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These Twisted Bonds

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These Hollow Vows was my favourite book of 2021,
These Twisted Bonds is my favourite book so far in 2022!

I absolutely loved every minute of this half of the story.
Bree was so multifaceted with her emotions that it was great to see how she reconciled them.

I loved Misha and how he just became a good friend and comic relief without complicating Bree’s feelings and relationships.

I should have seen who the spy was before I did so that was a surprise.
I should have seen who Bree really was in the last book!
I also love the message that you need to accept all aspects of yourself to be truly happy.

Overall, I love this duology!

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This was one of my most anticipated releases of 2022, and when I received this ARC I could have cried of happiness. I loved These Hollow Vows so much. I devoured that book. So I had very high expectations for this one.

While I enjoyed this book overall, I felt like the backstory of the Seelie/Unseelie courts was a little confusing and convoluted. I feel like it could have been more polished and easier to understand. I also found so many similarities to A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. A lot of the writing seemed repetitive. I just didn’t find it to be as well rounded as the first book.

With that being said, I like the characters a lot. The love triangle kept me on my toes and was well done. I felt satisfied with the ending and loved how the conflict was resolved.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to read and review this!

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WOW. Just…. WOW.
Let me just start by saying that I absolutely LOVED the first book, it was *chefs kiss* a perfect faerie fantasy with an amazingly done love triangle which I am a SUCKER for
But this book, y’all, this book is SO good! Like I had all the feels and was soooo nervous the entire second half- seriously I was on the edge of my seat!
In the second installment to These Hollow Vows, we immediately pick up after the devastating betrayal that ended in book 1
Abriella is ANGRY and she is determined to find her own place in this confusing web of lies and deceit
Fae Abriella is seriously SO cool! And her dark shadow magic is so perfect for her
From the start we are running and finding new alliances
We meet a new character who is charming & also the perfect comedic relief- I fell in love with him from the start
And although Abriella is bonded to Sebastian, she still feels a pull towards Finn yet she can’t help but miss the golden boy who always made her feel safe
In addition, Queen Arya is ready to spark a war and steal the throne all while a mysterious illness is plaguing the children of the Unseelie Court
Together, these misfits must set their differences aside & save faerie before Arya strikes and destroys them all
How does one write a coherent review after reading a book then enjoyed so much?
I guess it won’t be coherent BUT I will say, I enjoyed it VERY much! The romance in this one had me SQUEALING! Beautiful declarations of love! Also, it gets a little spicy! 🔥🔥
Which I love!
This book was filled with adventure and action & love & hope & learning to trust yourself even when you don’t feel like you belong anywhere
This is a book for the misfits & I loved it! Highly recommend

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WOW! I have so many thoughts. Let me start off by saying that I really enjoyed this duology. It did what acotar and fbaa were trying to do, but with a smaller word count. I also didn’t find Abriella to be nearly as annoying as some other female protagonists *cough* Poppy. I knew from the start that I would be rooting for Finn and Abriella, that goes without saying. Dark haired male love interest? Sign me up! However, I did really enjoy seeing Sebastian’s character arc. He was a really interesting character, and without giving away too much, I loved that he wasn’t beyond redemption. Lexie Ryan really knows what she’s doing, and I’m looking forward to reading more from her.

Thanks Net Galley for the ARC(:

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Thank you to NetGalley and Clarion Books for an eARC of this title in exchange for my honest review.

So this duology surprised me… I was definitely hesitant diving in and while not immediately won over? I ultimately enjoyed the journey and felt quite satisfied with the ‘ending’ (though I suspect Lexi Ryan may yet return to this world). In fact, I have to give Ms. Ryan props because 30 pages from the close I was determined this was becoming a trilogy, with no possible avenue by which she could resolve all the crazy—and nevertheless she introduced some super smart twists that accomplished just that while being utterly believable and not at all rushed. I was shocked in all the right ways!

I will also note that for readers who absolutely love (or even just enjoy) SJM, this is probably a great recommendation. I might even argue that ToG and ACOTAR together provided a foundational blueprint from which this story evolved? As, while this duology remains its own entity and explores its own unique twists and turns, I noted numerous parallels and shared tropes between the series (and maybe that also stems from their shared Fae roots and just classic Fae lore, but I personally found the comparison unavoidable).

Altogether an enjoyable read though! And I absolutely loved the ensemble, so I would definitely be open to future stories focusing on any of those characters too. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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OHMYGOD. I loved this book! It was seriously love-triangle perfection (in my opinion) with a highly satisfying ending. I highly recommend.

