can't wait for it to come out so more people can read it and give it the praise it deserves.)
This sprawling fantasy is sure to be a must-read for lovers of young adult fantasy. I have a feeling this will become a young adult fantasy classic. 5 out of 5 stars.
The Lost Dreamer by Lizz Huerta comes out on March 1, 2022!

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This was a good read! I loved the Mesoamerican culture and mythology - this is something so unique and refreshing in YA literature. The characters and setting was great, the only thing that dragged a little bit for me was the plot. The two separate POVs and storylines made it kind of hard to follow and understand what the plot connection was until the end. Overall, an enjoyable read!

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Delicate, dream-like, powerful, full of songs and stories- one of a kind!

When the blurb promises you stunning, it doesn't lie- the Lost Dreamer is as beautiful as it is unique in the genre of YA Fantasy which is overcrowded with strong, 'sassy' heroines and battle magic.
The two protagonists/narrators of this gorgeous epic, inspired by Mesoamerican tradition, are Indir and Saya. Both have to undertake a journey - both a physical journey and that of self-discovery and sacrifice in order to save their world which is about to succumb to chaos.
Indir's mother, her aunts and her sisters are all Dreamers- women who enter and communicate with a special magical realm (think a parallel world full of spirits) called the Dream. The temple is the only life Indir has ever known. She is asked by the dying king to keep the last dream she entered in on his behalf secret. Now the old king's heir Alcan, sent away to enemy tribe to cement the peace talks, arrives in their secret city Alcanzeh and is threatening the traditions and the whole tapestry of their society, the Dream itself. Indir must flee her secret city and face the wider world she knows so little about in order to find the legendary Lost Dreamer.
Kind and selfless Saya is used to being controlled and punished for a slightest mistake by her mother Celay. Their life is harsh and they are always on the move to escape an unknown and unmentioned threat. The only safe place for Saya is... the Dream, which she can enter and where she used to roam and play as a child. Changes are coming into her life too. Saya's mother has been passing Saya's gift to Dream as her own and has been profiting from it. Now it's time for Saya to discover the freedom of making her own choices.
Indir and Saya are both young and inexperienced. They have been leading 'protected' lives and both of them need strength and courage to face the changes. Indir's strength comes from her family and their love, while Saya is much more curious and trusting- she isn't following any script or any tradition, just her instincts and what she perceives to be true, she is writing her own story.
To tell you more is to give away the plot which deserves being discovered step by step, chapter by chapter, image by image.
The worldbuilding is gorgeous and so well-thought-through. Among different kinds of gifts that belong to these people are shapeshifting, wielding Fire and using Songs for healing and as a means of connection to all the living world. The Dreamers themselves are also different- Indir dreams in truths, while her sister sees possibilities. Lizz Huerta creates a beautiful, magical world with stunning, rich imagery.
Fabulous debut from Lizz Huerta! Can't wait to read her next book!

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So what we have here is a case of the Mixed Feelings™, friends! But before we get to said feelings, let's take a moment and appreciate the gorgeousness of the cover, shall we? My eyes have been blessed. I am so torn about this one, and frankly, sad to be torn about it, because I was so excited for it. And truly, some of the aspects I was looking forward to did deliver (for example, I was one million percent here for the Mesoamerican inspiration, which was awesome). But in other areas, the story fell flat. So let's see what happened:

What I Enjoyed:

►The aforementioned Mesoamerican influence was on point, as was the atmosphere. The world felt so very lush, and so intricately described, I was definitely a fan. And I also loved the bits we learned about the cultures and societies that each main character grew up in, I found those really fascinating and well-done.

►The main characters were great. I liked them a lot, even if I had a hard time deciphering who was who around them or what was going on. Indir very clearly loves her family and her people, and will do whatever she must to protect them. Saya, on the other hand, is dealing with her mother who is kind of awful, and when she finally gets some autonomy, she begins to see her own strength, which is quite lovely. I enjoyed both girls' journeys.

►I really enjoyed the last quarter of the story. By this point, I was kind of picking up on what was happening a bit more, and the plots began to pick up and get more exciting. Some twists were happening, and basically, this was by far my favorite part of the book. Sadly, because it is the end, it is also the part I can say the least about, but I had been pushing on in hopes it would get better by the end, and it did indeed.

What Fell Short

►There were so many characters introduced (especially in the first few chapters) that my head was spinning. And look, maybe I ought to have worked harder to keep them all straight, perhaps that is on me. But I am just tired and I don't have that much to give, sorry. At one point, I highlighted a passage where there were 8 names of people/groups in one paragraph and I just could not remember who at least half of them were supposed to be. It was a lot.

