Member Reviews

I'm a sucker for a romance novella. They're quick, usually spicy, and easy to read. Scoring Position is all three of these. Unfortunately, it fell flat for me. My main complaint is that it felt every romance trope was piled on top of each other in the just over 100 pages (brother's best friend, loss of virginity, forbidden love, miscommunication, etc.).
Thanks to NetGalley and the author for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was ok. My favorite thing about it is that it was a novella, so short and quick. I didn't really like either character. They were both very one dimensional.

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I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. An excellent spicy read with great characters, spicy scenes, and leaving you wanting more.

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A baseball story but also one about a best friend being with his sister. Jordan has played for the Longhorns and has opened up his home for his childhood friend Christian who has just gotten traded to the team and has been involved in a scandal. Needing to keep a low profile he thinks this is for the best.
Jordans' sister has come to live with him for the summer before she enters grad school and her one hope before she goes is to lose her v-card. Does not look that way with her brother around. Enter Christian who she remembers and when they begin talking finds out that they have a lot in common. They begin to spend more time together and when she tells him of, her plans for the summer he says he will help her but they need to go slowly. As the two of them begin to heat up so does his batting, he is coming out of his slump and his friend is wondering who the woman is. Hoping to keep it a secret he does not what to destroy what he has with Hannah. That of course does not happen. read this book to see if he can fix anything. A good story.

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The book is your typical trashy romance … Inexperienced girl meets experienced boy. That being said, I couldn’t put it down! The storyline kept me hooked throughout with all the drama. A quick and fun read, perfect after a stressful day.

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It's taken my quite a while to get through this book because I was bored of sports romances for a while, but man did this book get me out of that rut! Tara Wyatt does an incredible job writing sport romances and they will keep you hooked throughout. Although, the premise of this book is nothing new (main FMC, Hanna is a virgin, and her best friend's brother Christian finds out) the characters were well fleshed out and I enjoyed reading about their story. This was a quick, fun, and steamy read!

***Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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I love the Dallas Longhorns series and Scoring Position is no exception. I loved Hannah and Christian so much. The story was well written and I couldn't put it down!

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Christian was traded because he had an affair with a sports reporter who was engaged, however he states that he did not know that. Christian has to have sex before his baseball games in order for him to function, or supposedly be good at it, but now since he is trying to fix his reputation and learning how to be in a new team, he hasn't had any. While staying with his best friend, Hannah Miller (Jordan's sister-he is bestie) is planning on staying with them, Christain has always been attracted to her but knows she is off-limits. Hannah is a virgin and would like to lose it before she goes off to college and what better chance that a man-ho who is also gorgeous, if only she can convince him. Well convincing was not hard at all, brother finds out has a fit, misunderstanding occur, heartbreak, and then groveling and forgiveness.

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One of the toughest tropes for me in Romance (second only to the secret baby one) is dating your bestfriends sister/brother. So much of those narratives often feel icky and paternalistic. This book definitely skirts the line of that - and keeps things more on the protective side - but it is definitely close.

Christian is newly traded to the Longhorns on the heels of a relationship scandal. He's struggling to fit in to his new team and find his balance again. While he gets his feet under him he's staying with his best friend Jordan. Jordan's little sister (who isn't so little anymore) comes to stay for the summer before graduate school. Hannah is a young adult - but she definitely knows what she wants -and Christian is definitely what she wants. Christian wants to have a fling with Hannah and respects her wants and desires as an individual. He also respects his friend - but recognizes that Hannah is an adult who can decide when and with whom she'd like to have sex and date. So they embark on a fling for Hannah to learn about sex with someone who will actually take the time to make sure she is safe and happy. They decide not to tell Hannah's brother about their relationship - and as expected things eventually do blow up.

Hannah and Christian are very cute together - and it is clear from almost the beginning that they could never be just a fling. The trope itself was probably more the issue for me than the relationship - but I think the blow-up with her brother maybe could have been handled better? or not even made into an issue at all - I think they had enough other drama that the brother angle maybe wasn't needed?

Overall - I liked this one - not as much as some of the other stories in the series, but it was a good sports romance.

I received this as an ARC from NetGalley, but these opinions are all my own.

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This is a good book. The two main characters are Hannah and Christian. Christian has just been traded to the longhorns a baseball team. Hannah is Christian best friend little sister. Christian is living with his best friend and ball player Jordan. Hannah is living with her brother that’s a ball player named Jordan. Christian doesn’t do relationships, Hannah is a nerd who doesn’t date. She ask Christian if he will teach her about sex. He says yes. They have some issues but they work their issues out and fall in love.

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I found Scoring Position to be a quick read. The book was well written but I did find one of the main character development plot points to closely resemble a movie which gave me a deja vu moment. This was the first book that I have read by Tara Wyatt and I was entertained but it left me with a sense of disappointment due to the close resemblance to the movie.

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Okay, not going to lie here. The reason it's taken me so long to do this review and to give proper feedback is because I keep rereading it like there's magically going to be more pages.
This book, is chefs kiss, bon appetite, the whole nine yards.
Tara Wyatt is the author of an entire series of the Dallas Longhorns and I haven't read any others before this book so I went in blind, and Hannah and Christian swept me off of my feet.
This book isn't an enemies to lovers, more like forbidden to semi friends who are just super attracted to each other to lovers.
I feel like the author does a great job of taking us on this journey of the two, and added some super thick plot once Jordan found out, because who wants their brother to know they're banging -- technically in love with-- their best friend???
10/10 read

tropes: brothers best friend, forced proximity, forbiddenish, friends to lovers.

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Hannah is a virgin and has long crushed on her brother’s best friend.
Christian, said best friend, agrees to help her out. But what happens when her brother finds out.
Yes, this a predictable read but it’s a fun escape.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an arc in exchange for my honest review.

