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Funny You Should Ask

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I read this in one sitting. I was very excited because I tend to love Hollywood romances. I really liked this structure of this book, that it switched off between 10 years ago and present day and had articles about the characters in between chapters. I love a second chance romance as well, and I felt like this was a sweet and easy read. 24 hours after reading I'm still thinking about the characters and their relationship. The few issues I do have with the book are the lack of communication between the MCs. I feel like they never clearly communicate until the last page. The plot did seem a little far fetched, but it is fiction and doesn't have to be 100% realistic so I don't mind. It was nice to read a pure but probably impossible love story. I also wish we had a little bit more depth/backstory from the MCs and what happened in the 10 years inbetween the weekends. I wanted to understand his marriage more and how he ended up where he did emotionally and with his alcoholism struggles, this probably could have been fixed by having his POV. ALSO, Ollie was a great supporting character, I loved his story.

Definitely a fun Hollywood romance and worth the read for people who enjoy that trope or second chance love stories!

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I wanted to like this, but I wasn't a big fan of the dual timelines, and the inserted article excerpts (which felt like a grating buzzfeed article, and wasn't anywhere near as charming at the Chris Evans profile it's based on). It was cute though.

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An enjoyable little romance read! An interview with movie star Gabe Parker changes Chani’s life forever, but not without a few bumps along the way.

Things I loved:
- Gabe
- Gabe and his friendship with Ollie
- There’s a dog

Things that didn’t work for me:
- Chani (she was a bit whiny and quick to complain)
- the introduction of side characters. It was a little hurried and awkward. I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing that happened or a bad thing.
- the romance. Again, just kind of awkward and made me feel uncomfortable for them 😂
- the timeline. There were blog posts and articles in between chapters and it also went back and forth between “then” and “now”: just wasn’t a fan of that, but could see how some would enjoy that little touch!

Overall, I’d say it was worth the read but don’t know that I’d recommend.

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"Funny You Should Ask" was a cute story. Ten years ago, a celebrity interview had made the career of the writer (Chani Horowitz) and helped the career the actor (Gabe Parker), because the interview was not anyone expected. Gabe Parker had been chosen as the next James Bond, which was not a popular choice, as Gabe was an American, a country boy from small town Montana, and his career so far had been based on his looks -- not the suave, intelligent (and of course, British) persona that epitomizes Bond, unlike his best friend Oliver (Ollie) Matthias, who people think should have gotten the role. His publicists hoped that an interview in Broad Sheets would help the public seem his as the next Bond.

Chani Horowitz wanted to be a successful writer, and actually wanted to write fiction -- she even had a work of fiction published in a literary magazine -- but her short stories had not captured the necessary attention, and she had ended up with the job with Broad Sheets conducting celebrity interviews. Gabe Parker happened to be her celebrity crush, and her chance to impress her boss and hopefully get offered better stories to write.

The initial interview did not go that well, but situations arose that extended the time that Gabe and Chani spent together, and Chani learned things about Gabe (and about Ollie) that would have made for a sensational article, and really made her career. However, the article Chani ended up writing was more about how a "normal" person had a chance with a celebrity and "whiffed" it. The article helped both of their careers, but it came at a cost for Chani -- as many people in the "industry" and in celebrity fandom assumed that they had actually "hooked up" and that her future success was due to what she allegedly did, not the quality of her work.

The next ten years had ups and downs for both of them, but especially for Gabe, whose career crashed in the way that only a Hollywood star's career can implode. Gabe is trying to rebuild his career and has a new movie coming out. His PR team has reached out to Broad Sheets and suggested the idea of another interview between Gabe and Chani, hoping to recreate the magic of the first article.

The story alternates between the past and present, with the "Past" chapters including excerpts from Chani's article as well as chapters depicting what actually happened, as well as excerpts from other news articles about Gabe Parker and his career. The events of that weekend and its aftermath resulted in a lot of confusion, anger, and misunderstandings, which the "present" chapters seek to unravel.

The author has created interesting and likable characters. I am glad that she gave Gabe and Oliver so much depth; it would have been easy to make the "true" Gabe more like the "persona" that the public and critics had placed on him, and still have him play the same role in the overall story between Chani and Gabe. The interactions between Chani and Gabe were quite good, especially when they reacted to the moment or let their guard down temporarily. I also liked that the author addresses a number of "touchy" or potentially controversial topics in a respectful manner, and has the major characters treat those topics appropriately.

