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Black Tide

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Black Tide was a wonderful mash up of sci-fi and horror with comparisons to Cujo and the Quiet Place were spot on, with some aliens mixed in. The length and dual perspectives made this one a quick read. the characters weren't particularly likeable, and the tension was high throughout the entirety of the novel which makes the reader keep turning the pages. My only complaint for this one is that the sci-fi elements could have used a little more explanation. I would be absolutely thrilled if the author wrote a sequel following either the same characters or different characters just to see how the world coped more in the aftermath of the events here.

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I really, really enjoyed this book. I went into it without knowing much about it and because of the extremely well-crafted suspense, characters and twists, I couldn't stop reading. As the two stranded protagonists struggle to survive an apocalyptic event, they are led through moments of both visceral and existential horror. The novel jumps back and forth between their perspectives, giving the reader more insight into both characters while also layering sadness, sarcasm and some self-aware humour into the narrative. It's entertaining, frightening and the ambiguity of what has actually happened will stay with readers after they finish the book. Take it to the beach this summer. I dare you.

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A cinematic, suspenseful creature-feature bizarrely promoted as “Cujo meets A Quiet Place.” While I don’t see how it is at all similar to those films, Stephen King’s “The Mist” may be a more apt comparison, Black Tide is a highly enjoyable bit of sci-fi/horror.

The story follows Mike and Beth, two strangers who meet on the Oregon coast the day before an alien intrusion into Earth. Soon the pair are stranded in their car and must fight to survive against a gauntlet of Lovecraftian monstrosities.

The action is kinetic and visceral with a few great moments of skin-crawling body horror. Mike and Beth are great characters that I came to root for and although the ending was unclear, their battle to survive against all odds in the face of freakish terrors made for a great fast-paced read.

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Black Tide ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Beth is house/dog sitting for a couple that live on the beach and one night she starts up a conversation with her neighbor Mike. They end up sleeping together and that same night there is a "meteor shower," that changes the world as we know it.

This book is described as A Quiet Place meets Cujo, which I get, but there were parts of this book that reminded me of The Langliers. I remeber watching that movie when I was younger and the whole time they can hear the Langaliers coming but they dont know what it is. It leaves you with this dread because you know something bad is coming you just dont know what it is. I also loved our main characters Beth and Mike. They both start off pretty unlikeable but I found myself relating a lot to Beth and really rooting for Mike and Beth (and Jake)! The action in this book starts at about 15% in and it is constant. As soon as I recovered from one scene something else started happening and I loved every minute of it!

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“Black Tide” by K.C Jones is a wild, epic, sci-fi adventure full of bone-chilling creatures and anxiety-inducing tension. This is a book that fans of fantasy and sci-fi must read as they will enjoy the sheer chaotic mess Jones unleashes on their characters in this epic battle for survival.

Beth is a screw-up and she knows it. Somehow, things always go awry without her even trying. Thus far, her house-sitting job doesn’t seem to be going too terribly, though she’s not too optimistic that something won’t take a turn for the worst.

Mike is her next-door neighbour at her house-sitting job. He’s both mysterious and melancholy, which tempts Beth into getting to know him more. What ensues is a one-night stand that signals the end of life as they knew it and the start of a catastrophic event they may not survive.

This is a book that will grip readers from the start. Beth’s no-care attitude and fiery wit set the scene, a perfect contrast to Mike’s reserved and thoughtful nature. The two seem like the unlikeliest of duos, but when destruction rains upon earth, they have no choice but to work together or perish in the grizzliest way possible.

What makes this book so incredible is Jones’ fierce dedication to putting their characters through a horrendous number of worst-case scenarios. There are several moments where it seems like Beth and Mike’s situation can’t possibly get any worse, but Jones finds a way of making it happen. There is non-stop action and horrifying moments that will easily grip the attention of readers.

There isn’t much of a plot to this story, which may bother readers who like to have a firm concept of what goal the characters are trying to reach, but it is very character-driven. In this sense, the story is as much about the catastrophic event and the nightmare that is unleashed on the planet, as it is about two characters who are forced to come to grips with their internal struggles. It’s a fascinating writing style to have close intimacy with the main characters and to even relate to their pain while being entertained (and completely freaked out) by the craziness happening around them.

It's hard to describe how awesome this book is without giving too much away. If this seems like a book that interests folks, do not hesitate in picking up a copy. It’s all things terrifying, badass, and guaranteed to take readers on a journey where only bad luck exists.

“Black Tide” by K.C Jones is expected to hit the shelves on May 10th, 2022. Add this book to your reading lists and save the date!

