Member Reviews

When I first started reading My Wife is Missing , I thought this was another typical story and surprised that DJ Palmer would write a story like this like so many others. Boy was I wrong. The plot twists, one after another blew me away. DJ Palmer never disappoints. Put this on the big scene, it would make a great movie.

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“The thing about guilt is no matter how fast you go, you can’t outrun it.”

Michael and Natalie have hit a crossroads in their marriage in that trust has been lost and fear has become a new norm. Natalie has allowed her speculations about her husband’s infidelity take over her ever waking moment and now it has bled into sleepless nights. The insomnia she suffers from has become “an insidious beast, a predator of the mind.” She knows she must do something to take back her life and protect her family, but how far is she willing to go…

Michael has high hopes this family vacation to NYC will be just what Natalie needs to see that they can work past her delusions brought on by her insomnia. But when he returns to their hotel room finding it empty of his wife and children, how will he explain to the authorities his wife is missing without uncovering a long-kept secret…

Wowza! I mean WOWZA! If you are new to D.J. Palmer’s mind-blowing twisty thrillers, welcome to your newest addiction! This reader loved every heart stopping, nail biting, did not see that ending coming minute! 5+ Stars!!

**I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. **

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Michael takes his family to New York City for a vacation. He drops them off at the hotel and goes to pick up dinner but when he returns to the hotel his wife and kids are gone. Natalie, his wife, has been suffering from insomnia so bad that she wonders if she is going crazy. She has moments when she can't tell reality from hallucinations but knows she needs to get her children and herself somewhere safe.
My Wife is Missing is a thrilling tale of betrayal and secrets. It is fast paced and a super quick read because you do not want to put the book down. The story quickly reveals all the characters secrets, each one a bit more shocking then the rest. You start to suspect that no one is being truthful about anything.
I loved this story of intrigue as you try to figure who did what to whom. DJ Palmer has written another spectacular story and you should definitely pick this one up.
Thanks to Netgalley St Martin's Press for the advanced copy of the book. The opinions are my own.

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Wow, my Wife is Missing is a psychological thriller not to miss. An unputdownable story so twisted, you’ll stay up into the night reading. I felt an immediate connection and sympathy towards the characters and was holding my breath while the story played out. , When an unexpected twist occurred towards the ending, I quickly realized I couldn’t trust my own judgment and questioned everything I read. The best stories are the ones that leave you with your mouth gaping open after the final page. This is one of those rare examples! 5 stars!

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My Wife is Missing by DJ Palmer was an heart pounding, edge of your seat ride start to finish! When Michael’s wife disappears with his children, he will do anything to find them. Twists and turns will keep your head spinning all the way to the shocking end. Boy, I did not see that one coming!

*ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

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DJ Palmer never disappoints and this story was no exception. It grabbed me in from the very beginning and kept my adrenaline going until the end. And oh my goodness, how I thought the story would play out, well it wasn’t even close. So I highly recommend this book. Great job DJ Palmer. And Thank you for the ARC.

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My Wife is Missing is definitely a page tuner with plots and twists to keep you guessing. I would recommend this book to those who like to read suspense novels.

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D.J. Palmer is back with his latest thrill ride, My Wife is Missing, and what a ride it is! I was hooked from page one and couldn’t stop reading it. D.J. Palmer has this magnificent way of pulling you right in and taking you on a crazy journey to figure out the pieces of his mysteries. Right up until the very end! Like his prior novels the story is told through multiple POV and timeframes. Having you question who is telling the truth, who is lying, and what is actually happening. I was so excited to receive this ARC and loved every minute of my reading experience! Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC!

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I was lucky to receive an advance copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review and opinion. I absolutely was beyond excited to receive this as I absolutely love D.J. Palmer and have loved everything they've written. This book was adrenaline-filled from beginning to end. This is an author who has very quickly become a favorite of mine, and I absolutely loved this latest book. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this early.

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#MyWifeIsMissing #NetGalley
Fantastic book.
Michael Hart discovers that his wife and two young children have gone missing from their NYC hotel room while on vacation. He fears they have kidnapped, but he doesn't know that Natalie has left willingly and has been planning to do so for some time. The action explodes in the first chapter and alternates between present day and the days before Natalie ran.
This is my third book from this author and OMG I loved it very much. I didn't expect that ending. Wow. Creative writing is shown in the book.
Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for giving me an advanced copy of this book.

