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The Best Kept Secret

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Member Reviews

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you, NetGalley, Entangled Publishing and the author for the advanced copy.

Nyla Franklin is a nurse - the perfect job for someone like her who loves to take care of people. She's sweet, caring and loving and can't keep a secret to save her life! She's a devoted sister, an amazing aunt to her nephew Seth and a good friend to her ex-brother-in-law Leo.

Leo Sayre is devoted to his son, to his dad's legacy (though he gave up his own dreams for that one), to his mom, to his ex-wife's family... all to the point that he has never done anything for himself.

One day, he's at home completely doped up on painkillers after major dental surgery and Nyla comes up to check up on him with his favorite soup in hand. Who would have known that painkillers would work like truth serum for Leo?! He spills a doozie of a secret to Nyla, the notorious blabbermouth. It's like she physically can't hold a secret in and this one she really can't keep to herself. One secret leads to another and they also lead to revelations of feelings that come to the surface. Well, they say the truth will set you free... erm, really? Are you sure?

I really enjoyed this one after I was over the little detail that the blurb fails to tell you. This was supposed to be a best-friends to lovers story, but they don't tell you that the best friend is her sister's ex-husband, father of her nephew. After I managed to digest this little nugget and ignore the ick factor, I managed to get into the story and enjoy these characters' journey to their HEA.

I loved how it's absolutely impossible for Nyla to keep a secret. No, she's not a gossipmonger and there's a good reason she is like she is. She just feels it blowing up inside her and like a volcano she spills it out!  I particularly liked how this adorably weird and dysfunctional family managed to resolve their conflicts through the power of love.

It was definitely a fun read! 

Possible triggers: cheating (not main characters)

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What’s a girl to do when she realizes she is attracted to her sisters ex husband. Nyla is a nurse and a favorite aunt to her nephew Seth. Nylas sister Mandi divorced her husband yet the two have co-parented well for years. When Nyla discovers a secret she struggles to keep her mouth shut. Mandi and Leo don’t want her telling anyone their secret. But the best laid plans don’t always go as planned.

Nyla being overly honest has her struggling. Her attraction to her ex brother in law, her sisters secret all become too much.

Enjoyable turn if events.
Thank you netgalley for complimentary copy.

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Can you keep a secret?

Nyla can't. Its a well known fact. So when she learns a big one (seriously-life changing!) she must decide how to keep it from hurting the ones she loves most, all while fighting her increasingly strong feelings for her ex-brother-in-law.

This book gave me ALL the feels!! Funny, steamy, heartbreaking, my life is better for having read this book. Leo is a dream hero and Nyla is the awkward, sweet little sister who lives in all of us. Together they are a five star read!!

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I absolutely loved this book. Awesome characters. It was a super fun, easy read. I definitely look forward to more from this author.

Thank to netgalley, the publisher and author fir the chance to read this ARC.

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I have some mixed feelings about the setup. On its own, I loved the characters. Nyla unable to keep a secret leads to quite a few hilarious and disastrous situations. Self-sacrificing Leo is always there to help everyone else. It's all fast-paced, instant spark and love. Even though they've known each other for years, the switch happens suddenly and is very intense.

But the blurb is misleading by saying that they're best friends when they're truly ex-brother and sister in law. Which is where I struggled the most. The divorce was amicable and everyone still gets along pretty great, but it's still weird to me.

If Leo was Nyla's sister's high school boyfriend, then I could have worked with it. Or even her best friend's ex. But they were married and have a kid together. At one time Seth (the son) asks if they have a baby, does it make that kid his sibling or cousin and that pretty much sums up the entire weirdness of it.

*I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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Nyla can’t keep a secret and when Leo spills a big secret while recovering from surgery it doesn’t end well. Nyla has known Leo for a long time, he’s her sister’s ex husband and the father of her nephew but he’s much more than that to her, he’s her friend. Leo has always had an easy friendship with Nyla but since he spilled his secret to her, he sees Nyla in a new light. It’s complicated is an understatement when it comes to Nyla and Leo and all the family drama but is it worth it to pursue a relationship or just let it be.

There’s definitely some complicated family drama throughout this story but it was navigated better than I anticipated it would be. Leo and Nyla have a easy connection, I just wish would could have seen more of their relationship and maybe less other family drama. I like Nyla’s honesty and felt for her during her mimosa fueled confessions. Leo is an all around good guy and extremely selfless especially in light of everything that went on. This is a very easy and enjoyable read. Love stories are never simple and some a just a little more complex than others.

Rating 3.5 stars rounded up to 4

Thank you @entangled_publishing for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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At first starting this book, I was not sure I was going to like it and almost stopped reading. I am absolutely so glad I did not. This was a wonderful story about family and the love story of Nyla and Leo. At first I thought the first two chapters read a bit confusing, I was not sure of the relationship between Nyla and Leo. Then I figured that Nyla was Leo's ex sister-in-law. The family generational stories and the sisterly bond that could not be broken. This book was dramatic and places and laugh out loud funny in others. I am so glad I stuck with it and encourage others to read this book as well. I must check out other books by this author.

