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Little Rumours

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Little Rumours is set in a small village where everyone knows everyone else's business...or do they? The story is told from 3 different points of view from 3 different mothers with 3 different lifestyles, backgrounds and secrets. When one of their children goes missing it opens the floodgates on a fast paced exciting story full of dark twists and turns, some you may not see coming. Although in places it is quite an emotional read as it touches on some sensitive and topical subjects - racism, loneliness and bullying, I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good domestic thriller.
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an arc of this book.

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A tense and emotional read about a missing child. A little slow to start as we get to know the characters living in Exton Cross. The suspense picks up as the story is told by several of the main characters. I always enjoy a book that tells the story from the different perspectives of the different characters. I did figure out who did it but there were a few red herrings along the way that had me second guessing myself, I always like that. The suspense builds up quite a bit towards the end making it hard to put down. Overall a pretty good book and I would recommend it.

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Mia's gone missing. Her mom Aleema has felt like an outsider in the small town of Exton Cross and now, now her 11 year old girl is gone. Naomi has lived here forever and she thinks she knows it all but does she know Kelly's secret? These three women alternately tell the story with some additional commentary from others. Kelly and her son Joe become the focus of the rumors. There's bullying not only among the children but also the moms. What happened to Mia and why? No spoilers from me. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. For fans of the domestic thriller.

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I wasn’t entirely sure about this book to start with as it concentrates on a number of small town and at times small minded mothers, none of which I resonated with or found very likeable. The thing that the characters had in common was that they all had some sad backstories or mysterious pasts. The pace then turns up several notches when the child of one of the couples goes missing and the whole village freezes to help search. When one of the mums is outed as the wife of a convicted serial killer the finger is pointed firmly and nastily at her and the awful wrath of the villagers in unleashed. The story is quite a sad reflection of human nature, prejudice, homophobia and mob rule and also asks some questions about nature versus nature and which personality issues eg psychopathy are inherited which is sad and uncomfortable reading but thought provoking. I thought the plot was interesting and compelling enough, if a little cliche and predictable but definitely worth a read.

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This story is told from three different mothers perspectives and how each of their children are interconnected. It starts with a story of Williams Addison and how he has killed multiple women. Is his history coming back to haunt his son? Is his son just like him and capable of hurting another? This gets grappled with, along with the disappearance of a young girl.

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It took me a while to get into this one but I do think I was in a bit of a slump when I started it.

It did take quite a while to get to the action packed detail, over half way through the book. But after that point, I was completely wrapped up in the story.

The reveal at the end completely threw me, I did not expect that at all!

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Little Rumours pulls you in slowly but once the scene is set you will be hooked.

In the small village of Exton Cross there are lies, bullying, secrets and a few nasty people to snarl at.

Kelly is new to town and not any fans. Her secret is a big one.

Naomi is a life long resident and then there is Aleema who is very lonely.

All their kids to go the same school and one of them goes missing the tension rises and the pages fly.

Who can anyone trust. Some horrible things are happening in this once quiet village.

I could not put this book down and the lights stayed on well after midnight as I raced to the end.

Make sure you get your copy of Little Rumours and push it to the top of your TBR pile.

Thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books UK, Avon for a nail biting read.

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Such a great thriller, kept me captivated from the very beginning until the end.
I’m pretty picky with me thrillers. But this did not disappoint’

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Little Rumours by Bryony Pearce is quite simply brilliant.

“Three families. Three Secrets. One Missing Child”. Well if that doesn’t grab your attention, I’m not what will! From the first chapter I was hooked and knew I was in for a rollercoaster of a ride. It’s a twisty thriller full of secrets and lies. It’s set in a small village with a definite locals v outsiders vibe and I just loved it. It’s grippy, pacy and will leave you eager to keep turning the pages. Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Books UK and the author for the chance to review.

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A thrilling read!!

I was impressed with the prologue and had goosebumps in several parts...

It is true that we might not know a lot of things (big or small) about of our own family, however close the relationship is - as is the case for Kelly and Naomi which she realizes, albeit later.

Great plot and very well written.
We get curious about where this is leading, anxious about what's going to happen, concern for the MCs (oh Kelly and Joe should have had more help and support), relief when it all wraps up...

Somewhere along the way I did question- "Why aren't the police doing a bit more work?"  "Why aren't the people calling the police immediately?" Etc.

But maybe in practical scenarios - especially in small town settings - this might be usual.

In spite of these I never put this book down - read it under 5 hours. I give a 4.5 stars for an engaging read.

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I requested this book and then realized I also had a copy. It’s an incredibly engrossing thriller I will leave you on the edge of your seat until the last page. I was immediately drawn into the story and felt like I knew the characters. I highly recommend it!

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A few days after finishing this, I had completely forgotten what it was about, so I had to read up on it before writing this. For me, it just didn't deliver. The women all acted in stupid ways that hindered finding the truth. If Joseph had spoken up earlier the mystery would have been solved immediately. I did read it all but found it to be weak in character and plot.

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This took me about two days to read, it's got lots of suspense, and well-done red herrings. I don't really have any major issues with it, except that it just seemed to drag. Especially the ending - about when it should have been really exciting, and someone's hand is literally on the door to find the missing kid, they all just stop and hash through all the background and varying loyalties that got them there. 

That said, the background of the women, particularly Kelly, were really interesting, and I liked some surprise twists that popped up. So all in all, it was a solid thriller!

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Little Joe aged six sits down in front of the tv every Saturday morning to watch Scooby Doo cartoons while his mum goes running and his dad looks after him. Joe is told by his dad not to move from the spot, so one Saturday when the tv screen goes black just before the villain is revealed in the cartoon, Joe makes the decision to move from the sofa and find his dad. It’s a decision which will change all their lives as little Joe makes a gruesome discovery.