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I have always been a big fan of D.J. Palmer. With each new book, I think he outdid himself and then he does it again! This book left me speechless! Talk about an edge of your seat page turner! I thought I had it figured out towards the end, but boy was I wrong!! Michael, Natalie and their 2 young kids arrive at their vacation destination hotel. When Michael gets back with dinner, his wife and kids are nowhere to be found. The only clue Michael sees is his son's teddy bear on the ground outside their hotel room, which tells him something is very wrong. You will not want to put this down! I'm grateful to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for an advanced copy of this amazing book!!

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Whoa! I don’t typically pick suspense novels at this stage in life- I’m stressed enough as it is. 😊 However, I loved the author’s last release so I gave this one a shot, too. I’m glad I did! Twists and turns galore + unreliable narrators = great suspense.
Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC.

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This is a psychological suspense thriller I devoured in two days.
I had no idea how it would play out or where is was going to end!
Oh--- I was sure I knew what would happen and I was incorrect.
I continued to race through the pages, I was again dead wrong!
It was not until the final chapter, that I realized exactly how twisted and amazingly well done it is!

You will not be disappointed with this one! It has it all!
Please do yourself a favor, if you enjoy intense plots as I do, take time to read this!

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My Wife is Missing by D.J. Palmer is a wild ride, careening to an end that you just don't expect! An incredible, don't miss novel. Michael and Natalie have been having marital problems, all of which seem to stem from Natalie's insomnia. Michael believes she's become paranoid about many things, including the idea that he's having an affair. When she comes up with the idea to take a family trip to NYC he thinks it's the perfect chance to reconnect with her and their family. They arrive and he runs out for pizza, but when he returns his family is missing...and their lugguge is gone as well.

Convinced at first that they've been kidnapped, he reports their disappearance to the police, which leads him on a chase across the country to find them, but whose story is true, Michael's or Natalie's? It's a whirlwind ride to the end to find out the won't want to put this one down!

Thank you to the author, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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First off, I just want to say DJ Palmer is my favorite author. I love his books. The first book I ever read by him was Saving Meghan and it was amazing. I couldn't put it down. My Wife is Missing doesn't disappointment. The only negative thing that I can say about it, is it is now done and I want another book! I really liked all the characters in the book. DJ did a nice job on character development for all the characters. I saw so many sides of all the characters, I couldn't tell whether I liked the husband or not. You did see his caring side throughout the book and that always made me think maybe he didn't...I will say I did not expect the ending and was truly surprised and loved how the book ended.

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I am a huge fan of this Author and have loved his previous books. This one outdoes all his other books. This book is full of surprises. OMG Natalie, I felt for you. We have secrets, lies, infidelity and murder. If you like mysteries and/or thrillers you will love this book. I highly recommend it.

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Thank you NetGalley and DJ Palmer for giving me this copy! I was thrilled to read it. Another good book by DJ. My original thought on this book was a kidnapping with the title "My Wife is Missing." It doesn't take long to realize this is not the case. There are so many secrets that come to light with each chapter; each twist more shocking than the last. DJ did a good job of going back to forth between characters and past and present. It was a little hard for me to believe that a cop would just tag along with a civilian, but it is fiction. More than once, I thought I had this book figured out to discover a new twist in the next chapter. This book definitely has true DJ suspense and shocking endings. That being said, I would compare this book more to "Saving Meghan" in the fact it's a thriller but not as disturbing as "The Perfect Daughter" and "The New Husband."

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DJ Palmers breathes fresh life in to the thriller genre!

Never predictable, always original, fully organic, completely plausible, Palmer provides his readers an experience in well-researched, tightly plotted organic thrillers. There will be no red herrings dropped down from outer space folks. No dirty tricks designed just to confuse rather than move the story forward.

I suggest going in to this novel blind—avoid the synopsis and blurbs. You will want the surprises, trust me!

See full review:

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I received an advance copy of, My Wife is Missing, by D.J. Palmer. This was a good read. I liked the characters and it kept me guessing until the end.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review - Daniel Palmer never disappoints - - - Once again he writes a winner!!
Natalie confronts her husband who she fears is having an affair - - an when the woman is murdered she grabs their children and runs!!
But Michael wants her back - secrets from his past scare her - - did he murder? Was he having an affair? She hasn't been sleeping so our her thoughts confused?
I think this book should be made into a movie - the ending is a total surprise!!!

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