I received a copy of the e-book via NetGalley in exchange for a review.

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4.25 stars! Oh this one was good and made my heart feel so good.

When Chani gets the opportunity to interview her celebrity crush, Gabe Parker, for a celebrity profile before he takes on the role as the new Bond, she shows up nervous and admittedly with bad questions but Gabe takes it all in stride and shows her a weekend she (or he) will never forget.

With the success of the now viral interview, 10 years later and both of them have gone through so many highs and lows. Their agents and managements think the PR of them coming together for another interview will only skyrocket their careers. What Chani doesn’t want to do is rub more salt in her still open wounds and take another weekend with Gabe that may just break her more than the first one did.


Ugh I really loved this one. I think there’s something about alternating timelines and repressed conversations people never had that I guess I just love a lot. It was reminiscent of Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren.

Chani’s doubts about Gabe and Gabe’s feelings makes my heart lurch at that kind of love that’s carried over years. I was enticed about what happened and reading between the now and then only built it. It was hard to put the book down (even though I had to for work).

Their journeys back to one another was just a trope I really love and reminded me of that line drawing describing meeting the right person at the wrong time. I adored this book and it made my heart ache and warm and want to understand and then understanding.

Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for sending this one my way in return for an honest review.

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I love books about the entertainment and publishing industries and this book had both. What a treat! The premise and format of this book were original, written partially in the form of magazine articles/blog entries. I loved reading about a generally "regular" woman and writer getting to know and falling in love with a famous but troubled Hollywood heartthrob. I thought her concerns that people thought she was a fraud - her career success the result of an alleged relationship with a famous man - were so relevant, timely, and well done. Although it took me a while to warm to Gabe, he won me over by the end. Finally, hip hip hooray for more Jewish rep in romcoms! I look forward to Sussman's follow-up adult romance.

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I had had such a bad go with some romance lately that I was all but hesitant to pick this up after having it in my TBR pile for a while. And I have to say…this was absolutely more than worth the read.

There are few books that I feel like I would give a lot to be able to read for the first time all over again, and this is one of them. Sussman has done it. The premise got me hooked, but it was the character development that really got me for this one.

I love Chani and I love Gabe. I feel like it’s rare for me to love both interests as much as I did for this one but oh boy wow do I love them both. It was easy to fall in love with both of them, and Sussman’s writing style made the time jumps easier to follow. I love the writing style, I love the characters, I love everything about this one.

Notes & highlights to come on pub day, but playlist is up on my Spotify.

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House and Elisa Sussman for the ARC.

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Oh I loved this one. It was light hearted, funny, but there were some sensitive issues that were handled with care!

The romantic story follows Chani Horowitz who is hired to interview hollywoods it boy Gabe Parker. They have one crazy weekend together which makes Chani the focus of a lot of tabloids.

Ten years go by and Chani is a divorced woman who is engrossed in her work, but she still gets asked questions about her crazy weekend with Gabe. Next thing you know she's reuniting with him.

This is your typical "Second Chance" book and it was pretty quick to read.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the arc!

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Funny You Should Ask is about a young journalist that interviews a Hollywood heartthrob who is her number one celebrity crush. The interview turns into a whirlwind weekend with the tabloids buzzing. Ten years later, Chani is back in Los Angelos with a great career as a successful writer. No matter what she is promoting, she is aways asked about The Profile of Gabe that she wrote ten years ago. When Gabe's PR team requests that they unite for a second interview, she wants to say no. But she really wants to know if the 72 hours that they spent together were as memorable to Gabe as they were to her. The book alternates between the current time and ten years ago. This is a good book that I recommend.

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"He laughed. It was a great laugh, all low and dark and rich. If chocolate cake was a laugh, it would be that." Up and coming writer Chani is asked to interview the very famous, very handsome Gabe Parker. Instead, they shared a weekend together - lunch, movie premiere, parties galore. We, as the audience get to see what was written, and also what *actually* happened. Fast forward 10 years and she's been asked to write that very same article again, the one that made her career and launched Gabe Parker into even bigger stardom. Except, a lot has changed. And Chani has to face some rather big, complicated, real feelings she has for Gabe. I. Loved. Every. Second.