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I ended up struggling to get into this one despite how much I enjoyed These Hollow Vows. It was probably that I should have read them closer together, and my mood shifted mid book to where I wasn't in the mood for a fantasy anymore. I finally came back to it when my fantasy reading mood came back and I did manage to reconnect a little more than I thought I would, but I just felt very disconnected personally and it is probably a me problem. I will say that I really liked that she didn't just villain-ify Ronan, he remained a complex and real character, and I actually really felt for him at times. We got to see a little bit more of the cool fae world in this one as well, there was some spice, and I thought the conclusion wrapped up fairly well, though I feel like her sister gets pulled into the story only to be bait and then almost quickly dismissed a bit too often. I'd have liked to see her a little more fleshed out as well and take on a slightly larger role, but alas. I can definitely see this one being enjoyable if your reading mood cooperates, so perhaps read this duology back to back if possible!

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I really really enjoyed this story! Lexi Ryan definitely has a way of creating a world and characters that you fall in love with. I loved Brie throughout this duology and especially loved watching her grow and evolve in this second installment. It was not only Brie that grew so much in this book. The scope of the world and the stakes grew so much from book one, making this a true nail biting page turner that I could not put down! The new characters introduced in this book were amazing and instantly became some of my all time favs. There were times when reading where I found myself wishing that certain plot points were expanded or given more time, however that didn't take away from my overall enjoyment of the story. If you are a fan of stories centered around Fae (and love a little steam and slow burn romance) you need to pick this duology up! I can't wait to read more from Lexi Ryan after such a strong debut in the fantasy genre. Thank you to NetGalley for sending me this book for review.

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These Twisted Bonds was a good ending to this duology. It was great to see how Brie and Finn and Sebastian all came into their own by the end of the book. I wished that some of the "secrets" or lore building had been handled differently. I wanted more interaction between the characters I came to love in book one. Overall, I enjoyed the fate of the characters at the end of the novel. This is a more mature young adult book suited more for high school readers. Thank you to the publisher for this e-arc. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a even better sequel to an amazing novel! These books are super entertaining while also thrilling!

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I’ve been delaying writing this review because I knew I wouldn’t be able to do Lexi Ryan’s These Twisted Binds justice. I loved her first book, These Hollow Vows, and this sequel might be even better.

This one I highlighted a ton of quotes in (and I never do that!). Abriella’s character development was incredible. It was so rewarding to see, because I feel like as readers, we grew along with her and got to trace her arc.

The love triangle gets resolved, of course, but it’s don’t really well, even though it’s obvious by the end of book 1 who our girl Abriella is going to end up with. Lexi does not disappoint! It still felt like a slow-burn romance somehow, and I loved it.

And the new characters introduced are GOLD. I need a spin-off just starring Misha.

Also, the ending I did not see coming, which is great. I was very pleased with it, and I thought it was a really clever way to tie up this duology.

I’m literally recommending this series to everyone, especially readers who miss the ACOTAR books.

Thank you NetGalley!

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After the twist that These Hollows Vows ended on, I was so excited to see what would happen in These Twisted Bonds. I loved that this second book picked up immediately where we left off. There is a lot of world building and world expansion in this book that was explained very well and was easy to follow. Additionally the new characters we met where endearing and the further developing of previous character relationships was satisfying.

I loved that Brie went through a lot of ups and downs in this book and had to discover who she was and want SHE wanted. I really felt Brie's struggle throughout the whole felt authentic and genuine and that is often rare to find. There were plenty of swoon-worthy moments and I loved that the romance was a stepped up from the previous book.

The ending was a bit rushed and I wish there was more time spent diving deeper into the Underworld and Sebastian's mom/evil Queen. She felt more far-off and therefore less threatening because there was little interaction with her until the very end.

Overall, I was very satisfied with the ending to this duology and am so happy to have found this series! It was unique, well-written, fast-paced, and full of the romance I love!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Clarion Books for sending me an ARC of These Twisted Bonds in exchange for an honest review.

Everything that Abriella knows is a lie. The person she thought she could trust the most has betrayed her in a devastating way. All the relationships in Brie’s life mirror the crumbling of the Faerie kingdom. Magic is life and manipulation is currency. On either side of the growing tension stands a Prince who has lost her trust. As war brews between the Seelie and Unseelie courts, Brie tries to discover what part she plays. Unsure of where anyone's loyalties lie, Abriella must learn to embrace who she truly is or risk the fate of everyone in Faerie.


I was so pleasantly surprised by this series. It was something I picked up as a filler read and then devoured in this second book. I got a lot of Poppy and Feyre vibes from Abriella. I enjoyed watching her grow into embracing every bit of herself regardless of if she thought it was “bad” or “good”. Sebastian and Abriella’s relationship was hard for me to accept in the end. I was happy to see his redemption, but at that point I was so over the possessive alphahole mentality. It was like the moment happened and then that was it. We were just to accept he is changed now and a “good guy”.

