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4/5 Stars

Belladonna delves into the story of Signa, a girl who cannot die, and her extraordinary relationship with Death as she tries to find her place in the world (and outside of it) while discovering who is trying to murder the family she has come to know and love.

This was probably 1 part romance, 1 part coming-of-age, and 2 parts mystery. While the beginning was dreadfully slow, these aspects start to even out by the end of the first act and comes out as quite the page-turner.

Signa is the heiress to a fortune she cannot access until the age of twenty. Bounced around from home to home, her caretakers all drop like flies around her, no thanks to Death, the entity who seems to love nothing more than to make her life miserable. She can't seem to really want him gone though; not when he is the only one who understands the strangeness of her burgeoning power.

Taken in by her uncle and her cousins, Signa tries to adjust to the life of high society that she's always dreamed of. But one of her cousins is dreadfully ill, and their mother also died of a mysterious illness that not even her ghost can tell Signa the answer to. Signa suspects foul play as she is well versed in the ways of plants and poisons, she joins Sylas, a farmhand for the family, in trying to find out just who wants her family dead and why all while balancing her growing feelings for Death and her longing to be of the human world she finds herself always trying to fit into.

I want to start out by saying that despite the rocky start, I had a really good time with this book. The writing is well done, not overtly full of purple prose, but not so simplistic as to feel insulted. It can be a hard balance to find in a Victorian/Georgian type of setting but I believe this finds a happy medium. The mystery aspect was engaging enough to keep my on my toes. I won't say it was the most GASPIEST OF GASPING twists at the end, but it felt satisfying enough and was buoyed again by the cliffhanger ending that left an obvious opening for Book 2 that I would gladly read.

Suspension of disbelief needs to play a big role in this, as it is a romance with Death. The issue that often comes with taking a concept so outside our understanding and trying to personify them is that there isn't a realistic way to do so. You have to humanize them in order for romance to be an option. And if you're anything like me, that's going to grate on you if you think about it too hard. Why would Death, a God in his own right, have any sort of care to understand the frivolous nature of human emotions? Love, lust, guilt, sorrow —it's just hard to make sense out of it. So, I would warn anyone who has a tendency to rip this sort of thing apart to stay clear if you can't just enjoy the story for what it is.

Chock full of ghosts, twists, and haunting whispers, I think this book is just fun and would definitely recommend it to anything who loves a haunted twist to their romance.

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A slow-burn murder mystery between our MC and death himself? Sign me up three times over! This novel starts off strong and keeps you hooked.

Signa, our main character, was touched by death from infancy and it followed her everywhere she went. Can you say invincible? But, after years of death following her around and every family member, she's supposed to stay with dropping dead before she becomes of age; it's a real hassle.

This story is thrilling, beautiful, a gothic slow burn, with an ending you didn't see coming. Where is book two? Because this ending was not ok, and I need it like yesterday.

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I had high hopes for this book but unfortunately, they weren’t exactly meet. The premise was extremely interesting but something was missing. I’m not sure if the plot was lacking or the characters or the mystery. Overall the book seemed very overwhelming but I was able to find elements that I liked. It was interesting and very reminiscent of House of Salt and Sorrow.

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Belladonna tells the story of Signa, a girl who was the sole survivor of a mass death that wiped out her entire (wealthy) house line. As a result, she has bounced from foster to foster...all of whom seem to die. She herself is impervious to some things that should kill a person- and she is able to see the physical manifestation of Death who follows her wherever she goes. When she discovers a plot at her new foster family's estate, Signa must uncover the mystery and unlock her powers over Death himself.

Belladonna is the monster fucker book some of you are looking for. This is one of those YA books that may move to adult in the second installment- it's clear Adalyn Grace wanted to go a little hotter and heavier with her 19 year old protagonist and her beau. There is a bit of a love triangle in this book with an interesting ending, but setting expectations early that Death is certainly involved in it. Death is a faceless smoke monster, which makes this dynamic WAY more fun.

The mystery element is actually super intriguing, with plotting rich people in a den of vipers. At first, I was pretty sure I had it all figured out- but the twists keep twisting with a satisfying conclusion that is genuinely enjoyable. All of the major players have distinct personalities and at times it feels like Signa is playing a game of clue.

