Member Reviews

Didn't see that steam coming, but I'm here for it!

Characters that were open with how they were feeling, and the author jumped right in. I really enjoyed this. Solid romance I'll be thinking about for a long time!

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If you're looking for a heartwarming contemporary romance with great mental health rep and growth between two sweet characters with a friends-with-benefits-to-lovers trope, then Bet on It is for you!

I put this book off for way too long, but I'm so glad I finally read it! From the first chapter, Aja and Walker had me captivated, and I wanted to learn everything about them. They fit so seamlessly together, and their struggles with mental health gave them an even deeper space to connect with and relate to someone else. Romances that include POVs from both main characters are my favorite, so I'm happy that we got to follow both Aja and Walker as they navigated their feelings and their pasts. The side characters were also fun, and the spice was spicing! Third-act breakups are never my favorite, but I am so happy that Aja and Walker got the happy ending they deserved.

CW for anxiety disorder, PTSD, sexual content, parental abandonment, discussions on addiction.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and St. Martin's for the ARC of Bet on It by Jodie Slaughter.

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Aja and Walker are giving big romance in small town vibes. The banter is swoon worthy and will have you hooked from the beginning.

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This book was so fun to read. I loved both main characters and was rooting for them the entire time!

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I enjoyed another book by this author and this one was pretty good as well. I liked the storyline and how it was written.

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Bet On It by Jodie Slaughter was a great read. Aja suffers from panic attacks and condensed her words into a small circle of people and places. One night while in the midst of one of these attacks she meets a kind man. Little does she know that he is related to one of her bingo friends. Walker has enough on his plate and is trying to get back to normal life. It is fun to watch Aja and Walker go from friends to more through out the story. I love that it touches on very real mental health issues.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the copy of the audiobook. All opinions are my own. #JodieSlaughter #BetOnIt #NetGalley #StMartinsPress

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A fun romance filled with mental health issues. Aja and Walker’s characters are well written. The book is a good beach type read. Thank you #NetGalley, #StMartinPress, #JodieSlaughter and #Betonit for the copy for my honest review.

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I am woefully behind in my reviews due to real life getting in the way of review writing, but I’m making it my goal to get caught up over the next few months.

I read this book last summer, and I liked it a lot. I’m a sucker for conditional relationships and “let’s just get this out of our system” and this book has BOTH of those elements. Hookups based on bingo wins is cheesy in the best possible way. That goes double for both protagonists thinking that they’re not going to catch any feelings in this endeavor.

I loved the inclusion of mental health issues for the protagonists. As someone with anxiety, it was very affirming to see characters in a romance dealing with some of the same issues as me.

As much as I loved this novel, the “dark moment” was a bit much for me. I don’t want to give too much away, but I think it wasn’t handled very well by one of the parties involved and it felt like a betrayal of all the trust and communication they had built up over the course of the book. Again, I don’t want to give anything away, but I promise there’s no cheating involved.

I would recommend Bet on It. Despite the reservations I detailed in the last paragraph, I did enjoy this book. It’s sweet and tender and a lovely small town romance. I am definitely going to look for more books by Slaughter in the future.

I received a digital ARC of this book from St. Martin’s/NetGalley

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Thank you to St Martin's Press, Jodie Slaughter, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. This was a sweet, spicy, swoony story and a solid small town romance.

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Thank you to @stmartinspress for the #gifted copy.

This was such a fun book.. Small town romance about two people who meet at Bingo. It was a bit of a slow burn. Friends to lovers with anxiety and PTSD. This was my first Jodie Slaughter and will not be my last!

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Sometimes you come across a book that is much more than meets the eye.

Bet on It looks like a breezy and easy rom com with some fluffy feelings, but this novel focuses on mental health and trauma. I think that is what makes this novel stand out. There's funny moments and raw emotions, just like real life. I love when books create a realistic, yet fantasy world that evokes romance and connection. This novel is for fans of a slow-burn with heart, substance, and humor. While I did not connect to the characters, I will recommend this book to anyone looking for a book that they can hold onto.

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Read if you enjoy:
- Friends to Lovers
- Friends with Benefits
- Small Town Romance
- Mental Health Representation (Anxiety and PTSD)
- Dual POV
- Plus Size Representation

Things I Liked:
- The mental representation! It was done very realistically.
- Bingo nights!
- Small town everyone in your business scenarios lol
- Be happy in your own body mindset

Things I did not enjoy:
- Characters seemed awkward throughout
- I did not really buy into the romance of this book

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Despite the fact that Bet on It is about two people struggling with anxiety and trauma, it felt cozy! They were gentle with one another and the chemistry was undeniable. I especially loved Aja's relationship with Walker's "Gram." It was sweet and funny. Their relationship develops quickly, but I like that Slaughter makes sure to draw attention to the importance of community and friendship in our mental health journeys. A solid interracial romance!

