Member Reviews

Never Coming Home
Hannah Mary McKinnon
Pub Date: May 24, 2022

Thank you to @netgalley and @_mira_books_ for the eARC for my review.

This was one of my most anticipated books on my tbr for this year. I’m happy to report that it definitely exceeded all my expectations!
NEVER COMING HOME was unlike any other suspense novel that I’ve read before. It’s told from the antagonist’s point of view and he is quite the character. And this author knows how to tell a complete story. Now I can go back and read her other novels while I wait for her next new release.

Lucas Forester, the antagonist, has been planning for every twist and turn in his plot to gain a great inheritance from his wife, once she dies. He doesn’t hate his wife, it’s just all part of his well thought out plan. As the tagline on the cover says, “First Comes Love, Then Comes Murder.”
Everything seems to be on track until Lucas receives a mysterious orange envelope. Somebody knows what he’s been doing and Lucas has to scramble to keep his plan on track.
If you’re a fan of true crime shows as I am, you’ll recognize some of Lucas’ tactics. He is such a great character and I loved that this book had a humorous side to it also.

#suspense #thriller #mystery
#DomesticSuspense #AmReading #Booksta

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I love this author and all her books so it was a no brainer that I’d love this one as well. It was delicious and entertaining. This was a great summer read.

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Lucas is a career criminal whose wife Michelle has been abducted. The thing is, Lucas is responsible. He’s been plotting to get rid of her for awhile. He doesn’t hate her-he just wants her money.

His mother-in-law, Nora is drying of ovarian cancer. He actually cares about her and feels bad for her. Michelles brother, Travis has a drug problem and is constantly blowing through money. He’s been staying with Lucas.

Lucas has started receiving mysterious parcels that lead him to believe someone is into him. Detective Dubal is handling the investigation. Will she discover the truth?

This is my first book by this author and it was pretty good. The ending will surely surprise you.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is just not for me. I can’t get into it. I don’t like the main character at all. It’s like hanging out with someone you hate and it feels like work.

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Lucas, Lucas, Lucas. You seem like such a nice guy. Sitting with your MIL, trying to stay strong, while having to face the fact that your wife was kidnapped. What could you have done differently? Would it have made any difference if you were home at the time? What if you listened to the ransom demands and didn't involve the police? Really though, they are the professionals and what choice did you have? Well, maybe if anyone is left who knows you, Lucas. Because you know that Michelle is never coming home. Clever man.
Holy trip to cray cray town! The author did such an amazing job making Lucas the perfect husband, friend, and son-in-law on the outside, while his inner dialogue exposed the truth. It was never his intent to hurt anyone, but things happen, don't you know, and suddenly Michelle just had to go.
Lucas is a planner and he has made sure that this plan is 100% airtight. He leaves no room for suspicion because after all, it's always the husband, am I right? Things are looking up for him until he starts getting threatening notes and other odd things start to happen. Who could know what he is capable of and what he has done? Rest assured though, he is determined to figure it out, and the person who messed with him, well, he or she will be sorry. A few things happened that made me quite sure of the culprit's identity, but nothing prepared me for that final chapter!
Lucas, I loved to hate you, or did I hate to love you? Such a capable man, but you do know that sometimes karma has the last word.

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A fast paced cat and mouse, Lucas has planned well and and is giddy at each parts of his plot come alive and he wins. I loved this book for the build up and Lucas until the end, kind of a quick surprise that happened quite fast. Thank you. @NetGalley@MiraBooks@NeverComingHome

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I loved this book! I was hooked right from the first page and fully engrossed to the very end. The last few chapters were so fast-paced - I couldn't stop reading! The ending was such a twist that I did not see coming.

Lucas was such an interesting character and I really enjoyed reading the storyline from his POV. It was very refreshing to read from the perspective of the villian as opposed to the victim - and what a great villian he was. I laughed out loud at some of the situations he found himself in, and the sarcastic comments that he frequently made. I enjoyed his non-villainous moments too - especially with Roger his dog!

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I love a good character that you just love to hate and that is none other than Lucas himself! Wow! What a fun thriller to read! Hannah’s books are always enjoyable and a can’t put down read!

