Member Reviews

Super slow I almost put it down but then holy hell it picked up. And there were so many twists and turns that didn’t stop until the very end! Worth pushing through.

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Not a bad book but it just wasn’t for me. I found my interest waning at times and I had to really push to finish this book. I like plot twists in books but this one had them in abundance and it got old by the end of the book.

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As always a wonderful book by a favorite author. It kept me interested throughout the whole book. Eagerly waiting for his next book. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I read a lot of this book and for many pages it was great and held my interest but then it got to be too much, I was and still am unable to finish as maybe too many twists for me.
This was my first book by this author and maybe we are just not a good fit but I like trying new authors and books out of my comfort zone.

Thank you Net galley for that opportunity to try new authors, some I keep and some I don’t go back to.

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2.5 stars rounded up to 3. I'm clearly in the minority with my thoughts on this book. This story is told by husband and wife, Michael and Natalie, in both the past and the present. I instantly disliked Michael, so kudos for making me feel big feelings. A missing wife and children has all the makings for a good thriller, but there was entirely too much detail for me and not enough story, which did not get interesting until the last 1/4 of the book. Without spoiling the plot, there were character actions that were so unrealistic I found myself rolling my eyes. Still, I was surprised by a couple twists at the end thus the rounding up to 3 stars. The reveals felt lackluster but I suspect that's because I just wanted to get the book finished.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for my copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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My Wife is Missing is a fast thriller, full of twists and unreliable characters. I figued out one key detail, but was completely blindsided by another, and overall had a really fun time reading this book.

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This book starts out at 100 mph - Michael is reeling upon realizing his wife and children are missing from their NYC hotel room, shortly after checking in. The resulting roller coaster of police, murder, sex, lies and videotape twist and turn while Michael tries to piece together what happened, how could this have happened? They were happy, weren’t they? They were safe, weren’t they? The fast-paced action and adventure lead in many directions, switching back and forth until you don’t know who is who and who you can trust.
I did enjoy this intense domestic thriller with its pretty unique premise and well thought-out plot.

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Very well written book. Really enjoyed this author, would definitely read more by this author and recommend on my book IG

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Thank you, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley, for my eARC. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

This book was interesting. I liked the shifting POVs in this one and the unreliable narrators -- both of those are my jam. Some parts of the book were a little slow but overall, this one was a thrilling ride and I didn't want to put it down.

I'll definitely be on the lookout for more of Palmer's books!

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I was highly disappointed by this one. I've loved his books in the past, but this one was only a 3-star to me - maybe more like 2.5, even. The mystery was okay but it all felt flat to me, and the reveals at the end weren't shocking at all. I'm still going to read his next book, just not with as much anticipation as I had for this one

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This was my first exposure to DJ Palmer. The psychological thriller title of "My Wife is Missing" had me believing this was going to be another book about a wife running from away from her subpar husband but this proved to be not that. This book had some unexpected twists. I found the plot to be slow at times and some of the twists and turns just did not seem believable. The ending made up for the slow plot.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a gifted copy.
Not trying to sound rude but this is the kind of thriller trope I’m trying to get away from…..the “blame the woman to be unhinged” in an imperfect couple dynamic. Other than that, the book made for easy reading in 3 perspectives.

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My Wife is Missing by DJ Palmer is a thriller based on marital trust and distrust. Everyone has secrets – the wife, the husband, the investigator, the victim, the friend, everyone except maybe the children! Some secrets are recent, and some travel back into the past. The secrets from the past and the present all collide together in a dramatic conclusion. Getting there is, at times unbelievable, but nevertheless an entertaining read.

Read my complete review at

Reviewed for NetGalley.

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I really enjoyed Palmer's last book and this one felt just as captivating and crucial to read. I though it was a very thrilling read!

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I have loved everything I read by DJ Palmer and this book is no different! Told in alternating perspectives between Michael and Natalie, My Wife Is Missing sure was a twisty adventure - I thought the twists were well placed and that it was a fast paced, quick read. It's definitely a unreliable narrator and you're never sure what is true and if you should believe it or not!

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Natalie and her husband Michael have taken their kids to NYC for a quick trip - you see, Natalie and Michael have been having a rocky time in their marriage and decided a get-away would be best. Natalie settles into the hotel with the children and sends Michael out to pick up dinner. However, when Michael returns to their hotel, his wife---AND kids---are nowhere to be found. Luggage, personal belongings, electronics, EVERYTHING is gone except for his sons beloved teddy bear left on the ground in the hotel hallway. Obviously, Michael panics and turns to the authorities. But Michael is not as clean-cut as he'd like people to believe.

This book was pretty easy to read - told in three perspectives: Natalie present, Michael present, and Natalie past. From Michaels perspective Natalie seems unhinged and unreliable. She has a terrible longstanding case of insomnia that makes her paranoid and hallucinate. Michael is worried about his children and feels that Natalie is an unfit mother. From Natalie's POV, Michael has been unfaithful in their marriage, but she's also found out a few other disturbing things about his past and she believes her children are unsafe around their father.

If you like fast, easy to read suspense with a few twists and turns, you'll like this book. Yes, there was a bit of repetition, yes the characters were flawed, yes some of the situations were a bit far-fetched, but overall this was an enjoyable book for me. This was my first book by author DJ Palmer and I'm excited to already request another eBook from my library.

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This was my first book by this author and I really enjoyed it. I would definitely go back and read more books from this author.

I've ended up becoming pretty picky with thrillers over the last couple years. It is hard for me to find one that catches my attention. I have one trusted author that is my go-to for thrillers, so I was pleasantly surprised by this one.

There were a few twists that I didn't see coming at all and I think everything was wrapped up pretty well by the end of the book.

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This book exudes “thriller”. This book hooked me and I couldn’t read it fast enough. I’ve enjoyed most of this author’s books, but this one is their #1 in it book.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review.

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This book was one wild ride. With the short chapters, dual POV's, and unreliable characters it was the perfect combo for an unputdownable read. This one is perfect for anyone who enjoys psychological thrillers, domestic suspense, and cat / mouse games.

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This was such a great book!! I had tried to read another of his books and couldn't really get into it, but this one grabbed me right from the start. Great read! Highly recommend!

*Thank you @stmartinspress for the #gifted for in exchange for an honest review.*

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