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The Bodyguard

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Member Reviews

This was an utter delight, start to finish. A genuinely funny, sweet romcom. I LOVED how voice-y it was. Hannah is hilarious, and so real. Even though she's this strong, intelligent person, she's still a person, and as prone to making mistakes as the rest of us. I gotta go read all of Center's books because this was so fun, and such a breath of fresh air.

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I LOVED this book SO much! 5 glowing stars!

She's got his back. He's got her heart. They've got a secret. What could possibly go wrong?

I loved everything about this story. The characters = amazing and well created. The Plot = fantastic. The emotional depth = perfection. The banter = hilarious. The tropes = enemies to lovers, forced proximity, AND fake dating - OUSTANDING! This book truly had everything I love about a book jam packed into one story. I laughed out loud so many times. I also got misty over here at other times. I savored every bit of this heartwarming and huggable story. Highly highly recommend!

I cannot wait to read more from this author - I have so many of her books on my shelf and it is time to start cracking them open!

Thank you so much St. Martin's Press for providing me with an advanced e-book copy in exchange for an honest review!

Run and grab your copy on July 19th, 2022!

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Whoa! What a ride. It was very fast-paced. The writing style kept me hooked and I didn't find myself losing any interest. I enjoyed getting to know each of the characters and how real the story felt. The author did a great job painting the setting, so it was easy for me to visualize the scene played out before me. I recommend giving this one a chance!

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Hannah Brooks is having a rough time. Her mom has passed away, her boyfriend dumped her and she's been assigned to a job that she's not even remotely excited about. Her job? She's a executive protection agent assigned to Jack Stapleton, Hollywood's hottest actor.
Jack is reclusive and is returning to Houston to help look after his mother who has cancer. He's had a stalker or two in his past and Hannah is tasked as posing as his girlfriend in order to keep him safe. This leads to many hilarious situations as well as some heartfelt sweet moments.
I loved the two main characters. Hannah is quirky and has some major baggage. Jack also has some baggage and he's not convinced that he's in any danger so this creates some more funny situations. I've never read Katherine Center before but I definitely will go back and read her other titles.

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Rating: 4.25/5
Warnings: Difficult Family Dynamics, Death
Steam: 1/5
Tropes: Only One Bed, Forced Proximity, Fake Dating

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for access to this advanced copy. The Bodyguard will be released on July 19th.

This was my first Katherine Center book and I really enjoyed her writing style...can't wait to read another one of hers.

Things I loved: I loved the premise of a female “bodyguard”. The epilogue, I’m still thinking about it. I love how they took care of each other in other ways. Jack’s family, I loved the way his parents were together. The cows!

Things I didn’t care for: The ending was a little out there. Hannah’s ex…oh my god, I would have loved to physically close his mouth every time he opened it to say another stupid/mean thing. There could have been more explanation into Hannah’s past and why she was so closed off to love.

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When ‘executive protection agent’ (aka bodyguard) Hannah Brooks gets hired to protect movie star Jack Stapleton from his corgi rearing, sweater knitting stalker, she doesn’t realize she’ll be undertaking the role of his fake girlfriend in order to keep his stalker a secret from his sick mother and the rest of his family.

The no nonsense agent finds it easy to protect Jack and his family, even easier to love them—especially Jack. As the lines and their ruse becomes more believable, her terrible ex gives her a misguided dose of reality and Hannah realizes the one thing she left vulnerable in this scenario—her heart.

The Bodyguard has so many of my favorite romance tropes—forced proximity, fake dating, grumpy/sunshine (but reversed!), PLUS it was great seeing a guy be the damsel-in-distress! Not only that, but the banter in this was hilarious. Jack and Hannah played off each other so well, and I loved their chemistry—it wasn’t as intense as I would have wanted it to be, but no real complaints. There’s plenty of character growth for both of our mains, and it was just an all around feel good romance that may or may not have had me tear up a time or two.

In short, this book made my heart happy.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read this early!

