Member Reviews

Janie and Zack chemistry is sizzling hot. Readers will devour this high heat intense love story and I am sure excited to read next books in the series and meet two other brothers.

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*I received this book free from the author.*

Janie is a traveling nurse who jumped at the job position in Cold River because it was a sign to look into her father's side of the family. It was something she wanted to do and at the same time was hesitant to do. So instead of doing one of those DNA family tree things, she chose to be active in the town. She worked with the Historical Society learning about the founding families and did any other town research she could do, but her neighbor was not open about thinking she was up to something and questioning why she was truly there.

Zack was a descendant of one of the founding families in Cold River. The Kittredge's were ranchers, although Zack decided to differ his path and become the town's sheriff. He continually questioned Janie's motives for being in town, although he knew her job, his gut told him there was more.

The storyline in Summer Nights with a Cowboy was interesting. It focused on Janie's family secrets and a family she'd never met, also on Zack's past family issues and making them right, but the romance aspect of it was sorely lacking. It was like a Halllmark movie with sex, unrealistic, and therefore difficult to relate to. I mean Zack went to Janie's 'charm school' to spend time with her, she then sequestered his teaching abilities to un-virginize herself. Overall, I was just left feeling a little disappointed.

However, just because it was not my thing does not mean you may not enjoy it.

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This is a fun, entertaining steamy, cowboy romance. It’s fun to have an alpha hero with a heroine, who also has her own ideas. It’s interesting to see how the relationship can be affected by those around them. Progression of the relationship went from instant chemistry to building an actual love.

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Brooder meets good girl ready to walk on the wild side. A fun read!

Four stars.

*I received a review copy from the publisher/author via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.*

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An enjoyable read. Some of it I had a little trouble buying, but I have read more outrageous premises in this genre before.

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4.5 stars

Summer Nights with a Cowboy is the third book in the Kittredge Ranch series.
I run hot/cold with Caitlin Crews stories. I am not exactly sure what the issue is, it might be something in the writing style where I either like it or it rubs me the wrong way. Nothing against the author, sometimes it just goes that way. However, this story was one I enjoyed, let’s dive in to some of the details, no spoilers.

Janine, our female lead, is a traveling nurse working as a caregiver in Cold River. Her latest patient is amazing and their relationship is fantastic. Now she is straight professional when it comes to her job, life however is another story. To call her a klutz would be an understatement. Demonstrated by the meet cute between her and Zack Kittredge.
Zack is stoic and doesn’t mince words. He doesn’t make good first impressions as far as warmth, but his job doesn’t need him to be a ray of sunshine either. He is intrigued by Janine but can’t help feeling like her motives for being in town aren’t as crystal clear as they seem.

The main characters play well off each other. Bringing out the best/worst in each but willing to work through things, eventually, as all good HEA’s do. As per her style, the author works on getting us, and the characters, to understand why they are the way they are.

Finally, even though listed as a standalone, I wouldn’t recommend it. You might miss some important details to the backstory/characters.

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I loved watching Zack and Janie fall in love and their story play out. It's always good to come back to Cold River and see another happily ever after play out. The book was well written, characters well developed, and it had me laughing out loud at some parts. Definitely a must read in this series!

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I had read the previous book in this series and enjoyed it, so I was absolutely here for another one.

I liked Janie and Zack. She's cheerful, loyal, and looking for family. He's stern, closed off, and wants to avoid his family. Together they have instant intrigue, a decent amount of chemistry, and some very fun button pushing. Of course, I loved Damaris, Janie's charge, who was feisty and so much fun.

Plot wise, it was okay. There's loads of inner monologue, yet it worked (sometimes) as it was how the MCs showed their growth. I did love the Janie wasn't afraid to stand up for what she wanted, regardless of how it was going to hurt. The actual angsty times weren't too bad, but it is basically hanging over the couple the entire story.

Overall, it was a mostly fun read because this family is fun. And while I did enjoy the epilogue, I could have easily set this down unfinished and been fine.

**Huge thanks to the publisher for providing this arc free of charge**

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. There were plenty of interesting characteristics with both Zack and Janie to make the book cute. Except I REALLY hate it when books have the female as a bumbling idiot (and clumsy as well) - which is how Janie was portrayed, but thank goodness it didn't get exposed that often. I also don't particularly care for the books where the female is a virgin and the man is very experienced -that's how this book was, but I was able to let that slide.

Janie grew up with her grandparents and after they died, she was left a letter that described her heritage. Her mother died during childbirth and her father was from a small town in Colorado. Once this small town was named, Janie knew she didn't have a chance of not going to that town.