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I am having a hard time putting my thoughts about this book into words. When I finished it, I found the premise to be unique and contrary to some other reviews, I enjoyed the ending. However, I really HATED Lucas, the main character, and just couldn't enjoy the story from his perspective. Based on the story synopsis, we know that Lucas is a conman who married his wife, Michelle, for her trust fund. In order to get the lump sum, he hired a hitman to make her disappear. While he was meticulous with his plan and covered all the tracks, it turns out that someone may know what he has been up to. It is rare to only hear a story from the male villain POV and wow did I feel a ton of angst as the story developed. I will say that Lucas's inner monologue regarding the entire situation was interesting and his dark thoughts were amusing but there were some actions he did I just couldn't believe he got away with. I think my favorite part was learning about Lucas's past and seeing how his history shaped who he was in the present. I do really like Hannah Mary McKinnon as an author and will continue to read her books.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Pub date: 5/24/22

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Oooooooooh, this was clever, riveting and unputdownable.

This book grabbed me from the first page and being inside Lucas's sociopathic thoughts was a hilarious/frightening treat. McKinnon executed perfectly here.

I loved this well-written book and the ending was very satisfying...I highly recommend.

Thank you to the publisher for gifting me a copy, it was my pleasure to write an honest review.

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I loved this book right from the start. It is written first-person. Lucan/Michael (you learn he changed his name) is an awful person. He grew up in poverty and married a rich woman for the purpose of divorcing her and getting some money. When she asked him to sign a pre-nup, his plan changed to having her killed so he could inherit what he thinks is rightfully his. He acted like the perfect husband (to what seemed like a pretty nice lady) and sett his plan in action by hiring a hit man.

You know he is terrible pretty much right from the start. I and really wanted him to get what he really deserved, which is punishment instead of cash.

The ending was definitely not a disappointment. Part of it was something easily guessed by anyone who reads a lot of mysteries, but the twist made me smile.

Highly recommended. Look for this on the best seller lists.

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domestic thriller told from the perspective of the villain. Its anti-hero Lucas Forester hired someone to kill his multi-millionaire wife, so Lucas can get her money. The novel begins a month after Michelle was kidnapped, and the ransom drop was botched. Outwardly, Lucas plays the part of loving, desperately anxious husband to a T; inwardly, he continues his plans to get not just Michelle’s wealth, but her entire family’s. All seems well, until someone sends him a package in the mail that makes him realize someone may be on to his role in Michelle’s death.

The novel starts off a bit slow, but solid. McKinnon draws us gradually into Lucas’ story: his impoverished upbringing, his disabled father who requires expensive 24/7 care, and the plan that eventually led to Michelle’s murder. The external threat of someone finding out his secret begins as a trickle at first, a couple of notes that Lucas worries about but mostly just dismisses. But then the story picks up with the reappearance of someone dangerous from Lucas’ past, and the second half of the novel was a full-out thrill ride of a page turner that I zipped through within hours.

My one big snag with this novel is the ending, which was just… ugh. [I’ll keep this as vague as I can to avoid spoilers, but feel free to skip to the next paragraph if you want to avoid the risk of any potential hints at all.] The identity of the letter writing mastermind was fairly easy to guess, if only because they were so deliberately off Lucas’ list of suspects, despite having clear motive. Their identity was a solid choice, but the big reveal itself, as well as the other revelations that came to light, just felt, well, almost cartoonish. I admit I didn’t see any of the other revelations coming, so the author did a good job in keeping those a surprise. I also think that, if the story had been framed differently, perhaps from a different character’s perspective, the big reveal might have even felt incredibly satisfying. But it just fell flat for me, even kinda cringe-worthy. And while the final scene delivered some degree of justice — and genuine kudos for the genuinely hilarious final line — it felt a bit too much for me. Mostly, I feel like the ending was supposed to evoke a sense of triumph, of evil getting their just desserts, yet I got no such satisfaction, and the glee with which these scenes were depicted just left a sour note for me.

