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Happily Ever Island

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Uhm, this was SO good.

I went in completely blind and because of that, I’m not breaking down the synopsis like I normally do.

This book is a Disney lovers DREAM. I love Disney. I wouldn’t call myself a Disney fanatic, but I really do love me some Disney. And this book did not disappoint with everything Disney.

This was one of the cutest, sweetest, most magical little books I’ve ever read. I really hope they Disney is making Happily Ever Island a legit resort.

Pure magic!

Read this one if you like Disney even a little and love magical romantic moments.

Happily Ever Island: 5 ⭐️

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The writing is clever and entertaining, however the storyline wasn't for me. I loved the cover and the premise and would love to have the immersive experience the girls have through having the opportunity to live as their favorite Disney character temporarily.
Thank you to Disney Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy. All thoughts are my own.

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This is a light-hearted story about a college-age Disney super-fan who wins an all-expenses-paid trip to a test run of a new Disney park centered around reenacting (e.g., live-action role-playing and cosplay) major scenes from the Disney movies.

The story is well written and I believe it will appeal to (younger adult) Disney super fans. But, I’ll concede that this strikes me as a very niche book. I can see it being sold at a Disney park and being read while basking at the pool in Orlando or Anaheim. For what it is, its perfectly enjoyable.

For non-Disney super fans, the plot lacks much-needed tension. I was hoping for a Jurassic-park-Esque unraveling. Obviously, Disney doesn’t want to spoof their own disastrous invitation-only opening day. Sinking boat drama is exactly what this plot needed (but didn’t have). There is no rising or falling action. It’s really light-hearted fan-fic of two best friends who reenact their favorite scenes from Disney at a high-tech Disney park designed precisely for that purpose.

The book is written for a “new adult” audience. There are two romance subplots (one M/F and one F/F). While the main protagonists are college students, there’s nothing past “a first kiss” in the romance plot. Younger teens or tweens may struggle to connect with the older protagonists and their real-life “career drama”, but here’s nothing here content-wise that would be objectionable for ages 12+.

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If you are a Disney nerd, this book is for you. Madison is the ultimate Disney fan. When she wins tickets to a week long stay at Happily Ever Island as a pre-run before it officially opens, she opts to take her friend Lanie after she gets dumped by her girlfriend. It was really fun to see Disney through Madison's eyes and then through Lanie's eyes. Madison knows literally everything. Lanie knows almost nothing. I liked Lanie's chapters better because in Madison's chapters there was almost *too much* Disney, which I hate to say since that is the whole theme of the book. But as a Disney lover myself, it was really fun to see someone who doesn't know a whole lot about Disney kind of flounder (no pun intended) in the Disney world.
On Happily Ever Island, guests get to pick the characters they would like to "play" and they get outfitted in costumes and get to have "hero moments" which are the big moments in the movies. Madison picks Cinderella and Lanie is Merida who Madison's ex girlfriend had picked before they broke up. Both girls' real life problems mirror the characters they play. Obviously it is not exactly the same, it is more subtle, but it was really fun to make the connections.
I really enjoyed the side characters. Val and Dorothy and Sal being my favorites. Val works at Happily Ever Island and may or may not be Madison's new crush. She was smart and dedicated to her job, but had a visible connection with Madison unlike anything she had ever felt before. Dorothy and Sal played Merida's parents and Dorothy was so sweet to Lanie helping her with her problems whether she wanted help or not.
The atmosphere of the book was great. It really felt like I was on this magical island and that this was somewhere I could go myself. It was very easy to read and I was able to blow through parts of it. Each chapter title was a Disney song and they were so clever in how they related to what happened in each chapter.
The only thing that really made me roll my eyes was when Madison helped Val with something. If something went wrong, Madison would suggest something extremely obvious (in my opinion) and Val would treat it like it was the most complex amazing thing ever. For example, the girl playing Elsa missed her ending note of Let It Go and wanted a do-over. Val said it couldn't be done, but Madison told her to just rewind the song like 30 seconds and just redo the end.
Overall, this was a fun book Disney fans will love with a few really cute romances. I would honestly love to read more about the Happily Ever Island adventures!

