Member Reviews


"Gaslighted by God" by Tiffany Yecke Brooks is a profound and thought-provoking exploration of faith, doubt, and the complexities of encountering God in the midst of life's struggles. Brooks bravely delves into the challenging terrain of spiritual abuse and disillusionment, offering a compassionate and insightful guide for those seeking to reconstruct their faith.

From the very first page, I was captivated by Brooks' honest and empathetic approach to addressing the deep wounds caused by narrow interpretations of Christianity. She skillfully navigates through various aspects of spiritual trauma, acknowledging the confusion, isolation, and pain experienced by individuals who have been gaslighted by the God they were taught to believe in.

What sets this book apart is its commitment to authenticity and nuance. Brooks doesn't offer simplistic answers or platitudes but instead invites readers into a journey of wrestling with complex questions and embracing the messy realities of faith. Through personal anecdotes, conversations with fellow Christians, and reflections on Scripture, she creates a space for readers to explore their doubts, fears, and hopes with honesty and vulnerability.

Each chapter of "Gaslighted by God" tackles a different aspect of disillusionment, providing valuable insights and perspectives that challenge conventional notions of God and spirituality. Brooks' writing is engaging and compassionate, guiding readers through moments of doubt and uncertainty with wisdom and grace.

As someone who has grappled with questions of faith and struggled with spiritual disillusionment, I found this book to be profoundly healing and affirming. It kept me up at night, not with anxiety, but with a sense of companionship and understanding as I journeyed through its pages.

In conclusion, "Gaslighted by God" is a must-read for anyone who has experienced spiritual abuse or wrestled with doubts about their faith. It offers a beacon of hope and a roadmap for reconstructing a genuine and resilient faith—one that embraces complexity, doubt, and authenticity. I highly recommend it to anyone on a journey of spiritual healing and renewal.

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This is probably my favorite deconstruction book I've read so far.

The title is a little misleading (which, is a little funny *considering* the title of the book). It's not an exploration of GOD being manipulative so much as it is about the ways that Christians have misconstrued the nature of God. Brooks explores a handful of arguments and scenarios that lead someone to the deconstruction process in the first place.

As someone with lived experience in some of these topics, I actually found this insightful and helpful. The biggest obstacle I've found in my own journey is not being taken seriously by my friends in the church. Being told that my feelings and experiences aren't valid were heartbreaking. But this book gives space to others that also feel this way.

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I suggest you to read the synopsis of this book, and if that entices you, then it’s definitely the one for you.

This book came to me at a time where I needed it most: being a Christian who still believes in God, but is constantly questioning my faith and asking questions that nobody knows the answer to, not really.
This book perfectly explained so many things to me and has opened my eyes to a new light in which I can view my faith. No, the book isn’t completely responsible, but I think it’s still a major part of what is helping me see a little more clearly now, and if that’s what you need, read it.
I’m not someone who reads much non-fiction (or any at all) but this was exquisitely written, brought so many relevant ideas to the table, and was so well structured that I didn’t feel it too boring, too slow, or that there was anything unnecessary to it- which were huge fears.
It’s definitely a take what speaks out to you, but that’s obvious for a non-fiction book like this. No one person has the same experience in anything, and that wasn’t a problem for me, especially as all the points were interesting and most *did* apply to myself.

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The book is not about being gaslighted by God per se, the title is somewhat a bait-y in this regard. Yet the book is about being gaslighted by organized religion, by the people in it, by those who created it, who run the churches, who are at congregations, etc.
Other than this, this book was great. It was like a breath of fresh air; it was like a bright light that’s shined upon all the weirdness out there. The book that shows that most likely you (me, that is) are not disappointed in God. It was the way it is presented and organized, the way it is done in society, and the way it has been manipulated.

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"Gaslighted by God: Reconstructing a Disillusioned Faith" is a book written by Tiffany Yecke Brooks. The book is about the spiritual abuse that many people face in the world of fundamentalist Christianity. It explores the confusion, isolation, fear, shame, and trauma that people experience when they are manipulated into accepting a false reality that runs counter to their lived experience. The book is a companion for those mourning the loss of a belief system who need their pain recognized and legitimized. It shows that there can be faith after disillusionment, but it will be a different faith—bruised, battered, nuanced, and real, rather than one wrapped in tissue-thin platitudes and three-point sermons.

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What happens when the God we’ve been taught to believe in seems powerless to help us in the struggles of life?

The title is a bit misleading. This is more a book about being gaslighted by religion and other Christians. There are many books out there that explore the deconstruction of faith like this, but this is the first book that I have read that realistically looks at the reconstruction process. Brooks centers the book around the idea that the Bible is our introduction to God, not the endpoint.

"Unfortunately, many people treat religion like a bandage they can slap onto someone else's situation to stop the bleeding and cover the wound, and consider it first aid--as if a human soul in turmoil is merely suffering from a sacred paper cut."

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