Member Reviews

Loved, loved, loved this book! I can’t put into words the emotions that this book sent through me other than they were strong. I enjoyed the slow growth of the relationship between Janie & Zack but really loved the explosion of chemistry when they finally let it all happen. The story had a lot of sad history in the lives of Janie & Zack that moulded them into who they were & it was an emotional ride as they grew into their relationship. I loved Janie’s employer Damaris, she was a hoot & you knew she was quietly pushing them together & rooting for them. It was wonderful to finally see the dynamics of the relationship between Zack & his father change as some truths finally came out. It was also wonderful to see Janie unite with the family she never knew she had. Author Caitlin Crews did a wonderful job of telling the story of stubborn, steadfast Sheriff Zack & clumsy but sweet muse Janie in such a wonderful way that it was hard to put the book down. Definitely recommend. Thank you to St. Martins publishing & Net Galley for allowing me to read this book for an honest review.

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Small and insignificant, almost invisible is a difficult way to live your life. Even if that is your personal sense of self, like Janey. Janey spent her life feeling unnoticed. That is different than invisible but equally heartbreaking. Janey had some friends, but they didn’t really look at her or what she did with an interest. When Janey came to Cold River, she had a double interest in the place and its town. First and foremost her client needed a full-time nurse but preferred to refer to Janey as her companion. Second Janey comes armed with info from her now deceased grandparents that allude to family in Cole River. Janey wasn’t sure if that was current or history so while tending to her client, she was gathering up any historical details about this ranching town.

Sheriff Zack was also interested in gathering info, this time not about a criminal but the towns newest, albeit temporary inhabitant nurse Janey. If he was being honest, he was really interested in pretty, redhead Janey. But Zack has long built guards that surround this tough guy’s heart. And he wasn’t going to let this pretty nurse bridge that gap.

Small towns are unique. Cold River even more so. It seems as if many if not all the founding families have married members. And so to most Cold River is practically one big family. And with all big families everyone in is each other lives.

Zacks description of Janey when pressed was she was bothersome. Pretty lame considering what he really felt was explosive. And for that very reason had to be quickly put on a back burner. Zack prided himself on his control. Janey somehow challenged that in spades.

Janey on the other hand was really beginning to enjoy herself at Zacks expense. Unbelievable for this young woman having an effect in a man for the first time in her life. Not one of a brother. But as a man. And Janey could never have expected that this big gruff sheriff found her pretty. Imagine Janey pretty.

Big bad wolf, Zack is going to figure out that petite, red headed, and fiery Janie is no one’s fool and doesn’t suffer them lightly. In fact this little nurse gives as good as she gets. When he realizes that he doesn’t know how to play his hand with Janey it is a momentous event. For each of them.

Lots of love and good people in Cold River. Caitlyn Crews created two immensely enjoyable characters in Janey and Zack. Laugh out loud dialog. That sense of angst. Caitlyn Crews knows how to spin a romantic, comedic, touching yarn. Looking for a fun read, look no further than SUMMER NIGHTS WITH A COWBOY.

I was absolutely charmed by SUMMER NIGHTS WITH A COWBOY and joyously met a new author, Caitlyn Crews. Caitlyn Crews did a masterful job creating a town full of endearing characters. Then went on to present a story filled with catchy dialog and scenarios that keep you turning the pages. If you love cowboys, then put SUMMER NIGHTS WITH A COWBOY on your must-read book list.

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Great series! Caitlin doesn't disappoint with her stories. I really like the fact that she brings the other characters into the story as a refresher it makes you anxious for the next book to come out.

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It is one of my favorite series and of course yet another magnificent read. Coming back to Cold river and discovering Zack's story with so fun witty character like Janie. A beautiful love story with the wonderful writing style of Catlin Crews makes this one such an enjoyable read! Highly recommended
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for NetGalley

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I enjoyed this story about Zach and Janie. It did start out kind of tediously with too many inner thoughts of both characters written out. Sometimes (for me) it was confusing on distinguishing between their thoughts and actual actions. But, the saving grace (again for me) was how it was written and it did get better and easier to read. That means something to me on how an author writes as it wasn’t a hardship to keep reading. I did want to know more of their story. Sometimes I wasn’t sure how I liked Zach but, in the end, he was perfect for Janie.

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Who doesn't like a grumpy/sunshine cowboy story??

Cowboy romances are a new genre for me, but I'm enjoying them!! My mind keeps picturing Scott Eastwood in The Longest Ride and BAM cowboy image in my head forms. If you like a slow burn, small town romance, then this book is perfect for you!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the earc in return for an honest review.

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This is a great book. I really like any book that Caitlin Crews writes. The two main characters are Janie and Zack. Janie is a traveling nurse and Zack is the sheriff. Janie is taking care of Zack’s neighbor, and the first time he sees Janie he is suspicious of her. She is in fact hiding a story, she has come to find her really father. She finds her father and her new family. The two main characters have a mutual attraction and it grows into love.

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I enjoyed the first book in this series but this one was a struggle. It was paced very slowly in the beginning, so much made of a simple accident in the coffee shop, too many characters, all doing their best to be witty and wry as they belabored a tiny little event. The main characters, sweet-sweet Janie and grumpy gruff Zack, didn't pull me in. I'm so sorry to say this, but I didn't finish it.

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What a lovely next chapter to the series. Caitlin Crews delivered an excellent story again! I highly recommend this next installment.

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This is well written Cowboy Romance. It starts a little slow but picks up quickly and doesn't stop until the end. The two main characters, Janie and Zack, are a perfect match. Their romance was fun to read. I enjoyed reading about the secondary characters (all are from Crews' previous books). This is the third book in the series however can be read as a stand alone. I would recommend this book. I received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest opinion.