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Thank you to #NetGalley, Crystal Cestari and the publisher for the arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Madison is obsessed with Disney and all things Disney. So when Madison wins a trip to Disney's new themed island, there is no doubt she is going to go and take her girlfriend with her. When her girlfriend suddenly breaks up with her though, Madison feels like her world is going to fall apart. In comes her intense and stressed out friend Lanie. Lanie is trying to keep her Mom happy by going to med school, but is absolutely miserable. Lanie agrees to go with Madison on her Disney trip even though she knows nothing about Disney. Will Madison be able to forget her girlfriend and move on? Will Lanie be able to relax and work up the courage to tell her Mom she doesn't want to be a doctor?
This book is every Disney lover's dream!! I can't imagine going to an island that is themed like the world of the princesses. I also like how all the events Madison and her friend Lanie attend are Disney themed from the movies (i.e. Be Our Guest Dinner, Just Around the Riverbend Canoe Tour). It was all very well thought out and well written. Madison was a little too intense and over the top for me at times, but I really liked the character of Lanie. I think she will be relatable to many young adults who want to do their own thing in the world, but are still trying to keep their parents happy.
I will definitely be recommending this book to friends, especially my Disney loving friends!

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My Review:

Would you go to Happily Ever Island if you had the chance?

I am a huge Disney fan. So I came across this upcoming book on Netgalley, when I was looking at my auto-approvals. The cover interested me, so I read the blurb. And when I read the blurb, I had extremely high hopes. I honestly didn't have a negative thing to say about this book and here's why.

Firstly, the characters. I liked how the two main characters, Madison and Lanie were completely different but they each shared a common ground. One girl is work oriented, and has a life plan, whereas the other girl doesn't know what she wants. The characters played nicely into one another, one being a noob to Disney and the other a Masterclass expert on Disney. They had great chemistry. This wasn't just about friendship, there is a big component in healthy relationships. I don't want to get into the talk about love, but all you need to know is that the romance in this book, just warms my heart.

The writing. This is the first time I have read a book by Crystal Celestari, and honest to god, it was an amazing book. One of the things in the writing was the chapters, and how they switched perspectives each time. The length of the chapters were just enough for me, because right when I was bored of one character, the author ends it and goes to the other character. It keeps the readers on their toes.
Also on the topic of writing, was how Disneyified it was. The author made Happily Ever Island feel like a real place, that could be on a map. It was surreal. It was like I was on a vacation to Happily Ever Island and I was happy with that. The whole time I was reading this book, I was geeking out.

Finally, This book was also packed with references to SOOOO many Disney things. (it is a Disney book). One example of this was when two characters first meet, they challenge each other in Disney trivia, and it is great fun. I learned new facts about Disney, while they go back and fourth. Another example of references to Disney is the island. It is broken up into sections, and they each have their own movie theme. (below is a photo of the map I got). It is like Disney World. They have Adventureland, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Tommorowland etc.

If you aren't familiar with the Disney parks and what they have, some of the things might go over your head. But like if you know things about the parks, it makes the book that much better. Even a non - Disney fan would enjoy this books so much just for the story and the creativity that went into it. Pick up a copy of this book everywhere, on June 7th, 2022.

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This book is absolutely adorable, but lacks a little bit of depth that I was hoping for. Set on a fictional Disney island where fans get to live out their dreams of becoming a Disney character, this had all of the setup for a great rom-com. Unfortunately, I thought there was a little too much focus on setting and not enough on character for me.

3/5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Disney Publishing Worldwide, Disney Hyperion for providing me with an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Do you live and breathe Disney? Do you love YA? Then have I got the book for you.

Madison and Lanie are college freshmen and beat friends, although as different as can be. Madison isn't quite ready to grow up, while Lanie spends most of her time studying and stressing over her pre-med path.

When Madison wins an all-inclusive trip to a new Disney resort for Spring break, she ropes Lanie into coming with her.

This is basically a manic pixie Disney Dreamworld. I think it could've dug a little deeper into the girls' issues and relationship, but that didn't stop me from devouring it in a day and enjoying the ride.

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Not for me.
The writing is good, the cover is beautiful, but I just didn't love the story. It just wasn't what I was hoping for.

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Filled with Disney magic, Happily Ever Island provides the perfect escape with a warm, funny, and lovely story centered around a special friendship, where the two main characters also luck out and find a bit of romance.
Great YA novel that leaves you wishing for a magic Disney island just like the one it describes throughout these pages.

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I'm so angry that Disney has the audacity to publish this without plans to make something like Happily Ever Island a reality. Seriously, the whole thing sounds like my dream vacation.

So incredibly cute and fun. The Disney magic shines through with plenty of references and magical moments that had me grinning throughout.

As cheesy and as far-fetched as the concept is, the way the author describes Happily Ever Island is grounded enough in reality that I could imagine something like this existing.