Once Janie arrives, she encounters Zack, the sheriff who immediately does not like her. He is very suspicious of her. Throughout time, he comes to know Janie and realizes she is as innocent as a little mouse. But everything else Janie discovers about her family could rock her to her core.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review. The opinions stated above are mine without biases.

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Highly entertaining, emotionally thrilling, sweetly sexy and action-packed romantic adventure filled with desire, the struggle for true love and passion. An edge of your seat exciting journey from beginning to end and so hard to put down.

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love a good cowboy romance!

He doesn’t believe in love…

Traveling nurse Janie Atwood has come to Cold River to uncover old family secrets and maybe, if she’s lucky, find a new home. That the gorgeous, glowering sheriff next door thinks her caring for his elderly neighbor is a nefarious scheme is a bonus. Having never been anything but a good girl, Janie finds Zack Kittredge’s simmering suspicion an excellent reason to try being a little dangerous instead…

She doesn’t believe in squandering it…

Sheriff Zack Kittredge is okay with being… intense. He takes his loner status as seriously as he takes his responsibilities to protect Cold River. And he thinks cheerful Janie might be a threat to the town. But the more he gets to know her, the more he faces the truth—she’s brighter than sunshine and he’s like a moth to her flame. When Janie suggests he could use a few charm school lessons, he surprises them both by accepting. He doesn’t need help. But it’s clear he might need her…

Because the only thing hotter than the summer sun in the Rockies is the forbidden passion that burns between them…

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#3 in the Kittredge Ranch romance series

EXCELLENT - 4.5 stars

Plot - 4 stars - When Janie comes to town as a traveling nurse for Zack's elderly neighbor, he (for some reason) becomes suspicious of her motivation. He wonders why she's studying up on the history of the town and why she seems to be insinuating herself into so many local activities. But his attraction for her is growing, despite his best efforts to keep her at arm's length.

Writing - 4.5 stars - Crews has created such nice cowboy series that I've enjoyed very much. We began with the grim and stuffy Gray at the beginning of the original series, and now it's fitting that we finish with Zack, the contemporary of Gray who is equally uptight. But Crews has a lot to say about life and about love, and I discovered a lot of truths in what both Zack and Janie said to each other.

Characters - 4.5 stars - This is where the story shines for me. Zack has always been an intriguing character. Of course, we always knew that still waters would run deep. We could guess that he might have some humor and passion underneath that responsible and serious outer shell. It's always fun to watch the mighty fall. Janey, on the other hand, seems to be his complete opposite, although that's only the person she becomes around him--flighty and embarrassed and talkative. As a nurse, of course she's dependable and capable, but since we can see inside her thoughts, we realize she's also fun and funny.

Title - 4 stars - Pretty self-explanatory.

Cover - 4.5 stars - The cover tells us immediately that this is a cowboy romance, and the sheriff's star reminds us of which brother is being featured. The hidden face is always a good idea, allowing the reader to imagine her own ideal. I love the symbolism of the dark cover with a bright light in the sky, perfectly describing Zack, with the red and gold fire of Janie just beginning to shine through.

Overall - 4.5 stars - What fun! This was an excellent finish to what has been an enjoyable couple of western-related series. Zack is an excellent character--the strong, silent type, but with an inner passion. He's always been the responsible oldest brother, taking care of the town and his family, but he's never really lived a full life, just his own little apportioned section of it. With Janie, he realizes what he's been missing. He looks at things differently, understanding that he's been limiting himself by being so rigid and self-righteous. I especially loved that he was willing to make changes. Of course, at first it was the charm school lessons because he wanted to be around Janie's fire and light. But, eventually, he realized that he needed to make changes in his own life, and she helped him do it.

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4 Star

I was pulled right into this story. The story has secrets, laughs, and heartbreak.

If you have not read the below I would recommend reading those books(s) first
Secret Nights with a Cowboy (Kittredge Ranch #1)
All Night Long with a Cowboy (Kittredge Ranch, #2)

This is Janie and Zach’s story. Janie came to Cold River to look into some of her families’ secrets and hopefully to settle down. She is a traveling nurse and taking care of an elderly person. The neighbor of her charge is a sheriff and very intense. He thinks she is up to no good. As they see and talk to each other more they find they are drawn to each other. What they didn’t realize is they need each other. But will it last? After all they have both been disappointed before.

I recommend this book.

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Summer Nights with a Cowboy is a fun, entertaining read about a traveling nurse, Janie, and a by-the-book sheriff. Getting to know the characters and setting made for a story that was hard to put down. I loved when Janie gave Zack charm lessons - had me laughing out loud.
Great read. I highly recommend it.