Fast forward six years…Joe and Mum Kelly are now living in a small Devonshire village. She is struggling to make friends but carries a massive secret – her husband is a convicted serial killer serving time in prison whilst herself and Joe had to relocate and change their identities. Joe is now in Year 6 at school and has put the past behind him (or has he?) he’s built a friendship group with Mia and Leon, but when best friend Mia goes missing accusations start flying left, right and centre.

This is the second book at Bryony’s that I have read, and I will say it is now my firm favourite – the story grew and grew and although I had a fair idea who was responsible, there were so many twists and turns that I kept doubting my own theories!!

At some point in this book, you will experience every emotion…happiness, sadness, empathy and by the end of it you won’t trust or believe anyone!!

Bravo! A really wonderful book!

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Shut The Coffin! 😯😳🤯😳

Whhhoooaaa!! What a crazy, twisted ride of insane proportions! This novel unraveled amazingly well & smoothly and I couldn't put it down. I desperately needed to keep reading to find out the suspect and just what the ending held!
Naomi, Kelly, & Abi are all mothers to sons in a village, Exton Cross. Aleema's daughter, Mia, goes missing one evening and then chaos ensues. Joe & Leon were best friends with Mia and immediately Kelly & her son, Joe, are the suspects since they're newish to the village. The secrets they hold of their past, soon become public knowledge and amps up the villagers suspicions. Things escalate so quickly. Will Mia be found? What could have happened? Who knows what's really happening and what lengths does a mother go to for her child?
Even though I had an inkling to the "who" I never saw the "why" or "what" coming at all! I thoroughly devoured this dying to know what happened! So darkly twisted & leaves you wanting to know more & read faster. You need to find out. Pearce knows how to write one heckuva suspenseful thriller!

Thank you to NetGalley & Avon Books UK for this DARC.
Release date: March 31, 2022

I give this 4.5 / 5 Bouquets! 💐

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It took me several chapters to get into this book,…..sort out the characters and get on with some of the unfamiliar British colloquialisms but I’m glad that I persevered. The story follows an all too familiar/disturbing event of a child that goes missing. The impact and fallout of that single action is far reaching. Little Rumours is well written. Bryony Pearce captivates the reader’s interest until this page turner’s mystery is solved.
Thank You to NetGalley, Avon Books UK, and Bryony Pearce for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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I enjoyed this book so much, even though I wanted to smack some of the characters in the face for the stupid decisions they made. Ok that was aggressive, but I really liked this book lol.

We meet 3 moms, one is named Kelly, one Aleema and the other Naomi. They are all so different but they are all struggling with something, and since this book is told through the POV’s of 3 women it gets very much in depth, and their children are best friends. But these women don't even talk to each other like that, I found that to be so weird, but anyway.

One of their kids goes missing, and a whole can of worms gets cracked up. Kelly isnt who she seems, there is a reason why she keeps to herself, and then we have Aleema she’s Muslim, and treated weirdly, shes a brown woman married to the towns prodigal son, and he's white, then we meet Naomi, who we think has it all together, but she is going through a ton of loss in her life, and her smothering of her son makes her not see him and understand him.

While everyone is looking for this child, the mothers were unraveling, and the kids are not being as clear as to what they know. And right when we thought that this was about only the missing child, Kelly’s secret gets revealed, and it takes this whole book from RIGHT all the way to the LEFT.

I loved the twists and turns, it left me on edge all the way til the end. Thanks Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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Firstly, I am thankful for the opportunity to have received a free advanced copy of this eBook through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

This was my first book by this Author and I must say I did enjoy it very much.

We follow the story from 3 different points of view through three mothers, Naomi, Aleema and Kelly.

The focus of the story is on a missing child and who knows what about the disappearance. As they race to find answers of the child’s whereabouts, secrets are revealed about the main characters with a pretty big twist in there at the end.

I finished this one quickly, eager to find out all the secrets there was to know!

I rate this Ebook 5 stars and would recommend to those who enjoy a domestic thriller.

#LittleRumours #NetGalley

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Warning don’t start this book if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands it’s one of the most addictive thrillers I’ve ever read!

Where to start 3 mothers all with 11 year old children all in the same year at school but most importantly they all have hidden secrets. Secrets that they want to stay hidden and will go to any length to keep them hidden.

When Mia goes missing everyone pulls together and starts looking for her. As the search goes on facts about the newest residents Kelly and her son Joe come to light and before they know it everyone is blaming them for Mia’s abduction. Kelly is prepared to do all it takes to keep Joe protected from this and from facing the horrors of his past.

With Naomi leading an angry mob in Kelly’s direction and Adeema (mias mum) convinced Kelly and joe are behind her daughters abduction things soon turn nasty for everyone involved. Whilst everyone is grilling Kelly the real culprit is staying hidden out of sight. With everything on the line and Kelly manages to get out of her son Joe what happened the night Mia went missing and Joe and his best friend Leon are able to lead everyone to Mia.

All through out this book I was hooked on suspense. I desperately wanted to know who was responsible for taking Mia and I was shocked when this was revealed and the reason why Mia was abducted. I also felt really sorry for mia a poor innocent little girl caught up in a web of everyone’s making but her own.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for this review

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Naomi, Aleema and Kelly live in Exton Cross, where their children are best friends. At the end of the school day, one of the children is missing and the secrets of all three mothers are soon to come to light.

This book was a slower start, but once it warmed up, it moved along. I didn't love most of the characters in this book, and it was hard to know who to root for. Kelly's story was the most compelling and I think the book would have been better just focusing on that angle.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for providing me an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Available March 31, 2022.

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