Authors generally treat anti-heroes like Lucas in one of two ways: one is the Dexter route, where the author leans heavily into the character’s villainous nature, yet makes them so charismatic and brilliant that you can’t help but cheer them on even when it makes you uncomfortable to do so. And the other is the route McKinnon chooses, where she humanizes her protagonist and actively makes us sympathize with him. In Lucas’ case, beyond his sob story background, there’s also a very strong sense that he’s nowhere near as brilliant or competent as he thinks he is. He zeroes in on two or three obvious suspects for the letter-writing, yet fails to consider other, not quite obvious but still visible, potential points of danger. He’s smart enough to use burner phones and recognize warning signs, yet not quite smart enough to install security cameras. And when the big reveal happens, he fails to see the true extent of the danger even when the letter writer basically tells him so. As a murderer, Lucas is in way over his head almost from the very beginning, and despite all his crimes, by the big reveal, I just felt sorry for him.

Part of me likes that McKinnon takes this unusual approach to the domestic thriller genre — we rarely see the story play out from the perspective of a man who kills his wife. In many ways, I also like what she did with Lucas’ character, how she humanized a killer without leaning into the Dexter Morgan trope. But another part of me wishes certain things were handled differently: either the story ended differently, or Lucas seemed like a more competent combatant, or even that we got a more balanced and complex view into Michelle’s character. We get a very strong sense of why we should root for Lucas, but much less of an idea, beyond the obvious general morality of it all, why we should care for Michelle and for her murderer to be brought to justice. The story felt unbalanced, and while the ending felt realistic enough, it also felt over-the-top in its handling, and a bit of a sour note to end the story on.

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Never Coming Home is told from the prospective of the villian - Lucas Forester - who will do anything to get his hands on his wife's fortune. Lucas has been meticulous in his planning to rid himself of his wife and thinks that all has gone off without a hitch until he begins receiving a series of notes that say "I Know What You Did." He must figure out who is sending the notes and how much they know without exposing himself. This was a quick read with a main character that you will love to hate. I found the ending to be a bit unrealistic, but overall this was an enjoyable read.

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Dear Rob McKinnon,

I think it is time you took some steps to protect yourself from your wife. It is time to start documenting and checking in with friends. Maybe get some more cameras. Why, you may ask? Your dear partner Hannah Mary, who has a beautiful smile and a fun laugh, is hiding her darkness. We knew it was there a little bit in previous books but in her latest book, Never Coming Home, she was too in sync with evil. No detail remained in the planning and her ability to make a reader at times empathize with a villain shows how comfortable she is getting with them.


A concerned reader

Just Kidding! …sort of 😬

All joking aside Hannah Mary has written a fast paced story full of suspense. Her main character of Lucas plans to have his wife killed and reap the benefits of her inheritance. His plans are based on a long game, one that started before even meeting her and stealing from women, pickpocketing and other scams. Seeking the ever more lucrative opportunities, Lucas believes he has found it in Michelle and her family.

The banter between Lucas and a side character was funny and briefly took me away from the the tension for moments while still fearing grievous harm to the person of the moment.

Lucas also cares deeply for his father who languishes in a care home across the ocean after a stroke. He wants to move him to a modern facility with the best doctors. Cue the sympathy.

The very ending of the book was quite satisfying but there was a moment a few pages earlier that felt a little ‘three musketeers’ like. I don’t want to spoil it and that is as close as I will come to referring to what happened but iykyk.

Also if you are like me and nervous whenever a dog is in a book, as there is in this one, you will be very angry at the author for playing with your fears.

Thank you to @hannahmarymckinnon and _Mira_Books_ for the @netgalley widget. I look forward to reading about Frankie next! Never Coming a home releases May 24, 2022. Pre-order now, place your hold at the library or visit the bookstore on that date.

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Hannah Mary McKinnon has played with my mind in her newest thriller “Never Coming Home” out May 24, 2022. Never Coming Home is a psychological thriller about a husband who is about to steal millions from his “kidnapped” wife. Things are going well, until they aren’t. This book had all the things I needed in a thriller and it was even more of a mind game because this story was written from the perspective of the villain. Lucas himself is a con artist who is about to pull off his biggest con with trust fund baby Michelle - he gets rich and he is free from his wife. Until things start going wrong, a month after her disappearance he gets notes and images claiming “I know what you did. ” All might not be well in his world.

You can’t help but hate Lucas, then like him, and then hate him again. He truly is a horrible character but he is the perfect narrator for this fictional tale. His ideas and his thoughts kept me interested in the story and turning the page. The one thing that I would change would be the speed of the ending. Once things started happening I was floored but then it felt a little rushed. Even saying that I was thoroughly entertained and second guessed myself multiple times. I hope you dig into this diabolical character that is Luke.