While this is technically a rom-com and Madison and Lanie each have their own brush with romance on vacation, the heart of the story (aside from the Disney magic) is their friendship.

Now to decide which Disney character I'd want to be for a week... just in case this ever becomes a real thing!

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I don't know if there has ever been a more perfect book for me to read and review. This book has everything that I love. It is disney, sapphic, ya, and features two main characters on the path to self discovery. At many times through out this story I found myself grinnig and nodding my head. The author of this story is truely not only a Disney movie fan but a Disney parks fan as well.

If you are looking for a medium paced contemporary romance this is a great option. I now can't wait to go out and find more stories from this author.

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Disney meets the teenage years that lead into adulthood. With college girls as our main characters, this novel brings about the rom-com aspects for older students who thrive on love, figuring out who they are, and the magic of Disney. When a Disney nerd goes on the ultimate Disney experience with her best friend who is a Disney-newbie, their friendship is put through the tests they never saw coming and they have to figure out who they are and how they fit together while allowing others into their lives after they swore off of romance for a bit.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book was so fun and easy to read, and it’s a must read if you are a Disney fan. The alternating POV made it even more enjoyable and I absolutely loved getting to read Madison and Lanie’s stories unfold. The storyline was so magical and getting to experience the magic of Disney through the pages was such a fun experience.

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Happily Ever Island is every Disney lover’s dream. A premier vacation resort in the Florida Keys, where all guests play a Disney character for the duration of their stay, living in their home, wearing their outfits, and role playing iconic scenes from their movies. When Madison, a Disney fanatic, wins a trip for two to the opening week of the island, she convinces her best friend Lanie, who is severely lacking in Disney knowledge, to join her on the trip. Once on the island, Madison and Lanie discover life changing truths about themselves, all thanks to the magic of Disney.

Madison doesn’t have much figured out about her life, she doesn’t know what type of career she wants, she doesn’t even know what to major in, but her one constant is her love of Disney. Sure, her Disney obsession makes her seem immature, particularly to her ex-girlfriend, but it is also the only thing she has ever felt truly passionate about. Once on Happily Ever Island, playing the role of Cinderella, Madison meets Val, who is equally passionate about Disney and who makes Madison feel like her happily ever after could be within reach again. The only problem is that Val works for the island, but as she starts to give Madison some behind the scenes looks of the island, that becomes less of a problem and more of an enlightening and inspiring experience.

Lanie, in contrast to Madison, has her entire life planned out. As a freshman in college, studying pre-med she already has her entire academic path mapped out, followed by a residency and then working for her mother’s medical practice. But, having everything planned out in this way puts a lot of pressure on Lanie to always do her best. Between studying, resume building activities, and her job, she doesn’t have any time for hobbies or interests. Going on the spring break trip to Happily Ever Island with Madison is a major feat, especially considering Lanie’s anxiety disorder, and playing Merida throughout the week will force her far out of her comfort zone. When Lanie meets Prince Charming, she finds herself swept into a love story that she never would have expected.

Happily Ever Island was an easy, light read. Enough conflict to keep things interesting, but generally a very uplifting novel about the magic of Disney. Told in alternating chapters from both Madison and Lanie’s points of view, we are able to experience the island in two different ways. The romance is very PG, with the highlight of the novel really being on the friendship between Madison and Lanie. Both girls are excellently portrayed, and their development throughout the novel is refreshing. Seeing Lanie actually enjoy herself, and consider what she really wants for her future was delightful, and watching Madison realize that she had the chance to make her dream of working for Disney a reality, that she had quality traits that would help her in her future career, was a joy. The setting was, of course, amazing. As someone who enjoys Disney, but has only been to the parks once (as a smallish child), it was still easy to imagine what this magical island would look like.

This was a sweet story of friendship with a magical, and highly enjoyable, setting. Disney fans will not want to miss Happily Ever Island, though it may make them wish for the chance to visit this fictional place. Nothing negative to say here, unless you actively dislike Disney, this novel will be a satisfying read.

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A Disney-lovers paradise comes to life in this charming book full of Disney moments. Madison and Lanie are best friends and both characters were written really well. It was easy to connect with both girls and I enjoyed each characters perspective. A very sweet book that any Disney fan will enjoy. Plus I love that Merida was highlighted so much as she's one of my favorite Disney princesses.

My only note of contention is that it felt uncomfortable to be reading this Disney fangirl book starring an LGBTQIA character featuring a sapphic romance amidst all the controversy of Disney notably contributing to politicians who pushed for the Don't Say Gay bill. I hate to say it but it did make some of sparkle of the book dim.

