Cover Image: The Most Eligible Bride in London

The Most Eligible Bride in London

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A fun sweet read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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I was so excited to read another of Ella Quinn’s books, I loved to see Nate again and his character transformation was amazing (can be read as a stand-alone, but also in order!). The chemistry he and Henrietta had was great and I loved the historic plot points that Quinn writes into her books!

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I enjoyed this one mostly, but it also fell a bit flat for me. I've read a lot of historical romances over the last few years and this one was good but it wasn't as good as other ones by this author and was a bit boring. I still liked it but I think I'd suggest other titles over this one. The chemistry and characters weren't my favorite and were pretty stereotypical so I guess it just wasn't unique enough if that makes sense.

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Nathanael, Viscount Fotherby has finally returned from his exile to the country after he kidnapped his best friends fiancé! He has changed and is ready to rejoin society, reunite with his friend, and hopefully find a wife. Unfortunately, the one woman to catch his attention is the sister of the woman he abducted!

Henrietta Stern is in London for her second season and is hoping to marry as all her friends did. She is feeling a bit left out and like a third wheel to all the couples. She is determined to marry for love and be able to carry on with her charity work at the orphanage.

So this book was a very slow read for me…nothing happened until 60% in to the book when Nate and Henriettas brother in law finally had a confrontation. It started to pick up from there, but I still could not get into the storyline. I am wondering if it is because I have not read the first few books in the series. I may be missing some of the connections and back stories of the other couples, but, even so, the story should be able to stand by itself. There was too much ‘will they forgive him’ and ‘I need to turn my attention elsewhere’ that the inner monologues were just tedious.

Historical Romance, Regency Era, Beta/Cinnamon Roll Hero, Politician Hero, Knife-Wielding Heroine, Virgin Heroine, Forbidden Romance, Redemption Trope, Three Star, Two Steam

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DNF 34%. I have tried and I just can't with this book. I'm 34% into the book and the main characters have not officially met This is not how a historical romance should work. The pacing has been absolutely painful It's not a slow burn, it's a glacier. I haven't read any of the other books in this series so I don't care about any of the side characters which I am sure have been featured in other books. I was drawn in by the absolutely gorgeous cover but that's the only thing I can recommend about this book.

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Another delightful book by Ella Quinn with her signature witty banter and interesting, likable characters. I did not read the Worthingtons series, from which many of the characters come from, so I was a bit overwhelmed by all the characters. Nonetheless, the author does provide background for all the characters, I just had a hard time remembering who was who.

Henrietta Stern is the only one of her group of friends that is still single. But she knows what she wants in a husband, a love match is one of those things. She also wants someone who is kind, actually listens to her and is interested in helping others. She thinks she meets just that man, when Nathanael, Viscount Fotherby, comes to her rescue, while she is rescuing a baby. However, she doesn't know his name and when she finds out, she is conflicted, because several years ago he had kidnapped her sister, after he was told that she had compromised his best friend. He was sent away to the country to mature and redeem himself, which he has done. During his four years in the country he has learned to run his estate and assist his tenants. And the only reason that he was even in London, was to help one of his neighbors. But he also sees Henrietta as the woman of his dreams. Will he get a second chance?

As I read this book, it was a sweltering 96 F outside and just the descriptions of all the layers of the garments and gloves that both women and men wore made me hot- not in a good way. I read an ARC provided by the publisher via This is my unbiased and voluntary review.

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3.5 stars, rounded up

If you read the Worthingtons series, you already know Nathaniel “Nate”, Viscount Fotherby, he was one of the villains in “When a Marquess Chooses a Bride” best known for kidnapping Dorothea Stern, in a misguided attempt to save his friend. That stunt got him sent to the country to rusticate and mature. And he did, he learned humility and responsibility and to look beyond a person’s station, in short, he changed from being an entitled, self-absorbed dandy into a good man. It is that man that comes to the aid of Henrietta Stern while she is trying to rescue a child. He is immediately smitten and wishes he could meet with her again, but they parted without exchanging names.

Henrietta Stern is starting her second season and hopes to find a match, but so far no man has captured her interest like the man who helped her. But when she learns who he is, can she love the man who wronged her sister, even though he is nothing like the villain she expected?

This was a well-written redemption story with lots of familiar characters. Personally, I found the story to be a little boring and slow-moving. Yes, there is conflict, but nothing dramatic or page turning, it was just a nice, sweet, slow-burning love story. This is the third book in the series and it is loosely connected to the previous series, but it could be read as a standalone title.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that I requested and was provided to me by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.*

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So boring it's excruciating. She shoots a man in the beginning, and even that's boring! Trivial details are given so much time. Oh dear, she got caught in the rain. Her bonnet's wet, can it be saved? She'll need a bath, her maid will be cross. I'm a third of the way through and the two haven't met yet. The tedious discussion of who is he? We can't speak until I find someone who knows both of us for an introduction. I can't read any further. It seems Nate has totally reformed from kidnapping his friends fiancé four years ago. This sounds like a fun plot but don't get excited. It's not. Henrietta is the sister of this fiancé. I don't think this author is for me. Sweet, gentle, slow, did I say slow?