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Let me start by saying, I enjoyed this book. So much so that it is the fastest I have read in a book in a while. I liked both main characters, especially Jack. I really liked the premise - a female “bodyguard” is hired to protect a movie star - and felt the forced proximity trope was well done. But I did not like the ending. It felt like the story was coming to its natural conclusion and then the author threw in this scene that almost ruined the book for me. Still give the book 3.5 stars (rounded to 4) and recommend the book for rom-com fans!

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I adored this book. Great character development and well written. If you enjoy fake relationship trope, you will enjoy this one. My first from this author and I can say I’m a fan already. This is a fun romcom that you will enjoy it.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin Press for my ARC.

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It's been so long since I've read a Katherine Center book and this one did not disappoint.

I love the premise of this book and that Hannah was the security protection for Jack. The whole fake relationship premise was great and I just love all the interactions between Hannah and Jake.

There was a good character development of both Hannah and Jake. I like that they bring out the best in each other. It's pretty sweet to read.

I guess I was hoping for more romantic relationship developing between them and there was a lack of it because of the whole pretending and faking aspect. The ending was also a little wild and then it sort of just ended abruptly.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. It was a quick read and I couldn't stop once I started. It was a sweet romance. I'm always a fan of books by this author.

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Quick Summary: Hannah is a five-foot-five female Executive Protection Agent — also known as a bodyguard. In the same week, she lost her mom, got broken up with, and discovered that she’s now competing with her ex for a job placement in London. On top of all that, she also has to be the bodyguard of world-famous actor Jack Stapleton. He returned to Texas to help take care of his sick mother and also help out at his parent’s ranch. Hannah must protect him from corgi-breeding, middle-aged stalked. Not only does she has to protect him, but she also has to pretend to be his girlfriend, so his parent’s don’t find out about the stalker and bodyguard situation. Hannah has no problem protecting Jack, but protecting her freshly broken heart? That’s one of the hardest things she has to do. 

Review: This delightful, feel-good rom-com was so fun to read! It’s a fast read filled with witty banter, swoony romance, and amazing characters. It even has the tropes of fake dating and forced proximity (two of my favorites). I loved Hannah’s character! She’s a strong, determined, and intelligent female lead, which I absolutely adore! Jack is so cute! He absolutely adores Hannah and admires her strength. The chemistry between the two was beautiful. I will note that this is definitely more of a feel-good romance and has no spice—just fade-to-black scenes. I definitely recommend this book when you’re in a swoony romance book!

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What a quirky and fun romcom! The Bodyguard by Katherine Center had me chuckling many times throughout the book! I loved the main character, Hannah, who is a bodyguard. Her agency is hired to provide protection for a handsome movie star. I will let your imaginations take it from there! Although the plot is a bit unrealistic, the writing keeps you cheering Hannah on! It is such a great read!

Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press, for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed above are my own.

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I am officially a Katherine Center Fan. I had only read Things We Save in the Fire and loved it. But, I haven’t had the chance to read any of her other books. Until I was approved for this copy of The Bodyguard. Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Publication Date: July 19, 2022

Even though Hannah Brooks looks like a teacher she is really a bodyguard. With years of experience, she is ready for anything. Except when her coworker and boyfriend breaks up with her. Then Hannah is thrown for a loop. Until a new assignment comes in, one that involves heart-throb movie star, Jack Stapleton.

But as their world’s collide, Hannah must do everything to keep her client safe, secure and happy even if it means fake dating.

Mixed with family secrets and trauma, The Bodyguard is a rom-com with so much depth. Something that I now expect and love in Katherine Center books.

4.5 stars!!! I loved loved loved this one!

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This was my first Katherine Center book, and it was a great introduction to her books. If you’re a fan of Miss Congeniality, then you’ll like this book!

Hannah Brooks is 5’5 bodyguard. She gets a new job protecting Jack Stapleton - Hollywood’s Sexiest Man Alive. And the catch? She has to pretend to be his girlfriend so his family doesn’t suspect anything.

I had a hard time rating this one. The first half is definitely three stars for me, while the second half is 4. So I just rounded up to 4. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Hannah has lived in Houston all her life but is clueless about horses, cattle and everything about Houston. I guess she has literally never left downtown…which is weird…? All the characters are super one-dimensional. But I still really enjoyed it! The reflection of love is superb. And the romance is so sweet.