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When I say this book was everything I needed, I mean it. Walker is one hot MC and Aja is spicy; both in the streets and in the sheets. I found myself giggling at times and going slack jawed at others when things got going. I am immensely in need of more POC plus size characters because I never had it growing up. All there was were skinny blonde girls who were so pure the romance was vanilla. I love that it’s becoming more accepted, but in the right ways this time around and not any other way.

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A sweet and spicy book about overcoming your obstacles with extremely relatable characters. Aja suffers from anxiety and Walker struggles with PTSD. Definitely a book I would recommend.
Thank you to St Martin's Press, Jodie Slaughter, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Aja and Walker meet in a small town in South Carolina at a bingo game and become friends and then more. It is a romance with some very steamy parts, but also serious when dealing with mental health. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

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There’s something about this book that just made me so happy. Both characters are complicated, and their interactions with each other are definitely based partly on their own past. It was so much fun to see them falling for each other. The banter was excellent in this book and it’s definitely a Romance I would highly recommend.

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Let’s talk meet-cutes, shall we? Romances can live or die by the meet-cute, the way two main characters meet. Some can be as small as bumping into one another while getting a cup of coffee and reaching for the same drink, or as grandiose as meeting a celebrity crush and finding out they think you’re pretty okay, too. Regardless of the situation, the first meeting is always important and will set the tone for the rest of the book.

“All things considered, the frozen dinner section of the Piggly Wiggly was one of the better public places to have a panic attack.”

“Bet On It” by Jodie Slaughter’s opening line is the perfect way to draw me in after living through a pandemic. Our main character Aja is mid panic attack smack dab in the freezer section of the grocery store. For those who manage mental health issues, you know there’s no way to know when something might tip the scales. Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason to why it happens the way it does. In Aja’s case, it was dropping a box of Hot Pockets. ::shrugs::

Luckily for Aja, another customer at the store notices her and offers her the quiet support she needs to pull her through her panic attack, at least enough to be able to grab the rest of her groceries and leave the store.

Aja manages her stress by putting herself in situations that ground her. What is her activity of choice?

I’m an old person at heart. Give me a butterscotch candy and take me to bingo and we’ve got a hot date.
Bingo is legit. The intensity of those moments while you’re one or two numbers away is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. You’re sitting at the edge of your seat, holding your breath, positively shaking with anticipation that they’re going to call YOUR number and you’ll get to jump out of your seat and scream those five beautiful letters: B-I-N-G-O!!!

What a rush… but I digress. Back to the book!

Slaughter layers mental health issues into her story so easily. It’s part of the plot, but… it’s also not? Aja and Walker normalize their mental health management practices through their every day routines, and it’s refreshing to know that mental health awareness is making it’s way mainstream. The more we tall about it, the less stigma it’ll carry.

“But what do I do?”

“You do whatever you think you need to in order to feel everything fully and come out on the other side.”

“And if that involved a couple gallons of ice cream and a lot of Adele?”

“Then that’s perfectly OK.”

One other thing that I really loved about “Bet On It” was the fact that Aja and Walker are interracial, and while it’s mentioned once or twice for context, it’s not a “plot point” or something to work through. It just is. I like to think that I read about diverse characters because I tend to read a lot of LGBTQ+ romance, but it was eye-opening to me to realize how little interracial couples I read about. I will definitely bee working toward expanding my definition of diversity in the future.

Final Thoughts
Would I recommend this book? Heck yes. I devoured this in 24 hours, and started looking for the next Jodie Slaughter book I could pick up.

Bingo + Mental Health Rep + Southern Charm = “Bet On It” bliss.

In the Hive we share book recs *non-stop*. Even better is when we’re reading the same books at the same time. Book friends are the best friends. Carla and I both read “Bet On It” as a buddy read. She’ll be posting her reaction to “Bet On It” on Tiktok so make sure you’re following @carla_is_reading and @thelitbuzz to catch all the buzz. If you like the buddy read angle, check out this post from me and Kristin for “Dream On” by Angie Hockman – a nice take on a conversational review.

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This story starts with a meet cute at the Piggly Wiggly as Aja is having a panic attack and Walker comes to her rescue. It turns out Walker is Aja's bingo partner's grandson so they reconnect after that first meeting. This was a sweet and spicy rom com that dealt with serious topics like anxiety that was a quick read. I didn't particularly connect with the characters too much and it felt sort of insta-love which might be one reason I didn't feel the tension and chemistry as much. But this was a quick read so a good summer read if you are looking for a quick spicy romance.

Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy. Opinions are my own.

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It was just okay for me. Steamy bits for sure but I didn't love the characters or how they interacted.

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