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First and foremost, the cover is lovely, and YES, I was expecting, or should I say had high expectations for this book, BUT IT WAS A DISASTER.

To cut a long story short, this was the most painful, boring, and uninteresting historical romance I've ever read.

Just don't waste your time on it.

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The villain from the last book in this delightful series, Nathanael, Viscount Fotherby, abducted the now Lady Merton to save his friend from marriage. What happens with he falls for her younger sister,
Miss Henrietta Stern. You will be rooting for the Viscount in this wonderful regency romance.

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I'm not really sure how to put my review together. The book is well written, as usual with Ella Quinn, I just don't think it was my cup of tea. It seemed a little immature to me, I think. There wasn't much to base the instant soul mate attraction on. I will read future book by Ella Quinn, but this one didn't hold my attention.

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the third book in this series that I have read and I won't be continuing if there is another book. Just like in book 2, this book is so slow! Nothing much happens and no character growth or development.

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I generally love a regency romance. I know they are formulaic, but if it is done well, I can get past that part pretty easily. This one was not great. I really wanted to stop half way through but was curious if it got any better. It did not. The storyline was repetitive and the sheer amount of names was difficult to keep track of for anyone who hasn't read the other books in the series. Other authors have done the same thing much better.
I know it's a galley, but at one point, the author got the heroine's name wrong. I'm not sure how much of this improved pre-pub, but if you like regency, look elsewhere.

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I really wanted to like this book but like the previous book in the series, it is very slow and much of the character development happened prior to the story. Henrietta and Nate were unbelievable. a chance meeting and that's it. They've met their soul mate even though they don't know each other's names.

Nate's character development between a previous book and this one happens off-page. This is what I would have preferred to read about not just have him suddenly reformed.
I felt there was unnecessary drama added that did nothing really for the story and I didn't really care about it.

Overall I must admit defeat with this series. I am normally a fan of Ms Quinn's work but I can't read another slow boring addition.

I received an arc of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Most Eligible Bride in London
By Ella Quinn

Henrietta Stern is in her second season but cares for for the people of England than the actual aristocracy. Although her family is of the latter, she and her sister devote all their energy to saving children.

Nate, Viscount Fotherby, had made man mistakes in his life. The past couple years he has pulled himself together and became the Viscount his people needed.

Nate was helping his neighbor locate a missing child when he walked into Henrietta’s life, quite literally saving it.

This was a very sweet story.

Thank you to @netgalley for the ARC. The story was released in February.

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Mistakes happen, to be sure. Rarely are those mistakes as unfortunate as the one made by Nathanael, Viscount Fotherby, when he abducted the now Lady Merton to save his friend from marriage. When I started reading I couldn't put it down. Ella Quinn is magnifysent and amazing writer.I cannot wait to read more of there books.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this book.Can't wait for the next book

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A sweet but somewhat slow-moving romance, The Most Eligible Bride in London is the next installment in Ella Quinn's Worthington series. Lord Nate Fotherby is back in London after a period of penance in the country to make up for his rash decision a few years prior in abducting his best friend's fiancée in an ill-fated attempt to prevent their marriage.

Nate has matured and believes he is now ready to find the perfect bride. Unfortunately, the first lady who sparks his interest is none other than the younger sister of the woman he abducted. Henrietta Stern works for a charity involved in rescuing children, and meets Nate after she has shot a man to save a child. The book opens with a bang, but then the pace quickly slows down. The story's main conflict is primarily to do with whether or not Henrietta and Nate will be able to find a way to be together despite her sister's unwillingness to forgive him for his past crime.

As with past books in the series, the hero and heroine's "Mamas" play a large role in steering the romance along. Lots of wonderful historical details and charming side scenes with other characters in the series and their families, but overall the plot drags at times.

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This next story in The Worthingtons series is a sweet, easy-to-read romance that brings about the redemption of Lord Fotherby, last seen abducting his best friend's bride to prevent their marriage. After years in exile at his country estate under the watchful eye of his mother, he has become a better man and is finally ready to return to society with the goal of finding a wife. He knows it won't be easy as his former best friend and his wife are still holding a grudge, but he is determined to try.

All his efforts are complicated when he is immediately smitten with Henrietta, the sister of the woman he previously abducted, his former best friend's sister-in-law. While the feelings are mutual between the two of them, the trouble a relationship with him would cause her family is more than Henrietta is willing to accept.

The book is enjoyable and well-written. However, it lacks conflict and growth for the characters leaving no sense of urgency for the reader. It is hard to become invested in characters that have had their necessary changes occur prior to the beginning of the story and now only need to have a few delicate conversations to achieve their happily ever after.

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I wanted to like this but it just seemed a bit lame. There was no upset between the main character's even though Nate had kidnapped Henrietta's sister in a previous book. He was the villain in that book and was remorseful and apologised a lot but still I felt there should have been more problem's around this. Also he just seemed too nice and bland to have been a villain before maybe if I'd read that book it would have been better so perhaps not a standalone romance as lot of character's from previous books are also mentioned. I also had the feeling I had read the same basic premise from another author and that bothered me too.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Kensington Books for my honest review.

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This was a good historical romance that I would recommend to anyone who thinks it sounds interesting!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher.

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