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I found a new author that I want to read! While this is part of a series, the story is completely standalone from the others so you can read in any order. I loved all the characters in this book. Nyla is such a fun leading character. She is so relatable. And Leo is such a great hero! The book had me laughing out loud one moment and pulling at my heart the next. It was a great combination. The balance between the sweet and humor was done perfectly. I received an advance copy from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Thank you to Entangled Publishing and Netgalley for an e-arc of this book! I really enjoyed the characters and their family dynamics. Nyla and Mandi are both incredibly strong and empowered women and I really liked the focus on sisterhood. This book also shows that families are messy and you don't need to be blood relatives to love someone or create a relationship with them. I also thought Nyla was so relatable in her lack of ability to keep secrets or have all her emotions written on her face. This was a sweet read with a tiny bit of spice and I just felt so cozy and comforted. The Best Kept Secret was super fun and enjoyable and I'm definitely excited to read more of Tawna Fenske's books!

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[advance review copy]
This book definitely wasn’t for me but damn if the author didn’t keep me intrigued about how the story was going to play out.
The summary is what interested me and sounded like something I’d like but the book had different tropes and plots then what I interrupted from the summary. So the summary is technically accurate but I would say a little misleading.
Drunk Nyla and talking to Seth as a family we’re my fave scenes in the books. Too funny. The characters had personality but overall I think the romance was a bit rushed.

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Nyla is Leo’s ex sister-in-law and current best friend. She is a sweet and kind person with just one problem, she can’t keep a secret. So when Leo blurts out a huge secret under the effects of medication, he now needs to make sure Nyla doesn’t speak it to anyone else. Sharing a secret that they can’t speak about brings them closer and that adds to the list of secrets they can’t speak of.
This was an easy and fun read. There was quite a bit of family drama happening in the book and I think it overshadowed the romance, and I was not very convinced with Leo and Nylas connection. The saving grace was some of the funny situations in the book especially Nylas drunken scene.

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I really thought this would be a different kind of book, with a different kind of secret.
Not only I didn't feel the chemistry but the hero is the heroine's ex-brother-in-law. He basically had a kid with his ex-wife, heroine's sister.
So, yeah, no. I can't read a book with a sister very much alive and even if she wasn't, this still feels wrong on so many levels.
Not to mention, at the beginning of the book I didn't know who Leo was because the author didn't mention it.

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Quite a story, a woman who can't keep a secret if her life depended upon it. Even though it's not her secret to tell. I did not like this about Nyla, it was not her decision, I thought. Family dynamics played a big part in this story and trying not to hurt someone you love, but then what happens if you are caught in the middle and can't take side? The chemistry is off the charts between Leo and Nyla, but they have to hide their attraction. The moving the couch chapter was absolutely hilarious, burst out loud laughing, as well, the duck rescuing, but it was a really far out scene to be believable for the ducks. Definitely an enjoyable read.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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An enjoyable, if predictable, love story. Nyla and Leo find themselves in an awkward position when their chemistry becomes too much to ignore. (I don't want to give too much away). But, with some twists and turns, things work out the way they were meant to be.
Great characters, , sprinkle of humor, and some love and family. Overall a great read.

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This is the third book in the Where There’s Smoke series, but can be read as a stand-alone. Overall, I liked the story. Both Leo and Nyla are really likable, and their journey to a happily ever after was fun. The only thing that kept this from a five star rating was the premise of their relationship (I won’t say what it is, as it is a spoiler), which is not my favorite trope. Overall a fun read, with some laughs. I received an advanced reader copy of this book from NetGalley for my honest review.

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The Best Kept Secret is a wild ride. It swings dizzyingly between physical comedy, soap opera and outright WTF, and while I had a great time reading it, the more I thought about it after I was done, the more I wondered if I had been hallucinating the whole time. (We are in the midst of a heatwave in Melbourne, and this book has much in common with a fever dream.) There is a lot going on in this book, and I’m not sure that any of it makes any sense at all.

My full review will appear on Smart Bitches, Trashy Books closer to the publication date.

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This checked off everything I look for in a book. Was not disappointed. Really enjoyed this book. I will read more from this author. Must read. Total fan of Tawna Fenske books.

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Best kept secret is right! A few twists and turns for Nyla and Leo. A really heartwarming read with some cute humor but much less than the “normal” Tawna. Both characters were definitely very lovable. Good to see when peoples’ dreams come true

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The Best Kept Secret is a hilarious contemporary romance by Tawna Fenske. Ms. Fenske has provided readers with a well-written book and populated it with lovable and sometimes quirky characters. The characters in this book and the dialog are totally top shelf. Nyla is a nurse and very close with her family. Nyla's problem is she can't keep a secret. Leo is the ex-husband of Nyla's sister and when Nyla dropped off soup after he had gum surgery, Leo spilled a secret to Nyla in his drugged state. Nyla and Leo's story is packed with drama, humor and sizzle. Pack a tissue, you'll be laughing that hard. I enjoyed reading this book and look forward to my next book by Tawna Fenske. This is a complete book, not a cliffhanger.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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i was given this book by netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion.
I have not read any of Tawna's books before .I love her writing writing style. The characters are wonderful and easy to fall in love with. This book is full of romance and family drama. This was a fun, easy read and I will definitely recommend it to others. Also planning to go back and fine other books by this author.

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