Court politics also factor into this story- Signa is a little bit of a social disaster after years of lack of supervision from adults. Part of the story centers around her desire to fit in despite her powers and lingering desire to exist on the edge of society. She has to connect with her cousins and uncle who took her in, as well as the court ladies with growing expectations of her.

All this to say, there is a lot going on in this book, but it never feels overwhelming or excessive. My only issue with it is that while the scenes of romance played out very well, it was a little 0 to 100. I actually REALLY liked the endgame, but I could have seen it play out with more grace.

Belladonna is PERFECT for fans of Kingdom of the Wicked, Uprooted, The Winternight series, and The Wrath and the Dawn. Its written with the cadence of a new adult story with accessibility and romance with YA sensibility.

The mystery is just as important as the romance, and you get a great sense of the side characters and their personalities..this is NOT just a book about people falling in love. I trying hope Belladonna gets the attention it deserves when it is released.
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Ya'll are NOT ready for this book! The
murder mystery that Adalyn weaves is so incredible, the puzzle pieces falling into place with such perfect pacing. You will constantly be on the edge of your seat, coming up with your own theories alongside Signa only to realize just how wrong you were, or how right. The aesthetics and atmosphere of Thorngrove Manor that Adalyn paints for her readers is such a rich and vibrant picture that you’ll get sucked in so thoroughly you forget you’re reading and feel as if you’re actually there.

The most delectable part of this story however, besides the drool worthy descriptions of food, was the romance. The love triangle that Adalyn creates was the most delightful surprise, and had my biting my nails with indecision over who I loved more. And quite possibly the best resolution to a love triangle I’ve ever read.

The icing on top was the sprinkled in feminism and female characters and friendships breaking the mold as we all have come know and love from Adalyn of course. This book was my enthralled from the first page, and I can’t wait for the rest of the world to fall in love with it the way I did.

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This gothic fantasy was fast paced and full of mystery and intrigue! I loved the unique plot and the characters were great as well! The atmosphere and prose were perfect, you feel as if you are walking in the Thorn Grove too! I can’t wait to see what is next for Signa!

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This gothic fantasy was fast paced and full of mystery and intrigue! I loved the unique plot and the characters were great as well! The atmosphere and prose were perfect, you feel as if you are walking in the Thorn Grove too! I can’t wait to see what is next for Signa!

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I was beyond excited when I was notified that I was given this arc. I was expecting good things from this book. And it did not disappoint. At the very beginning, the first sentence, it captivated me. It lured me in and enraptured me throughout. Signa is curious and smart and her relationship with Death is so fascinating and captivating. And the ending... WOW I CANT WAIT FOR MORE.

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Gothic fantasy/romance/mystery with Death as a main character = Need it now! And knowing how much I already love Adalyn's books, I had no doubt that I'd love this book. And I was right. When I was forced to put it down, I was thinking about it until I was able to pick it back up. Seriously a fantastic read!

It's like Bridgerton meets the Grim Reaper. Signa Farrow is an orphan who has been passed from family member to family member due to death following her around like the plague. She sees Death and spirits and figures she's cursed. When she lands at Thorn Grove, she's determined to debut to society, find herself a husband and hopefully leave death in the past. But then she arrives to find her cousin, Blythe, on her literal deathbed and vows to save her. Someone is poisoning Blythe with Belladonna and Signa is determined to solve the mystery and save her cousin. With some help from the stable boy, Sylas, and Death himself, Signa puts together the puzzle pieces and unravels a few mysteries that have been haunting Thorn Grove.

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A very well written fantasy and intriguing mystery! This is a story that had so much potential and I am sooo relieved that it actually surpassed my expectations because a story about a girl fighting and falling for Death is right up my alley.

The romance developed beautifully and I loved Signa and her strong personality. She was a tough, resilient girl that I think many readers will love. And Death.... well, is Death. That alone is interesting enough, but I want to learn so much more about him.

I didn't expect the mystery to play such a big role, but this is a true murder mystery. I had my suspicions (some confirmed, some unpredicted) and I loved unraveling the dark and mysterious Thorn Grove. It kept the pace steady and the wide array of characters was easy to follow.

I will definitely be waiting on pins and needles for the second book. I can't wait!

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A fantasy with mystery, a girl who can see Death, and gothic vibes? Yes please! I enjoyed this so much! The plot was unique, the characters, the setting, the romance were all great. I had such a wonderful time with this story, I’m glad I had the opportunity to read it.

