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Wicked Beauty

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Wicked Beauty's story feels so different than the previous two books. It's like a super sexy version of The Hunger Games and I enjoyed every minute of it. I missed some of the world building that took place in the previous stories because the book almost entirely takes place in the Ares compound. Although is was nice getting to briefly see Pysche, Eros, Calisto, and Hades.

Helen is tired of being the Kasios in the background. When the opportunity for a new Ares arises she decides to put her name in for the position. In order to win, she must compete with some of the toughest warriors in Olympus. Amongst those warriors are Achilles and his partner Patroclus. Their attraction to each other is undeniable. What will happen once the competition is over since Helen is the winner's prize? Achilles and Patroclus have been partners since they were teenagers. They find themselves drawn to Helen in a way they have never cared about someone before.

I really liked this thruple. In the beginning, I didn't care for Achilles' frat boy attitude. I found him kind of annoying. As the relationship grew, I could see how he was used to being the caretaker and found him more endearing. Helen was such a boss babe. People tend to see her beauty and don't take her seriously. She was previously in an abusive relationship with Paris and her self confidence is wavering. Her relationship with Achilles is intense but he understands how strong she is and he isn't afraid to challenge her. Patroclus treats her with reverence. The have a previous childhood relationship that allows them to be vulnerable. They all make such a great couple.

The story was engaging and a quick read. It would work well as a stand alone. I wish we would have gotten to see a bit more of what happened following the competition. The ending seemed too abrupt. I'm really interested to see where the next book is going. Fingers crossed it will finally be Zeus and Calisto!

Thank you to NetGalley, Katee Robert, Sourcebooks Casablanca for this eARC. All opinions expressed the own.
#netgalley #kateerobert #sourcebookscasablanca #wickedbeauty #darkolympus

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If I could use one word to describe this book it’s this, HOT🔥. The 3rd book of the Dark Olympus series starts off with Helen entering the completion for the next ares. Who else is this competition? The two hot couple Achilles and Patroclus!!! And let’s just say things don’t go quite as those two planned when Helen entered the competition!

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Well that was certainly a wild ride. Helen, sister of the current Zeus, decides to take destiny into her own hands and put forth her name into the Ares trial. Competing against some of the biggest names in Greek lore: Achilles, Theseus, Atalanta, the Minotaur, Hector, and Paris, Helen barely stands a chance. It doesn’t help matters when she’s bunked with Achilles and Patroclus, themselves ready to tear Helen’s dream from her grasp. But something else is brewing between the threesome. Is it jealousy or desire?

This newest standalone in the Dark Olympus series will keep you glued to the pages, so be ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions!

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this novel; all opinions and thoughts are my own.

This novel was a delight to read -- a smutty, action packed, engaging, dynamic read that, I will be honest, I did not expect to like.

For a little background: I did not like Neon Gods for the pure reason that I had read Desperate Measures before and got very confused by the Hades characters that were not the same, but could have been. I still haven’t worked it out. I did not read Electric Idol. After reading Wicked Beauty however, I will have to go back to try again. This book has won me over.

Quick Synopsis: In the modern city of Olympus, the Thirteen rule, and the position of Ares is up for grabs with the winner of a series of trials coordinated by the Thirteen taking the position and marrying Zeus’s sister, Helen. Achilles is confident he is going to win, especially with his genius boyfriend, Patroclus, strategizing each phase of the trial. Helen isn’t happy when she learns she’s going to be married off to someone she doesn’t know just because they won a series of trials and decides to enter the contest herself, to secure her own hand. These three characters navigate their way through these trials, ultimately connecting on a far deeper level than they could have ever anticipated. This is a MMF throuple novel.

Here’s what I liked:
- The LGBTQ+ representation is, I think, great. I am not a member of this community, so please defer to reviews written by a member of the community for accuracy, however I did enjoy that aspect of the novel.
- Helen is a strong, capable woman who takes her life into her own hands and drives her own story. I appreciated how she grew from her own strength of character, but also how Achilles and Patroclus provided that much needed support and validation.
- Achilles and Patroclus are hot. They’re just hot. And then add Helen? It was hot. Katee Roberts knows how to write a spicy scene, or three.
- I typically skim through action scenes because they are usually not described in a way where I can actually visualize/understand, however these action scenes were very clear. I was able to follow them very well, especially the maze scene.

Here’s what I struggled with:
- I wish the ending had been drawn out just a bit more and that we had an epilogue. The missing epilogue was strange for me, although this could be standard for Katee Robert, I’m unsure.
- I think I missed a lot of things only because I haven’t read Neon Gods or Electric Idol. I have to go back to read those, but I think you’ll have a better reading experience if you have read those books prior to this one.