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Summer Nights with a Cowboy caps off the Kittredge Ranch series with a bang and one of my favorite reads of the year. The highly anticipated story of the last single Kittredge sibling, Zack, is just one swoon-worthy dose of charm and sexiness all wrapped up in one good-looking sheriff. Zack is highly suspicious of the new day nurse Janie Atwood, taking care of his elderly neighbor Damaris, and has her in his crosshairs. Janie arrived in Cold River to take care of her elderly charge but has ulterior motives of finding her kin here in this small Colorado town. Zack’s attention makes Janie nervous and clumsy but they eventually find themselves attractive to one another and things really steam up between them.

This story may have been a romance between two night and day characters, but also has secondary storylines about family and old secrets that finally come to light. Damaris and her son have issues and how does one deal with an elderly parent. Zack’s relationship with his family is tense, but with Janie’s aid, he finds out what happened all those years ago between his parents. Smartly written with all three plots weaving in and out of one another, really brought this story to a wonderful conclusion. A delightful read of family, secrets and happy endings for the Kittredges of Cold River.

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Crews’s writing style makes you want to sit and savor even as you want to read as fast as you can. Zach and Janie come to life on the page. I loved the twist on the sheriff and the outlaw (almost). A must read for anyone who likes cowboy heroes.

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Enjoyable romance between enemies to lovers Sheriff Zack and traveling nurse Janie Atwood. It's fun to see how their relationship develops over time. The saying "there's a lid for every pot" comes to mind when I think of Zack and Janie. Recommended.

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Summer Nights with a Cowboy by Caitlin Crews
Subgenre: Western romance
Release date: 29 Mar 2022
Publisher: ‎St Martin’s Paperbacks
Format: ebook and print
Length: 317 pages
RRP: $9.28 (ebook); $21.25 (print)

Zach Kettredge versus Janie Atwood. This is the long-awaited story of Zach finding his love.

Zach is not happy that the coffee has landed on his shirt. Janie is mortified that the man she has been ogling from afar, is now the recipient of her clumsiness. All over his nice sheriff’s shirt. In front of half the town.

Zach is known as the stony faced and stoic local sheriff. He started out as a by the book sheriff which has implications for his shiny new love. Zach knows there is something suspicious about the new nurse, he can’t quite put his finger on it, but he will find out. As he chips away at Janie’s story and discovers new things about his family, he finds the love of his life.

Janie Atwood has had two purposes in coming to town. One is as the nurse for one of the town’s elder residents, and the other is to find her family. Her mother died giving birth to her but having been brought up by her maternal grandparents, she is now looking for her father and his relatives. What she didn’t expect to find is the love of her life.

Janie discovers who her father is and gets to find a whole other set of grandparents. Zack already prepared her that her newfound grandparents may not like him as he had her father arrested and he is now in jail. But like all good romances, he and the family are able to sort through this tangled web. It is Zack’s relationship with his father that has been underlying all the books in this series. Zack believes many things about his father, but his father has never defended himself from Zack’s accusations. Zack finally gets the see what really happened between his parents and is able to develop a different relationship with both his mother and his father. Naturally this assists how he can finally take the final steps towards having Janie in his life forever.

This story is a cross between a slow burn and instant gratification. The almost instant attraction sees Zack and Janie in bed together with the virginal Janie astounded and amazed with the sex. The slow burn is the outward manifestation of the new love. It is the flirtation between the pair, which the whole town gets to witness, that creates the slow burn. It is the one side of his mouth curled up in a smile type flirtation that really show the reader the attraction is really from the officially stony-faced sheriff. Very sexy and very intimate.

Reading through the series this, for me, would have been the most anticipated book. It is the unbending sheriff and, we know as romance readers, these ones are the ones who fall the hardest. It is a delicious anticipation for these unbending heroes will always find their match. Zack and Janie’s story did not disappoint.

Reviewed by Heather

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This book simmers for a while, I wasn't sure if I would like it or not. Once I got past the simmering it was a decent book. Janie and Zack start of on the wrong foot but slowly get to know each other. The whole town sees what they can't see is right in front of them.

I enjoyed this book It did have some slow parts for me

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❤️ out of 5
I’ve read one book by this author before and I really enjoyed it, so maybe I went into this book with too high a hope? However, I only lasted a couple of chapters with this book before giving up because the plot and the characters weren’t grabbing me.

The hero is a surly and suspicious sheriff in a small town and the heroine is a newcomer to town and a nurse and companion to his elderly next door neighbour. Somehow the plot started as this then went to the heroine offering charm lessons the the hero?

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