Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley, Harper, and Ellery Lloyd for an E-arc of The Club in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed this interesting take on an exclusive Club where celebrities could go to escape their lives. The author did a great job of painting a beautiful picture of the island to me and it really added to my reading experience. Although this one was more of a slow burn, I did really enjoy it. The ending was exactly what I wanted as well. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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Man, I tried. "The Club" has all my favorite elements in a book - a mysterious death, everyone trapped on an island, fancy hotel setting - but I just couldn't get into it. The characters all fell flat and I had a hard time telling them apart with each new chapter. Sadly a DNF.

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The plot was intriguing, it was well-written, but it was very slow moving with a lot of storylines to follow.

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Where everyone will kill to join.

I dnf this book before because I'm a moodreader. But then, I finally decided to finish this. Honestly though, I should have stuck with dnf-ing. This dragged and I was just bored. There was just to many povs that I couldn't keep them straight I didn't care for the characters, the plot, who dies, any of it. 

Thank you NetGalley and publishers of Harper for this Ebook for an honest review.

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This thrilling novel is engaging, interesting and exciting. Reminiscent of another Reese’s Book Club pick, The Guest List, it’s a modern day whodunnit. The characters are realistic, relatable and well defined. A definite must read page turner!

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I wanted to love THE CLUB. Ellery Lloyd’s debut PEOPLE LIKE HER is one of my favorite thrillers ever. I liked THE CLUB- it’s perfectly fine. solid character development & writing.

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Fascinating book. It made me think of the clubs I just had to join. It held my interest as I wanted to know what would happen.

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When you’re almost 1/3 of the way through a thriller and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED, boredom becomes the name of the game.
Way to much background/descriptions, too many characters, absolutely no plot or even build up to whatever is going to be thrilling.

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The premise is what initially pulled me towards this book; here is this island where only the most prominent and high profile figures are invited to vacation without fear of being hounded by the general public. When the guests arrive and bodies start turning up, no one is allowed on or off the island as investigations go underway.

This book’s major flaw is the lack of uniqueness among its numerous characters within an abundance of povs. The chapters cycle between four major players and several supporting ones, all written in an overly descriptive style that had little influence on how the central conflict ended up playing out. The novel spends a lot of time discussing the exclusivity and lavishness of the club and its patrons, painting the world and setting the foundation, but I personally found the payoff lacking.

Despite a strong start, the slow pacing detracted from the momentum of the plot, and sadly never recovered. I was not at all invested in any of the characters, and at times had difficulty telling them apart. The execution was quite lackluster, and there were too many threads being pulled in all directions for me to properly follow the main story.

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I liked this one. It didn’t blow me away, but I was throughly entertained!! The chapters were a little long and there were a lot of characters, but I loved the ridiculously Unlikable characters and the high society exclusivity of it!! And I feel like there were lots of people that could have “done it” which is fun! If you are looking for an entertaining read I would recommend this.

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"And that was when the party of the year turned into the murder mystery of the decade."

I'm so tempted to round this 3.5 up but there are a few things holding me back. Before you sit down to start this one, it might be good to know a few things. First, there are only 9 chapters to they will be long and have multiple POV in each one, but each POV is broken out by starting with a character's name so it's easy to know who you are with while reading. Second, there are A LOT of characters. Seriously, start paying attention right from the start because, since they aren't actually stars and famous people we know, it's easy to tangle and lose the thread for certain people until they suddenly become important.

However, I loved the way this story was told. I liked the broken out POV giving different perspectives and views of this amazing opening weekend of a very expensive resort. Each persective breaks out certain timeframe and events and the whole event becomes a puzzle with each person being a piece that fits somewhere in it. There is also, to end every chapter, an article piece that explains the aftermath of it all, the "now" since the other POV are from the party that's already happened. It was a great tool to really pull you in to wonder what was going on!

I recommend reading this one with a friend, too! I enjoyed this so much more when I compared ideas and theories and bounced around what we each thought happened! It gave that perfect element of gossiping about famous people and was the perfect addition to this story!

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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This one unfortunately wasn’t for me. I was a fan of People Like Her by the same authors, but this one just didn’t do it for me.

There was an influx of too many characters that made it difficult to connect to any single one of them. There was a very slow start to the book. This thriller seemed like it barely meandered through mistrust and suspicion.

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This started slow and didn't pick up until closer to the end of the book. Some parts were exciting, and I liked that there was some sweet revenge in it, but ultimately I didn't care for any of the characters and realize I'm not a fan of the celebrity trope. I think I would have liked this better if I was.

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If you like slow burn books with multiple characters, then this book is for you! Personally I wasn't a huge fan of this book. It was ok. There was just SO much going on that it took away from the story for me. I didn't love it, but didn't hate it.

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While I was a big fan of Ellery Lloyd's "People Like Her," I was less excited by The Club.

I can see the pull of the storyline - I mean, I was really pulled in by the description alone - but I just didn't like most of the characters, I didn't care what happened to them, and I found the story to be relatively forgettable.

2.5 stars

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So this book just didn’t do it for me unfortunately. It was sort of hard to keep up on what exactly was going on and to be honest was kind of uninteresting. I definitely think it had potential though!

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This was ok. It took me a while to get going with it and I found myself reading a few pages, putting it down, then coming back a month later and having to re-read the first ten pages or so. I think I did that a total of 3 or 4 times before I got into it.

The premise is really interesting, but the delivery was lacking. The Club didn't seem as believable as I wanted it to because once you got past the illustrious exterior, it wasn't at the "best of the best' level I'd expect for the people who were members there.

That said, the writing was fantastic, the premise was awesome, and it was written in a split POV which I like, the slow start and setting/character delivery really drove the 2 star knock.

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I tried so hard to finish this book, but I just couldn’t do it. Maybe sometime I will give it another shot, but for now, this was a DNF.

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This gave me goosebumps. Set against a spectacular backdrop is a glittering cast of characters, each with secrets they would kill to hide. Which means that every time you think you've spotted the killer, there's a new layer. Slick, complex, compelling — a book worth bingeing.

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This book was slow to start and a lot of points of view to keep track of who was who. I wasn't sure I wanted to continue but it did pick up a bit about mid way though. As it picks up you do want to find out who died/killed whom and even wonder how some survived. Thanks to Netgalley for my advanced copy to read.

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