Member Reviews

“My Wife Is Missing,” (and the kids too) is about an unreliable character – Natalie (the wife) who thinks her husband may have done something really bad and might hurt her and their children. It starts off with them all going to NYC for a family trip. Once they get to the hotel, they decide to get pizza for dinner, so Michael goes to pick up the food and bring it back to the hotel. When he returns his wife and children are gone, along with their suitcases. Michael is frantic and calls in the police.

They soon discover that his wife and children left the hotel on their own and that no one kidnapped them.
The book is good but I did tire of all the chasing and being reminded that Natalie due to her insomnia wasn’t sure what was happening. I am also not a big fan of, "an unreliable character."

I really liked a previous book by this author, “The Perfect Daughter.” You can see my review here:

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book for an honest review.

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Once you start reading this book you will not be able to put it down. You get “sucked in” right from the first page and taken on a crazy rollercoaster of twists and lies. The story is told from two different characters’ perspective so you are constantly guessing who to believe. I highly recommend it to anyone that likes well written, fast paced thrillers.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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My Wife is Missing written by D.J. Palmer

Michael Hart and his family arrives in NYC. He drops them off at the hotel and head out to bring back pizza. When he gets back, his family has to disappeared.

As the story unfolds and Michael and an unlikely detective go searching for his family, more and more of Michael's secrets and past come to surface.

How desperate is Michael in finding his wife and children?

This is a domestic drama and psych thriller that starts slow and frustrating as I thought there were other ways to approach this situation. The story becomes fast paced and thrilling towards the last 40%. Parts of the story was really unrealistic but fun to read. Lastly, I thought D.J. Palmer could have thought of a more interesting title.


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From my blog: Always With a Book:

This is the fourth book I’ve read by D.J. Palmer and once again he has managed to write a twisty thriller that keeps you on your toes all the way through. He is definitely a must-read author for me and I love that his books are so addicting and entertaining.

This latest book was quite a wild ride. It kept me guessing all the way through and I never knew what to expect next – which is exactly how I love my thrillers to be. This one is full of secrets and lies and the unexpected. Just when I thought I had things figured out, a new twist would shake everything up and I would be left shaking my head in wonder. My suggestion with this one is to just enjoy the ride and not try to figure it out!

I loved that the story is told from both Michael and Natalie’s perspectives, moving back and forth in time. This really allows us to get to know both characters and see just what we are dealing with. But do we really? Are either of them telling us the whole truth? Natalie suffers from insomnia and that just adds a whole new dimension to things, which I loved…is she really the most reliable of characters? And Michael has some secrets of his own, making him rather suspect, too.

I cannot recommend this one enough. I flew through this one, as I typically do with this author’s books, and am already eager to get my hands on his next book!

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3 stars for My Wife Is Missing, by DJ Palmer.

I’m definitely over the unreliable female narrative (though for insomnia in this case case- not your broken record drunk and buzzed lady in crisis). I enjoyed the game of cat and mouse - but I felt bad for the kids being dragged thoughtlessly through it all. Some decent twists but the epilogue was a very sour note to end on. I wanted to like this so much more. I’m glad it still held my interest enough to finish it easily.

Thank you to the author, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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What an amazing story. A missing wife and children, where are they. Kidnapped or left on their own. You don’t want to miss out.

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initial thoughts: while I liked the story, I felt it was too long and repetitive (we get it, Natalie has insomnia.)

overall, a quick thriller.

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This is a heart throbbing action packed book! The first chapter will hook you in. Michael the MC is worried about his wife's insomnia issues. However, they take a trip to NYC despite her lack of sleep. When he looses his wife and family after running out for pizza- the whole story becomes unreliable narrator style.

Then we move back in time to learn the family history and drama of this family. I really liked this one but I wish the narrators were a **tad** more reliable!

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So many secrets. So many lies. This book is a rollllercoaster. I can’t wait to read more from this author!

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This book kept me on the edge of my seat! Thank you for writing yet another great read!

This book, had me guessing the whole time! If you love a good guessing game, this book is just right for you.

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Twisty page turner but I found this one to be a bit too convoluted a little too far fetched but it kept me interested and was overall a fun read. D.J. Palmer will continue to be one of my go to's for summer thrillers.

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My Wife Is Missing
DJ Palmer

Want a real thriller read that is truly thrilling and exciting – the kind where you get all stressed out and bite your nails into oblivion, your body humming with the thrill, and twists so twisty it will make your head turn?
You found the book right here!

My Wife Is Missing is such a fun ride, that read fast, full of secrets, lies, and the unexpected at every turn. The writing was addictive and quite impressive – such an entertaining and enjoyable read.

If you are a thriller reader, then this is a must read for you.

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Michael and Natalie Hart appear to be the typical family with two children and a happy life. However, Natalie soon begins to believe that her husband is having an affair. She begins to investigate and one thing leads to another. She plans a detailed escape on an upcoming family vacation. Natalie waits until her husband has gone to pick up pizza and she escapes with the children from the hotel in New York City. This sends her husband into a panic.

The author continues to surprise you with plot twists. I absolutely loved this book! This domestic thriller kept me on the edge of my seat the entire book.

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This is my second novel by D. J. Palmer and, true to fashion, he comes at you with all the suspense and twisty turns you can handle.  Just when you think you have it figured out, you're drawn into another direction and start doubting yourself.  I was completely surprised by the ending, had not expected that reveal.  Honestly, both reveals surprised me, which isn't all that shocking since I never figure these things out.  The author is very adept at laying out a path that you think is the correct one, only to be fooled at the end. 

