Member Reviews

This is the last book in the Mill Grange series as we've read through the seasons with the book titles. I've enjoyed getting to know the generations of the family over the series and have seen so much character development.
Will Mill Grange be up for all that's asked of it? Harriet, Dylan Harris’s former babysitter (and soon to be stepsister) is out of options and is in desperate need of a venue for her acting troupe's outdoor performance of Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale. With staff more than eager to please they offer their help in any way. Let's just say, if it can go wrong, it'll go wrong. The characters have highs and lows. A welcoming return of characters we've met in the other books in the series had me excitedly flipping pages and feeling right at home. Small town charm, sweet romance and community togetherness. This is a fun book not to miss.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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This is actually part of a series, but I read it as a stand alone and it didn’t lose anything for this.

This novel has a good mix of well-rounded characters who are all battling against their own stresses and strains, yet all come together to support each other and Mill Grange. Many of the storylines I feel readers would be able to relate to and this book lacked the usual saccharine romance focus that I actually expected.

A good, solidly enjoyable read.

Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Lovely feel good book to read. It was a joy to read. Lovely characters. Great plot. The book was charming. Very twell written. I’d definitely recommend this book. Idyllic location that set the tone of the book to perfection. Perfect seasonal book to get you in the mood for the festive season. Or the winter months

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Winter Fires at Mill Grange isn't set around Christmas as such, but it's the perfect winter story! It's a feel-good novel with loads to take away from. I would recommend it to anyone who loves to read stories set in a close-knit small town!

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Winter Fires at Mill Grange by Jenny Kane

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to NetGalley and Aria and I am leaving this review voluntarily

Mill Grange is a place of miracles, and never more so than at Christmas…
Mill Grange is putting on a show this holiday season! When young Dylan Harris’s former babysitter (and soon to be step-sister), Harriet, needs a last minute venue for her acting troupe’s outdoor production of Shakespeare’s A Winter’s Tale, the staff at Mill Grange throw open its doors, keen to fill their halls with guests over the holiday season…but they may get more drama than they'd bargained for!

*I have read this book as a standalone*

This is a delightful and cosy winter read in a beautiful setting, with lovely characters. Whilst set around the holiday time, the book is not overly festive and could easily be read at any time. For me, reading this as a standalone I didn't need to know the background to be able to feel at home in Mill Grange.

Rating 4/5

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I am so sad to see that this is the last in the series of four Mill Grange novels. The setting and characters have really set it apart as a series. It did however tie up some loose ends with characters developing and making some progress, whilst leaving the door open for a return. The focus of the story seemed to be Helen and Tom with their parenting of Dylan and wider family. However, there is plenty of action around the Grange for the other characters and some answers there as to what the future could bring. With all the warmth and friendship of the first three books, this is just as enjoyable a read.

Thanks to netgalley for a copy of the book

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Honestly, this one didn't capture my attention enough for me to really dive in. I thought the summary sounded interesting, but the writing didn't grab my attention.

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Winter fires at Mill Grange by Jenny Kane.
The Mill Grange Series Book 4.
When young Dylan Harris's former babysitter (and soon to be step-sister), Harriet, needs a last-minute venue for her acting troupe's outdoor production of Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale, the staff at Mill Grange throw open its doors, keen to fill their halls with guests over the holiday season... but they may get more drama than they'd bargained for!
I loved this book. A great series. A lovely feel good read. I love jennys books. 5*.

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Really enjoyed this book, could not put it down. Will definitely read more by this author. .

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First of all, I'm obsessed with this cover — it's got that kind of "drinking-hot-chocolate-at-a-cozy-English-manor" aesthetic that made me want to pick it up immediately. And the content of this book definitely delivered: it's a fuzzy, feel-good Christmas romance that feels a lot like a Hallmark special (which I love).

This book is great for anyone that likes:

• slice-of-life stories
• "found-family"
• charming manors
• sweet, wholesome Christmas proposals

There were some times where I felt like the plot was all over the place though, which made it difficult for me to get through. There wasn't really a central conflict, and every problem got wrapped up very quickly; the Outdoor Players need a new venue, and Harriet instantly thinks of Mill Grange. Helen gets pregnant and worries about Tom's reaction, and then he's totally fine with it. Problems are solved in a matter of chapters, which really took away some of the anticipation for me.

