Member Reviews

This is my first by this author and I loved it!!!!!!! The story of criminal and innocent bystander moved my heart in ways I was surprised by. Thank you for this early review copy.

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This book is like a wonderful trip to Paris with great travel companions. I loved all of the main characters and the book took a fun turn to a mystery that I wasn't expecting. It was fun to google all of the locations and restaurants which turned out to be real places. Lian Dolan is very talented at writing about family relationships, especially those between parents and children. If you can't travel now, read this book and you'll feel like you've had a mini vacation.

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Thank you William Morrow for gifting me a copy of this book via NetGalley. This was a sweet story about a woman rediscovering herself and her family. The story moved a little slower than I was expecting from the description - she didn't leave for Paris until 25% of the way into the book, and the mysterious scavenger hunt is primarily during the second half.

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Overall I was disappointed by this book. I was expecting a fun light romance but was left with a weird whirlwind romance mixed with a mystery.

I don’t like that the author used 9/11 for the death of the main characters father. The author could have used any other accident like a car crash or a train accident rather than using an actual event of 9/11.

I also felt like there were too many descriptive paragraphs regarding history or art that I just found myself not caring about. Also every relationship that the main character had felt unrealistic to me.

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The author succeeded in merging women’s fiction with a mystery, creating a most enjoyable read. Joan works for a museum, and is the daughter of a famous model and a well respected artist. When tasked with bringing drawings to sell to a Paris buyer, mayhem ensues. The theft of the drawings starts a journey that will bring closure to Joan, after losing her dad on 9/11. On the flight to Paris, Joan meets Nate, and together their chemistry and adventures will delight. There is symbolism related to Joan of Arc, and the Paris setting enhances the story. Recommended. Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity.

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Will review in the future, was offered as a free book with no review needed. However, as soon as I read this I will review. Thanks for offering free reads for Book Club Girl

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I thought this story had potential, but I found myself quite bored by it. I think it just wasn't pulling me in to the story as much as I had hoped. It was probably more the timing for me than the book, so I do hope to pick it back up again!

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Lost and Found in Paris by Lian Dolan was an enchanting piece of women's fiction following the first year or so of Joan Bright Blakely, named after St Joan of Arc, her father's patron saint. On this day her husband, Casey is set to leave town for a couple of weeks on an assignment. He is a photographer. He chooses this moment to tell her that he has twin sons by his former assistant, but quickly assures her that they are no longer involved. She doesn't say anything but immediately has the locks changed and packs his belongings and puts them in the garage. It's the beginning of a new chapter and she's not sure what will happen next so she goes to work. She drives to tell her mother, who is not really surprised, but is supportive. After a couple of months she knows she needs a change so when an opportunity arises to take a portfolio of drawings to Paris for a potential sale, she jumps at the chance. She has been a courier before and has enjoyed it and . . .Paris. She immediately contacts her best friend in Paris and sets off. She is given an upgrade to business class by a sympathetic ticket agent and finds herself seated next to Nate, an AI programmer who is building to program for 3D printers that would build prosthetic limbs for children. She barely understood anything he said after that but agreed to meet him for diner that evening. Thus began the adventure of a lifetime.

She had been numb after her husband's pronouncement and for several months later. She was never tempted to rekindle their marriage, despite him reaching out. He heart was not broken but she wanted more and this was her chance. She wasn't sure what more was at this point. She had two famous parents; her father had died on 9-11 when the plane he was on crashed into one of the twin towers. That fact and her grief had ruled her life and her mother's for far to long. The grief was palpable. But, the time had come. During her adventure she had fallen in love with Nate but she knew it was not the forever kind. So did he. But, it was what she needed at the time. The other pervasive theme was Joan of Arc and the profound impact she had had on Joan's life as well as the lives of others. She was a symbol: she meant different things to different people. It was an interesting journey visiting statues and art based on St. Joan.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of Lost and Found in Paris by Harper Collins, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #netgalley #harpercollins #lostandfoundinparis #liandolan

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Reading Lost and Found in Paris by Lian Dolan made me think of walking down cute streets and all of the places I visited in this book!

Joan has recently divorced her husband of ten years when she finds out he has five year old twins she didn't know about. She's worked in the art world and helped preserve her father's legacy. He was a famous artist who died on September 11th. The perfect work opportunity escorting some prints to Paris pops up just when she's ready to get out of town, but when the prints get stolen in Paris and in it's place is a page from her father's journals that were destroyed when the plane crashed she goes on a hunt to solve the mystery.

While I liked this book and it was a quick read, at times it was hard to tell where this was going. Was it a story about finding yourself and family secrets or was it a thriller? It was a fun book and I liked the art aspect, but there was lots of name dropping between her famous artist dad and model mom. The missing art hunt was fun, though a little unrealistic!