Trigger Warnings:

Katee Robert provides trigger warnings on her page so please see her website, but here is what she currently has on her page: Abusive parent, assault, attempted murder, blood, abusive ex, miscarriage (side character, off-page, historical)

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I started reading Wicked Beauty before I realized there were two other books before it in the series; but now I'm completely hooked. In this modern retelling of Helen of Troy, the Greek myths that everyone knows and loves is turned on its head. The Thirteen main Gods are now political figure heads of Olympus and they all have certain roles that keep the city running smoothly. When the old Ares dies, there is a competition to find the new person to fill the role. Zeus (Helen's brother Perseus) dangles marriage to Helen as the prize for winning the championship and becoming Ares. There's just one problem: Helen had no idea she was going to be the prize, and she wants the Ares position for herself. Enter Achilles and Patroclus, two hot warriors that both want Helen and want Achilles to become Ares. When the championship begins the sparks start flying. Wicked Beauty is a wild and super sexy read that will leave you wanting more.

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What an amazing book-I love how the author took the stories of the traditional Greek Gods and set them in a unique and fun contemporary setting. Competition, deceit, and LOTS of swoon-sign me up! I now have to read everything Katee has written as I could NOT put this book down and I continue to be intrigued by the premise and the characters many days since finishing.

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I love all of the Dark Olympus series and this book did not disappoint! Helen/Achilles/Patroclus love whilst they battle in competition for a spot in the 13. Sexy. Sweet. Tense. A great read.

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When I finished Electric Idol, I was chomping on the bit to read this. I trolled NetGalley practically daily, waiting for this ARC to show up. I didn't know how I was going to last until its publication date. Thank all the gods, I was approved and could dive right in, only waiting a few weeks instead of months!

This takes the legend of Helen of Troy, Achilles and Patroclus and gives Helen a LOT more agency. In Olympus, the title of Ares is up for claiming. Anyone can win the title by coming out on top of a series of trials. Helen's older brother, the new Zeus, offers her hand in marriage to whoever the victor is. Helen, sick of being a pawn in her family's political game, decides to enter the contest and claim her own hand and the Ares title for herself. Achilles and Patroclus have entered as a team to get Achilles the title, his lifelong dream. Both men are taken by Helen separately and together.

First off, I still don't have a true handle on what kind of city Olympus is. It's supposed to be ultra-modern, but there's this like magical barrier around it that makes it hard to escape and to get inside. But then there's the Thirteen titles that rule the city and threats of war both from within and without. Now there is this competition for the Ares title that seems like something not at all contemporary. I'm happy to be along for the ride, but the disparate feels to the elements can be a little jarring. Individually, though, this book's plot is consistent, as it almost entirely set within the trials.

True tension is built as the three go into each individual trial -- I didn't know how it was going to shake out, who would get how far and, honestly, who was going to win the title of Ares (spoilers on that below). Each trial has a few days before it, which is when the relationship stuff happens between Achilles, Patroclus and Helen. Achilles and Patroclus have been together since they were teenagers, but they are in an open relationship that is a bit of a mess without Helen then thrown into the mix. Both guys think the other will eventually tire or move on, but they don't communicate that clearly to each other, even though they are very much in love. It seems them being in an open relationship is really more because Achilles likes to sleep around; Patroclus has had some outside partners, but it definitely feels like he would agree to whatever Achilles wanted (a running them in their relationship. Achilles is faithfully self-centered). Helen has a childhood history with Patroclus and actually likes him and is drawn to him emotionally. Helen and Achilles are more antagonists-to-lovers because Achilles does his arrogant thing, talking about her as his wife like him winning Ares is a foregone conclusion. They have some delightful hate-fucking.

Speaking of: the sex here is amazing. All three of them engage kind of selfishly in sex, and it makes for delicious narrative messiness, as they are still pitted against each other in the trials. Achilles proves to be a great gentle dom when three of them get into bed together. All three build separate connections with the other two and it's interesting to read how those threads weave and knot together, for better and worse. They all don't take shit from each other, and there's not a lot of fear of calling anyone out. Tenderer emotions, on the other hand, come a lot harder as the story progresses, even as they begin to realize they would make an unstoppable team -- but the results of the trials could tear them apart (because someone's dreams have to be dashed).

Paris was a really great villain, I have to say. He's Helen's shitty ex, who spent a lot of time turning Helen's vulnerabilities against her, both when they were a couple and during the trials. He slut-shames her and tries to undermine her. But even though she has her own troubles with Achilles and Patroclus, they A. always take her seriously as a competitor and B. respect her sexual needs in the bedroom without turning any of what they do/what she likes against her. It's great, but ooooo, I wanted Paris to get a beat down.

