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The Bodyguard

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Full review to come on Goodreads and Amazon. Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for a review copy.

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 by Katherine Center

Hannah Brooks is an Executive Protection Agent (aka "bodyguard"). She is petite and plain, her mother has just died and her boyfriend just dumped her. Her life continues to fall apart when her best friend sleeps with her ex-boyfriend. Hannah's sadistic boss thinks its a great idea for her to be assigned to Jack Stapleton, Hollywood's reclusive heart throb.

To hide her cover, Hannah pretends to be Jack's girlfriend. With loads of family drama, Hannah and Jack are stuck on the family ranch with not much to do except spend time together. Are lines crossed? Does Hannah protect Jack or does she blur the lines of professional/personal?

What I loved about this book was the aspect of Hannah's emotional self-discovery. Hannah learns to love herself as she is. There was humor, sadness, forgiveness and an unexpected twist that threw me for a serious loop!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for a digital ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Why, yes, I did in fact squeal when I received an advance copy of The Bodyguard. Why? Because Katherine Center writes the best couples ever. Every single time. Forget all those great, classic couples of history because once you read a story with Margaret and Ian, Cassie and Owen, Jake and Helen, Duncan and Sam – and now Hannah and Jack – all those other couples will fade into boring nothingness. It’s the descriptions of the feelings. Oh, those feelings. Center describes indescribable feelings and makes you feel them. They grab you and hold you tight, page after page after page. In The Bodyguard, Hannah and Jack start out as a fake couple. What could be better? It’s obvious to everyone but them that those fake feelings aren’t really all that fake anymore, and when they start to realize it too they are dismayed and reluctant and confounded. This relationship is fake! End of story. Well, nope. Actually just the beginning.

Author Katherine Center is a master when it comes to writing a story that feels so real you forget it’s fiction. Her characters have often endured a lot, truly life-changing events that they will have to live with. But they are special, funny people with goodness and hope and spirit.

Hannah is the bodyguard in this couple. Professional, proficient, keeps her life pretty plain and simple. Her mother has just died. Hannah’s mom was a handful and they weren’t always that close, but hey, she was still her mom. So she’ll take care of what needs to be done and move on as she’s always had to do. Except her work boyfriend Robby breaks up with her right after the funeral and then proceeds to criticize, ridicule and denigrate her every chance he gets. In front of the rest of their co-workers. Probably has nothing to do with the fact he was cheating on her with her best friend. Bad enough, but then Hannah gets her next assignment: bodyguard to the world’s most handsome, sexy, charismatic movie star ever. And she has to pretend to be his girlfriend when he’s against the whole bodyguard idea in the first place. Nope, no way she’s doing that, dressing up and pretending. Her regular bodyguard persona will be just fine. And this guy – Jack – no, no, no, Hannah hasn’t seen all his movies and drooled over him like the rest of the female population. Of course not.

Jack may be the handsomest man in the world, but he’s definitely not the happiest. His younger brother died in a car accident with Jack. His older brother blames him, so Jack has stopped acting and has also stopped visiting his family to avoid giving them heartbreaking memories. He barely manages to keep his head above the grief and guilt. But his mom is sick and needs surgery and he wants to be there for her. Hence the trip home and the need for the protection against a stalker making death threats.

Hannah and Jack’s first encounter is laugh-out-loud funny, with just a hint of the attraction to come. They agree to the fake couple thing and the story takes off from there. We watch them pretend to be in love around his family, banter, argue, talk, do normal things neither of them realized they missed. And all the while one or the other is trying to convince themselves that it’s fake, it’s not real, it will be over soon and life will go back to that other normal. The one that is going to seem so bleak and empty after this glorious “fake” relationship.

Of course you know where this story is going, and you want to nudge them to stop pretending to pretend and admit how they are feeling. And even though you might think you know where the story is going, you can’t anticipate the twists and turns and sadness and tragedy and secrets they have to endure and reveal to get to the wonderful ending. Jack and Hannah’s time together is precious and priceless, full of wit and humor and truth. And don’t forget the stalker with the death threats and the need for a real, experienced bodyguard in the first place.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press for providing an advance copy of The Bodyguard via NetGalley for my reading pleasure and honest review. Katherine Center’s books are the gift that keeps giving. As soon as you finish the most, most, most satisfying story you sigh, put your hand over your heart, and read the book all over again – or at least the good parts! Which really means the entire book because they are all good parts. If you want a story that will make you laugh, cry and think, with amazing characters and a good, solid plot The Bodyguard is for you. I recommend it and anything else by this fabulous author without hesitation. All opinions are my own.