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Happily Ever Island is the place I want to vacation at. Crystal's descriptions in the book easily translated into something i could envision. This romance book is a cute read everyone should try.

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This book is basically every Disney lover’s dream. Anyone who has ever fantasized about being a Disney princess (or if you’re like me, still does), this book will probably be your dream come true. This book is written about Disney fans, for Disney fans.

Basically, Disney comes out with this immersive resort experience where you can fully become the fairytale character persona of your choice, wardrobe and all. This includes everything from live action role plays of iconic scenes from these Disney movies, to sights and sensations that fully immerse you into these movie scenes. Each part of the Happily Ever Island is divided into themed sections representing each Disney princess’ story. As a Disney princess fanatic, if this ever became a real thing I think I would actually cry.

First off, WHY THE HELL ISNT THIS REAL. We all have that one fictional character we have a connection to, and for me it’s Snow White. There are home videos of me as a 4 year old pretending to be her at Disney world, I insisted on riding Snow White’s Scary Adventures so many times in a row that the ride attendant noticed every single time (eventually my mom had to cut me off after 4 times in a row even though I asked for a fifth time). Even as an adult this has not changed, seeing as last time I went to Disney World I not only disneybounded as Snow White for 5 days straight, I insisted on meeting Snow White three times during that week and it just happened to be the same face character playing Snow White each time which was super embarrassing. Basically, I’ve identified as Snow White ever since I was a child and still do, even as an adult. I would absolutely DIE to be able to ACTUALLY be Snow White for a week. What the heck? This idea is brilliant!!!!!!

I LOVE that this book shows how there are adults (like Madison in this book) that still love the magic of Disney, because honestly, a huge portion of the Disney princess franchise lovers actually are adults! This book really normalizes loving Disney princesses in adulthood, which I absolutely love. I love that this book preaches how celebrating the things you love should never be seen as childish, even if it’s Disney when you’re an adult.

It’s a cute, low stakes contemporary book, without a super engaging plot but cute nonetheless. Not usually my kind of book but of course this was the exception because DISNEY. That’s why I really only recommend this to Disney fans; I don’t think you’d enjoy it otherwise. But for Disney fans, this book is filled with Disney magic and one you will most definitely enjoy!

Thank you to Netgalley and Disney Hyperion for sending me and advanced copy in return for my honest review.

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ARC received by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I know this is just a cash grab from Disney and yet that didn't stop me from fully enjoying this book. The highlights were our two main characters and I really wish the book was just a little longer to make them shine even more. Both of their growths felt natural for them just very fast due to the limited time they had on the island. Speaking of which, the island was so magical I would happily pay Disney to visit. Especially King Triton's castle now that is something I would die to see. My one gripe with the story is, again, I just wish it was the smallest bit longer when they are at the island. I would have loved to see more time there rather than the two friends prepping for the trip.

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I really wanted to love this book with all my heart, but unfortunately I just liked it. I loved the characters and their struggles/growth throughout the book, and I could definitely identify with them because of their backgrounds and personalities. But I felt like the first half of the book was written like a middle grade set in college. Madison seems younger than 18 to me, and while I appreciate and adore her love of Disney, there was absolutely nothing that made her stand out differently from a middle school or elementary girl who also love and are obsessed with Disney. To me she had no ties to the real world, and I didn't feel like I would be able to find this person in real life. I also was a bit confused with some of the language in the book regarding the parks. I didn't ever see anything specifically mentioned about which park Madison used to go to with her grandmother, and because of that and because I live closer to Disney World I assumed it was World and then got a bit confused when things that aren't in world were mentioned. I also think that this was a bit outdated in the Disney terminology, specifically with the mention of a FastPass. I know they're not in the parks anymore, but it made the book feel a lot more dated. When the girls got to the island it definitely felt more YA, and I really appreciated the growth and development of both girls relationships with their partners. I also adore that Lanie is shows with anxiety and her coping mechanisms, I feel like I would like to see even more when they're on the island because they were only in one little spot that I can remember. I also loved that Madison was gay, and that she never felt a pushback for being with a woman, even though she was Cinderella and before the twist ending was meant to ride off with her prince charming. I liked the other characters, especially Val and Jared, their banter and Val's dislike of Jared was fun to read and would be great to see more of. Overall I do think it's a good book, but it doesn't fit in with YA in my opinion. I think that it would be best served as a middle grade with the current writing, or as a YA but in senior year of High School to make them ok to not have their entire futures planned out.

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