Onto spoilers

I really wasn't sure who was going to win Ares, but it felt like Helen had to win in order for them the three to really be able to carry on. Helen would be the one to lose the most if she lost. I just didn't see the three of them being able to move forward together if Achilles won, so it makes sense that Helen would get the title. The way the book incorporates Paris' arrow to Achilles was so great.

The ending came up quick, which is definitely a pattern with the series. I would have liked a little more time dedicated to some love confessions between the three -- I don't think anyone of them say it! They definitely commit to a life together working a team to be the best Ares, but it felt more like a happy-for-now ending, especially in comparison to the two books before this, where the main couples definitely had a declarations of love.

The pacing felt a bit disjointed sometimes, too. The couple days between the trials at points felt like a lag in the forward thrust of the narrative, but then again, that's where all the sex happened. It was really the only way to build that in, but toward the end, I just wanted to know who would win Ares! It didn't lead to great amounts of frustration, especially since the sex was really good, and I have no idea how it could have been changed. But maybe it was just because I wanted to know how it ended. A reread may take that feeling away.

Overall, another winner for the series and Katee. I loved seeing Eros around and oh boy, is the Zeus/Hera stuff heating up in the background. There's a long time to wait for those two to take center stage (I think Katee has pretty much said they will be last), but I really look forward to them as background players going forward.

| I received an ARC through NetGalley , and this is my honest, freely given review. |

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Wicked Beauty is the delicious reimagining of the Helen character from mythology. This book felt like hunger games comes to Olympus with a super sexy thruple thrown into the mix. I enjoyed having a more action packed story from this series and, of course, I would never turn down a threesome in my romance. I thought the pace was good. The characters lovely. And the romance steamy....shower steam and metaphorical steam. I'm excited to see the Olympus world developing further and am ready for the next installment which cannot come soon enough.

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Yet ANOTHER Katee Robert book I am absolutely obsessed with...

This time we have Helen, Achilles and Patroclus. (A different yet welcome spin on the classic)

Olympus is looking for its new "Ares', and Helen wants it. Her brother is now the new Zeus,( which btw I need MORE of him and his moody broodiness.) which is causing issues for her wanting to contend in the completion for the title.

Also competing is Achille and his partner, Patroclus with the goal being Achilles becoming Ares by working together. I loved their dynamic of Achilles being the cheeky confident one and Patroclus being the more logical and analytical one.

However, once they all begin competing in these hunger game with a gladiator twist trials - feelings become apparent.

I loved the fast pace of the plot, but there was still enough information to understand what was happening. The relationship between them was also so lovely to read, and let me tell you - the spice level was HOT!

If you enjoyed her previous Olympus books, I'd 100% recommend reading this!

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I've been a fan of Katee Robert since I've read Neon Gods because I am an absolute sucker for Greek myths and any sort of retelling. Wicked Beauty did not disappoint!
Katee took the characters we've seen across our text books, movies, tv shows and made them her own, giving them new dimension and reasoning behind their actions. The book had the perfect balance of intrigue, pining and sex. It was a quick, easy and compelling read. The plot moved forward at the perfect pace and with just enough details.
Although there are a few things that I didn't particularly like such as the sort of lack of conclusion to Helen's attempted murder - though I suspect this will become a more important plot point in future books of the Dark Olympus series - and the lack of research/care when describing scenes of anal sex, I loved the book.
I know I will happily go back to read this book over and over again, both for the flawless writing style, the compelling story and the characters that I have come to love in this incredible retelling.

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I think this was the fastest that I’ve read a book in the dark Olympus series. Katee Robert put in some WORK.

It was so good oh my LORD. I swear I was blushing for how much heat it was putting out. Like wow.

This book gave me hunger games/ACOTAR vibes with the trials and I absolutely loved it. I love it whenever a female has to prove herself and shows the hater up because it makes her that much more impressive.

This story focuses on filling the role of Ares. In order to gain this title, a person must compete and finish all three trials. The last person standing becomes Ares, is an official member of the thirteen, and wins Helen as their wife. Helen is NOT okay with that as her goal was to become the next Ares herself. You need to read the rest to find out what happens!!