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A pretty standard romance with a hunky baseball player and a virgin falling in love with all the classic pitfalls and missteps along the way to their HEA.

Hannah is visiting her brother for the summer, only to discover his best friend Christian is also staying with him. They have known each other for years and always secretly wanted each other, but for Christian, Hannah is strictly off limits. The quintessential brother's best friend trope ensues, with a relationship in secret, questionable motives and a very angry brother out to wreck the romance. Christian has lost his mojo and Hannah wants some experience in the bedroom. Maybe they can help each other get what they need.

The only thing I didn't like was how upset Hannah was when she was told that Christian was only using her to get his mojo on the field back. Her reaction didn't feel like it fit the story because she was also using him to get what she wanted too. It was always supposed to be a friends with benefits situation but when she caught feelings she got all bent out of shape. It just didn't read like her character and didn't make sense.

Overall, a good, steamy, easy to read book.

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This story is about Hannah and Christian, Hannah is visiting her brother for the summer, Christian is living with her brother until he gets settled and his own place. They have known each other for years, Hannah has crushed on him, he has always looked at her as his friend's little sister. That changes over the course of the summer and they become more than friends. I liked the story but it seemed predictable and the whole keeping it secret was going to blow up, you could see that coming a mile away.

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I absolutely loved this book!

It has a great storyline and I loved the characters and seeing how they developed as the book progressed – this was a book I couldn’t put down and I love that is any book I read!

It was a books that had so many feelings from heartfelt, romantic feisty and it was a sexy read!

It is 5 stars from me for this one, really loved it – very highly recommended!

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I've read quite a few books that follow the theme of older brother's best friend teaches them the way of luuurve (or rather sex) and in the process, the couple falls for one another. Even though this is a plot that comes up time and time again when it's done well, it is really enjoyable and that is certainly the case with Scoring Position.
Hannah want's to get some experience before moving to California to do some further studies. She's in her early 20's and wants to experience that side of things. She's had a rough time in her teen years, being bullied and then humiliated by someone she thought was a friend and interested in her, so she struggles to trust. She finds someone that she can rely on in Christian.
Christian and Hannah make a great couple and despite his reputation, he is really sweet and they work well together. This was a quick read, but one that I really enjoyed.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own and given voluntarily.

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Since I had just started on the Dallas Longhorns series, I was very happy to see Scoring Position on Netgalley, the day after I finished Hit and Run. So, I decided it was meant to be… Who can resist Tara’s yummie players???

And this is a very cute couple. Hannah is the nerdy, shy sister of Jordan, the baseman of the Dallas Longhorns. Jordan promised her she could stay with him during the summer, but accidentally forgot that he offered a place to stay to his new team member (and old high school friend) Christian. Hannah has had a crush on Christian for forever. But now way that her older brother’s hot friend would be interested in her.

Christian has had a scandal follow him and he needs to lay low. But when his friends baby sister propositions him to teach her some bed activities, he can’t say no. But of course, it needs to be kept a secret, because of the brothercode. But what he didn’t expect, was to fall for Hannah. But when Jordan finds out, all hell will break loose.

Will they survive? Or will it stay a summer fling? Find out for yourself, in this funny, cute and hot read. Four out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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This is a quick read, fun, sexy and entertaining. While there are certainly seductive scenes, they are sensitive and not overly descriptive. This was an unexpected delight to read. Certainly a book I will go back to when I can't decide what trope I want to consume next!
Thanks to NetGalley for providing this copy. The opinion in this review is solely my own.

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SCORING POSITION is the sixth instalment in Tara Wyatt’s contemporary, adult DALLAS LONGHORNS erotic, romance baseball series. This is twenty-six year old, Christian Hale, and twenty two year old, grad student Hannah Miller’s story line. SCORING POSITION can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty.Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Hannah is Jordan Miller’s sister

Told from dual third person perspectives (Hannah and Christian) SCORING POSITION follows the building but forbidden romance and relationship between twenty-six year old, Christian Hale, and twenty two year old, grad student Hannah Miller. Hannah Miller is spending the summer with her brother, Dallas Longhorns baseball player Jordan Miller but Hannah never expected to come face to face with her childhood crush, Jordan’s best friend and newest teammate Christian Hale. Christian is the latest acquisition by the Dallas Longhorns, having been traded as a result of a scandal that refused to die down but a hitting slump is threatening Christian’s previous rookie of the year status, and he needs a ‘slumpbuster’ to make things right. With both Christian and Hannah living at Jordan’s for the foreseeable future, Hannah makes Christian an offer he should have refused. What ensues is the building romance and relationshp between Christian and Hannah, and the potential fall-out as their affair comes to light, threatening Christian and Jordan’s friendship, and the building love between our story line couple.

Christian Hale doesn’t do relationships, and in this his off-field antics, threatened his career with his previous team. Warned by Jordan not to get involved with his sister Hannah, Christian finds himself falling for a woman he isn’t supposed to want. Hannah has struggled throughout the years, bullied in school, and humiliated on camera but Hannah has never stopped ‘lusting’ after our story line hero, a lust she is hoping to consummate this summer.

The relationship between Hannah and Christian is a forbidden relationship; a best friend’s younger sister in which Hannah and Christian must keep their relationship a secret, fearing the fall-out when all is revealed. The $ex scenes are intimate and seductive without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The secondary and supporting characters are limited. We are reintroduced to Christian’s teammate and Hannah’s brother Jordan Miller as well as team manager Javi Flores, and several of the Texas Longhorn players.

SCORING POSITION is another story of secrets, trust, revelations and love. The premise is engaging and inviting; the romance is captivating; the characters are energetic and wonderful.





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