That being said, I did really like Kane's gorgeous descriptions of things (e.g. "The sky was a cloudless duck-egg blue...") and I liked that the book could be read like an advent calendar up until December 21st. It wasn't necessarily my cup of tea, but I would definitely recommend it for anyone that's looking for a feel-good holiday romance.

**I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.**

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Not read anything by Jenny Kane before, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. At 1st it was a bit confusing with so many different characters but once I got into the book it was great. Love the setting of Exmoor and naming a few local places as I live in North Devon. Loved the fact it was all leading up to Christmas and their performance. It kept me very intrigued right to the end of the book. Will be looking to read more from this author

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It was lovely to revisit Mill Grange. It was such a lovely cosy feeling.

There are lots of lovely scenarios to this book. I found myself feeling an enormous amount of pride for Sam, he's come so far throughout the series and is improving and growing all the time.

I loved the dramas, emotion, romance and all that's in between. Another brilliant book by Jenny.

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Lovely cosy Christmas book to get you in the mood for the festive season. Plenty of action and great characters all in the perfect Christmas setting of Mill Grange

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Thank you to NetGalley and Aria & Aries for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

I had assumed this was just a stand alone Christmas book. I didn't realise there were other books set at Mill Grange. I don't think that stopped me from relating to the characters of this book or knowing the background as the author was kind enough to do flash backs for most of the characters. An outdoor small theatre company have to find somewhere to hold a production of A Winter's Tale. And where better than Mill Grange. The troop arrive and the locals in the village and the group of friends set about making a name their business and making the production a raving success. All the characters lives are intermingled in some way. This leads to lovely family dynamics, amazing friendships, romances and lots of fun.

How I would like to visit Mill Grange, it sounds like a delightful place. I did enjoy this book and it's characters but in some places I felt the book dragged a little too much for my liking. There are just so many characters and so many story lines. However I did enjoy the book and would read others by the author.

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Plenty of things happen in this story and the magic will shine through. A lovely winter novel to curl up with 5 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for this e ARC

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A totally delightful and entertaining book, peopled with the most lovable characters. It made me want to move in and part of this warm, friendly family of friends. The perfect feelgood book for cosying up in front of a hot fire as you dream of Christmas, romance and happiness. Loved it!

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was such a cozy, heartwarming Christmas novel. I really enjoyed it from start to finish.

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“Good people gravitate together.”

What a delightful, cozy winter story! Mill Grange is such a beautiful setting for a wonderful set of characters.

The story flowed so wonderfully even with the multiple point of view which can sometimes be confusing and difficult to keep up with. Jenny Kane’s writing style is beautiful and each character was so well-developed and individual, they all have incredible personalities. I loved getting to know more about each character. My favourite character by far is sweet little Dylan (with Bert being a close second and Sam being another close third!!)

It was so beautiful to be able to go through so much with the Mill Grange characters! Highs and lows and everything in between! Everything was expressed in a really refreshing and wonderful way. I loved experiencing everything with the characters and I felt so immediately connected to each of the.

I loved the addition of a sweet fresh romance to go along with all of the wonderful relationships that are already set out and developing. I also loved the plays as the background of how they all got together at Mill Grange this time around! It was a sweet and original backstory.

Such a feel good winter story with a completely *brilliant* cast of characters.

“Mill Grange is a place of miracles”

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

This is the fourth and final book in the series, and I can’t believe that we won’t get to visit Mill Grange and meet the “family” again. This journey has been beautiful and heartwarming.

A Victorian Manor in Exmoor is used as a retreat for military and it’s run by Sam, an ex military who has had experiences with PTSD.

This book follows the lives of the Mill Grange “family”. It was lovely to see the the development of the relationships across the generations.

The mix of archeology and outdoor theatre added depth to a winter romance.

It was a perfect feel good story that had a lot of twists and turns. It showed the charm and community spirit of the residents.

Harriet a part of An Outdoor Theatre company contacts them to use the venue when the one they’d planned to use is flooded. So, as it’s said that Mill Grange has worked miracles before, will that hold true this time too?

Absolutely loved this series.

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