“We’re all a little evil on the inside.”

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, MIRA for the copy of Never Coming Home. While this was an enjoyable book, I didn’t love it. I didn’t like how Lucas was the only voice we heard. He was a good character but he got boring to “listen” to after a while. I loved the story and was surprised at the ending, even though it was improbable. The writing made me keep reading. And I will look for more books by this author. If you’re looking for a quick, fun read try this one! 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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This is another book that's hard to review without giving anything away, so it might be a bit short. I did enjoy reading this and flew through it.

Lucas seems like the perfect grieving husband. His wife, Michelle, went missing while he was in England. They seemed to have the perfect marriage. Lucas was well liked by Michelle's mom who is now dying from cancer. Michelle's brother is an addict, but Lucas is helping him. There are some women in the neighborhood he's friends with. But Lucas has a lot of secrets including his real name. As the book goes on, we find out more and more about who Lucas really is. He hired someone to kill Michelle for her money. He thinks he can be patient and wait for years for her to be declared dead. It will make him less of a suspect if he waits on the money. There is one detective who keeps checking in on him and he worries she knows something. Or at least suspects. But Lucas is a good actor. He doesn't eat much so he loses weight. He sets his alarm to barely sleep so he looks run down. He's doing a good job, but then the photos start to arrive. Someone knows what he did and they're playing with him. They get into his house. Lucas starts trying to figure out who the hitman was because that's the only person who can know what happened to Michelle. While I figured some things out pretty early, there were still a couple surprises. I enjoyed the ending, too.

I gave this book 4 stars. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for my earc.

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First of all a very big thank you to Hannah Mary Mckinnon and MIRA for my advanced copy of Never Coming Home to read. She has fast become a favourite author of mine, with her twisty and always surprising thrillers. This one publishes on May 24th and you have to read it.

This story is told from the point of view of Lucas - our loveable villian. He is very hard not to like, he actions are deplorable but he just gets into your heart. He grew up poor and scrapping for every cent in England. He has now moved to the US and is married to the wealthy and gorgeous Michelle. He has a plan to get his hands on her millions and he has put into place, hiring a hitman to dispose of his wife. Acting devastated and praying for her return to Michelle's family, he is biding his time until his gravely ill mother in law dies and he gets everything. But somebody knows what Lucas did, and is playing with him.

This is a super fun and addictive read. You will love Lucas who is devoted to his rescue dog, Roger. and his father in the UK who is in a home, He made me laugh and all the time I had to remind myself that he was a bad man. If you love a good thriller and a main character that you cannot help but love, this is the book for you.

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I struggled to get into this one and ended up not finishing it. I made it 20% of the way and still didn’t feel drawn in.
I think it’s the narrator that’s off putting; I didn’t enjoy reading the book from his POV.
I also felt like it was going to be too predictable and that didn’t make me interested in reading more.

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Now, this is a fun clucking book…and no, that’s not a typo.

Lucas Forester is such a great guy! He saves a rescue dog from euthenasia and brings him home instead. He cares deeply for his mother-in-law and can’t stand seeing her in pain with an illness. He wants the best for his dad, who is in an assisted living facility…

…Oh I forgot. He also wants his wife dead! He’s spent years meticulously planning her demise so that he can inherit her millions, and now he just has to act like the grieving husband after taking a hit out on her.

Too bad it seems like someone may know what Lucas has been up to…but Lucas isn’t going to let his future fortune go down the drain that easily.

Lucas sure is a fun character to read about. The whole novel takes place from his POV, and I couldn’t help but laugh and be highly amused by his dark and disturbing thoughts and actions. He’s not fully bad, but his “bad” side is fully terrible. I was torn between rooting for him and hoping for his downfall. I think I was still torn at the very last page.

I guessed some of where this was heading, but still found it delicious and entertaining. The ending is a bit too perfect and not 100% realistic, but hey…it’s fiction. I was just along for the fun ride. Definitely a popcorn thriller.

After reading 3 of the author’s books, I can confirm I’m a fan…and can’t wait to devour whatever she cooks up next.

Thank you to Mira for providing me with a widget of the ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Expected Publication Date: 5/24/22.

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