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan-Tor/Forge (Tor Nightfire) for providing me with a free e-arc of this novel and the opportunity to share my honest opinion in this review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Tor Nightfire for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

My actual rating for this book is 2.5 stars. I really wanted to like it and there were things about it I did like, but those things were definitely overshadowed by the things that I didn't like. Most of the things I didn't like about this book stemmed from my dislike of the main characters. In a book like this, with such a limited setting, it is important to me to have characters that I care about and root for, but Mike and Beth were not those characters.

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An alien invasion tale by the way of the creature feature, Black Tide is stunningly mismarketed as Cujo meets the Quiet Place. The worst thing about derivative unimaginative comparison-based descriptions like that is that it’s misleading and sets up wrong expectations. I’m so glad I didn’t read it prior to going into this book.
Do we even need to compare a book to a preexisting popular work? Can it just stand on its own two (or many) legs? This book certainly tries. To be fair, there isn’t much to the story here plot-wise. It takes place virtually in real time during an alien invasion (you want a comparison, how about Cloverfield?) with a tiny cast of three people and a Labrador.
One of the main characters is Beth, a snarky and sarcastic but kind funny 33-year-old trainwreck of a person who’s trying to change her ways by building up a career of hopping from place to place housesitting. Is she really a trainwreck or did her mother just do such a thorough number of convincing her of it…you kind of have to read to find out. The fact that a 33-year-old woman’s entire sense of self-worth and self-esteem comes from her mother is pretty lamentable, but then again Beth doesn’t really read her age, she reads much, much younger. Alternatively, she reads very much like a millennial her age might.
Mike, her circumstantial partner in crime/neighbor, is about a decade older and also reads a lot younger. A movie producer in exile, he’s been moping around his beachhouse, bemoaning the end of his relationship, the end for which he has been holding himself responsible.
Mike’s all set to off himself out of his sorrows, when Beth pops along, the booze, they schmooze, the carouse, and the next morning it’s Apocalypse.
And now the two of them, plus Jake the Labrador, are stuck dealing with a variety of creepy creatures, some of which are not even conventionally visible.
And so, real time, detail by gory detail, Mike and Beth must fight to survive their new and terrifying reality. Along the way they’ll find romance and meet their innerheroes, get tough and get going…because it’s that kind of a story. There’s a kid there too, but she doesn’t get nearly as much screen time until later.
So, overall, it’s kind of fun if all one very drawn out one note sort of fun. It’s lightly humorous, it has a lot of creature effects. It’s hip in a very young almost YA sort of way, although it’s definitely not YA and then it just ends…like maybe there might be a sequel or maybe it’s just a classic off into the sunset sort of thing. Middle of the road sort of read, albeit reasonably entertaining. Thanks Netgalley.

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Beth is a bit of a hot mess and she's the first one to admit it. She drinks a tad too much and has been known to flee in the face of responsibility; at least before. Lately though, Beth has been turning things around. She's been pet-sitting and feels like she is getting good at it. She's even getting referred to new clients by happy patrons.

That's how Beth ends up at a beach house on an empty stretch of the Oregon coast on the day the world ends. She is staying with the best good dog, Jake, and all has been going well. She's been spying a little bit on the man next door, but that's to be expected, isn't it?

He's handsome, in a mysterious, scruffy sort of way. He seems lonely. Beth is all kinds of curious about this mystery man. So, when she sees him drinking expensive champagne on his deck one evening, she heads over to introduce herself. His name is Mike and he is a film producer. The two hit it off and spend the evening enjoying each other's company in every way you can imagine.

That night, at Mike's place, Beth doesn't sleep well. Her drunken dreams are full of horrifying images that are still rattling around in her brain upon waking. She finds Mike and Jake together on the beach. Apparently, Mike had gone to the dog's rescue. Beth can't believe she left Jake alone in the house next door overnight. That's what the booze can do; great decision-making, Beth.

Mike tells Beth all about the insane meteor shower he witnessed from the beach. There's still evidence of the destruction it wrought. Plus, there's the thing that he found. The power is out, so they have no way of listening to any news. How wide spread was the event and what exactly was it? They decide to drive up the beach and investigate where they believe one of the meteors actually struck. Maybe there will be someone around who knows more of what's happening.

Black Tide is the most intense book I have read in a long time. Edge of your seat doesn't even begin to describe it. From that very first night, as the meteors start to fall, the tension begins. Driving down the beach the following day, they become stranded and the circumstances continue getting worse for the trio; yes, I am counting Jake.

The entire thing was a nail biter. I was yelling at the book, advising them what they should do: protect Jake at all costs!! I love Sci-Fi Horror and I found this one to be incredibly fun. The concepts were unique, the character development was great and the build-up of intensity was fantastic.It had such a claustrophobic feel. Oh My goodness, I am squirming even thinking about it!

