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Do You Follow?

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Do you follow? By J. C. Bidonde.
Alexa lives a sheltered life with her widowed father, feeling stifled by his helicopter parenting. When she secures a marketing job and apartment in New York City—much to her father’s and therapist’s concern—Alexa has high hopes of finally sneaking her way into adulthood. But her newfound freedom is cut short when her estranged twin sister Beth, after a long stint in a psychiatric setting, unexpectedly shows up at the doorstep of her tiny apartment.
This was slow to start with but then I couldn't put it down. I did like Alexa and dr Greer. What a twister of a read. 5*.

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Thank you to Netgalley & J.C. Bidonde for my copy!!

First I’m going to say, I was not a fan of the cover of this book, although the plot makes it fitting in a sense. But who cares about the cover when what’s inside is sooo good. This was a very well written book, I really enjoy multiple POVs in books, this along with chapters that aren’t super long and dragging are really my jam! The author makes the perfect combination of likeable and questionable characters because what story doesn’t have a “villain” so to say. I wanted to read this book because when I was younger I also had a dream to move to New York and make a
Life for myself and a father who rightfully so would not have wanted that for me. Any stories that are based on a move to the big city draw me in off rip. The fact that it was a thriller was just an added bonus. And boy let me tell you this definitely thrilled me!! The storyline was great from the beginning, but the twists the author adds were even better. I’m never to sure how I’m going to feel about a “read now” book because I’m always afraid they’re going to fall
Short for some reason, after all anyone can just get a copy easily. But this was a great read and I’m glad I chose it.

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I am loving the thrillers I am picking up this year. Three days in and I have picked up two books that are solid four-star reads. After suffering a tragic loss, Alexa finally decides to leave the home of her overprotective father and make her own start. With a new apartment and a job, she loves, Alexa finally feels like she is moving on with her life. When she starts dating a new client, Curt, Alexa slowly starts to find her footing, until her estranged twin sister, Beth, shows up on Alexa’s doorstep. Alexa has promised her father, and her therapist, that she would keep Beth out of her life, but soon Beth is living with Alexa, and Alexa is keeping her sister’s presence secret from everyone. True to form, Beth starts interfering in Alexa’s life in every way, and the twins’ relationship takes a dark turn when Curt ends up dead and Alexa is charged for his murder.

Soon, the dark past of both Alexa and Beth starts to surface, and Alexa realizes she must separate herself from Beth permanently, once and for all. This is a twin sega with a 2022 media twist. What I loved is the duel perspective chapters from both Beth and Alexa’s point of view. I liked how it showed the dynamic of their relationship. The twists and turns are sprinkled in at all the right places making this a fast-paced joy to read. If you read enough thrillers as I do you will expect a few of the twists but some of the others you are not going to see coming at all. This speaks volumes to this author's ability to craft a good story. Both characters are reliable and relatable. The only thing I was sad about is that it was over.

As a debut novel, I have to say this was impressive. The author writes beautifully and kept me engaged the whole way through making me want to find out how the story ends. J.C. Bidonde is officially on my radar as a thriller writer. Four solid stars.

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. Character development was good. The plot was very interesting. Not a lot of typos.

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Do You Follow? Is a timely take on social media, mental health and the world we live in since Covid. Alexa and Beth are twin sisters who are very close, maybe too close. When Alexa moves to New York City and gets a job and a boyfriend Beth has a hard time adjusting to the way things have changed. This is a very entertaining book with some unique twists and turns. Totally recommend to anyone looking for an enjoyable, thrilling read.

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Wow this was quite a thriller! At first I was a little bored but as I kept going the plot twists shocked me! I really enjoyed the ride!

Alexa’s life is coming together. Relocating to New York City, she lands a great apartment as well as a job in marketing. Everything is perfect until her twin sister Beth shows up on her doorstep.

Alexa and Beth have been estranged for years. Beth is freshly out of a psychiatric hospital when she decides to look up her twin sister.

Alexa starts to date one of her clients named Curt. Beth doesn’t like him. She thinks there is something majorly off about him and she will do whatever it takes to protect her sister.

These sisters have a complicated history full of dark, dangerous secrets that they will go to great lengths to keep hidden.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc.

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I do love a good suspense/thriller novel and this one definitely kept me interested wondering what twist might surprise us at the end. And that twist? OMG, while I kind of guessed it I didn't have anything to back it up, just a feeling. Let's just say it is one crazy ending and I the epilogue even left me wondering what else might come out regarding the characters.

This book alternates POV between Alexa and Beth, sisters that have had tragic events in their past. There are some chapters from Dr. Greer's POV as Alexa's psychiatrist. You can see the difference between Alexa and Beth's personalities. Alexa seems to be "weak" and wanting to please everyone, while Beth has a harder personality and really isn't very nice especially when Alexa is trying to take charge of her life and move past the tragedies of the past.

The book does highlight mental illness and how it affects everyone differently. I don't want to spoil some of the plot twists, but Alexa's mental illness treatment plays heavily into the whole story. It was interesting to see her interactions with Dr. Greer and what he knew (that we don't find out until later) and how he treated Alexa and her thoughts. 

I always wonder how authors can come up with these sorts of plot lines and appreciate that they do so that I can enjoy the suspense of what might happen next.

This is a debut novel and I think the author does a wonderful job and we give it 4 paws up.

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The premise of this book is interesting. It involves social media influencers, COVID, mental health, murder. I was intrigued by the synopsis when it came across as a “read now” from @netgalley and I’m glad I chose it.