However, there were things that I didn't care for, either.  Despite the fact that Natalie and the kids disappear within the first few pages of the book, it took a long time before the story began to engage me.  It wasn't until we get the first bits of Natalie's point of view that I became truly interested.  I think that we're trained to automatically suspect the husband in these things, so I wasn't particularly amenable to the possible cause of their disappearance, I think.  

The two main characters, Michael and Natalie, were interesting both together and alone.  Natalie's insomnia created all kinds of problems for her and while the effects did help to create a sense of  maybe she's telling the truth, but maybe she's just gone over the edge, too.  So, you don't know for sure if what she's seeing is real or not.  It certainly adds to the suspense and tension of the scenes.  Michael, on the other hand, starts as a suspect and stays that way.  He is, after all, the one with the most to lose if his secrets get out.  

While this wasn't my favorite of the two D. J. Palmer novels I've read, I'll definitely continue to seek out his books.  The stories are always gripping and full of twists you hadn't seen coming.  I'm looking forward to seeing what he comes up with next.

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This was such a wild ride! It’s one of those books with multiple POVs that keep you guessing who is the most reliable source. I really couldn’t figure how to believe, the husband whose wife disappeared from a hotel vacation and vanished without a trace with her child or the wife who split with the child. This is a book you could definitely read in one sitting. It’s very intense. Would love to read more from this author in the future

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I have a new book category which is - "great book to throw into your beach bag!" They are books that are well-written, have a good plot and keep you interested but don't entirely engross you -if you get distracted- it's okay - you can easily pick it up and get back into it. Does that make sense?

Michael and Natalie take a trip to New York City with their young children. Upon arrival, Michael runs out for take-out pizza so the family can unpack and eat quickly in the room and then go exploring. However, when he gets back, his young son's Teddy Bear is in the hallway and the room is empty. He discovers his family is gone! But why? And when the police arrive and they look at the hotel's security footage - it appears Natalie has left, voluntarily and taken her children with her.

So begins the mystery and a chase. Michael is distraught and the police are no help. Natalie has insomnia - is she in her right mind? No sleep, running from her husband with the kids. Where has she gone? Can Michael find her?

As we learn about the lives of Michael and Natalie, we see clues into both their lives. Michael has a secret that is alluded to throughout the book. He returns home to Massachusetts to see if there are any clues at home - and he is surprised when the NYC police officer follows him - to help him (on his own time- why?). Sprinkled clues are given to the reader to try and figure out what is going on. Is Michael someone to run from? Is Natalie in her right mind? Why is this police officer helping? What is going on?

There is a twist - and I kind-of guessed it - but wasn't sure - so that kept me going.

If you like mysteries and family drama and a story with a twist (that you might figure out but you still aren't sure!), then this is for you.

This goes into my beach bag - didn't really tax me with my reading or thinking - easy to read and a fun escape.

Thank you St. Martin' Press and Net Galley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Unreliable narrators seem to be a common theme in the books I’ve been reading lately. At least this time is was due to insomnia and not alcohol/pills. I felt that both main characters were unreliable narrators due to either the insomnia or the tangled web of lies. There were some major twists at the end and overall i really enjoyed this one! Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for a copy of this in exchange for an honest review.

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This book kept me on my
Toes. I initially was so against Michael. I was biased and stereotypical thinking this mean cheated and harmed his lover. I felt for Natalie. I wanted to see her thrive and succeed. The character building made me feel these characters feelings. I felt very judgmental of the cop Kennett. Just when I figured it out, there were twists after twists that left you like what? Definitely a good book and can’t wait to read more by this author!

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🧸 My Wife is Missing 🧸

👩‍👧‍👦Featuring: Danielle & her kiddos Cali & Matthew.

Michael & Natalie Hart aren’t what they used to be. After two kids & over ten years together their marriage is lacking in more ways than one. Michael can’t stand that Natalie rejects any romantic advances he makes towards her but she is convinced her husband is being unfaithful with a coworker. Would you want your significant other to touch you if you thought their hands had recently been all over someone else?

They agree to take a family trip to New York City to try to rekindle what was once so strong. The kids are excited for the sightseeing & the shopping; the view of Times Square from their hotel is magnificent. But, Natalie & the kids spend very little time admiring the scenery because when Michael makes a pizza run to the busiest hot spot in town, he returns to find all of their belongings missing—-aside from “Teddy” his six year old son Bryce’s bear lying at door’s entryway. A single suitcase remains in the closet, his own.

Michael’s worst fears come to fruition & he immediately decides that his family has been kidnapped. He alerts security & the police, only for the cameras to reveal they left willingly through a side door. But why? Natalie hasn’t been herself lately & suffers from severe Insomnia. Are the kids truly safe with her?

Michael knows his past & what he’s guilty of, but how did Natalie figure it out and does she know EVERYTHING?

A wife on the run from a husband she’s become terrified of; a man that is willing to do ANYTHING to get them back. Who will ultimately succeed & when they do what have they truly won? Control? Freedom?

A cat & mouse game that you won’t want to miss—

4 ⭐️

💭 I couldn’t choose a picture for this one— would you have chosen a mom & her two children (like the cover) or the son with his bear (the opening scene in the book) ? Help a girl out!

Thank you to #partners @stmartinspress @djpalmerauthor for a #gifted copy and promo box in exchange for my honest review.


#thrillerbooks #thrillerbooksaddict #promo #stmartinspress #influencer #bookinfluencer #reader #bookreviewer #netgalley

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As predicted, I knew I would love this book. DJ Palmer doesn’t disappoint. Just when I had the story line figured out, I was proven wrong. So many twists and turns kept me glued to this book.

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