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4.5 Stars!
The Bodyguard is about an emotionally closed-off woman, whose career as an Executive Protection Agent affords her the ease to continually escape life’s attachments. She becomes the “bodyguard” of actor and “sexiest man in the world,” Jack Stapleton. Hannah is also employed to be his fake girlfriend and live at his parents’ ranch while Jack’s mom convalesces.

I needed this book more than I realized. I had recently been thinking about how I’d not read a contemporary romance that kept me completely captivated in a long time. While I didn't doubt that this book would be a sure thing, I also hadn’t realized that this would be more contemporary romance than the author’s typical women’s fiction w/ romantic elements. The Bodyguard even had a combination of familiar romance tropes - fake relationship, forced proximity, and only one bed. This was the contemporary romance I’d been waiting for. One that kept me reading non-stop, had me unconsciously smiling throughout, and gave me a bookful of characters that were endlessly entertaining.

I’ll be real here, though. There were a few moments I felt were unrealistic considering the heroine’s occupation and overall this was a lighter read with some sillier moments compared to her other books. Yet, it also had its poignant moments along with the typical wit and charm I’ve come to expect. And whew, was it ever swoon-worthy. Jack and Hannah were so cute together and their story simply made me happy. It was nicely rounded out by a great supporting cast consisting of Hannah’s co-workers and Jack’s family.

This author’s intentionally joyful outlook on life is apparent in her stories. If I'm looking for a romantic read that is fun, poignant, and overflowing with genuine joy, I only need to pick up a Katherine Center novel.

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What an incredible read! I love Katherine Center’s writing, but this story really hit the mark! I felt so much for the characters. I felt their pain, their laughter, and love. Will definitely recommend to others!

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I loved this book and loved the romance. I liked that she initially disliked him. I loved his family and his brother. Loved that she wasn't the normal body guard and that they actually told the truth. It was so great to see her relax and loved seeing it all in her version. I would read other books by this author.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for my copy of The Bodyguard by Katherine Center in exchanged for an honest review. It publishes July 19, 2022.
Once again, Katherine Center hits it out of the park! Although, we aren't really surprised by that, are we? Let's face it, K.C. can write! As always, our characters are hilarious and relatable with a side of tragic back story that actually touches your heart.
I thought the premise of this one was so interesting, with the female bodyguard as a main character. I love how K.C. has strong female leads with jobs you wouldn't think of to begin with, and makes it totally believable and inspiring!
I loved the character development, the setting, the dialogue. Seriously, just read it!

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Katherine Center does it again. Another 5 star read for me. Her characters always feel like people you know and want to root for. This one was a little different than her usuals, and a fun story with some deeper topics. You'll love this if you are a fan of Center's other romances. Already recommended to all my friends.

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I am not at all embarrassed to admit that I let out a little scream and a happy dance when I realized I got an ARC of this book. Katherine Center is easily one of my favorite authors and I just knew that I was sure to be in for a treat.

Superstar actor Jack Stapleton has been out of the public eye for a few years following a tragic family accident, however, when his mother falls ill, he decides to come out of hiding to help out. Hannah Brooks is an “Executive Protection Agent” (aka a bodyguard), who is tasked with protecting Jack from his corgi-loving stalker while he is visiting his family’s ranch, yet there is one catch - Jack asks Hannah to pretend to be his girlfriend so that he can keep his family in the dark about his stalker. Hannah reluctantly agrees to the ruse as she strongly believes there is no way that anyone would actually believe that she is dating THE Jack Stapleton, however, as she spends time with Jack and his family, she begins to realize that maybe her and Jack may not be such a crazy idea. Turns out, protecting Jack from his stalker is easy, but completing the job and protecting her heart at the same time, may just be one of the hardest things she’s ever had to do.

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Katherine Center always does an amazing job and The Bodyguard did not disappoint. The chemistry was amazing and the plot line was engaging and fun. There were also some serious elements throughout. Loved!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy to honestly review.

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Absolutely loved this book! I especially liked the gender roles that were flipped on their heads where a female works as a body guard for a male movie star. great setting in rural america and great characters including the family members of the movie star. Summer 2022 beach read for sure!

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5 Huge Texan stars. Could I love Hannah and Jack anymore? I loved the banter between characters, the supporting characters, the location, the entire Stapleton family. Let’s be honest…it’s heart is as big as Texas and I was here for it. Loved breaking up the same old dull thrillers with this fun and binge worthy book. This will be a hit! And yes, I’d binge a mini series or movie because I loved it so much.