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Wow. Just wow, while this book starts off a little slow for my taste, it quickly picked up packed full with action. I loved Signa!! The Hawthornes were full of personality. The plot twists near the end of the book were so amazing I didn't see them coming!

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*****5 Stars!

“To me, you are a song to a soul that has never known music. Light to someone who has only seen the darkness.”

First I would like to thank Little Brown Books for Young Readers and NetGalley for allowing me to read an arc of this book. I’m honored to have been given the chance to read it and give an honest review.

Belladonna is a story following nineteen year old Signa Farrow, a girl orphaned as a baby and raised by a handful of inconsistent guardians, each far more interested in her wealth than her well-being. It is not long before each guardian meets their untimely end. Her last remaining relatives are the Hawthornes, a bit of an eccentric family living at the gloomy estate known as Thorn Grove. Elijah Hawthorne, Thorn Grove’s patriarch, mourns his late wife Lillian through wild parties and drink. Meanwhile, his eldest son Percy grapples for control of the family’s waning reputation. Elijah’s daughter, Blythe, suffers from what appears to be the same mysterious illness that killed her mother. When Lillian’s ghost confronts Signa and claims she was poisoned, Signa realizes that Blythe very well could be the next to die.

Signa’s best chance of uncovering the truth behind Lillian’s murder and finding the culprit is to make an alliance with Death himself--the very man she hates the most. Death is fascinated by Signa and his shadows have never been far from her side. He shows her that their connection may be more powerful than she ever dared imagined.

This book was so dark and compelling I could hardly put it down! I really enjoyed the dark vibe of this story and the vivid pictures it painted in my mind as I read along. Everything was described so beautifully that I felt as if I were in the actual story along with the characters. The pacing of this story was done very well and each and every one of the characters were interesting and complex. What I really enjoyed about this book was how it kept me on my toes, I would think I knew who the culprit was only to be proven completely wrong, all of this book's twists and turns were unexpected and only added to the story and kept me wanting to know more and more.

Signa was a character that I felt was very relatable with her uncertainty of who she wanted to be and how she wanted to present herself. I love how over the course of the story the importance of accepting oneself and being who you were meant to be was expressed. It was such an important lesson to be learned, especially for the time period and for someone as young as Signa.

I was endlessly pleased when I discovered this book was going to be based in the Regency era with a gothic twist! As a lover of anything based in the Regency era, I was very happy with how well the author executed that and all the social etiquettes and their importance in that time era. Another thing that I thoroughly enjoyed about this story was the slow burn romance, it was very swoon worthy and so beautifully written!

This book was such a delight to read and I am so grateful I was given the chance to do so! This is a book I would highly recommend to anyone who is looking for an amazing gothic mystery that will pull them in instantly! I am so looking forward to reading the next book in this series!

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I was selected as part of Adalyn Grace's Belladonna street team, and was able to read a traveling ARC copy of Belladonna. Thank you Adalyn! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

First, it must be said, Adalyn has done it again. Yet another 5 star read, full of magic that sparks off the page, enthralling readers from cover to cover. There is something about her style of writing that speaks to me as a reader and creates scenes dancing in my head.

We meet 19-year-old Signa, who has been bounced from guardian to guardian her entire life - with Death always trailing close behind. She is brought to the estate of her last known relatives, the Hawthornes. During her stay, she meets their mother's restless close who claims to have been poisoned. Signa is determined to not let another family die in front of her eyes, and resolves to uncover the clues into this suspicious death. She enlists the help of a stable boy, and Death himself.

It has a bit of a love triangle, dark gothic vibes, magical goodness, and is sure to be come a favorite YA Fantasy for readers this year. Pre-order this beauty today!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a requested review copy. All opinions are my own.

Wow this was great! A Gothic murder mystery with a girl that can't die and Death as a friend? It works even better than it sounds. I loved Signa so much. And what I loved most about her was her realizing that the rules of society and the members of elite society themselves are not all they're cracked up to be. With Death's help, she really comes into her own. Signa's relationship with her new family is really sweet. I love her connections with Blythe and Elijah and Percy. I was so intrigued by Sylas the whole book. Who is he really and can he be trusted?
I will say I thought I had the murderer all figured out, but I was NOT prepared for the reveal at the end.
This book also had some surprisingly emotional moments, plus some steamy moments! Just going to say that being cold never felt so hot!
Overall loved it and loved the setup for the next book with a new murder mystery!