I grew to really care for these characters. In particular, Beth and Jake. I felt like I was able to relate to Beth so much. It made the stakes feel a lot higher for me. I just wanted them to be safe. I would definitely recommend this to any Horror Reader, but particularly to those who enjoy a lovely blend of Sci-Fi and Horror elements.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Tor Nightfire, for providing me with a copy to read and review. Black Tide releases on May 10, 2022. Be sure to add it to your Spring TBR!!

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2.5 stars

I think this book had a lot of potential to be great. While I did enjoy it overall, I did have a couple issues. My biggest issue was the complexity of the creatures. It was hard to get into the story and feel scared when I was trying to remember how the creatures worked. My other issue was the pacing. I think the book could have benefitted from being longer and more drawn out, since everything after the first quarter felt rushed.

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Black Tide really sucked me in once I got into it. A little slow going at first, but once the "meteors" fell, I was hooked. Mike and Beth really grew on me as time went by. I went into this book without having any expectations about it. Sci Fi and alien stories are hit and miss a lot of times but this one had a great balance and really played on how our existence could collide with alternate realities full of monsters that we cannot understand. Even a couple of weeks later when I saw this book, I could still remember details from it and character interactions, which is a strong sign that it is a book that will stick with you for some time.

A special thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Nightfire, for providing me with an ARC for honest feedback.

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Black Tide is a book that swiftly gets to the point and does not let up until the very end. I initially requested this novel because I noticed it was highly rated on Goodreads/NetGalley. Sometimes you need a story that can hook you immediately, and choosing this one was exactly what I needed.

Black Tide is an excellent marriage of sci-fi and horror. I think I saw someone compare it to “A Quiet Place,” and honestly, that’s probably the best description. The claustrophobia seeps from the pages and doesn’t let go until the very last word. The only thing that I’d warn readers about is triggering animal stuffs. Everything else is kinda covered when you bring up sci-fi/horror, I think.

So yeah, this was a 4 star read for me. I needed a book to hook me, and Black Tide answered that call pretty well.

Thanks so much to NetGalley, TorNightfire, and the author for this eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Beth and Mike have a one night stand and the next day he takes her to the beach to look for meteors that fell the night before. Except they aren't meteors, they are deadly and have arrived with unimaginable otherworldly creatures. Beth and Mike are stranded in their car when they lose their car keys and are surrounded by these creatures. 911 is busy, no one else is answering and Beth cannot get a signal on her phone most of the time. And what were the emergency alerts she received the night before that she deleted unread? Are they doomed to perish when the tide comes in? This a horror science fiction story with unique creatures.

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Thank you for my copy of Black Tide. This story was thrilling, emotional and heartbreaking. I tried to envision what I would do in the same situation. It reminded me of A Quiet Place but scarier! At the end, I still had many questions and wish there were more answers. Overall, I really enjoyed this story!

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My review will be in Library Journal. I very much enjoyed the book and hope it will do well so we can get a sequel!

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This has to be the creepiest and scariest book that I have read in a very long time. I would be shocked if it's not made into a movie. Non stop terror!! It starts off kind of slowly. A young women housesitting a dog. The neighbour next door. A chance encounter, that puts two lonely people together. One thing leads to another. Crazy dreams-- or were they? Wake up next morning to something not quite right. From then, on one hurdle after another. Was it a meteor shower or something else? Two people brought together just at the right moment in time-- can they save each other??? Can they put aside their differences and work together, can they give their life for someone else? Can they figure out just what the hell happened? I would give this 4 out of 5

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*Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

What do you get when you cross a scary alien invasion with two people who are stuck in an unmoving car on a beach? A tense, nail-biting book called Black Tide.

I'll be the first to admit that I am a scaredy-cat when it comes to anything related to horror. But horror with an apocalypse thrown in? I'll just have to suck it up and avoid reading at night, but books like these immediately catch my eye.

The first thing I noticed about this book was the good pacing. In a story like this with so many action scenes, it can be easy to become impatient and rush through the scenes, but the author easily avoids this.

It was easy to root for the characters and throughout the book, I was crossing my fingers that they would survive. There is something incredibly compelling about characters who have hit rock-bottom and are trying their best to survive in difficult circumstances.

This was an interesting concept for a book and I'm curious to see how the author will continue the story. I'm happy with how the story ended, though a certain death left me incredibly sad, and I'm impressed with what the author managed to do with the limited setting the characters found themselves trapped in.

The author's writing is simple, using a few metaphors here and there, which I think fit the story well. The author succeeds in creating a tense atmosphere that reduced me to a bundle of nerves as I devoured the book. I was halfway through the book before I realized how much progress I had made. Tense books like these are perfect for people who find themselves in reading slumps, or for people who love reading about alien invasions.

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