It’s an easy story to binge!

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This romcom had tons of humor in it to go along with the romance. In my opinion, the romance was second to the humor. From the second Hannah meets drop dead gorgeous Jack to be his bodyguard, things are awkward and funny (at least from the outside). I knew I was in for a treat from the second Jack opened his door to her and then made her prove to him that she could actually protect him (hand him an ice pack, please).

Even before things turn the least bit romantic between them, their relationship has a sweetness to it. They are both trying to be professional, but there's a glitch when Jack has to return to his family and doesn't want to let them know that he needs a bodyguard. Hannah pretending to be his girlfriend is priceless. Again...the sweetness between them! Their communication isn't always spot on, but they are so perfect together. Hannah finds herself falling for his whole family. And Jack.

Things get really bumpy and there are some surprises along the way.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the gifted copy. All thoughts are my own.

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Gah. I just love Katherine Center. I’m not really one to say an author “can do no wrong” because I feel like that is setting myself up for disappointment…but this puts me pretty close to that statement.

I read it in a day and a half. Me! If you know me, then you’ll know that is practically impossible with my lifestyle. And it is better than I even expected it to me. So cute. Such a perfect little book. Every character was perfectly portrayed. Every little twist was *insert your favorite synonym for perfect here*.

I loved that Hannah was the bodyguard. I loved her spunky personality. I LOOOOOOOVED Jack. And I loved that he wasn’t a jerk that changed because of her. That’s been so overdone. He was cool and smooth and down-to-earth from the beginning. I loved their chemistry. I loved their banter. I loved how realistic her uncertainty of him was (because most of the time I find it completely ridiculous in these kinds of books but Hannah’s made sense). And I L-O-V-E-D Jack’s family and his emotional backstory. Ugh. Rip my heart out, why don’t you.

Okay, I won’t risk overusing the word loved or perfect any more. I’ll just say this:
I don't know if it's my favorite of hers.....but at the moment it is!

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Hannah Brooks is an Executive Protection Agent. What is that? Oh, just a professional bodyguard. When she is given the assignment of protecting movie star Jack Stapleton, it couldn't have come at a worse time. Her mother just died and then the night of her funeral, her boyfriend breaks up with her. Guarding Jack Stapleton should be an easy job, maybe just what she needs. But Jack doesn't want his family to know he needs a bodyguard, so she needs to pretend to be his girlfriend. What could go wrong?

This is a fun, quick, funny book, with plenty of action and "will they won't they" to keep you going. It's pretty clean too, so don't worry if you want to buddy read this with Grandma. Hannah is bold but still insecure and somehow it worked. Jack is obliviously handsome and loves his family. Swoon. There's of course a secret and a conflict, and it all tied together so well. Don't miss this!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Available July 19. 2022.

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The Bodyguard by Katherine Center is a fun, funny and swoon-worthy rom-com with emotional depth. A well written novel with lovable characters. A very enjoyable book

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Thank you for the publisher for an advanced audio.
It was a cute and fun read.
Alot of sub-plots going on!
The heroine is a body guard and the hero a famous movie star.
Cute and fun read.

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I cannot stop talking about this book. Hannah Brooks is one of my new favorite fictional characters. The way she is unapologetically herself as she navigates a typically male-dominated field is inspiring. Just when Hannah thought she was totally giving up on happiness and love, she receives an assignment that will change her life. Jack Stapleton is not her normal client and he has set up his own set of walls to protect his heart as well. This was a "can't put it down". Katherine Center has done it again! One of my favorite authors.

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The newest Katherine Center does NOT disappoint ! I'm always a huge fan of Ms. Center's books and she quickly made her way to the always pre-order list - I don't even need to know what the book is about anymore!
Hannah is a total baddie and is used to doing things her way, unfortunately - she's in a super vulnerable position - her mom dies, her crappy unworthy boyfriend does crappy unworthy boyfriend things and her bff - isn't so B (as in best, but certaily earns the B in other words...). Against her will, she's "forced" to take lead on a job for a super hot, super popular (damaged in his own way) Jack. I loved this laugh out loud book - and appreciated the slow build to a happily ever after ending. I was given a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest opinion from Netgally.

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