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The Secrets We Share

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Member Reviews

I love a police procedural. I love a past crime messing with everyone. My two passions meet in this book. 30 years ago, Natalie and Glenn’s father is murdered, and the next door neighbor admitted to killing him after having an affair. In the present, Glenn’s daughter finds a dead body in an abandoned building in Boston. All hell breaks loose, and 30 years of chaos is unleashed. I did take a star off because I felt like the middle dragged a bit and I wanted more information from the past earlier. But those twists? Amazing. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Having recently finished the previously published “The Secrets We Share” by Edwin Hill, I am happy to have had the chance to read the Advanced Reader’s Edition e-copy; thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books!

Thrillers are always a great way to get out of a reading slump. With this story I had to focus on all the characters and crimes, and do my best to find the connections. Making sense of who was who then, and who they were now, and who did what back then and did they do something now, had me rewind my Hoopla audio and swipe back on my Kindle copy more than I normally do. My brain needed a diversion, but with SO much going on in the story, I have a feeling that this mystery will fade from my jumbled brain as soon as I move on to the next book in my stack.

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The Secrets We Share was just ok for me.

I had high hopes going into this one because of the many positive reviews I read and I think I may have overhyped it in my head. I did enjoy how fast-paced the book was. It did keep me entertained throughout, although I found myself not loving any of the characters.

I did enjoy the dual timelines, and I definitely found myself more enraptured with the past timeline! Overall, I didn't love this but would recommend to those who enjoy reading a lot of crime thrillers.

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The author's mystery series is such a strong one that I was intrigued by the shift to a standalone thriller. THE SECRETS WE SHARE more than lived up to expectations. It is a great story, with wonderful characters and a strong sense of place. Edwin draws readers into his characters' lives (and problems), keeping them 'real' while making the obstacles they face superhuman. They are people we might know; and in his books we test out how they/we would react when the world shifts and danger strikes.

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This book is fast-paced, with twists and turns galore. There was a little too much characters in the book to my personal liking (hard to keep track), but I was entertained and really loved the book. Recommended.

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For me this took a bit to get invested but once I connected, I hung on. The suspense kept me hanging on, wanting to know what was coming next and I enjoyed many of the characters and their storyline, though it could have been narrowed down as trying to keep them all in mind without forgetting was difficult and took me out of the story a bit. But i enjoyed it

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Natalie & Glenn are sisters whose father was murdered 20 years ago, supposedly by their neighbour with whom he had been having an affair. Now Natalie is a Boston detective and Glenn is a baking blog social media star. With her upcoming first cookbook, Glenn is looking forward to being in the spotlight. But Glenn is getting anonymous online messages hinting she's being watched. Then her daughter Mavis finds a dead body is found in an abandoned building.

This is a twisty well-told story with plenty of secrets, new identities and desire for revenge.

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I loved this book! The suspense, the drama... It was fast paced and I truly couldn't put it down. Running off now to go find more books by Edwin Hill as this was my first but definitely won't be my last!

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Overall this was decent read. I think that the pacing in the start of the book was a bit too fast and I had trouble connecting with characters and trying to understand their motivations. I will say that this did smooth out about a quarter of the way through and was much more enjoyable to read. Overall a good story about human motivations, even though some characters were a little shallow when I think back.

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This was a great twisty thriller with loads of secrets unravelled in the course of the book. I recommend it for thriller fans.

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I really enjoyed this - the story moves at a good pace, there are good strong women, a child that you want to be friends with, murder, and a solid police procedural. Highly recommended

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What a whirlwind. I wasn’t really expecting any of the twists in this book and I can normally figure something out. Loved the giant twists and turns, it kept me so interested.

Every single character is this is connected.
Literally every one.

Mavis, a little school aged girl, stumbles upon a dead body in a factory someone dared her into. Her mother, Glenn, is a famous blogger and sister to the detective investigating the case, Natalie.

The wallet found by the dead bodies belongs to a friend of Glenn’s husband and an ex-f buddy with Natalie. Oh lord could these people be more intertwined.

Twenty years earlier Glenn and Natalie’s father was murdered by his mistress he was having an affair with. Who took her own life shortly after.

This is insane. Everyone is connected in a fucked up way that makes you need to know what is going to happen next and figure out who the killer or killers behind these murders are.

Around every corner there’s a better twist.

Read it and figure out how it ends

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Tight and suspenseful mystery with family intrigue layered upon domestic drama, this one will keep you on the edge of your seat as the bodies pile up--some I never saw coming!

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Wow! This was another nicely twisty mystery thriller! So many secrets in the Cavanaugh family from the sisters to Jack and Mavis. And then add in some seemingly random people, all connected to their father's death 20 years ago. I had a great time trying to unravel it all and it led to a fast read (and so many untrustworthy characters) with a satisfying ending.