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Thank you So much to NetGalley for the ARC. Hollywood heartthrob and a writer? Yes please. I felt all the emotions on this book. Loved the characters. I also loved the different timelines.

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I do believe I’m a little in awe of this book, and a whole lot obsessed. I picked up Funny You Should Ask after finishing a mediocre book, looking to check another ARC off my ever-increasing list. I was not prepared for all this book had to offer.

I’ve always been a little bit of a sucker for interview style novels so it’s no wonder that I found this one a delight to read. The kindle format made it slightly difficult to read at first, as short articles are included and the timeline jumps at various points. (I fully intend to buy a physical copy now!) The few days Chani and Gabe spend together are separated by 10 years, leaving so much to unpack. The article clips following both Gabe and Chani’s individual careers added an outside perspective on the timeline of events. They also helped to show how often situations and individuals can be misunderstood.

While this book had much going for it, I really appreciated and loved the relatability of the characters. The book is full of miscommunication and missed opportunities (star-crossed lovers for the win). It’s essentially an ode to life’s disappointment and the anger we feel over betrayal. This may turn you off from reading the book, but I can assure you that it hurts in the best way. The book is also full of hope and chance encounters. While the romantic aspects are mostly unstable, the friendships in this book are rock solid and often provide some comic relief.

If this book had a catchphrase, it would be, “I should go.” Chani knew the life she “should” be living, and that didn’t include impromptu red carpet events, after parties, and trips with the movie star. Her desire to spend more time with the enigmatic Gabe, along with getting more fodder for her article, kept pushing her to say yes instead. (As the reader, I was so very glad she did.)

The secondary characters—specifically Ollie and Jeremy (aka The Novelist)—added so much to the story, especially in their dynamics with Chani, and by extension, Gabe. Ollie played a supporting role where he constantly was building both Chani and Gabe up. Jeremy, on the other hand, acted like an anchor by dragging down Chani, in her self-worth, career, and potential. Jeremy was also a character that provoked Gave to jealousy.

Throughout the book, we see Chani struggle with her self identity and career. The thought that she would be nothing without the article she did on Gabe, or the idea that she hooked up with him, was constantly a weight on her shoulders. At times she had people to build her up, but at other times she suffered heavily from this self doubt, and dare I say, self loathing. While much of it was internalized, we also see her channel it all into an anger against Gabe. Both she and Gabe were damaged people (aren’t we all?) which contributed to the anger and the bad timing. While they struggled with different issues on the outside, their internal insecurities appeared to be very similar. The common theme throughout the book for Gabe was that he didn’t deserve the role of playing Bond in several movies. While he receives support from those closest to him, Gabe often reverted to the opinion of the articles that bashed him. So much changed for Gabe over 10 years, but the one thing that stayed the same was that he was unconditionally loved by his family and close friends. By the end, he learned that validation could not be sought and found in the public opinion.

The locations in this novel—New York, California, and Montana— were all significant as they represented a different stage of Chani’s life. It would have been subtle, if Gabe had not drawn it out in their conversations. This was one of my favorite aspects of the book.

If you’ve reached the end of this review, and think “what the hell is she taking about?”, well, please extend some grace as I wrote it when I was tired. Just know that I highly recommend this book and you should preorder it.

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***4.5 STARS***

What a refreshing, smart, unique look at a relationship between an up and coming writer and a heartthrob actor. This second chance romance spans 10 years. I absolutely love the author’s stye of writing. She effectively uses chapters that alternate between now and then, with blog entires, book reviews, and celebrity news articles interspersed to help propel the story of Chani and Gabe.

They first meet when Chani Horowitz is assigned to interview the famous Gabe Parker. She ends up spending a whirlwind weekend with him and writes a story that catapults her career. The spark that seems to ignite between Chani and Gabe is quickly doused however when Gabe marries his beautiful new co-star just days after their weekend together. Chani gets back with her long term boyfriend Jeremy and moves to New York.

Life moves on for Chani and Gabe but there is always a connection. They keep tabs on each other. The reader cannot help but root for these two. We are left wondering if the price of fame is worth the cost. Are the sacrifices and notoriety bringing true happiness? Hard emotional lessons are learned by Chani and Gabe throughout the years. They both find that what is wished for may not have the imagined results. And being in the spotlight does not mean people know our true selves.