Helen, Patroclus and Achilles are quite the threesome, and boy will they make you tingle in all the right places. The first spicy scene had me GASPING FOR AIR. 🥵🥵🥵

Spice: 🌶🌶🌶🌶


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I received an eARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was my first Katee Robert novel and I am blown away! I have always been a big fan of Greek mythology and retellings and this book was a fantastic reimagining of the lives of some of Greek mythology’s greatest characters. I love the fact that Helen is a main character and we get to see her as more than a pretty face. She was a very easy character to empathize with and to root for. I’ve always loved Achilles and Patroclus as a couple and as individual characters. I love that lately we have seen an increase in stories about their relationship and them as individuals. I absolutely adore the dynamic between the three of them and I think they are all perfect for each other. I hope in an upcoming book we get to see them happy and settled together as a thruple.

It is a little confusing that we have the major gods and goddess as titles giving everybody essentially two names. I do appreciate that it is repeated,hyphenated, and it is not dependent upon the reader to try to remember who is who. I realize if I had read the first two books before I read this book I may be more familiar with the characters and their respective titles but I appreciated that the author reminded us of their names.

The spice in this book was immaculate. I’m the kind of person that loves a spicy book with a great plot and that was this book. I am ready to purchase this book when it comes out and I intend to read book one and two soon!!

PS: love the non binary rep with Ballerophon!

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This was my first book by this author. Put it down after the first chapter because I was initially turned off by Helen. A co worker of mine talked me into trying again since she has read the first two books. It does get better. It gets steamy and has its it’s funny moments and sweet. I look forward to reading the next book. But I will definitely be getting the first two!
Helen is smart and tired of being used. She is determined to become the next Ares. The thing is so is Achilles. He has lived his life working hard to getting everything he’s ever wanted. With the help of Patroclus. The only way to become Ares is to become a champion in a tournament to test your skills and strength. Until after the first trail someone comes to kill Helen and Achilles saves her. They create a bond that becomes more then they all bargained for. With Patroclus, the three realize, Everything they have ever wanted is right there. But one of them will leave victorious. One will leave heart broken. That’s if their enemies don't come back to finish what they started.

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I loved the first two Dark Olympus books, and I love Wicked Beauty too! The story of Helen, Achilles, and Patroclus flows perfectly, their personalities meshing so well. I’m not usually a fan of the Competition plot line, but Wicked Beauty is definitely the exception.

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley which I am grateful for since I got to read this delicious book!

OMG Hot Hot Hot!!! This thruple has my heart thrumping!!! Yes, I know it's not a word but it fits! I loved this book. Book 3 in the Dark Olympus series by Katee Roberts hits a home run.

Helen Kasios, daughter of the old Zeus, sister to the new Zeus and new Aphrodites (if this is a spoiler go back and read books 1 and 2 because you're missing some great stories), is completing to be the new Ares. Problem? No one is happy about it, especially since she is supposed to be part of the prize for the winner. Achilles Kallis and Patroclus Fotos are also competing for the Ares position and they are already a couple before the competition begins. And wow are they a spicy couple from the start.

I’ll be honest I didn’t like Achilles at the start, but that changed fast enough and by the end, he had won me over! Patroclus I was hot for from the very beginning. New characters to the Dark Olympus series, Robert does a great job of giving you all their background without feeling like an info dump. I appreciated that.

What I didn’t like -
The story ended fast, and though I think I understand why (and if I’m right I can’t wait till the next book!) it still felt a little abrupt. I wish Helen, Achilles, and Patroclus had been able to have a lengthier close, but if it plays into the next book I can understand why.

Also, I’m going to admit, calling this story a retelling is a bit of a stretch.

What I did like -
The spice was excellent, a good mix of a lot and really hot, and not enough to deter from the story.

The story, Robert has a way of telling a spicy story that just wraps you up and sends you into her world.

The way Robert tells these retellings! As I said above calling them retellings are really kind of a stretch, but honestly she has taken them and created a beautiful new world with her own new mythology. I’d worship her version of Hades any day, and Helen, Achilles, and Patroclus are much better than their mythological counterparts (in my opinion).

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I first consumed Katee Robert in the form of Neon Gods and from that point I was completely hooked on Dark Olympus. To say I was obsessed with Neon Gods is an understatement. When I read Electric Idol, I thought maybe the series had peaked and Neon Gods would remain the favorite… but upon reading Wicked Beauty, I’m delighted to report that I have a new favorite in the Dark Olympus series.

Wow, where do I begin? This could be classified as the perfect novel - this story is action packed from the get-go, there’s always something happening that keeps you captivated and giddy as you click through the pages. There’s absolutely no time to be bored with this book - between the three trials throughout the competition to become Ares and Helen’s addition to Patroclus and Achilles’ relationship - this book barely gives you time to come up for air… and I mean this in the best way possible. I was drowning in the best way.