►Speaking of being overwhelmed, there was a lot of information given in the first few chapters- even more because there are two main characters in two different places, we're getting double the info. Add that to the literal dozens of characters we meet and... yep, consider me overwhelmed.

►I didn't quite understand the magic system. Or the dreaming, at first, anyway. I will admit, in the early chapters when the dreams were being discussed, my initial reaction was "not to be rude, but who cares about other people's dreams?" It wasn't until later that I realized the dreams were of a prophetic nature, which at least made them make sense, but there was still a lot about the magic system that went over my head. I mostly just tried to ignore it and focus on the other stuff.

►Perhaps because of a mix of all of the above, I just felt emotionally underwhelmed. For example, if something happened to a side character, I just didn't care. Or maybe, wasn't even sure they were actually harmed? The stakes, for whatever reason, felt somewhat low to me, even though I can't pinpoint exactly why. I do think the sheer number of characters to keep track of in a fairly small number of pages adds to it.

Bottom Line: Amazing premise and very cool world-building, but perhaps a little overwhelming in execution despite two enjoyable main characters.

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I received an ARC from the publisher and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own.
The Lost Dreamer is a compelling YA fantasy debut with Mesoamerican influences. With magic centering on dreams, the story unfolds beautifully, and I found myself very quickly engrossed. The world building is also deeply imaginative and vivid, definitely the standout aspect of the book, with its roots in Mesoamerican (Aztec?) mythology. It does take time for all to be revealed in that regard, as things are not spoon-fed to you, but I liked the complexity while also feeling digestible and allowing me to come along for the ride while it all unfolded.
Indir and Saya are both compelling lead characters with their own unique roles to play in the story. Indir is a Dreamer in the city of Alcanzeh, whose life is upended by the arrival of the new king. Saya is a great complement to Indir, as while she’s not a Dreamer herself, she can go into and navigate Dreams, something that makes her vulnerable to her mother’s abuse.
The pacing is a bit uneven, perhaps in part due to the time it devotes to world building. The intrigue definitely leans more toward Saya’s side early on, with her growth being a consistent aspect of her story arc, while Indir’s highlighted more of the exposition early on, leaving her more of a passive bystander. However, things begin to even out more as the book goes on, and the plot kicks up a notch and Indir has more to do.
This is a really promising debut novel, and I’m excited to read more from Lizz Huerta in the near future. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a non-Eurocentric YA fantasy.

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This book blew my mind in like the best way!

I was really not into it for about half of the book, but once I was hooked I couldn't stop until I finished.

The Lost Dreamer tells the story of two girls, with very different lives, just doing their best to survive.

Indir is a Dreamer in Alcanzeh and is holding on to some heavy secrets she can't share with anyone. When a new king arrives to the city with a lot of hostility towards the dreamers and their traditions, everything changes for Indir, and she and her family are no longer safe. Far away from Alcanzeh lives Saya, not a Dreamer, but has the gift being able to go into the Dream. She lives with her mother who mistreats her and takes advantage of her gift. But she's starting to realize that not all is as it seems.

Indir and Saya are so different from one another, but each of them were strong characters who fight for what they believe in. I admired both of them and was rooting for them throughout. This is a magical story of discovering yourself and finding your voice.

There was a minimal romance on Indir's side of the story, but I it was the perfect amount for this book.

The world created in the book was really unique, I loved all the different people and all the abilities that they have. The spirit world was also super cool and I really enjoyed the descriptions of it.

It would have been five stars, but I did feel the the worldbuilding was pretty confusing. There's just a lot of characters and names of people, places, and gifts and its a little hard to keep track of everything. I feel like a little more background would definitely have been helpful.

The ending was amazing and I can't wait for the next book!!!

Also the detail on the cover is amazing!

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Inspired by ancient Mesoamerica, we are in the world of dreams, where tides of change are fast approaching. There are so many layers within the world that it's surreal, long you are in this world so controlled by dreams, surrounded by people who also see beyond and wish to control with dreams or to use for insurrection. It kind of reminds me of the Matrix a bit. I love the diverse representation and how worldbuilding is just so out of this world.
The two main characters, Saya and Indir, are also brilliant. Saya is gifted, not a Dreamer, but gifted enough that she is cruelly used. Indir comes from a long lines of Dreamers and she has a rare ability. Together will they bring about much-needed change or will they be corrupted?
I personally thought it was a bit awkward at first - there are so many plotlines and whatnot, but I think it was wonderful, and I am looking forward to what comes next!

Thank you, NetGalley, Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, and Lizz Huerta, for the ARC for my honest review.

I just reviewed The Lost Dreamer by Lizz Huerta. #TheLostDreamer #NetGalley

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