4.5 stars

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Let’s start with the fact that it has a pretty cool cover. I still wasn’t sure what to expect but after a chapter or two I was 100% invested. Signa Farrow has known only death from the time she was born and it continues to follow her after yet another one of her relatives has passed. She just wants a normal life and love but as she begins to enter society she feels it isn’t all that she hoped it would be. She actually finds herself drawn to the one thing she has been desperate to leave the entire time. This book was so well written and although I had no clue it would be part of a series I cannot wait for the next book. I loved this this book a d would recommend it to everyone. 5 stars!

CW: death of a loved one

Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for the ARC.

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Signa Farrow is a child literally born to death, and through a series of deadly events finds herself shuffled from home to home, each new location not far from deaths reach. Finally, placed with realizes at Thron Grove, Signa will defy death to make sure her family, and her stay is safe.

Addalyn Grace created a unique stoking, boar hung a dark topic but manages to keep the story from being too heavy. I love Signa’s personality and the other cast of characters as well. The mysterious plot will keep you guessing until the end.

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I ABSOLUTELY LOVED this book and give it ALL of the stars! Belladonna by Adalyn Grace gives Bridgerton vibes coupled with gothic romance, and it's an absolute gem of a read. I thought everything was done immaculately - the writing, the storyline, the mystery (and accompanying twists!), the characters… all of it!

The backdrop of this is a sprawling manor named Thorn Grove, which should be a beautiful locale but is instead extremely creepy and unnerving. There’s a mystery at the center of things and a killer that’s still on the loose. Signa, an orphan who has been ferried to a bunch of homes following the tragic death of her parents, has to find a way to make this new place her home, which is a difficult task to do when you have something like this going on. Not to mention that she has a creepy figure following her…

You’re going to want to read this one! If you love the Regency Era, murder mysteries, romance, and a gothic feeling, this one’s for you! I am still thinking about how much I adored it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for the Advanced Review Copy of this book. My review has been written voluntarily and honestly.

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'Belladonna' by Adalyn Grace is a gothic young adult dark fantasy story about death and what it means to die to yourself and your destiny. The story follows nineteen year old Signa Farrow, an orphan who is raised by a series of relatives who all die under mysterious circumstances. The story follows Signa’s arrival to the Thorn Grove estate where she will begin a new life with her distant relatives, the Hawthornes. Elijah Hawthorne is the patriarch of the family who is mourning the loss of his wife Lillian, Percy is his son, and Blythe is the daughter who is suffering from the same malady that took her mother. During Signa’s stay at the estate, she begins to suspect that something more sinister and poisonous may be responsible for Lillian’s death and Blythe’s illness forcing her to confront the shadowy figure that has stalked Signa her whole life…death itself. Forming an alliance with the dangerous foe causes Signa to awaken a power deep within her that binds her to death, enlivening her with purpose and passion.

Inspired by spooky gothic stories of the past, 'Belladonna' is a suspenseful and morbid story full of twists and turns and bits of herbalism/plant lore strewn throughout. Using death as a character was original and brought a lot of depth to the story. Signa was a strong young female character whose coming of age was dark and dreadful, which was a clever way of describing the difficult and trying experience of death and rebirth. The writing was descriptive and powerfully evocative, although I couldn’t quite get behind the romance in the story. Perhaps it was a metaphor of love’s power to annihilate each person within a relationship? There was a major twist at the end which I didn’t see coming and I look forward to reading the sequel.

'Belladonna' is a macabre dark fantasy for older young adults and for fans of the gothic supernatural genre. It has mystery, ghosts, a creepy old estate, plenty of romance, and death…lots of death.

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with a free arc via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I’m not a huge fan of the author’s previous duology, but when BELLADONNA was announced, I got very excited. In theory, it sounds amazing but the execution…it just didn’t do it for me. While the setting and the descriptions were gorgeous, I thought the characters (especially Death, unfortunately) fell flat. The fact that Death had been watching Signa grow up and just waiting for her to be his partner was extremely creepy. Overall, this book was just kind of bland and I didn’t enjoy.

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