The romance was so spicy and the polyamory was so tastefully done. I love the way this book was written from multiple POVs so we really got a look into what was going through Helen, Achilles or Patroclus’ mind throughout this budding romance. It’s refreshing to see how empowered Helen is with her choice to participate. She owns her sexuality and feels empowered. Patroclus and Achilles have an interesting relationship to say the least and watching them share Helen gives recognition to the validity in polyamorous relationships. This was not the romance typical novel - which is probably why I loved it so much. Without giving too much away let’s just say no matter what your sexual preferences, I can guarantee you’ll find satisfaction as you explore the complexities of human relationships with my new favorite throuple.

Helen, Patroclus and Achilles are well-developed throughout this book. Helen is STRONG and determined to prove her worth is more than just in her beauty. Helen is not a damsel in distress that needs rescuing. She is a BAD ASS with a heart of gold. She is definitely one of my new favorite MCs.

Lastly, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for the ARC. I am without a doubt waiting excitedly for my physical copy to arrive when this comes out on my birthday! I’m so excited to see what the future holds for the Dark Olympus series.

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I received an arc approval granted by sourcebooks casablanca for Wicked Beauty-Katee Robert. A unique retelling of Helen of Troy/Sparta, Achilles and Patroclus; the 3rd book in Katee’s Dark Olympus series, following prequel Stone Heart, full novels Neon Gods and Electric Idol, all could be read as standalones in a way.

If you enjoy a light brush of Greek mythology, MMF (male-male-female), LGBT, polyamory, forced proximity, entertaining, competition with high stakes and a whole lot of spice. For anyone who is familiar with the author’s taboo series especially the book “Gifting Me to His Best Friend” could already see Katee would work the dynamic between a MMF throuple.

Olympus is run by the Thirteen rulers so if you are not ruling you are following the words of those ruling. Helen, daughter of the last Zeus and the sister to the new ruling Zeus and Aphrodite, is tired of living her life as a pawn, as a prize especially for her beauty. Training in silence…waiting for her moment.

Achilles was born from nothing and has worked hard to make a name for himself. Striving for more and more, he wants everyone to know his name, he was made to rule, to be on top. With his partner/lover Patroclus by his side to help him reach the top. They have a plan in place.

Ares is dead-a competition is underway to find Olympus newest Ares. When Zeus decides that Helen will be the prized bride for the new Ares champion. Helen can not wait to show them what she is made of and that she is worth more than just a pretty face. Entering the competition herself. It complicates things for Achilles who also enters the competition. Patroclus by his side to ensure he wins Ares.

I enjoyed the book. I am a big mythology buff even if this series is LIGHT on the mythology aspect of it but I can say I like the author’s take on a modern day Olympus and the dynamics behind it. When I go into a Katee Robert book; I can automatically ensure that it’s going to have a lot of spice. The book was Plot, Spice/smut, Plot. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it and loved the characters. My favorites were Patroclus and Atalanta. The chemistry and bond between the male leads is ugh amazing. I was engaged throughout the entire book, as always: Katee just knows how to hook me in. Throw in politics, a bit of drama and upcoming chaos and I am ready for the next book before finishing the one at hand. Can not wait to see what happens next and getting to see more of the characters already introduced and those in the future.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley/Publisher Casablanca and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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I received an electronic ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

I have previously read only one Katee Robert book - The Neon Gods, the first part of this series - and really enjoyed it. I then completely missed the second installement but was lucky enough to get approved for the third part. Fortunately, the books can be pretty much read as standalones as each centers around a different couple with events taking place in the same city with the same cast of secondary characters. I wasn't worried to get spoilers for the second part (even if you are, I think they are minimal) and immediately started reading Wicked Beauty.

This book is about Helen, Achilles and Patroclus who among others enter a contest to win the seat of Ares, one of the Thirteen who rule the city. Achilles and Patroclus are in an open relationship and are in equal measure attracted to Helen and wary of her as the daughter of previous Zeus as well as a competitor. Tensions run high and the stakes are even higher.

One of my favorite tropes on books is any sort of contest or competition involving main characters and this book delivers. I loved the Ares contest with its three various trials and the character dynamics we are able to see through them.

Rationally I understood the relationship the characters formed and saw how they fit together but I just didn't get the butterflies when they interacted. Don't get me wrong, the book is plenty spicy but it was hard for me to believe they fell in love with each other so fast.

I still gave it 5 stars for the plot and the spice because it was a very quick and easy read for me.

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This was a great re-telling of Helen and Achilles. It had action, romance, and a good plot line. It was fast paced and expanded on characters in previous books.

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