Overall if you're looking for a fun escape this is a book to check out!

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Lost and Found in Paris by Lian Dolan was quite a fun ride from start to finish. It is the story of Joan Blakely, a thirty-something art historian that has a huge bombshell dropped on her early in the story, her husband of ten years has five-year-old twins with his previous assistant. Joan is the daughter of famous parents, her mom a supermodel, and her father a world-famous artist that was killed in the attacks of 9/11. As part of her job, she is an art courier taking priceless pieces to other locations such as museums or for potential buyers to view. Fortunately, a courier opportunity to Paris is presented at just the right time, Joan can get away from her current surroundings and leave behind the gossip of her situation. Only one night in Paris and unfortunately the art she is delivering goes missing, this is where the mystery begins. What I found most fun were all of the Paris destinations visited and the descriptions given, it truly made me feel like I was there. This is my second book by Lian Dolan (the first being The Sweeney Sisters) and certainly won't be my last!

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I went into this book not knowing what to expect and really enjoyed it. It had family, romance, mystery with almost a treasure hunt. The main character, Joan, daughter of an artist and model, traveled to Paris as an art courier and discovered interesting details about her parents and some of their close friends. I enjoyed learning about the art world and Paris. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

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This was a really good read. A mystery treasure hunt, some romance, and art history come together on a tour through Paris. Joan and her friend Nate follow clues that take them through parts of Joan’s past as they go to different parts of Paris.
It was fascinating reading about Joan’s father, a fictional art figure from the 1960s until his death in 2001. He did lighting for all the big bands like The Rolling Stones etc. Joan’s mom was a famous model and photographer who took a lot of behind the scenes pictures.
I loved the Paris treasure hunt. 4 stars.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Lost and Found in Paris is a delightful combination of romance and mystery. I feel like I just returned from a whirlwind trip to Paris. It was interesting to learn about Joan of Arc and get a glimpse of the world of art, rock music and high-fashion modeling back in the 70s and 80s. Perhaps that world was not as glamourous as most people would think. Thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for an advance copy to read and review.

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This book. Boy oh boy, this book.

Where do I begin.....

First off, if you go into this thinking its going to be a fluffy romance because Paris, you're about to be very confused.

I had to keep putting this book down because it was heavy with info about Paris and it's history and when I read, I want something that is going to distract me, and this was making me think too hard.

THAT BEING SAID, I had to know who took the dang drawings. No matter how many times I put the book down, I kept picking it back up so i could find out who did it!

I think this was a great book that anyone would love, as long as they have the proper expectations going into it!

Thanks to William Morrow & Net Galley for the eARC in exchange for my review!

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A fun romantic story of Joan coming to terms with her artists parents past and the mystery behind her father's art, all while in Paris and being led on a mystery adventure, - oh and finding a new love on the way.

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"Well, that's the way it is, really. We only know what others want us to believe "

This book's cover and synopsis were so intriguing to me! I couldn't wait to read it, and while I did enjoy this one, it wasn't my favorite. The first 25% was really slow. It picks up after that, but I still felt my mind wandering throughout. There were so many pages without dialogue and I felt several chapters were much too wordy.

However, I did think the story was well written and fun. I definitely enjoyed the art, art history, traveling and the mysterious elements. It was interesting even though at times it was a little far fetched.

Overall, this was a fun book with interesting characters! Fans of woman's fiction, Paris, traveling, art and mystery will definitely enjoy this one.

Thank you William Morrow for this gifted copy!


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I especially enjoyed the beginning of this book with the main character's description of her family history, the dissolution of her marriage, and how she dealt with it. The setting or Paris and the mystery of the missing art work made it an entertaining, yet light spring time read. Overall what I expected of it. I enjoyed it.

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My favorite books are the ones That make me feel melancholy during the last chapters because my “friend” is leaving me. This was one of those books.

I know nothing about art. I know very little about Joan of Arc. I’ve never been to Paris. But Lian Dolan brought all of this to life. I soaked up the main character, Joan’s journey and loved every bit of it. I hate spoiler, so I won’t go into details, but read this book! It has interesting, well-developed characters, intrigue and just the right amount of romance.

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Paris, city of delights! I can’t help myself, Paris has a stranglehold on my fave places to be, so any title opening up the opportunity to indulge always seems a winner. Add to that art and art history and I’m sold. So it’s somewhat disappointing to have to say that this tale just didn’t hold my interest in the way I’d hoped.

A William Morrow and Custom House ARC via NetGalley

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Love this cover! My first book from this author and I enjoyed very much. There’s a bit of drama, romcom and mystery. All the ingredients to keep me engaged throughout the book. It started a bit slow but it picked the soon enough. A perfect book for Spring Break.

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