I liked the little addition of Hester too. Even with this being a standalone. I think I will definitely read all that Edwin Hill writes.

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A quick read with lots of twists I didn’t see coming. The characters were all interesting and I would love to see this become a series. I particularly got a kick out of Mavis. What a little badass!

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Although at times over-complicated, this was a nicely twisty read.

While I didn't love all our characters, I found myself definitely involved in our mystery!

It's a fast read, and it does keep your attention, despite the every-thing-but-the-kitchen sink feel to some of it.

I'd read the author again!

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This book takes place in two time periods—1995 and the present day. The reader first meets Natalie Cavanaugh as a 14-year-old girl in 1995. She has a younger sister, Glenn, and they live in a mostly-undeveloped development in a Boston suburb. There’s only one other house that’s been built so far; it belongs to the Sykes family and it’s right next door to Natalie’s house. At the beginning of the story, all we know is that Natalie has a secret that causes her stomach to hurt. We know the secret by the end of the first chapter, but I’m not going to spill it here.

Fast forward to the present day, and Natalie Cavanaugh is a detective who never strayed too far from the suburb where she grew up. Glenn lives nearby and is a wife, mom, baking blogger, social media influencer, and soon-to-be cookbook author (though not necessarily in that order).

When Glenn’s daughter, Mavis Abbott, finds a dead body (one who obviously did not die of natural causes) on her way to school, Natalie is assigned to the case before anyone realizes she’s related to Mavis. Mavis’s discovery of the body sets in motion a heart-stopping chain of events that reaches back into the past and keeps everyone in the present day in an icy-cold grip of fear.

There are so many things to love about The Secrets We Share. The first is Natalie Cavanaugh. She’s tough, but she’s got some serious issues of her own and they make her a vulnerable and sympathetic character. She’s got a lot riding on this case, and not just because her niece is at the center of it.

There’s also Glenn, the sister who seems to have everything…but as they say, you never know what goes on behind closed doors. She’s the polar opposite of Natalie and always has been, but the sisters share not only a fierce (if not always obvious) love, but also something that keeps them tied to the past.

There’s Angela White, Natalie’s boss and a strong, take-no-nonsense woman in her own right. She’s the one who trusts Natalie’s detective instincts but not necessarily Natalie’s personal judgment.

There’s Zane, Natalie’s partner and mentee, who keeps Natalie on an even keel when she would go off half-cocked. Zane is also a fan of Glenn’s baking blog, so he has things in common with both sisters.

Best of all, there are the twists. So. Many. Twists. Everyone in this book is harboring secrets, and the way the author unravels these secrets is the reason I was up late into the night to get to the last page. Edwin Hill has a way of keeping a tight rein on the reader’s interest and absolute NEED to find out whodunit.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a fast-paced thrill ride of a story, with tons of suspense, tons of intensity, and a jaw-dropping ending.

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Edwin Hill has a marvelous way with words and offers an intriguing storyline. However, while the narrative had a great premise and strong cast of characters, Hill bombarded readers with the various subplots, continuous ‘shock-and-awe’ moments, and a steady stream of the impractical making it a bit hard to stay engaged.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this novel which was read and reviewed voluntarily.

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Well constructed thriller about a Detective trying to forget something in her past. When her sisters husband is accused of something, these secrets come rushing back.

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Sisters Natalie Cavanaugh and Glenn Abbott appear quite different on the surface. Natalie is a tough Boston cop with a bit of a drinking problem, while Glenn runs a popular baking blog and is about to publish a new book. But Natalie and Glenn share a secret--twenty years ago, their abusive father's body was found in the woods behind their home. For a while, their mother was suspected of his murder, but eventually a neighbor was arrested after the discovery she was having an affair with their father. Now Glenn is getting threatening messages on her blog hinting at the sisters' past. And soon a dead body is found in an abandoned building, with ties to a holiday party held at Glenn's home. Natalie is worried her sister is hiding things from her, and Glenn fears her carefully constructed face is about to fall apart.

I loved this book! It's an absolutely excellent well-plotted mystery. Hill is superb at writing damaged yet likable characters, and there are plenty in this book! The story keeps you guessing the entire time. I could not put this one down. It's so twisty and easy to read.

In SECRETS, the murder of Glenn and Natalie's father is tied to deaths in the present, cultivating a well-done story. For Hill fans, you'll see a brief, but key, appearance from Hester Thursby and Angela White plays a pretty strong role in the book too. I could totally see Natalie as a reoccurring character--she's prickly and dark, but a good detective and an intriguing protagonist.

I definitely recommend this one and Hill's Hester Thursby series as well!

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