I am giving this book a 3/5 stars. I guessed what was really happening pretty early on so that knocked off some stars. I really enjoyed the multiple POV, short chapters, and overall story line. Mental health is such a “taboo” topic and I really liked that it was the main topic in this book. Overall, good first choice for 2022. You can get your copy January 4, 2022.

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Do You Follow? is a suspenseful thriller which begins with Alexa who lives with her father. Alexa gets a marketing job and an apartment in New York City. Alexa has a twin that she is estranged. Beth is being released from the Weinstein Psychiatric Center. She shows up at Alexa's new apartment. Since there has been no contact between them, it is odd that she knew where to find her.

Alexa also has spent time at the Weinstein Center. On her first day she meets Curt an influencer on you tube. Beth discovers that Alexa is interested in Curt and is concerned that something isn't right.

As Alexa tries to to fit in with her new life, things start to unravel and she will need to face the truth about her sister Beth and her family.

This is an interesting story. There are plenty of twists and turns before the truth is revealed. Nothing is as it appears.

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This was a great read! The plot was good but the twist was even better! J.C. Bidonde outdid herself with this one. If you are looking for a good read with a mind-blowing twist, definitely read “Do You Follow?”

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A great debut novel full of unexpected twists and turns. Although some characters seem a bit superficial, and at times obnoxious, the overall story in its entirety is engaging and entertaining. The portrayals of therapy and mental illness are accurate and real which make this novel that much better.

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So this will probably be my last finished book of 2021! I enjoyed it for what it was, but unfortunately I did figure out the main "twist" early on. There is one more twist late in the book, but I really think it would have had more impact being revealed in the courtroom scene, and not the very end. All in all not a bad debut, but not a great book either. 3 stars.

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Dark, fascinating story of identical twins. Alexa is moving out on her own for the first time to Manhattan, with a new job and new apartment she is very excited for her future. When her identical twin shows up out of the blue on her doorstep, she is less than excited. With a history of mental illness and a very overprotective father, this is the last thing Alexa needs. Excellent psychological thriller about social media and mental illness.

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I was given an ARC by NetGalley. This book starts off promising. After awhile of guessing what had happened in the past, I was disappointed. Things were unclear. The mother's death, her father just leaving her in the city with no checking up, Curt talking to both sisters at once. The doctor's relationship with the sisters. I was left with questions. It was so vague in parts that it began to get annoying.

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle by Greenleaf Book Geoup and #NetGalley for my honest opinion. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

Engaging, quick read you won’t want to put down. Full of twists and turns that keep you guessing.

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Thank you @greenleafbookgr for this book in exchange for my honest review.
I loved this book so much that I finished it in a day! While the plot twist was completely confusing to me in terms of how previous situations in the story could be accounted for, I still enjoyed the surprise! This is a must read of 2022!

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I sincerely hate leaving bad reviews, but that's particularly true with it's a first-time author. So my apologies to Ms. Biodonde.

I was halfway through a very short Chapter 1 when I knew exactly where this novel was heading. and I was right. What's more, I was disappointed. I had been looking forward to reading what was supposed to be a thriller about identical twin sisters, but there was nothing new in Do You Follow? There was one minor twist I didn't foresee, but it didn't help the overall story.

The protagonist of the story is Alexa, who about 21 years old. In Chapter 1, she is at a police station stating that her sister murdered her boyfriend Curt. We then go back a little in time to meet Alexa and begin her story. She is first found living with a "helicopter" father, but she has just gotten a job in NYC working in marketing. Alexa finds an apartment a day or two later, and on Monday she starts work. Trouble comes into the picture though when on her first day in her new apartment, her twin sister, Beth, shows up out of the blue and wants to stay with Alex. DUM, DUM, DUM!

On Day One of her new job, Alexa is assigned to work on a marketing plan for an up and coming You Tube influencer wannabe named Curt. She actually recognizes Curt right away. You see, she's a psychiatric client and has spent time in a facility. It's there that she met Curt. He also works there as a cook and was also a patient. No matter, Alexa and Curt immediately starting dating and quickly fall in love. The only roadblock is that he has two roommates, and Alexa has Beth sleeping on her sofa. She worries how Curt and Beth will get along. Oh my, trouble looms!

The entire story is both predictable and totally ridiculous. There are holes everywhere in the plot and in the timeline, What's more, the final "reveal" about Curt is ludicrous. The only positive I can give it, is that the book is pretty well written so the author has potential.

Thanks to NetGalley and Greenleaf Book Group for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I wish I could have left more positive feedback.

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Unfortunately this book was a DNF for me since I just didn’t jive with the writing style. I think some people would definitely like it, but to me it felt a little bit over dramatic right out of the gate.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

Overall, this was kind of meh for me. Parts of the story didn't really feel fully developed to me and I wasn't entirely happy with mental illness was portrayed. I guess the "twist" pretty early on and mentioning the pandemic took me a bit out of the story at times too.

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This book started out interesting, but as it progressed and I began to figure out the twist, I felt cheated. At several points I had to go back and reread portions to fact check, because things didn't seem right. After catching on to the plot twist I realized why I was having trouble. Do You Follow is a quick read, but the relationship between the psychiatrist and the main character seemed too intimate and the legal proceedings weren't realistic. I also was expecting a different type of story based around social media from the title. There is a reader's guide and an author interview at the end of the book that could make this an good choice for a book club group.
2.5 rounded up to 3.

Thanks to NetGalley and Greenleaf Book Group Press for an advanced reader's copy for review.

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