Member Reviews

AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING. I regret not reading it sooner. This book has everything I wanted, adventure, intrigue and possible romance hehe.

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A love story between a girl and Death??? SIGN ME UP. I love Adalyn Grace's writing, and BELLADONNA just shows how much she continues to grow as a writer

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This story is was so good! It had everything I didn’t know I needed. Like I never knew I had a thing for gothic fantasy before this book, but apparently I do. I loved the characters, the plot was so imaginative and now I must read the next book stat.

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Loved this book so much . The gothic atmosphere and mystery is everything . The description and plots were beautifully mastered along the pages .
Death made a man to swoon over has never been done so perfect .
Signa Farrow with her will / power to bleed into the other world will capture you and wonder how far will she go .
Blythe the sick cousin , was so sweet and cannot wait to see more from her .
The ghosts and mystery kept it creepy and gothic but still so beautifully written.

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A girl partnering with Death to solve mysteries? Yes, please. I literally swallowed this book whole (along with the rest of the series). The author's writing style is so eerie and full of tension. All the twists and turns in the story kept me on the edge of my seat. Haunting, romantic, mesmerizing. Read this.

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This was one of my top reads for 2022. This was essentially an enemies to lovers dark fantasy story. What if everyone around you kept dying? Who do you blame? Do you blame Death himself? Well, that's what Signa did. But when she finds out everything was to protect her, how could she continue to hate him? And how could she continue to hate him when he's trying to find the person who is poisoning her cousin? Oh, it's also kind of a love triangle butttt not really. That part made me so excited, she didn't have to choose! The atmosphere of this book was perfection, everything felt dark and spooky and I loved it.

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A delightfully chilling tale that hit all the right notes for my goth little heart. Extremely creative and love the dark dreamy vibes

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Bridgerton if there was a murder mystery and ghosts! It took me a HOT minute to get into this one (thanks to a previous book hangover) but once I did it was very fast paced! Wasn’t sure if I’d get the second book but I already have it waiting on my Kindle. 😇

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Belladonna is a delightfully atmospheric and chilling story - the most perfect vibes for October!

For the most part, I really enjoyed this story. I liked trying to figure out the twists and turns (I guessed correctly about one thing, incorrectly about another) and was shocked by how creepy it was - I scare easily and this book definitely gave me the chills! Signa annoyed me one minute and I was cheering for her the next.

Death, though, I absolutely loved!! What an interesting character and I LOVED the dynamic that Signa could only see him when someone near her was close to dying. I’m very excited to see that explored further in Foxglove.

All in all, I’m disappointed in myself for waiting so long to pick Belladonna up and am very excited for the rest of the series!

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I found myself feeling really bored while reading this book. I was not interested in the characters or the romance. Unfortunately, I am not interested enough to keep reading this series.

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Belladonna is a fun slowburn, paranormal, murder mystery read. I had so much fun reading and getting to know Signa. Signa is living a series of unfortunate deaths and realizes that she can meet Death after dying several times in different circumstances. When Signa is sent to distant relatives to live until she becomes of age for her inheritance, she finds that at the manor nothing is as it seems. There are so many moments between Death and Signa that just made me fall in love with them both. I loved trying to figure out who dunnit and how Signa plays with her newfound abilities. The romance is definitely worth it for me. I loved the paranormal and everything in between. I kept pausing to show my friends swoony quotes and screaming cause omg same.

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I enjoyed the murder mystery plot here and I especially loved seeing Death and Signa’s relationship develop into a romance. That masquerade ball dance was swoony and I wish we had more moments like that.

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I loved the eerie atmosphere of Belladonna and Adalyn Grace has such a beautiful way of writing. I wasn't a big fan of the love interest, though, and I feel like there were a lot of unanswered questions. Fingers crossed we get answers in the next book in the series.

The cover art is beyond gorgeous!

This eARC was provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Nothing was particularly bad about this story, but I just couldn't find it in myself to care about anything that happened in it. A true three star read for me.

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This book is very YA for me, which is fine because it was done very well. I found this book to be engaging and mysterious. I really liked Signa and Death. The way their relationship developed was probably my favorite part of the book. It was paced very well and things were pushy or felt rushed. the mystery and process of solving Lillian's death was the second favorite thing lol the main plot of course. I was shocked by the findings and the ending of this book. This book had the eery vibes i havent read in a book in while and i found that refreshing, especially coming up to the fall season.

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I loved this book and the unique perspective it took. The main characters -one being death himself- were fresh and exciting. Can’t wait to read book 2!

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

Also- the artwork is BEAUTIFUL.

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Belladonna is a fresh and unique take on the romantasy genre. The book starts by immersing the reader in Signa's world of death and fear. I audibly gasped at the prologue. Adalyn Grace was not shy about making Signa's reality feel gritty. This made her character so much more authentic. While many YA heroines have experienced tragedy, Signa's experiences and their impact on her were clear from the earliest pages. Her character is multi-faceted. All at once, she wants to be a high society girl and act with appropriate decorum and she wants to understand her dangerous powers. Through this exploration of both sides of herself, she finds what she really wants. Death is a fantastic male MC- complicated, lonely, and protective.

I highly recommend this book.

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Belladonna was beautiful, I love Adalyn Grace’s writing so much. I thought this was a really unique story and it kept me hooked all the way to the end! I definitely recommend

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“Do not change the parts of yourself that you like to make others comfortable. Do not try to mold yourself to fit the standards someone else has set for us.”

“To me, you are a song to a soul that has never known music. Light to someone who has only seen the darkness. You bring out the absolute worst in me, and I become vindictive toward those who treat you in ways I don’t care for. Yet you also bring out the best in me—I want to be better because of you. Better for you.”

AHHHH I love Signa and the idea of death personified? So clever. This book was fantastical while also crawling with paranormal elements. I think the writing was immersive and beautiful and overall I enjoyed every single page.

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