When Chani agrees to interview Gabe 10 years later, questions will be asked, truths will be revealed and feelings are no longer kept secret. It is such an honest look at relationships, divorce, depression, addiction, and self-esteem. It shows so much growth for both characters. I loved Chani and Gabe’s journey and couldn’t wait to find out how their story would end.

“…I didn’t want to be successful. I wanted to be loved.”

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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What did I think of this book? Funny you should ask!

Okay, now that that's out of my system. I really, really loved this book. This was my introduction to Sussman's writing, and now I cannot wait to dive into her backlist. This is a dual timeline, second chance romance revolving around a writer and movie star. Basically, my ideal book.

Sussman had the perfect mixture of humor and thoughtfulness. I loved the articles sprinkled throughout that showed how real life gets turned into something picture perfect in Hollywood. I think fans of Robinne Lee's The Idea of You will especially love this one. So, so, SO good!

Thank you so much to Random House and NetGalley for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Pure fun brain candy. I imagine the author started writing this book with the simple idea of "what would it be like to meet my celebrity crush?" and ran with it. The story unfolds over two weekends: "Then" - when a 26-year old celeb reporter named Chani sets out to interview rising star Gave Parker and "Now" - ten years later when a now 36-year old Chani is asked to meet up with Gabe again for a follow-up story. Much has changed for both reporter and actor over the ten years, but not the attraction that still lingers between them. As the reader moves from Friday to Saturday to Sunday to Monday - both then and now - the real story of what occurred between Chani and Gabe that first weekend slowly unfolds. This book will be published in April and I think would be a good choice for your Spring break or summer vacation beach read.... though I read it cozied up on my couch on a particularly freezing day in January and it was perfect for that too.

NOTE: Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a free advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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If you, like me and scores of other elder millennials, read Edith Zimmerman’s GQ profile on Chris Evans and wondered what really happened, then this is the book for you. Chani Horowitz is a writer. Ideally of fiction though she’s best known for nonfiction. Gabe Parker is a movie star. Preparing to star as the first American Bond. The book cuts back and forth between Chani’s interview of Gabe 10 years ago and her re-interviewing his now, after they’re both divorced and a little shaken up by life. We also get to read excerpts from the infamous article as film reviews, industry articles, and other secondary sources. But we’re all here to get the truth right from the source.
Sussman does a good job of connecting Chani and Gabe. You get why they’re into each other (although we should have gotten some of Chani’s dragon story) and despite the movie-star trappings, their connection seems solid. Sussman manages to say a lot without having to write it, her characters are sharp and three-dimensional.

I received an arc from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a fun story about a writer who is forever haunted/plagued/hung up on a feature piece that she did years before. Many years later their lives intersect again - reluctantly on her part. The story jumps around the timeline to the original interview, the intervening years and the present.

While there were a few moments that felt a bit slow, overall I really liked the book. I prefer more realistic stories, so while this is about a "normal" getting together with a movie star, it is done in such a way that it is really just two people. There was a good range of emotions and definitely some funny parts.

I received a free advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I was skeptical as I started this book, that a story of two star crossed lovers spanning 10 years would be unsaisfying, but Sussman does an incredible job of blending the past with the now and the possability for their future.

This format was somtimes hard to follow, especially at the beginning, and Sussman has a knack for switching tenses right as it's getting interesting but journalist Chani and movie star Gabe are interesting and engaging characters while we hope they can get their act together and find some kind of happiness.

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This is my first book by this author and I really enjoyed it. I love a great celebrity crush romance and second chance romance trope. This book is more than just those though which explains why I enjoyed it so much.

Chani and Gabe were genuine people, neither allowed themselves (for the most part) to be caught up in the BS that surrounds Hollywood life. Well, Gabe does but finds his way back. It's the journey these two take, together and alone that makes this book so remarkable.

There were definite giggles while reading, sweetness & swooning too.
I would have liked to see more between these two as this book has a 10-year gap and once they find each other again, I just wanted more more more!!

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I predict this will be on many top romance novel lists in 2022! The setting, the characters, the plot… all lovely. The narration takes place in the past and the present, and there are also “articles” interspersed throughout. This technique gives some intrigue and suspense! Thanks to NetGalley and Dell Books for the ARC.

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