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the best kind of third act conflict is the kind that drives the couple apart not because of a misunderstanding, but so the characters can grow and heal themselves.


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I love Janie & Zack and how their story played out in such a clever way. It is very entertaining and I had some laugh out loud moments. I enjoy returning to Cold River and seeing how things are going with the couples from the other books in the series but it wouldn't be hard to follow along if you haven't read the series yet. I loved the ending and I had a sigh and smile when I closed the book.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Janie moved to a small town where her new neighbor was sherif named Zach. Every time the sheriff spotted Janie he thought she was hiding something. I enjoyed the chemistry that developed between Janie and Zach. This book was a quick read.

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**I received a copy of this book from St. Martin's Press and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions are my own and not solicited.**

Summer Nights with a Cowboy (Kittredge Ranch #3) by Caitlin Crews is the third book in the authors Kittredge Ranch series and is Zack and Janie Atwood's story. I loved how the stoic by the book Sheriff who meets Janie after she drenches him with her coffee falls had for the traveling nurse taking care of his neighbor Damaris (She's wonderfully funny and caring) . But his spidey senses something is off with Janie other than her smiles and offer to attend her charm school lessons can he find out the real reason she's in Cold River?

Janie Atwood loves her traveling nurse job and when she meets Zack Kittredge when she trips in the coffee shop somehow she knows that his reasons of why he is a loner and intense can be fixed by her lessons. But when he starts digging into why she came to Cold River and rescues her from Hall Hallow he'll be determined to find out but will he also lose his heart to her? When she finds out that her mother once spent time with in the town will she get the answers she seeks?

Zack Kittredge never wanted to take over the ranch and even though he's estranged from his father he loves his meddling siblings and how they are now making their own families all he wants to be is a loner in his house on the hill. But Janie Atwood will change all of that with her arrival next door with her smiles and the way she gets under his walls that he built to protect his heart. He knows that when he'll never let her leave town because he's falling in love with her.

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Ms. Crews...Ms. Crews...what happened? Having enjoyed the first two in the Kittredge Family series, "Summer Nights with a Cowboy" was a struggle and hard to get into for me. I found the hero, Cold River's Sheriff Zack to be too self righteous, cold, gruff and standoffish towards the heroine, Janie Atwood to even come close to liking him in any kind of way. Yes, as this plot goes and that's the way it is to be written, however it was a bit much for me. Janie is new to the town of Cold River and is a traveling nurse who right off the back is suspected of ulterior motives by Sheriff Zack at their first meeting which doesn't go well when a cup of coffee is spilled over his chest. From that point, I found him too overbearing at times and was tempted to put this book down because I couldn't see the relationship developing at all or going anywhere...but this was Catlin Crews so I kept reading. In addition, the idea of charm school lessons to make the hero likeable was a far fetch idea to sparking any attraction between the two. Although Janie was attracted early on, it took Zack way too long to warm up to her (believe a quarter way through the story) that it started to become enjoyable.

What I liked...some similarities in this story with that of the last one in the series, Zack and Donovan (father) bring closure to the rift they've had for so many years, trope of opposite's attract and friends to lovers, angst, and sexual tension that unfortunately lost out on becoming heated/steamy that typically goes along with building relationships between a hero and heroine.

This, Zack Kittredge's story was a disappointment for this reader. I was expecting much more in this one from Ms. Crews if it is the last in the Kittredge Series. This was an enjoyable 3-Star read with all its shortcomings and looking for more from this author.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC in exchange for my fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Having enjoyed other books by this author and even other books in this series, I was excited to read another one. However, I have to say that I really couldn't connect with the main characters and simply disliked the supposed hero, Zach. Given his behavior, I really couldn't see why Janie was so taken with the man but to each their own. Anyway, because of my opinion of the characters, I really struggled with this one and ultimately gave up without finishing.

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Summer Nights with a Cowboy is another in Caitlin Crews series of books about the Kitteridge family. I've enjoyed most of them, but this one I struggled with. Zack was just too self righteous, closed off and cantankerous for Janie to have had that visceral a reaction to him, especially when he was so gruff with her when she tripped and spilled her drink on him. Yes, he grudgingly helped her, but was he nice or friendly the way a sheriff should be to a new person in town? She developed an obsession with him which was quite unhealthy and their relationship made me somewhat uncomfortable. I also felt like this novel basically revisited the relationship in the previous novel it was so similar. But in that novel, at least there was some heat between the characters, Zack and Janie felt flat and forced to me. Definitely disappointed in this novel as compared to the previous entries in this series.

Thanks to the author, St. Martin's and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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I so strongly disliked the first half of. this book that I came close to giving up on it but the second half worked so much better for me, I have read several books by this author and there is something about the way that she writes her characters connecting, having actual conversations and heartfelt emotions, that I am always on board for, I did not see any of what makes her writing so special in the beginning when Zack was being an over the top, suspicious a-hole for no reason what so ever and Janie found it charming and kinda wished she was the type of person who deserved it. Then we have the silly charm school idea and the fact that Janie.... well I will avoid spoilers. But this book has a lot more going on than it needs. It is interesting enough to see two people open up to each other and themselves without the unbelievable add-ons swirling around them, I will always give a new book by Crews a try, this one is just not one I will be recommending to my romance loving friends,
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review,

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I loved Zack and Janie's story. Each of them has had family drama in their past, and each has some secrets. But, together they find a way to bring out the truth and put things to rest.
Great characters, love the plot, and the conclusion to the series.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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A nice conclusion to the Kittredge family’s love stories. Zack and Janie had a sweet romance and it felt a bit more normal, which was a welcome change from recent romance novels I’ve read.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.

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