Finn, on the other hand, I grew to love. I am a sucker for the misunderstood, morally grey, dark-haired boys. For the ones who will do anything for the person they love. He differed from Sebastian in the sense that, while he originally was a no share alphahole, he was willing to do whatever was needed to save his people. Even if it meant losing everything he had been raised for and breaking his heart in the process.

The writing did feel a little info dumpy at times and I felt like a big pivotal moment at the end just came up fast, happened, and then we moved on from it. I almost felt like I had whiplash and I was scrolling back through the pages like “wait that’s it?”. I felt like there could have been more tension added to it as it was a plot move that had been discussed for almost half the book.

All in all, I enjoyed this duology and encourage fantasy readers to dive deep into the land of Faerie where nothing is ever what it seems.

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I loved the first book and this one was good, but not great. Someone said the main characters were very much like those in A Court of Thrones and Roses, and I just couldn’t they that out of my head! I was sort of expecting the ending, but there was still an unexpected plot twist. Highly recommend!

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"Use your thumb to stop me from speaking again, and I will bite it."

Are you team Finn or team Bash? No matter which side you're on, the ending of this duology will have you in tears.

We jump in to "These Twisted Bonds," which is the second and last book in the "These Hollow Vows" series by Lexi Ryan. Brie is escaping the Golden Palace using her shadow powers, but who can she trust and where will she go? There's a fae realm who's future rests in Brie's hands. She's thrust between two princes and two destinies, and her trials in the wild fae lands and beyond will teach her what matters, who she is meant to be and who she is allowed to love.

If I could give this series 5+ stars, I would. Lexi Ryan has the ability to keep you on the edge of your seat with the the danger, the heartbreak and the betrayal while also heating you up, until you're begging for more during the spicey scenes.

There were moments where Brie questioned her worth to the point where I wanted to grab her by her shoulders and shake her. Doesn't she realize her power, her destiny and her worth? Of course she questions herself when the Prince she loved betrayed her, after she had almost lost her sister and battled through so much in These Hollow Vows. There are individuals that Brie crosses paths with in These Twisted Bonds that help her to heal, help her to trust again, and aid her in making the tough decisions.

I finished this book heartbroken, but happy and hopeful. Now I just want Lexi to write more fantasy love stories!! I am a forever fan!

Thank you Lexi Ryan for the amazing story, to HarperCollins and NetGalley for the ARC. These opinions are my own, freely given.

I will be posting this review on my Instagram closer to publication date. I will update the link at that time.

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I was so excited to read this exciting conclusion to These Hollow Vows. I am a sucker for fairy love triangles, so this was right up my alley. This book is full of some much loved tropes: Seelie prince vs. Unseelie prince, subterfuge and betrayal, a heroine who is powerful in her own right. Fans of ACOTAR and The Cruel Prince will love this book, especially the ending.

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Fantastic ending for a fantastic duology. I loved the characters, the plot , and how it started right where it left off in the first book. Definitely would recommend this book.

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OMG!! Where do I even begin with how much I loved this book? I loved the world building, the story, the pacing, the characters; I loved it all! I don’t typically enjoy the love triangle trope, but this one was so well done that it had me all up in my feels. The chemistry between certain characters was out of this world and had me speed reading just to get to scenes when they’re together.

Even though the plot reminded me of other popular books, I still found myself not wanting to put this book down. Lexi Ryan could have easily made this story into a multiple book series with the different sub plots, but I actually like that it was a duology. The ending did feel a bit rushed and after finishing I found myself with questions that were never answered. Other than that, this book was incredible. I’m actually kind of sad that it’s over and I wish I could read it again for the first time. I definitely recommend, especially if you enjoyed the first book.

Thank you #netgalley and @clarionbooks for the ARC.

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I absolutely love how this book picked up EXACTLY where the first one left off. Lexi Ryan does a beautiful job world building and showing rather than telling. This entire book was fast paced and kept me turning the page. I'm a glutton for self-sacrifice so this book was exactly my jam. Lexi Ryan's writing style also has me super intrigued and I definitely plan on picking up more from her.

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I really hate to do this but I just could not get into this book. I ended up not finishing it. I could have just been in the wrong frame of mind to read it, and I'm not saying I wouldn't try to read it again; I really enjoyed the first book but I find myself unable to care. about anything that the main character is going through in this book. It's not compelling, the MC is just running around from place to place still by 18% of the book. I just didn't see it going anywhere and couldn't stick it out this time.

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