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Jack Stapleton, currently the hottest movie star both on and off the screen has two problems. A family matter that he needs to go home for and a stalker who he needs to protect him and his family from.

Enter Hannah, the bodyguard, who looks like anything but a bodyguard. Hannah is obsessed with her job, always working and not giving much time to her personal life. She keeps everything close to the vest and doesn’t really ever let anyone get too close to her.

What happens when Hannah is assigned to be Jack’s bodyguard as his undercover girlfriend. Well there is only one way to find out… and that is to read this fabulous book!

The Bodyguard is a great read which will make you laugh out loud. The characters are brilliantly written whether you love them, like them or dislike them. She places a few perfect plot twists which keep you turning the pages in another fabulous book by Katherine Center.

I have read all of Center’s book and it doesn’t matter which one you choose they are all fabulous!

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This book was fun! It was a little predictable, and a little far fetched at some points, but I loved both Hannah and Jack, so I had a great time reading about them.

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I squealed what I saw this ARC in my inbox!!! @katherinecenter is one of my favorite authors!! I read this one in a day (thank you COVID). It gave me vibes from the movie The Proposal and I am here for it!!
Hannah works for an agency that protects people of importance. Her next assignment is for Jack Stapleton, People’s Sexiest Man Alive and a famous actor. So when she tells Jack she’s going to be following him, he has one problem. His mom was recently diagnosed with cancer and having a bodyguard would make her nervous. So…he has a compromise. She pose as his girlfriend!
I loved this book so so much!! Jack and Hannah’s relationship was very much a slow burn. And I was rooting for them the entire time! *Grab this one on July 19! Thank you @netgalley and @stmartinspress for the ARC in exchange for my review. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

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The Bodyguard is a fun, frothy rom-com read that I enjoyed. It was a reversal of the usual trope - famous female movie star guarded by a hunky bodyguard, although the rest of the book is full of the usual rom-com plot lines.. Hannah is the tough-as-nails bodyguard while Jack is the movie star. She's called in to guard him when he visits his Texas family due to his mother's illness, and of course, he convinces her to pretend she's his girlfriend so not to upset anyone.

Hannah has her own insecurities she's facing - thanks to an ex, of course - and Jack struggles with his trust issues. Both are able to overcome them in each other's arms.

Honestly, I did skip through parts of this as both scenes and characters were predictable. If you're looking for a nonthreatening, escapist read about romance, this is for you.

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I am a huge fan of all things Katherine Center so I wasn't surprised I loved The Bodyguard. I'm not a huge fan of the Rom-Com covers so at first I didn't realize who the author was. Katherine's books usually have some sort of big tragedy or obstacle the main character is trying to overcome but The Bodyguard was different. The best part is the main characters were both very likeable and it was so funny! So many times I caught myself smiling. Katherine has such a nice flow to her writing I can finish her books in one sitting!
"To what we've held onto.And what we've lost."
Hannah Brooks is a workaholic who spends all her time traveling and protecting her clients. She doesn't have time for fun or leisure activities and she likes it that way. When her mother passes away Hannah is forced to take some time off at work and then reassigned to a new client in Texas, not overseas as she was planning. She needs the escape to drown out her sadness, not to be stuck in her hometown.
The client is a high profile movie star and major heart throb with a weird stalker who knits his face on sweaters and loves corgis. Hannah must get beyond his good looks and charm and focus on her job. You never get involved with a client, never give them any personal information about yourself, and don't let your feelings cloud your judgement. Well very quickly Hannah starts to break her own rules by becoming close to Jack and his family. Are these feelings real or is Jack just acting? Can she let her guard down after she's been hurt? Everything that Hannah has worked so hard for and thought she wanted is on the line, but maybe she wants something different now.

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A little disappointing actually - while a cute read, and had Center's normal combination of humor and heart, it felt underwritten to me. Like, it needed something *more.* The romance needed more yearning or slow burn maybe. I just wasn't super invested in their story, because I felt like everything stayed pretty surface level. It feels like it was rushed out, and needed a little longer to marinate.

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A sign of a good book to me is one I can read in one sitting and/or stay up late to finish! This one covered both bases. The love story had Katherine Center’s usual charm and unusual setting/premise and the characters were easy to root for.

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Katherine Center does it AGAIN! I crushed this in less than 24 hours and I didn’t want it to end. I was hooked from the very beginning and could not put this book down. I encourage you to pre-order this and read all of Center’s other books while you wait!!!

Huge thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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